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Rated: GC · Other · Fantasy · #1100186
Can the Chronicler's protector protect her against the evil Cauchemar and himself?

“Master, no!” cried a voice, an instant before he was ripped off of me. “A-a-all l-l-life is p-precious.” I managed to get out. My lungs felt crushed and I gasped for air. I looked to see who had saved me. Lorian lay on top of Cauchemar, both of them panting, Cauchemar’s eyes returning to normal. “Lorian,” I shouted, struggling to sit up. He used his eyes to tell me to act as though there was nothing between us. “If I’d known you wanted the girl so soon master, all you had to do was ask me to bring her to you, you didn’t have to send Nuri and allow him to nearly kill the both of us.” “I was told that you had turned traitor, Lorian.” Cauchemar said, looking at Lorian’s face, scratches covering it. “Please master you have but to read my thoughts.” Cauchemar grabbed Lorian’s head and I gasped, sure he was going to snap Lorian’s neck as he had done to the girl in what I now realized was Cauchemar’s memories, not nightmares. “Nightmares.” The word echoed in my head. Of course, the reason he called himself “Nightmare” was because he could control the dreams of others, humans and vampires alike. If he was the oldest vampire, I wondered what other powers he had developed over all this time. Cauchemar released Lorian’s skull. “Nothing of betrayal, but a rather unhealthy attachment to my Chronicler.” He said. I stared at the both of them. “After being her protector and companion for so long, indeed, I am rather fond of the sharp-tongued little viper.” Lorian stated simply. “Viper!” I cried, outraged. Both Cauchemar and Lorian laughed. “Rest now, Chronicler.” Ordered Cauchemar. The both left, Lorian winking at me as he shut the door behind him. “Lord Above!” I flopped back on the bed. Within minutes I was asleep. I awoke the next morning to a cool breeze, the smell of tea and fresh bread, and birds singing. I lay there for a moment, slowly allowing my body to wake and my mind begin to function. “Good morning, little mistress.” Lorian stood in front of the open French doors. The sun shone brightly, outlining Lorian’s form in pale gold. I nodded at him. “Lorian. Now will you please tell me what’s going on?” “Answer me first, Corazon. Did he hurt you?” I blushed but answered truthfully. “I thought he was going to, but no, he hasn’t hurt me yet.” “Then I was in time, thank the gods.” He hopped up on the footboard of the bed and crouched there, head bowed. “I have been reinstated as your bodyguard and assistant. You begin working on recording and deciphering his chronicle tonight. He has requested that you join him alone tonight in the study.” I sighed, “Why am I not surprised?” I stood and walked over to the armoire, opening the doors wide to find something to wear. “That’s a good color on you.” Lorian said, and I looked down to find myself nude. “Ok…how in the hell?” I muttered, quickly grabbing a cotton sundress from a hanger and heading to the bathroom. I quickly showered, scrubbing blood, my own and Madia’s as well as dirt and grime from my body. My hair was stuck together in places because of blood, and it took several washings to clean it, until red stains no longer came away in the rinse water. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my hair in a towel and tossed the sundress over my head and shimmying it into place.


I stepped out of the bathroom. Lorian still stood at the french doors, watching a pair of swallows fly around the balcony. Only his eyes moved, a true predator. “Silly male, he’ll never catch her like that. She’s too fast for him.” Said Lorian. “Ahh, but all the fun’s in the chase.” I said, then realized exactly what I said. I blushed and Lorian chuckled. “Shut up, twerp,” I said, blushing even harder. “Such a lovely lady with such a maidenly blush.” He said. Before I could respond, he was at my side, arms wrapped around me and lips on mine. I didn’t struggle, but allowed him to deepen the kiss. He leaned me over the small fainting couch. He began to fondle my breasts, his hands exploring my body, each and every curve. Only when he put his hand on my mound did I make a sound. A moan of pure pleasure. I thrust my hips up, against his hand. His hands, long and big and graceful, the fingers neatly manicured, raised my body to fever pitch. He kissed down my body: forehead, eyelids, nose, lips, jawline, neck, chest, breasts, stomach. He pushed the dress up to my breasts, and his tongue swirled around my navel and I gave an involuntary gasp. His tongue found one upthrust nipple through the thin cotton cloth, twirling around it and then capturing it lightly with his teeth, his fangs withdrawn. “So sweet.” He whispered. “N-no, L-lorian, stop.” I said, breathlessly, lifting my head up once, then flopping back down. “We-we have to stop.” I grasped his head by his thick hair and made him look at me. His pale grey eyes were tinged around the edges with cat’s eye cold. He groaned loudly, let his head slump against my chest for a moment, then rolled off of me, returning to his perch on the footboard of the bed. “You’re right.” He said, his head hanging so that his face was hidden by his hair. I gathered myself together, then walked over to him, using one hand I pushed his hair out of his face and kissed him softly. “No regrets.” I whispered. “No regrets.” He repeated after me, smiling slightly. “I’ve wated years to kiss you, you know.” “Yes, I know.” He looked poleaxed. “Then why haven’t you done or said anything until now?” he growled. “Because,” I said, “You scared me. You scared the hell out of me.” “I scared you?” he seemed surprised. “Damn right you did. You were a handsome, powerful male. I’ve been sheltered my entire life. I was-am-attracted to you. Of course I was scared.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “So that was fake rage when you woke up the day I was perched on your headboard?” “No, that was real enough, but only because I’d been-uh-dreaming about you.” I blushed and lowered my gaze. I crossed the room and stood by the French doors. He jumped lightly from his perch and walked over and kissed me softly. “I’ll see you later, Mistress Chronicler. There’s tea and muffins on the table there.” He pointed to a table and two chairs on the large balcony. “Breakfast al fresco.” I smiled. “Until later, Lorian.” I heard him walk away and sat down at the table. The tea was still hot and the muffins delicious, though I barely picked at mine. All too soon however, it was interrupted by an unwelcome guest.


“Enough for two?” I looked up to see a figure outlined by the sun. “Nuri how…unwelcome.” I said, and hoped that he would leave quickly. I had no patience for his nonsense this morning. “Ah, but such lovely company.” He said, taking the other chair. I began to stand, but he grabbed my arm. “Uh-uh-uh.” He tisked. “What do you want?” I snapped, his grip felt like it was crushing my already broken wrist, it was the same one that Dorian had drunk from and was still wrapped in bandages. He squeezed harder and I winced. “A little bit more…shall we say…attention from you would be nice.” He said, jerking me into his lap, facing away from him. He began to run his hand up my thigh, lifting the cotton sundress. His touch disgusted me after what Lorian and I had just done. “What is it with you vampires. Are you really that hard up?” “Oh, no, pretty lady, we just can’t resist the call of your innocence. Virgin blood and all that powerful stuff.” He licked my ear and I jerked away. He grasped both my wrists in one of his strong hands, using that arm to grasp me tighter across the waist, and ran his other hand all the way up the skirt, letting out a groan when he found no underwear to hinder his entrance. “No!” I cried, beginning to struggle. I could feel him beneath me, his penis swollen. The struggling just seemed to turn him on more. “Let go!” I screamed. He threw me against the table, tossing the skirt above my hips, and twisting one arm behind my back. “Oh God. No!” I tried to get away, but he slammed me harder against the table, holding me there with one hand while I heard the rasp of a zipper opening. “NO! NO!” I began screaming, trying to get away as hard as I could. I felt something rubbing against my thighs and vaginal entrance, pre-ejaculate dripping onto my thighs. He groaned and I felt him at my entrance. I tensed, waiting for the pain. It never came. All I saw was a flash, then struggles, flowerpots breaking, screaming growls and obscenities. I fled to the far side of the balcony, tears flowing down my face, shivering uncontrollably. Finally the fight stopped, Nuri lay unconscious on the ground, covered in cuts and bruises. Lorian and Amin stood over him, Amin still kicking at the body. “Bastardo!” he screamed at him. “Are you alright?” asked Lorian. “Do I bloody look alright?” I screamed at him, then collapsed against the wall, bawling so hard I couldn’t breathe. “Shhhhh…”Lorian came over and pulled me into his embrace, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying on his shoulder. He looked over at Amin. “Get that vermin out of here.” He shouted at him. “Yes, Sir.” Amin easily lifted the still unconscious Nuri, flung him over his shoulder and left, knocking the body against every available surface.


“Did-did he?” Lorian asked, barely able to get the words out. “No!” I said, burying my face in his shirt. “Can I never get a break? Everything’s fine for two and a half years and then BOOM! Within a week I’m nearly blown up in my own apartment; jumped out of windows, twice; nearly burned alive in a fire; kidnapped, twice; nearly raped; sexually assaulted; and nearly made love to by the most handsome man I’ve ever known who also happens to be my assistant and bodyguard. I need a vacation!” I said, trying to stand. “And as if all that isn’t enough, I’ve got a sociopathic nutcase of a vampire who wants me in his bed as well as chronicle his life story. And if he is the oldest, as he claims to be, then it could very well take my lifetime as it has the last five or six generations of my family. Bloody everlasting hell!” I finished. Lorian just sighed. “Better now?” he asked. “Yes. Much.” He picked me up and carried to the bed. “I don’t want to be here, anymore.” I said softly. “I know dearest. Cauchemar will be informed of what happened. He is sleeping right now.” “Funny, I thought only the fledglings slept during the day.” He laid me down, tucked me in and brought me a cup of tea from the balcony. It was very sweet and laced with something bitter. He pulled a small bottle from his pocket. “Laudanum.” He said softly. “I wish you people would quit drugging me. I’m gonna wake up addicted one of these days.” I could feel the medicine beginning to work on my empty stomach, my limbs becoming leaden. Lorian stroked my hair for a short while longer before my eyes began to flutter shut. “I’ll keep watch over you Estrella. Do not fear.” He hopped up on the headboard, crouching there like a gargoyle, and watching as my mind drifted into dreaming.

Chapter 17
The dreams came again. Blood, rivers of it, fresh read and dead black. But this time it was as if I was there, not just seeing it. Young girls, maidens, dressed in thin white silk gowns, passed trays of food and goblets of wine while Cauchemar and guests lounged on roman-style dining couches. Ancient Rome. One girl giggled as she was pulled into one man’s lap, letting him lick and nibble at her neck. A gong sounded and the man threw the girl aside, all five of them running towards the ringing of the gong. A man stood there, a centurion, his red cloak soaked and dripping. “Lucius, you’re under arrest for conspiracy and murder.” The man said. The other four men paled, stepping back from Cauchemar/Lucius and the centurion. The centurion reached forward, taking Lucius’ arm and began to drag him from the room. “Betrayers!” he screamed at the other four men. “I curse you all!” Suddenly he lunged forward, taking the centurion by the throat. He slammed the man’s head against the wall several times. I could hear the skull bust against the white marble. The body slowly slid to the floor, leaving a trail of blood and brain tissue. The other men began shouting, but Lucius caught them one by one, ripping their throats open with an eating dagger. He lapped at the blood, but didn’t truly drink. He left the bodies there, rich red blood soaking their white robes and splashed on the white marble. The image switched. A young Cauchemar knelt in front of an altar. An enormous statue stood there, a cat, carved of black marble, eyes carved of lapis lazuli, the pupils black onyx. Each eye outlined in gold, as was each claw, and a collar, studded with rubies, emeralds and an enormous central stone of opal, and opal the size of my hand span. Sand blew in long streaks along the floor, but the young Cauchemar cared nothing for it, too intent upon what he was doing. He chanted in a language I didn’t know, but the words seemed to make sense to me, as thought I did know it, but didn’t remember.” “Please, Lady Bastet, protect us. These night bandits continually kill us, your servants. Protect us please. Give me the power to protect my people. I give you my pledge, I give you my blood.” He pulled an iron knife across his wrist, letting the blood flow into the basin beneath the statue. He stayed in his kneeling position for a short while, then began to sway and he finally fell to his side, curling into a fetal position, bringing his arm up and holding it to his chest. He passed out and I saw the cat statue’s opal begin to flash, the fire inside swirling. Then a mist poured from the opal, forming itself into the head and front of a cat, it’s eyes a golden yellow. It lapped at the blood in the basin, then all the reed torches in the room flared. Strange chanting and music seemed to form on the breeze. Lightening flashed continually, the wind began to howl. The cat-spirit walked towards Cauchemar, nuzzling his face, toying with his hair. “Child of Ra. I accept your pledge. I accept your blood.” Came an eerie voice from the statue. It’s eyes began to glow yellow as did the spirit cat’s. Then the spirit cat walked into Cauchemar’s body. His breathing slowed, then stopped. I heard his last breath leave his body like a long sigh. The body suddenly jerked to a sitting position, the skin becoming paler, a silver streak forming in the dark hair, eyes changing from deep brown to pale, milky blue, a golden circle forming a ring around the edge. Air rushed into his lungs, he screamed, his voice harsh and strangled. The wound on his arm healing, the blood withdrawing into the wound, the skin closing itself, not forming even the palest of scars.


A loud roar is what awakened me this time. I jerked up from the bed, and found Lorian still at his perch, looking right at me. “Sounds like he’s been told.” He said. I nodded, cringing and leaning back against the pillows, wrapping the blankets around me. Suddenly a loud beeping started coming from the door. Lorian slid from his perch and walked to the door, pressing and releasing a small button. “Yes, Master?” “Bring her to me.” Growled the voice on the other end. “Yes, sir.” He turned and looked at me. “God, can’t I even get a bath first?” I complained. “No. Nuri’s scent will still be on you. That and the memories he pulls from your mind and Nuri’s will be enough to convict him.” Lorian said sadly. “What’s wrong, Lorian? You sound almost upset about this.” “I’ve known Nuri for many years. He was not always this way. He was once the happiest person I had ever met. But living with and under Cauchemar has made him twisted. He lives only for the pain of others now. Pain, and power.” Lorian walked over to the closet, and took a clean gown and handed it to me. I shucked off the one I’d been wearing and tossed this new one over my head, and pulled it into place with Lorian’s help, my wrist still too sore to move correctly. I looked down to see what new bruises I had acquired. Several marred the flesh of my arms in a clear impression of finger marks, as well as the same markings on my wrist. My abdomen was sore where I’d been slammed against the table, I hadn’t looked, but I was sure there were bruises beginning to form there as well. Lorian escorted me downstairs into an exquisite study. Books lined every wall, except one, which contained a massive window, half-regular glass, half-stained glass. “Wow.” I muttered under my breath. “So glad you like it, my dear.” Said Cauchemar’s voice behind me. I turned and found Cauchemar sitting on the desk. The doors opened again and two vampires came in, carrying a battered and bruised Nuri. Lorian put his hand on my shoulder and whispered to me. “He cannot hurt you.” I nodded. “She’s a liar, my Master, do not believe her!” Nuri cried, true fear in his eyes and on his face. “Nuri, Nuri. Why do you lie to me? After all I’ve done for you, you attack my woman, my Chronicler?” I almost said something about the “his woman” part, but Lorian’s grip on my shoulder tightened, keeping me silent. Cauchemar suddenly grasped Nuri by the neck, placing his other hand atop his head. He flung his head back and I knew that he was going through Nuri’s memories, ripping them from him one at a time, from his deepest fears to his earliest childhood memories. Stripping them away. Blood began to pour from Nuri’s ears, eyes, nose and mouth. I gasped and turned to Lorian’s embrace. “Masterrrrrrr…………pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeee.” He hissed. Suddenly Cauchemar threw Nuri from him and the vampire crumpled into a heap, sobbing and scuffling away from Cauchemar. “Nuri I find you guilty. Your scent is upon her. Your memories themselves tell me of your lies, of your betrayals. And what do you think I will find when I read her memories?” Silent tears poured from him, but he said nothing. “Come here, Chronicler.” I walked over to him. He began sniffing around me, walking around me in a circle. When he came back to face me, he took my face gently in his hands. “Shhhh.” He said, then I felt pressure inside my skull. It has his presence to it. The images of Nuri’s attack flashed through my mind. “It is as I thought.” He said. He removed his hands and motioned me back to Lorian. “You are guilty, Nuri, of attacking the Chronicler. The one human all vampires are to respect and keep safe.” He hit a button on the desk. The doors opened once more to reveal Madia standing there. She came into the room and stood facing Cauchemar. “Finish him.” He said simply. I gasped and started to step forward, but Lorian grabbed me. “Not this time, Corazon. You cannot save him now. He has passed beyond even your reach.”
© Copyright 2006 Lady Dreamweaver (ldydreamweaver at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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