Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1072443-Grandmas-Growing-Boys
by RyanZ
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1072443
Grandma moves in and our lives our changed as we grow fat bellies with her cooking
I was feeling down Grandpa had just died, and he seemed like the only one who understanded me. It was a few days after the funeral and my parents called us down.
"Jason and Matt could you come down here?"
"Hey Mom whats going on?" said Matt
"Your dad and I wanted to talk to you guys about some thing. Your Grandma has to come live with us, the farm is just to much for her to take care of."
"Where is she going to stay?" I asked
" I am glad you asked we were thinking that you two could bunk in with each other till the farm sells then we could add on to the house or buy a bigger one at that time."
" I not moving in with the shrimp!"
"hey I am not that much smaller, do I have to?"
" Yes we will help you guys with the move, and will increase your allowence."
We both agreed reluctantly, since my brother had the bigger room with a bath he had to move in with me. We set up the room spliting it two.
Grandma moved in and it took a little while to get use to haveing her around. She was always in the kitchen cooking, she said,
"As long as I am here I want to be useful"
"You have worked your whole life take a break." Mom would say
"Nonsense I need to do some thing" Grandma would reply.
After two months of this mom stoped trying and grandma took over the kitchen and cooking. She was a great cook and always had something in the oven or cooling. Her meals were always several courses and delicsous. She would have cookies, brownies, pie, and or cake as snacks. Buy the time school had started in the fall I had grown 2 iches taller and added 20lbs. Matt had also grown 3 inches taller and had gained 25lbs. We had been stick figures so the added weight looked good on us. We had filled out and looked like the rest of the classmates. I was in eight grade and Matt was a Sophmore. Our friends didn't notice eather because we all grew that summer and were all bigger. I finaly made the football team with my new weight and my brother did also we were ( in our own mind ) football stars. Matt and I would go out and toss the football around the back yard. football season over we enbraced the holiday season and grandmas cooking.
Thanksgiving with grandma cooking was great my family ate and ate, turkey, and all the trimings. Grandma decided to start a tradition that we should each get our own pies. Christmas came and so did the holiday parties, my parents had one and grandma out did herself we ate like there was no tomorrow. Christmas moring came and I got new clothes because I had "grown" my paints now were a 32" and I had a little belly hanging out. Matt got 36" as he was getting a big belly and dad got some 38" that seemed already tight. Mom seemed the onlly one that was not growing.
That winter I grew a little bit taller 5'-7" and weight in at 179lbs while Matt grew to 5'-10" and weighted about 198lbs. Dad hit 285lbs and seemed to stay at that wight.
Spring and baseball season was on I lost some weight my paints were getting loose, Matt did the same we loved playing baseball. Our teams did bad and the season ended early so we had a great and long summer to look forward too.
The farm sold and we found a bigger house on the other side of town it had 6 bed rooms and a pool with pool house. Matt and I didn't know anybody who lived near by so we hung out by our pool and grandma feed us and we grew. It was a great summer we also got computers and new games so we were ether at the pool eating or at the computers eating.
Football try outs got us out of our routing and off to school. I was excited about beginging high school, I didn't realize I had gained so much weight, Ryan my best friend said,
" Hi I am Ryan are you new to our school?"
" Very Funny man..."
" Jason? Oh my Goodness no way!"
" yea, I got a little taller"
"And got fat!"
"May be a little weight"
"I thought I had put on some weight but I weigh only 210lbs"
" I thought you had put on some weight Ryan"
" Yea, what do you weigh now Jason?"
" I don't know, lets see"
We walked over to scale and I steped up and started moving the weights up 200lbs...210..225lbs. I looked down and seemed to see my belly for the first time.
" wow I guess I am getting fat"
" I thought the freshman 15 was for college"
" very funny Ryan"
I still couldn't belive it I guess I had been eating alot of grandmas cookies, brownies. Matt walked by and Ryan said,
" Is that your Brother?"
" yea,"
" he got big too this summer did you guys do anything but eat this summer"
" Of course we did", I said with a laugh, but I thougth not realy. Matt was rubbing his belly and trying to get his T-shirt to streach a bit so as not to be so tight. Matt steped up to the scale and moved the weights up to 248lbs now he seemed happy, thats pretty big for a jounior. Coach put us both as line men because of our bulk. The season was great we both got to play varsity and we both lost some weight. Our team almost made it to state final. Maybe next year.
Then it was the Holidays again. Matt and I hung out and ate grandmas cooking. Matt got a girl friend, she was hot with great curves blond hair and blue eyes. She seemed to be alsways there and would feed my brother( and herself )grandmas goodies. we hung out went to the movies and at christmas we got great new computer games and upgrades for our computers. We also got bigger clothes but not big enough, we had to go back to the mall.
"Jason, what size do you need?"asked Matt as he was to big for the Gap and Exspress for Men store he waited on me.
" Matt get me a 38" please"
" hows this?"
" WOW, 38 are a little loose but I think thats what I should get don't you think?"
"Yep, lets get them and get out of here."
Matt asked the clerk were he could get some clothes to fit him. He looked him up and down and with a smile said,
"omar the tent maker...no sorry just kidding if you go out our door and to the right you will see Bob's Big and Tall shop they will have something for you I am sure my brother shops there. Matt and I walked over taking time to stop for cookies and pretzels yummm. Once inside the shop we meet ALice,
"How you boys doing?"
"Fine" we said almost in unicin.
"I need some new paints"
"What size do you need?" Alice said she was a stock lady about 35 or 40 years old with a warm smile.
"I don't know? 40's"
" I think your a little bigger then that honey" she said with a smile
"Looks like we have had a good holiday season I know I have gained some weight also" She smiled at us as she said it.
"Lets run the tape around you honey and we will get you fixed up, lets see I think we should start with a 46"...hum lets see try these"
"46" realy....ok "Matt lumberd off to the dressing room and after a few moments we herd "Not bad what you think?"
"Looks like they fit Honey how do they feel"
"Not bad lets get another pair and do you have some underwear and t-shirts also maybe some 48" also as its winter and I am bulking up for next season at college."
Alice had us all set and we headed home.
We had become big boys no hiding it now. Santa also gave us some fitness machines and weights, so we started working out. Matts girl friend also was getting fat.
January arrived to find me at 248lbs and Matt was 310lbs. His girl friend had developed some great curves and a little belly beging to hang out of her shirts. Grandma was still cooking like made and making shure her little boys where well feed. The winter continued with the same routing of school, homework, and eating. My parents took us to disneyworld for spring break. My brother and I loved it we ate our way around the rides and had a great time.
Summer hit and I was now 289lbs and Matt was 345lbs. Matts girl friend was so chubby that her parents made them break up and sent here to a Fat Camp for the summer. Matt was so depressed he did nothing but eat for the first month of summer break gaining 30lbs, I was growing to but only put on 30 lbs for the whole summer. I loved to work out and eat and swim, I was developing some nice mucsle under all my fat. Matt work out a little but mostly would just sit around and play on his computer, 30 more lbs by football camp time he was starting to waddle and weight 378lbs. I was a big 319lbs but fast compared to all the other fat guys on the team. Matts girl came home and was hotter then ever and had lost all her fat. She was wanted by all the guys at school and started dateing the quarterback. I got a girl friend, Sara, she had wavy brown hair and the deepest blue eyes, she had great curves. Grandma liked her also she woudl feed me but not eat to much her self. We would sneak off to the pool house and make out I would lay down on the couch and she would climb up on me and start kissing me and I would kiss back and we would rub our hands on each other under shirts. Sara liked to unbotton my pants and watch my belly spill out. The Football team was doing great with Matt as a senior and me as a sophmore we made it to state finals but lost, there will always be next year.
Christmas was coming and I was looking forward to all Grandmas great cooking and being with Sara. Matt and I set up the christmas tree, it took two days because we were eating the hole time. Sara helped and was pushing cookies into my mouth between decorating.
"Hey big boy come on over for some fresh cookies, mmmmmm... you grandma is a great cook."
"Don't eat them all Jason I am want some too." yelled Matt.
Sara and I were snuggling on the sofa in the glow of the christmas tree, I had a plate on my belly of carmel brownies and Sara was feeding me and kissing me and rubing my belly and thighs.
"What do you want for christmas?"
"I think I'am going to need some bigger clothes,"my belly was getting really big"lets put the plate down and pull you over here" I said as I put the plate down and grabed Sara and pulled her on top of my big belly and we Kissed and slowly pulled off our clothes she rubbed up and down on my huskie body and I felt her curves it was great. Then we saw car lights shine in the house as my family pulled into the drive.
"Quick we got to get dressed" I grabed my shirt and pulled it on, my paints were on the floor and I pulled them up on my thighs which seemed tight. I got them up to my waist and sucked in my gut to button them then I bent down to get the plate of brownies off the floor and I heard what all fat guys hate to hear. RRRRIIIIPPPPP, my paints gave out all up my but. Grandma came in just in time to hear my paints give up.
"Oh honey, better git up to your room and get some sweats on"
"I got to go see you tomorrow"Sara said as she put a hand on my belly and squesed it, then gave me a quick kiss.
I lumberd up the stairs and took off my jeans and pulled on some sweats and went to bruch my teeth. I looked in the mirror I was getting big I thought to my self. The sweats were fitting me tight also you could see everything, my t-shirt seemed painted on to my bellie and a little glint of flesh was hanging out of my shirt. Christmas came and I got a new much bigger wardrob. All of my paints were now a lose 44" and xxl and 3xl shirts. bigger boxer briefs, I felt set, but decided not to weigh myself.
Soon it was spring and my paints and shirts had gotten tight. Sara and I had gotten very close and she was always by my side ( rubbing my belly or patting my exspanded back side. I had a big belly hanging over my paints now.
"Have you steped on the scale lately big bear?"
"No, why?"
"I want to know how big you've gotten this winter thats all."
"O.K. lets go see" we walked up stairs and into the bathroom, I steped onto the scale and started sliding the weights around 300, 30,40,50,60,70,70...."375lbs! , No way I think I should start cutting back"
"What are you worried about you can bench more them most guys at school, your fine"
"375lbs, did I hear right wow bro thats big"
"What are you Matt?"
"Step out of the way and lets see" said Matt.
"420lbs not to bad, I think you are going to catch up to your brother after all"Sara said.
Summer went by quickly and I lifted more weights and swam in the pool and of course ate. Matt lifted some weights, swam and ate also. He left for college 450lbs of big boy. I steped on the scale at 418lbs, I was going to be the biggest guy on the team no dout. I stood and looked at my self in the mirror. I was huge I had great big pecs that streached my shirt to its limit. I flexed my giant bicepts then put my arms down and rubbed my belly, it had gotten much bigger that summer but was still firm. My eyes then went down to my tree trunk thighs, I turned to my side and saw my big curving but, it seemed to help balance me with my belly. Sara sliped up behind me and tried to wrap her hands around my waist and didn't come close.
"Ready for Football camp honey?"
"I think so, do you think I am getting to big?"
"Can you do all that you want to ?"
"Then your not to big."
Sara and I went down stairs to see Grandma in the kitchen baking a pie.
"It will be ready when you get done with practice sweety with some vanilla icecream, Good Luck!"
"Thanks Grandma"I leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.
I was now a junior and was 6' 2" tall and was ready to see some friends I hadn't seen all summer.
"Jason is that you? Holy cow man you can be the line man!"
"Thanks Ryan but I couldn't do it with your help, looks like you have gotten a little bigger this summer to."
"Yea up to 368lbs and you?"
"Oh about 400lbs I think" I was feeling a little embarased on how big I had gotten. Sara patted my belly and smiled.
"See you after try outs" Then she leaned up and we kissed. I headed to the locker room and she to cheerleading practice. ALl the guys were amazed at how big I had become. Practice was gruling and I was a huge sweaty mess by the end.
"Jason can I see you in my office?"
"Sure thing coach"
"I am a little worried about your weight, I would like you to cut back on your intake and see if we can drop a few pounds off. OK?"
"Sure coach, I see what I can do."
"Maybe you and Ryan can diet together you are both to good of players to let some extra weight slow you guys down."
I cleaned up and headed to the car where Sara was waiting.
"Hi honey how was your work out you looked good out there"
"Thanks coach wants me to drop a few pounds before the season starts."
"Uh... well lets see what we can do to help that go smoothly."
"Thanks"We kissed and down the road we went I tried to stop for fast food twice out of habit but Sara stoped my. When I got home I ate the whole pie Grandma made for me with a pint of icecream. While I ate I told Grandma that I needed to eat a little less for a few weeks.
It was hard to eat less at first but then I realized that I didn't need that much food and soon the weight came off and I was 385lbs and we went to state finals and won it was great!
The holidays came and the food intake increased. Matt came home and to all our supprize he had meet a new girl friend and lost over 60lbs! He came home weighting in at 390lbs. He and I looked almost like twins, but not for long. Matt had gained 15lbs by new years and I was back up to 428lbs. I got some new clothes for christmas they were all loose and I vowed to keep them that way. But it was not so.
Valintines day and my new clothes fit me.
Sara told me not to plan anything as she had a suprize for me. Her parents were going a way for the weekend and her brother was of to college. I aranged to spend the weekend with her. Friday night I showed up and she led me into her bed room and we started to making out kissing and rubbing, pulling my clothes off, I heard a buzzer.
"Wait right here I will be right back." She left wereing her quite little panties and bra. When she came back she had two tres full of food and then she left again and came back with more food and some beer.
"Ok I am going to feed you and baby you all weekend honey."
"Thats enough food for the weekend I am sure of it"
"Thats just for tonight"she said with a smile and began to feed me, and feed me, and feed me. She would rub my growing belly and kiss me and gave me beer. Soon I was in a drunking stupor on almost uncontious from the feeding. Then she climbed up on me and we had the best sex I had ever had. I woke up with here making a sunday on my belly which che then feed me. I woke up on Sunday moring and looked down at my belly, Sara was using me as here pillow and I looked down on her and smiled, this must be what marrage is like I thougt. I pushed her gently off because I had to peee. I slid to the edge of the bed and pushed my self up. My belly pushed out over my thighs and I pushed up off the bed. I waddled? to the bath, yes I think I am waddling. I sat down and peed, when I got up I pulled up my underwear and looked into the mirror, my underwear was now digging into my sides and I looked huge. It was like I had been painted over with a layer of fat from Friday night. I was rubbing my belly when Sara came up next to me in here little robe and started to kiss and rub me and my belly.
"Good morning, my big man" she said with a smile.
"Good morning, I think we had too much fun this weekend, oh shoot look at the time I got to get home."
"Oh come on stay just a litte bit more we need to clean our selves up follow me." I bairly put up a fight as she led me to her brothers shower it was huge ( I had forgoten how big he was, he was bigger then me even ). She turned on the water and we had a "great" shower with her washing me and me washing her. We got out and dried each other off. I went to get dressed but could not button my paints or even get them over my big but.
"See if any of my brothers clothes will fit for now to get you home."
"Right" I pulled open the first dresser drawer and found some jeans I pulled them on and they fit! I found a new shirt and it fit also. I lunberd home and did my home work. The next morning I got ready for school and discovered that my clothes were all still to tight.
"I guess its not just swelling"I said under my breath in my room.
Time passed and I was getting fatter and fatter.
Spring arrived and I was 489lbs of fat and muscle. I was huge and couldn't fit in some of the desks at school. Ryan my best buddy was also getting fat 430lbs infact. MAtt came home and was a svelt 298lbs of muscle and fat with his new girl freind.
"Holy cow, bro somebody has had a good winter"
"Matt what happend to you? Its like your only half there?"
We started summer vacation like we have all the others eating and swiming and working out. One week into vacation I broke a dinning room chair and that was it. My parents signed me up for a weight loss camp. I showed up and got weight in at 525lbs I was one of the biggest guys at camp. The big suprize was that Ryan was there also and so we hung out and pushed each other. It was the hardest summer I had ever had, and by the end I had lost 60lbs. I had a fighting weight of 465lbs and was fast again! Ryan was down to 345lbs.
When I arrived home I was suprized to see my brother down to 254lbs. He headed off to college and I started football season. Sara and I got right back into it and were enjoying each other, our body and all. ( she seemed to have lost some weight this summer too but has some killer curves ) Sara in her new cheerleader out fit and me in my football uniform was my favorite picture of us. We kicked but in football that year and went to states and won again. Sara and I were home comeing king and queen.
Thanksgiving came and Grandma was up to her usual cooking frenzy. I was trying to eat less, but with Grandma and Sara it was usless and the weight started to come back on. I started digging into my cloest for my bigger jeans, and shirts.
"Sara I think I am getting bigger what do you think?"
"I think you are the sexyest guy out there no matter what size you are, but I do love the meat on your bones" She said with a smile and rubbed my tummy. We would make out and she was always slipping me some food. One night she even made me a sunday on my bellie, icecream and chocolate sause cool whip and cherries. She then would feed me it between kisses. It was increadable!
Prom came and I had to buy a tux because I was so big I was over 530lbs now and feeling huge. Sara and I partied that night and then she took me to a hotel room, and feed me the rest of the weekend. It was encreadable! When I went to go home I couldn't get my tux up over my big thighs and butt the shirt couldn't be buttined over my growing gut.
Sara laughed when she saw me and came over and gave me a big hug.
"Here open this" she said holding a box
"Why whats in there?"
I opened the box and there was a running suit in the box I pulled it out and put it on.
"It fits and I don't look to bad in it"
"You shure don't sexy!"
I looked at my self in the mirror I was huge. I moved my legs and I could see them filling the paints. I tryed to suck in my bellie but I could hardly tell I was sucking it in. It hung over my waist so much that it hid the waistband the shirt was tight showed the curve of my bellie. My pecs were full and almost ripped open the shirt it had the horizontal strech marks between my pecs. My biceps were also pulling on the fabric ready to burst.
"If you don't stop flexing I am going to have to have sex with you again right now"
"Honey I love you so much."
The weeks flew by and Sara and I partied and studied hard, she bought me more sweat suits and I grew. I had to go and get a suite for graduation and it had to be special ordered. Matt came home with his girl friend, he was 198lbs and ripped. They were engaged! Graduation was a blast and the parties were great.
It was July 1st and I waddled into the bath room and steped on the scale. I hadn't checked my weight in a while. 578lbs I just laughed. Matt came in and was wearing only his bikini underwear, his abs were bearly showing, he had become buit.
"Look before and after" he said with a smile.
"How big do you want to get bro, you are getting pretty big." Said Matt as he patted my enourmuse belly.
Sara and I had a great summer she and I worked at my uncles restraunt, I got even bigger, my parents were to busy worrieing about grandma as she was not feeling well. I tipped the scales at 610lbs and Grandma was sliping in and out of concousness. I was waching her one night in late Aug. She woke up and looked at me and smiled. We talked for a while and she told me how much she loved me. I told her I loved her and then she looked me in the eyes and said
"you and Sara are a great couple."
"I know grandma, I think she is the one." She smiled and said
"I am so glad that before I leave here you and Matt have both found such happiness and great women." She smiled and went to sleep.
Sara and I headed off to college and started our fresman year. When we came home for the holidays I was 638lbs and was huge. Sara had gained some weight also. We visited grandma and she gave us her blessing, but spent most of christmas out of it.
Sara and I went back to school and keept working hard and both gaingin weight. we came back for grandmas funeral. I hit 700lbs durign spring break and could hardly move. Sara would feed me and we talked about life. She and I decided to get married and I wanted to lose some weight. We graduated and I and got married, its two years latter and I am 489lbs and Sara is sexer then ever with her added weight. We have a son who is a year old and is a chubby little guy. Life is perfect and seems to only get better.
The End

© Copyright 2006 RyanZ (ryanz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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