Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1073567-The-Last-of-Her-Kind-Chapter-2
by GH
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1073567
A teen volunteers to help an artist and meets a girl who changes his life over the Summer.
Chapter 2
         "Say what?!" exclaimed Zeke, leaning over Harris' counter.
         "Yeah. Weird, huh." Harris was polishing the counter even though there was no point of doing it at all. It was always clean but Harris' polished it whenever he felt uncomfortable or just shy.
         "You like Angela Marcus? Are you feeling alright? Do you need to sit down?" Jack looked up from a magazine.
"See? I knew you guys wouldn't be so supportive!" Harris let go of the old rag and sat on the near by chair.
"We are! We support the fact that Angela is not the girl for you! She's blond, ditzy, and likes any guy who looks like a model! She'll toss you off like polishing off dust!" Zeke pounded the counter. "What are you thinking?!"
"Well, I've liked her for a long time and I just wish she can finally notice me." Harris fiddled with his brunette locks hanging over his gold hazel eyes.
         "Dude, Harris. We've known you since we were in diapers."Zeke started."We care about every cool and worthless thing about you"(Jack nugded Zeke and thought,"Don't be stupid")"and if you go on and tell Angela you like her, Heaven knows what will happen!"
         Harris thought for a moment, clutching on to the counter edge. Well she is really ditzy and has no clue, he thought, But I've liked her before she became that way...
         "Okay. Sure she's not the girl for me. I'll accept that." Harris felt a little better. After all, who would want a ditz as girlfriend?
"Good. Besides, You're 27 and she's like, what, 300?" Zeke said.
"28!" Jack coughed behind the magazine.
         Harris smiled at Jack's comment and started picking up a boxful of books. Jack had always wondered how Harris could carry such a heavy load. He was very strong and he never took that for granted. Harris walked over to the Reacreational section when the door opened. It was Harris' father who came in.
"Hey, boys. How's it going?" Mr. Davidson said, as he set his messenger bag on the counter.
"Great, dad. These two were just dropping by." Harris said about Zeke and Jack, placing the Recreational books in order.
"Good, 'cause we need to close up the shop early today." the man said, walking to the back door.
"Early? Why's that?" Harris let go of the book he was holding.
"Michelle's not feeling good. She had a high fever of 101 degrees." Mr. Davidson came back from the door and was holding an old brown book, then put it in he bag.
"Michelle? Oh no." Harris closed up the book box.
         Now, Jack is an only child and Zeke has 2 older brothers, who are twins. Harris had a nine-year-old sister, Michelle, and he thought his parents couldn't get another child.
"You boys oughtta go, now. You all can see eachother anytime." Mr. Davidson said. Zeke and Jack left.
         It was the last day of school and Jack was the one who was more excited than any other kid in class. He was going to be an artist's assistant. He felt more of an apprentice! Jack stuffed his books and pencils in his backpack, until Sallie Jacobus walked up to him.
"Hey, Jack." Sallie said as her "sweet" self.
"Hi." Jack didn't look at her. No one liked Sallie because she was the spoiled snob of a daughter to a rich family who just happened to live right smack in the town square.
"So, are you gonna have a good Summer?" Sallie said, still thinking she was allowed to approach Jack.
"Yep." Jack closed his back, and still looking on the floor.
"Well, me and my family are moving in the Summer. Down to Albany, New York." Sallie's voice almost sounded like a crackling sound.
Thank God! Jack thought."Really? What a shame." Jack said to her, this time looking at her.
"Yeah. I know everyone's gonna miss me." Sallie looked out the window.
"Oh I'm sure someone will." Who in the name of Tom, would miss you?!
"Well, I just wanted to say, before I go away tomorrow, that I had a crush on you since I've lived here." She said, almost guilty.
         Jack's mind went berserk! Sallie, the snobby, light brown haired, blue eyed monster, just had to ruin his last day of school! He didn't know what else to do until Zeke came rushing to his desk and shooed away Sallie. Relief ran through Jack's body.
"Dude, Jack! Amerie Jackson gave me a gift! It's a brush! It's for my 'fro!" Zeke, if i didn't mention, was African-American. He was really excited about the gift Amerie gave him because they had crushes on eachother for a long time but both never knew that.
"Aw, man, Zeke! Great! But that sure beats the whole Sallie-has-a-crush-on-Jack news." Jack tried to sound pleasant.
"What?! Sallie Jacobus has a crush on you? Man, you need a grave, and fast." Zeke started brushing his afro (FYI, his afro wasn't big. He was almost bald.)
"Yeah. I'm just glad 'till Summer vacation begins. Then I can forget everything. So that maybe something better than this could happen." Jack said looking out the window.
"The Last of Her Kind-Chapter 3
© Copyright 2006 GH (girlheart110 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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