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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1086595
Three people have been selected for a secret org. that works for the Royal Family.

Everyone is getting ready for the ball, but I couldn’t care less. I will never understand why all of the other girls can seem to talk of nothing but dancing and the party. I would much rather be sword fighting with my brother or my best friend, Gildon.
“Are you ready yet, Bella? I know you have been anxiously awaiting this moment for months now. It is the event of the year.” My brother said. I turned around quickly, surprised that he didn’t know that I was dreading the ball. But as soon as I saw the look on his face I knew that he was joking.
“Very funny. Don’t you look nice.” And he did. My brother always looked nice. He was very, very handsome, and he wouldn’t be left alone for a second. All the girls would be hoping to get their claws into my brother.
“As do you.” Martius said. “C’mon, we better hurry. Gildon’s meeting us downstairs.”
So, off we went. I braced myself, already dreading what was about to come. But it was strange; I was really, really dreading this formal event. I’ve been to occasions like this one before, and have never felt this badly about going.
“Martius?” I asked.
“Yes?” My brother said.
“Why are we going to this party anyway?” I had forgotten but there seemed to be a reason and it was nagging at me.
My brother stopped walking and turned around, facing me. I looked into his eyes, exactly the same as mine, and could see the confusion in his too.
“I can’t remember either. Probably another guy in love with you invited you, and you can’t remember because you get so many invitations from love-struck boys.” Martius joked. He was unusually playful this evening, usually he is more quiet and serious.
“Very funny.” I hit him on the arm, and kept walking. I wonder why we both can’t remember. I need to relax. I’m just making a big deal out of nothing. Why can’t I be more like Martius? He doesn’t seem bothered at all. Best just forget about it for now.
“Who is the love-struck boy this time?” Gildon asked as we approached him. Apparently he had overheard this bit of our conversation. He had a grin on his face and I knew that he would be bothering me about it for the rest of the night.
“Hmm…” Martius said. “Well, there is George, Randy, Oliver, Gregory, Stephen, Richard, Derek, and of course, Dayman.”
Ok, Arabella, don’t turn red. Don’t turn red. Blast, I think I’m turning red.
“Dayman isn’t in love with me.” I say.
“What is it Arabella? It can’t be the thought of Dayman that is making your face red.” Gildon said, grinning down at me.
I walk faster, but it’s hard to in my high shoes. Why am I wearing these awful, uncomfortable shoes? It’s not like anyone can see them anyway, my dress is long and covers up my feet and legs. Great, the other girls will probably make snide comments about how with these shoes I am six feet tall. I can’t help it that I’m so tall, why can’t they just accept me? But I would never let them know that their insults affect me; I always pretend not to be fazed, but it’s a lie.
They match my pace easily, because fortunately for them they are not wearing a gown or painful shoes.
“Guys, leave me alone. Must you tease me every second of every day?” I asked.
“Yes, but it’s only because we love you, Bella. Right, Gildon?” Martius says, shooting Gildon a strange grin.
“Of course.” He says glancing away from us and into the amazingly decorated room. “Here we are, the great hall.”

The hall was beautiful. There were hundreds of tiny tables scattered all over the huge room, all with candles and flowers on each table. The buffet was enormous, with just about every food I could think of. The hall was really full of people I knew and full of people that I didn’t know.
“Who could you be looking for, Arabella? Someone special?” I turned and saw Elena’s cruel smile.
Elena hated me, and in my opinion, for no valid reason. Gildon said that she was merely jealous of me, but I couldn’t understand why she would be. She is very beautiful, and has a very rich family who has a very high standing in our city. It’s even rumored that she was engaged to the Prince not so long ago. But she is always so cruel and nasty towards me. Sometimes, I catch her looking at Gildon and she has a most strange expression on her face. It’s almost like she loves him. But certainly a bitch like her couldn’t love.
I should really be trying harder to mask my thoughts. What if someone is listing in on my thoughts? I can sense that some people here are Readers of the Mind, but I am not sure who. I should not be thinking these thoughts of Elena. She has a very high standing, and I don’t want to make any enemies.
“Are you sure that it is not you who is searching for someone?” I say, meaning Gildon, and I am sure that she caught on.
Elena walks away without another word. One would think that I won this little battle between us, but I know it isn’t true. I know she has more things up here expensive and impeccably tailored sleeve. She heads over to where the Prince is standing, and I turn away, refusing to watch. She knows how I feel about the Prince, and she makes sure to rub it into my face of how close and personal their relationship happens to be.
Martius reappears at my side. “You managed to avoid a fight with Elena the Evil. Very impressive, but I am sure that if you two did fight that you would win.”
“How kind you are brother. And I haven’t failed to notice that you managed to escape from all of the ladies who desire your company, in more ways then one.” I wink at my brother, teasing him.
“Now Bella, it is not ladylike for you to be talking that way. I should probably distract you from such thoughts and dance with you but I think I will pass you off to Gildon. He seems to be doing everything he can to avoid his admirers also.” Martis says, pulling me over to where Gildon is standing.
“Fine, he is a lovely dancer, better then you I daresay. But Martius, why is it that all three of us have admirers?” I ask.
“Because all three of us are bloody gorgeous. Now, dear sister, less talking, more dancing.” Martius says heading off to the buffet.
“Would you like to dance, Gild?” I ask.
“How could I deny such a lovely lady?” He says while smiling.
“But what you mean is, “Thank you for saving me from that scary bitch Elena who is walking towards me purposely.” I say.
“That too. But you really shouldn’t be saying things like that, not here. Someone could overhear, and we wouldn’t want any trouble.” Gildon says looking about.
The song ends, and I feel a pair of eyes on the back of my head. I turn around and see Prince Dayman gazing across the room at me.
I refuse to let my face turn red, and instead of offering red cheeks, I offer a smile. He heads towards us. For some reason Gildon looks annoyed. He is so hard to understand sometimes, and you’d think that by us being best friends that I would understand him.
“Hello, Gildon and Arabella. It’s not very often that you two are apart. But do you think that I could talk to Arabella alone?” Dayman asks, and I feel slightly nervous.
“Of course, your Highness.” Gildon says, bowing. To everyone else it might appear that Gildon is only happy to oblige, but I know him better then that.
Gildon walks away and not two seconds later he is spotted by female from his fan club and pulled back to the dance floor.
“Arabella, there is something that I have been meaning to tell you. A warning, perhaps.” Dayman says, and now I am really nervous.
“What is it your Highness?” I ask.
Dayman leans in, “You know, Arabella, no one will notice if you call me by my first name. I doubt that anyone is even paying attention to us.” I think he is joking on the last part but I am not sure. “Anyway, do you know who Creigton is?”
“Yes, I know of him, but we have never been formally introduced.”
“What have you heard of him?” Dayman asks, staring into my eyes.
“I know not much really. Just physical appearance and that he is a very kind man.”
“Well, if that is all you know I should really fill you in on more. I am going to leave, and I want you to follow me from a distance a minute after I leave.” Dayman says and walks away.
I wonder what the Prince will tell me. He is a very good Prince and treats all of his subjects the same for the most part. I can tell that this angers some people of higher stature, and think that they should be given more respect.
I slowly follow Prince Dayman, and see that he is heading out of the party hall. He walks down a corroder and turns a corner. I walk faster trying not to lose him, but it’s these damn shoes. I turn the corner also and see that he is opening a door to a room and walks inside.
I follow him and walk into the room, and he is sitting on a beautiful chair and motions for me to sit also.
“Creigton has a very important job for the kingdom.” Dayman says, getting right to the point. “He selects people who seem to be special of some sort. The people who are selected usually have certain traits that are more advanced then most people’s. Some of these qualities could be bravery, stamina, determination, mental and physical strength, physical beauty, and very high morals. Not to embarrass you, Arabella, but you have all of these characteristics.”
“Are you saying that I am might selected?” I ask.
“I am not saying that you might be selected. I am almost positive that you will. But it is not usually ever just a single person who is selected at once. The most common number is three total, but it can range up to about seven, at most. I think you know what I am implying.” The Prince says.
“Are you saying that my brother and Gildon will be selected also?” I ask, excited.
“That is exactly what I am saying. Aren’t you at all curious what the selected bunch will be doing?”
“I am very curious. Please do fill me in.”
“They will be accepted into a special branch of the Royal Military. They will work in their selected group and will do a great many things together. Many things such as tracking leaders of opposing armies, spying on opposing armies, and carrying out various missions.” Dayman says smiling at the look of wonder on my face. “These selected group are top secret except for high members of the court, military, and of course, the Royal Family.”
“Wow.” I say.
“Wow, indeed. I know this is a lot to dump on you all at once, but I couldn’t have Creigton approaching you while you were sill ignorant on such matters. I have only given you a small piece to the puzzle. I trust that you will be filling in Martius and Gildon the second after I depart.”
Then I wonder why he didn’t tell us all at once.
“Yes, I will.” I say, grinning. “Thanks for telling me all of this.”
“It was my pleasure, Arabella. Now what do you say we stay here for a while and avoid that wretched party?” He says, grinning back.
“I couldn’t agree more.”

“Bella, where the hell have you been? Gildon and I have been looking everywhere for you!” Martius says.
“Gildon, Martius, you won’t believe what the Prince just told me!”
“I bet he told you what he’d like to do with you in a dark room.” My brother says.
Gildon burst out laughing, and so does my brother. I refuse to look embarrassed, remembering what happened in the room after we had finished talking.
“This is serious!” I say. “Fine if you don’t want to know, I won’t tell you.”
“Nah, Bella we do want to know. Pray tell us.” Gildon says, failing to keep a straight face.
“Fine, if you two would rather have Creigton tell you, be my guest and laugh all you want.”
“Have Creigton tell you what, Chosen’s?” The very man of the hour himself says.
The Prince was right, Creigton had come for us.
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