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by Miyuki Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1112124
The story continues, and it gets off to a bad start.
if you have not read chapter one you might want to do that first.

          Chapter 2

         “Can we stop?” Amanda snapped irritably, fingering the blue stone in her pocket. She didn't mean to be so harsh; the whole group had just been in a mutual bad mood lately. “Oh, Amanda, don't tell me you're tired,” Jillian said sarcastically, “Geez, it's just not like you to tire out after walking for ten minutes.” “For your information, Jillian Pendleton, it's been more like five hours! And it's dark out.” “Will you two shut up?!” Carolyn yelled. “YOU keep quiet, Carolyn!” Amanda whirled on her other friend. “It's your fault, anyway! Why do we even trust the map to you? Even Jordan’s got a better sense of direction!” “I HEARD THAT!” Jordan snapped turning on Amanda. “I'm sick of all you’re whining, Amanda! All you ever do is complain!” Carolyn glared at the girl. Amanda crossed her arms, huffily. “Oh yeah?” She sat down, cross-legged, in the middle of the road. “I'm not taking one more step! You three can go ahead and stumble along in the dark if you want to, but I'm getting some sleep.” Jordan stuck out her tongue at the girl. “Fine, but see if we care when you get lost and we never see you again.” Jordan grabbed a hold of Carolyn’s arm. “Come on you two, let's leave her.” Carolyn wrenched her arm away. “Don't boss me around!” she yelled angrily. “Besides, I'm tired, too!” Jillian opened her backpack and pulled out her sleeping bag. Jordan frowned in indignation, but did the same. “I guess I'll see you three in the morning,” she muttered falling asleep. “I hope you'll all be in a better mood then.” Jillian added “Me? In a bad mood?” Amanda cried shrilly, but Jillian was already asleep. She glared at the slightly snoring bundle. “Fine. I'm going to sleep, too. Don't bother waking me up in the morning, Jordan.” She slid into her sleeping bag. “Why would I bother?” Jordan muttered. She rolled out her sleeping bag and crawled inside, all the while mumbling about insolent little kids. She was asleep in a heartbeat.
Overhead the moon glistened sadly. Big, bright, and silent.
Jillian's eyes flicked open. Automatically, her hand went to the amulet laying next to her pillow, seeking reassurance from the pendant. The girl's hand closed around the green stone protectively. The stone flared bright neon green.
Instantly, Jillian let out a startled yelp. She pulled her hand back from the stone as if it had pricked her. It wasn't the sudden color change that had frightened her. When she had received the stone from the woman, she had felt a calmness overwhelm her, a serenity that had slowly dwindled away as the evening had worn on. Now, having sought for the same comfort a second time, the stone had almost stabbed her. It had sent a strong message of dislike through her entire body, as if to say, very simply, I don't want you.
The young girl bit her lip, her eyes filling with tears. A small part of herself told her that this was stupid, asked her why she was getting worked up over such a small thing. But, no matter how much she berated herself for being so weak, and no matter how tightly she squeezed her eyelids shut, tears managed to find their way down her cheeks. She couldn't explain it. She just felt so lost.
'Oh, Jillian, please don't cry,' the voice seemed so earnest and pleading that Jillian couldn't help smiling. “Why shouldn't I?” she asked quietly, wiping her eyes 'Well, why would you?' it answered curiously. Jillian looked down. “It's because of the amulet.” The voice didn't answer for a moment, and somehow, Jillian got the idea that it was nodding gravely. 'Oh, I see now,' it said thoughtfully. Jillian smiled again. 'Maybe you've got the wrong one,' the voice hinted. 'Come find me, Jillian.' The girl blinked, confused. “What?” The voice was silent. Jillian propped herself up on her elbows and looked around her. The night was unusually quiet. The moon was unusually large. There was a sense of mystery in the air. Despite the dull feeling of despair that resided deep inside her, Jillian couldn't help shivering with pleasure. The feeling was almost magical.
A noise to her right caused the girl to turn. Amanda was tossing in her sleep. Her teeth were gritted and her forehead was beaded with sweat. Jillian wasn't surprised to see she had her amulet out on her pillow. Her eyes rested on Amanda’s clear blue stone. 'Jillian...'
She picked up her own green amulet and rattled it idly in her hand, ignoring the jolts it sent up her spine. An idea was growing in the back of her mind, slowly but steadily. She bit her bottom lip pensively.
Hearing that utterance, the girl almost involuntarily lunged forward, landing with a thud next to her friend. In her fevered state, Amanda didn't notice. Hardly stopping for breath, Jillian's hand darted forward and grabbed the blue stone, leaving the green amulet in its place, in one fluid motion. Amanda stopped gritting her teeth and slept on.
Crawling back to her sleeping bag, Jillian held the amulet to her chest, smiling slightly. The depression was gone, replaced with a warm belonging, she felt like she was a thousand feet underwater, cool soothing and calm.
'Good night, Jillian,'
“Night...” she murmured sleepily, snuggling down into her sleeping bag. Her eyelids drooped, growing heavier and heavier until they closed completely. With a contented sigh, the girl fell into sleep. Under her relaxed hand, the stone began to glow. Blue light leaked between her fingers, bathing her face in its warmth. Jillian smiled in her sleep.
Carolyn gave one last toss and woke in a start, breathing hard, brow glistening with sweat. She sat, trying to catch her breath. Looking up at the sky, she saw the moon had grown even larger than it had been hours ago. “What's going on?” she murmured more to herself than to anyone. She wiped her forehead dry with a shaking hand, trying hard to catch her breath.
'Yoo-hoo.... Carolyn...'
The Girl froze. She heard nothing but the faint sound of crickets chirping. A slight breeze stirred through the trees.
“Y-yes?” There was a quiet pause. Carolyn held her breath.
'What's the matter, Car-o-lyn?' It was so absurd, she almost laughed. 'Maybe I'm going crazy,' she thought, amused. 'No more crazy than the rest of us,' the voice responded, tinted with humor. “Ah-ha. A disembodied voice is talking to me.” The girl took a deep, steadying breath, closed her eyes, and tried to keep from fainting.
'Carolyn, quit it, now is not the time!' Now the voice was serious and urgent. 'I know you tend to stick with the cold, hard facts, that you are the see it believe it type, that this kind of stuff is beyond you, but you have to believe what I'm telling you. Please.'
Carolyn swallowed hard. Maybe it was all a dream, she reasoned, and besides, the voice seemed somewhat comforting.
'History is being made, Carolyn. You have to understand how important this is.' “I'll listen.” Carolyn said. The voice made a little satisfied sound. 'There's not much to say. Follow your instincts.' “What?” 'I can talk later. But you need to find me first.' “Find you?” 'It's not that tricky a situation, Caro-lyn. Use your noodle. Put on your thinking cap. Kick your brain into gear. You getting me here?' “Noodle?” Carolyn repeated pitifully. The voice heaved an incredibly weary sigh. 'Carolyn, you're a handful. I've gotta say, sometimes I pity myself.' Carolyn blinked. “Wha-wha?” 'Man....' The voice paused. 'Man. I can't explain now, Carolyn, I can't until you correct the mistake that shouldn't have been made. I should have thought she'd be more careful about that...' The voice trailed off. Carolyn shook her head. “Who'd be more careful?” 'I keep getting off subject. Look, Carolyn, I'm not allowed to say anymore. I've been bending the rules as it is.' “Don't go,” Carolyn blurted without thinking. There was a brief silence. Then the voice said warmly, 'Aw, not to worry. I'll still be here. You've just got to look for me.' “Look for you?”
The girl took a shuddering breath. Something was going on. Something terrifying. Something incredible. Something magickal. The blood in her veins seemed to burn. Looking up at the moon, hanging silver and heavy in the velvet sky, a shiver went up and down her spine. She clenched her hands into fists to stop them from shaking.
Burying her head in her pillow, she was suddenly aware of a heat emanating from somewhere near. She groped around and felt a burning piece of polished stone. At her touch, the amulet blazed a blinding bright neon red, and at the same time, sent a burning jolt through the girl's body.
Carolyn gasped and dropped the stone. Gulping for breath, she lay there for what felt like a lifetime. “What's going on?” she gasped to no one in particular, though perhaps somewhere deep inside of her, she was hoping the voice would pipe up with an answer.
She could hear nothing. The silence pressed down on her like an iron weight. Carolyn watched the stone warily, but its glow was slowly fading away, and, holding her hand directly over it, she could only feel a slight nip of cool air. A sudden movement to her left made her whirl around. Jordan was shivering uncontrollably in her sleep, arms wrapped around her body, and teeth gritted.
Carolyn's eyes softened. Jordan was her best friend; and Carolyn had been such a jerk that afternoon. 'And if Jordan is going through what I'm going through right now…' The thought made them that much closer. Carolyn reached over to awaken her friend, to free her from whatever dreams she was experiencing, and to tell her they could face it together.
A brilliant flash of yellow burst from the clear yellow stone that sat on Jordan’s pillow. Carolyn stared in wonder. She hadn't winced, she hadn't cringed. The yellow hadn't scared or burned her the way the red amulet had. The Yellow seemed almost in a way friendly. Caring. Welcoming. She didn't know what made her do it, but it felt right, like a long-forgotten instinct suddenly answered. Carolyn's hand inched forward, toward the Yellow stone, which continued to shine merrily. Fingers trembling oh-so-slightly, she closed her hand around the amulet. The stone almost exploded in a blast of beautiful Yellow light.
Carolyn clasped the amulet to her chest, a sense of calmness descending gently on her harried nerves. Her mind seemed to fill with the brilliance of the light. 'I knew you could do it, Carolyn.' The voice was back, and it was louder, stronger, warmer. It seemed to vibrate through her body. She closed her eyes in happiness.
'But you've still more to do, Carolyn.'
The girl frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized her friend was still shaking with cold and fear. Once again, the answer came to Carolyn as if she had known it all her life. Scooping up the red amulet, trusting the Yellow that flowed through her body to nullify the heat, she placed it gently next to Jordan’s pillow. Jordan relaxed almost immediately.
Heaving a contented sigh, Carolyn lay back down, clasping her hands behind her head. Staring up at the stars and the huge, silver moon, she smiled. Happiness seemed to surge through her. 'Your life will never be the same again, Carolyn,' the voice said quietly, out of the blue. 'You understand that, don't you?' Carolyn closed her eyes and breathed evenly. Then, holding the glowing amulet close to her heart, she turned her face once again to the incredible night sky. “Understand it?” she grinned happily. “I'm depending on it.” ‘Go to sleep now, Carolyn,’ the voice ordered gently, though it failed to contain its joyousness. 'There will be time in the morning.' Carolyn suddenly felt so tired, it was almost numbing. “In the... morning...” she repeated sluggishly, her voice thick with exhaustion. The amulet flashed a reassuring Yellow. 'Good night, Carolyn.' Carolyn managed one last smile before she drifted into a calm, quiet, dream.
Jordan felt like gigantic flames and heat surrounded her. She didn't need to be cooled down; she just stood lazily in the endless expanse of fire. It was a feeling of pure and unhindered tranquility. But something stirred her from that incredible sensation. She opened her eyes groggily, blinking to clear away the blurriness. The moon hung directly overhead, so massive it seemed ready to drop out of the starry sky.
Jordan’s attention was immediately drawn to a faint light by her left hand. Squinting her eyes, she managed to make out the red amulet Carolyn had received earlier that day. It was giving off the weakest gleam of red light. It didn't occur to Jordan to wonder how Carolyn's amulet had gotten to her pillow. She just stared at the stone for a moment. Then, she placed a tentative hand over the amulet. A flair of heat and calm shot up her arm and spread throughout her entire body. Jordan gazed in awe at the amulet, now afire with intense red light.
'Jordan Pendleton.' The girl didn't even blink. ‘Jordan Pendleton, you have quite a road ahead of you now.' Jordan nodded slightly in understanding, as if in a trance.
’Jordan, I have something to offer you that will far surpass anything you’ve ever imagined.' Jordan opened her eyes wide. “Tell me.” She said. The amulet laughed ‘I’ll tell you in the morning.’ It said. Jordan nodded yawning. “Alright…” she said falling back asleep the amulet gripped tightly in her hands.
Amanda turned in her sleep then awoke with a jolt. “Holy, crap…” Amanda said staring at the gigantic moon. Amanda looked at her pillow and spotted the green amulet. ‘Amanda!’ A voice said. Amanda cocked her head but didn't answer. Eyes wide, she raised the suddenly glowing amulet up to her face. The soft, green light bathed her face, creating an almost supernatural look.
Her eyes unfocused, as if she was staring into the amulet. Amanda sat like that for a long time, searching the depths of the glowing stone silently. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she blinked, and when her eyes reopened, they were focused. ‘Amanda dear, are you ready?’ Amanda nodded. “Yeah…I suppose.” She said quietly. The amulet giggled ‘a long road waits ahead of you if you just suppose.’ The amulet said. Amanda nodded “yes…” she said then curiously flicked the amulet. ‘Hey.’ The amulet flared, “sorry…I just wanted to know what’s going on…” she said ‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ The amulet said. ‘I’ll tell you in the morning okay.’ Amanda nodded falling onto her pillow. “Okay.” She said falling into a deep sleep.

© Copyright 2006 Miyuki (miyuki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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