Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1065123-Dark-Godess-Touch
Rated: 18+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #1065123
Evey is an wingless angel,and with the death of her only friend its only the begining

Evey yawned and rolled on her side and opened her eyes slowly, today was the day she started her new life. She had made up her mind on that, no more living in the past no more partying or anything else straight and clean was the road Evey was going to take.

The death of her best friend brought her crashing back to earth in the cruelest ways, though the nightmares where fading...slowly Evey felt that she could finally get to sleep without any sleep aids.

But she wasn’t looking forward to returning, Evey could just see the stares and the whispers that awaited for her, it would have been easier to just start fresh somewhere else... but Evey had, had enough of running. She needed to conquer this fear of what "everybody else" nonsense before she even thought of moving on. Still with all that, talk floating in her brain Evey was still scared...but this time she has no one to tell this to, or to help her sooth her stung nerves.

Momiji was dead, Evey was on her own.

Slowly Evey made her way out of her bed, she opened the blinds but didn’t really see the sky or the scenery. She makes her way to the bathroom where she turned on the shower shed her clothes and stepped in. Evey let the hot steamy water rush down on her face, she turned the showerhead on to full blast, the pulse of the water help loosen her tight muscles and relaxed her slightly.

Evey stayed in there for a good half hour normally she didn’t take showers for so long but today was going to be one of those days, she needed all the pep in the world.

She took her time getting dressed taking more care then usual to get herself ready, she brushed her blacker then black her back until it shined. Evey placed up in her usual style... no one save Momiji every saw her hair down, Evey did not need more attention on her then she was already receiving. She put on her black and silver uniform, the uniform that she absolutely loath but it fit her so well. This uniform... the bane of her existence made it clear to everyone who is anyone at Arcadia, that Evey Croft was a wingless angel.

Cheer up Eve... at least those colors make you look to DIE for...

Evey pause at the memory and smiled sadly Momiji knew how this uniform tormented her and ironically Momiji was right. The black and silver colors made Evey eyes stand out like drops of liquid mercury, and her hair seem even blacker against the uniform black. She didn’t want to believe Momiji as she told her this, in the eyes if Arcadia her students and most teachers thought she was nothing more then ONE step up from being a complete human. Moreover, that in THEIR eyes was the worst thing any "angel" could be...You had to be in one of two categories, "perfect" or "imperfect" and there was hardly anyone in the "imperfect" and for those unlucky few who fell in that... (Evey shuddered to think about what would happen if THEY ever found out her secret...)

Hell wouldn’t even begin to describe how they were treated. There only seemed to be one exception and that can in the form of Ashter Chandler. Who was part and yet not apart of the elite "perfects" in Arcadia Ashter was perfect...so beautiful that only his friend yet rival JeanClaude LeFaye could be his equal. Evey wasn’t sure exactly what had happen (the perfects keep it to themselves) but long before Evey came to Arcadia something terrible happened to Ashter. So horrible that it left his whole left side of his body scarred severely to the point where he had to hide it. Nevertheless, for some reason Ashter was still accepted Evey figure it had to with the fact the there where still a lot of people who remembered Ashter as he once was. Moreover, some who still hoped there was a way for Ashter to become his former self.

Either way Evey didn’t see much of Ashter or JeanClaude, she tend to stay out of the "perfects" territory as much as possible. It did limit where she could go since they seemed to be everywhere, but Evey managed...but now...without Momiji...everything was different.

Everything seemed lonelier more dim, shaking her head Evey cleared her mind now was not the time to start thinking like this. Today was supposed to be a new beginning....

A new beginning indeed.


Drake was up early everyone on campus knew that today was the Evey Croft officially came back to Arcadia, he pitied the girl he knew what was instore for her. Taking out his pack of cigarettes he fished one out and lit up he wondered how she was going to handle this.

Drake could relate to Evey because he too was now a wingless angel...he says now because he wasn’t always like that...at one time he was "whole" until the 'Massacre' happened Drake hadn’t been the same since. However, he was still accepted by the general populist of Arcadia, mainly because he's rich and his family line could traced back generations.

Evey wasn’t so lucky, from what he knew of her she wasn’t from a rich family, and no one really knows how she came to be at Arcadia in the first place. No one knew about her background and on top of all that, there were rumors, that she might even be part human.

Drake knew he had fallen into the 'imperfect' class but compared to her Drake was a 'perfect' among the ‘imperfect'

Now that her friend Momiji was dead, Evey was fair game.

"You have no where to hide Evey.....what’s your next move?"


Taking a deep breath Evey made her way to the Arcadian main building, she ignore the comments, stares, and whispers, the whole campus seem to freeze to watch her walk the long path to Arcadia Hall. She keep her eyes straight in front of her and her face carefully neutral, a flash of red caught her eye and Evey dared to look to her left to see Drake, a fellow wingless angel like her staring at her as well. When he realized she saw him, he lowered his purple-rimmed glasses and saluted her. Evey started to ignore him and look away but something in his jade-emerald eyes held warning and she saw him slide his fox like eyes vaguely to his left(her right) for a split second then casually he pushed his glasses back into place and resumed smoking.

Evey frowned and looked to her right and she felt herself go ghastly cold, gliding towards her was the Archangels twins

Michael and Gabriel. Evey knew they had something for her, they've had it out for her ever since she stepped foot into Arcadia and now they had a perfect excuse.

"Well look who's back Michael..."

"I know Gabriel the macabre artist herself..."

Evey silently grit her teeth and fought to keep her face neutral it’s a new day...a new beginning...a new day....fresh start...

"Excuse me you’re in my path..." Evey stated softly to the twins not looking at them.

Michael laughed harshly and cased his brother a sideway glance,

"Did you hear what she said?? 'your in my path' not ' your in my way' "

"Yes brother she speaks as if she thinks she actually someBODY...one of US"

"I agree she talks as if she's not some lowly half human whore slut piece of shit."

Evey clutched her satchel tightly and looked up at both twins,

"Please... I just want to get by...I’m suppose to be in the Headmaster’s office"

They only smiled angelically at her.

"Brother doesn’t her satchel look awfully heavy?"

"Why yes brother I believe it does look heavy."

"Then being upper classmen we should take it upon ourselves to make even the lowest scum in Arcadia comfortable right?"

"I concur you completely right"

By now the twins has started to close in on Evey, she still kept her face blank even though on the inside she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Michael grabbed her roughly while Gabriel yanked her satchel from her arm. He ripped it open and scattered her things to the wind. All Evey could do was watch helplessly she didn’t dare fight back or utter a single cry of injustice. She closed her eyes briefly to get herself under control, she felt a light touch on her face and she opened her eyes to meet the crystal clear sky blue eye of Gabriel.

They stared at each other for what seem like an eternity, Gabriel looked at Evey as if really seeing her for the first time. And Evey let him see all the pent up emotions in her eyes, all the sadness, hurt, loneliness, resentment anger and hatred. Then she lowered her gaze to the ground and braced herself.

The first impact of the punch knocked all the breath from her lungs, the weightily grip of Michael hands kept her from sagging to the floor. Evey closed her eyes tightly and thought of other things while Gabriel landed blow after blow all over her body.

She tried her damnest not to scream or let any type of pain escape her lips, and Gabriel wasn’t holding back.

"Brother don’t hog all the fun I want to be apart of this"

"Well then by all means... please partake in this "

Then without warning an explosion of pain erupted in her head, she realized that Michael had slammed her against something hard.Evey didn’t know what for she was quickly loosing all scences and everything was becoming blurred and fuzzy.

Some how she stumbled free from Michael's grasp and tottered off in an unknown direction, the world was on fast forward and Evey couldn't get her bearings straight.

She heard one of the twins say evilly,

"Just where do you think YOUR going!?"

The last things Evey was conscious of was the hiss of demonic laughter, the feeling for intense pain, and the sound of material being ripped apart.

Then she faded into the welcomed darkness.


Drake and the others just stood there and watch Archangels Michael and Gabriel savagely beat at Evey until it was quite obvious that she was not longer conscious. He didn’t know what made him give Evey that little warning... it didn’t seem to do any good in the long run. She still got the beating ... no blood bathe that the Twins had planned since Momiji's death and there wasn’t any

thing anyone could really do. Almost all the 'Perfects' agreed that Evey needed to be taught a lesson, if some didn’t agree they wisely kept their opinions to themselves. And none of the 'Imperfects' dare speak up against those two for fear they too would get a beating such as that. Everyone in the courtyard just stood and watch the two rip her uniform to shreds, kick and stomp her in the stomach and on her back. No one moved, no one made a single sound, no one got an elder they all just watched as the blood sprayed every where.

On the bark of the tree near the three, and the leaves, and the exposed skin of Evey, on the Uniforms of the twins and on the moss grass of the courtyard.

It seemed to go on forever and a moment, and then Drake saw Gabriel motion Michael to stop. He said something to his brother to low for Drake to make out. Then both twins stood there staring at Evey's unconscious body for a long while, then they looked back at each other and nodded turned on their heels and walked away. As quickly and as simple as that, both twins thought their job was now done and they dismissed Evey.

Time seemed restored when the twins disappeared into Azalea Conference Hall, the students in Arcadia seem to snap out of there stupidor and continue with their own lives. No one who walked passed Evey spared her a single glance in her direction.

Her belongs fluttered in the breeze no one bothered to gather them up for her, Drake shook his head and pushed himself from the tree. He knew he had no right to talk... he wasn’t making any effort to help Evey either.


"Is everyone gone?"

"So... you are conscious after all"

Drake looked down at the ruins that was Evey, she hadn’t moved but he could just make out her voice.

After a long while Drake asked quietly,

"How long?"

"I came too when they smashed my face into the ground"

Drake snorted non-chalantly on the outside but inwardly he cringed.

"What a way to regain consciousness..."


There was silence again but this time Drake felt more awkward, but while all this happened to her Drake had just stood there and watched.

"Do you think you can get up any?"

"Honestly...No... I don’t think so... but I have to I need to change before I meet with the High Elder in an hour"

"Do you want...."

"No.. your help is not needed"

He watched her pain stakenly inch herself on her side, the way she was breathing and the pain that flashed on her face, pain she couldn’t hide. Made Drake wonder just how much damage Michael and Gabriel did to her. Evey stayed on her side for about five minutes then again with extreme care turned herself onto her back. After another ten minutes went by with the help of some unknown force Drake watched sit up and lean against the tree. The very same one that served as an interment of her beating, a clump of the dark mass of her hair covered part of her face. She gave him a side glance,

"I..i..it was m.. much easier t...t..talking to you o...o..on m..my stomach"

"I would imagine so"

"A..are those m..my things?"

He nodded and told her it was all that he could manage to find, he didn’t know if anything was missing. Drake looked a the neat stack he'd wrapped in a make-shift sack for her.

"I..it l..l..looks like everything"

Drake observed her some more ask he passed the sack to her, he couldn’t help but ask;

"How bad?"

This earned him a dry chuckle that turned into a hacking cough from Evey, she leaned her head on the bark,

"You want to know from top to bottom? Well I'll tell you I believe I might be suffering a mild concussion and head trauma, along with some bruising and swelling. I think I dislocated my right shoulder and fractured my wrist. I can barely feel the right side of my body much less move anything. And I also believe that I fractured and cracked several of my ribs and more likely then not I have internal bleeding. Finally to wrap things up I have a spring ankle... so you judge if that’s bad enough for you... Drake?? That’s your name isn’t it??"

Evey shifted until she was able to stand but she still rested heavily on the tree, she gave up on trying to adjust her tattered uniform it was beyond repair. She pushed herself from the tree and after a few uneven steps Evey manage to get some of her footing though she was in ghastly amount of pain. She passed Drake and again made her way towards the Arcadian main building, trying with everything she had in her to not pass out again.

She was running on sheer will power.

Drake lit another cigarette and tilted his head up to the sky, it was no longer a clear day clouds where forming and everything seemed to turn grey. Letting out a then wisp of smoke Drake turned back briefly giving Evey's slump retreating figure a guarded glance.

"Why didn’t you fight back..? Why did you just stand there and let them mess you up like that?"

Evey paused but didn’t turn around nor did she say anything right away, in the distance there was flash of lighting followed but a clap of thunder. In a matter of seconds drops of rain fell from the sky.

Evey looked back at Drake then her expression unreadable, her tone of void of any type of emotion,

"If I had fought back..they would have been dead."

Few things surprised Drake, very few things did but when Evey said those words in her quiet soft emotionless tone.

Drake actually shivered, he felt those words more then just hearing them he knew she was dead serious. They just stood there looking at each other as the rain poured down harder on the two. Another flash of lighting broke the spell Drake was under and Evey looked down then turned back and limped back towards Arcadia Hall.

Drake watched her go.


Evey slowly hobbled to her locker restroom she kept a spare uniform, she placed her things into her locker and closed it shut. She walked slowly to the girls locker room Evey still had sometime before she needed to be in the Head Elder's office.

© Copyright 2006 ApplesOfDyscord (cherrydollphi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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