Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1067131-Prelude-To--Krysteala
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1067131
This piece hopefully sets things up for Keldinze

The planet of Krystaela was made up of vast wastelands and burning deserts that drove the unwary mad. Because of the intense heat from the planet’s two suns, diamond like rocks formed that could be shaped by gifted crystal artists.The pieces were of great beauty and valued, and eventually, though the ruling class of Krystaela tried to stop it, they made it off planet and brought huge sums when sold.

The planet had evolved into a highly spiritual plane, with every action taken into account of the unwanted karma that might be built around anything negative. The ruling class were called Golden Bloods, for their powers allowed them to Merge so completely with their god, that not only was their hair, skin, and eyes of a golden hue, but their very veins poured out shining splashes of the color when cut. Higher evolved souls pledged themselves to the temples throughout the planet. The temples not only provided spiritual support to the population, but also carried out the orders and laws laid down by the Golden Bloods and the ancient guidance of past Avatars. The Goldens always pledged their firstborn child to the temple, completing the circle of peace and harmony.

But there were flaws in the way the temple operated, that was not shown until after many cycles. The hierarchy of the temple was a rigid and binding one, consisting of the White Robes, who led the souls into the light, and were considered Avatars incarnate, and the Grey Robes, who humanly judged the few lawbreakers, and should it be necessary, perform a “judgment” or kill of the individual, for it was forbidden that a White should kill. To do so was considered an abomination. For many thousands of cycles pairs were sent out into the wilderness to serve, one White and one Grey, one to light the path, and the other to protect and judge.

This system collapsed as off-worlders descended on their planet, and a huge battle took place. Pieces that might once have been fashioned into art and beauty were instead shaped into deadly, razor sharp weapons of death. Although Krystaela succeeded in repelling the invaders it was at a huge cost of life that threatened the very existence of the planet. Although many Grays were killed, the population of the Whites became almost extinct because of their refusal to kill. With little choice to control law breakers, assassins were finally condoned to ply their trade by one of the last Golden rulers, but only as ordered by the royal counsel. Because the killers were without the conscience that had ruled the planet for so many cycles, things quickly got out of hand, and outright murders became increasingly frequent.

At the beginning of the Prologue, Azairi, one of the last of the Golden Blood rulers has been kidnapped and her husband murdered by the Master Assassin Keldinze that he might capture this child and harness the powers for himself. For the child she carries is a child of prophecy that may very well help to save the planet and her people.

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