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Rated: · Chapter · Drama · #1116696
Girl a nd guy meet
Due to a trick from Bonnie, Louisa, Kelly and Caite go shopping at the mall. Louisa contacted Dan on Bonnie's advice and tells him he should bring Tom to the mall. Tom finally sees Caite and even talks to her over the phone, as Tom Fellicks. At the end of the previous quiz, the all go home, but not to bed...


Caite dropeds Kelly off. "Bye Kel! Love ya!" Caite shouted through the open window "Bye girly! Call you!" Louisa literally hang out of the window. Kelly waved and laughed at Louisa, who almost falls out of the car. Then she entered the flat. Louisa climbed back in and occupied the seat next to Caite.

"Are you going to talk to Tom tonight?" Louisa asked while playing with her fingers. "I don't know" "You say that every time I ask you Caite, talk to him! Why are you so afraid?" "I'm not afraid!" Caite snapped at Louisa and took a left turn to the highway. She sighed. She hated this conversation.

It was silent for a while. On the radio, Justin Timberlake quietly sings. "Senorita, I feel for you, you deal with things, that you don't have to, he doesn't love you, I can tell by his charm, but you can feel this real love, if you just lay in my arms"...

Louisa broke the couplet "I talked to Tom you know" She mumbled. Caite looks at her "Louisa, I love you, I like you, but sometimes you need to know the borders!" "Then you'll never meet him!" There was a slight desperate tone in her voice. She knew Caite and Tom were made for each other.

"Louis-" "NO!" Louisa cut Caite of "For once, listen to me! Caite, he LIKES you! He does! He told me, he thinks about you 24/7! Come on! Just talk to him, crawl out of you shell and TALK to him! What do you have to lose with a guy that already loves you?!"

*My heart?* But Caite didn't said that out load.

*-Louisa is right you dumb-ass
~No she's not
- Yes she is, listen to her!
~No, I wont!
-Am I in a discussion with
~Yes I am
-I'm going nuts...*

"Caite!" Louisa voice blurted through the car, "you didn't even listened you bloody witch!" Louisa crossed her arms out of complete anger. "No, I'm sorry, I was in a discussion with myself" Caite explained. Louisa looked at her, "So you'll talk to him?"

Caite sighed "Bye Louisa" and she stopped the car in from of Louisa's building complex. Pissed off, Louisa stepped out of the car and walked to the entrance of the huge building.

"Louis! Louisa!! Don't do this you pissant! What if I die in a car crash and you can never tell me you love me?!" Caite shouted, teasing Louisa. That always worked.

And it did. Louisa turned around and ran back to the car.

"Fine" Caite mumbled, just loud enough for Louisa to hear it, and drove away. "Caite! You bloody bitch!" Caite stopped and smiled when Louisa stepped into the car again. "Talk to him" Louisa demanded. "Maybe" "I'll take that" Caite gave her a look and Louisa held her arms out "come here girl". Caite flees into Louisa's arms and listened to the comforting words.

"Don't you worry about it okay. Tom is a great guy, he loves you, he's good to you. I talked with him a couple of times and I know you would like him too if you just gave him a chance" Louisa kissed Caite's forehead and Caite sat up straight. "Thanks Louis" Caite mumbled and sighed again. "I love you girl" Louisa said and stepped out of the car, "I love you too".

Before she walks away she says she's sorry. Caite asked why, but Louisa didn't answered. Caite left it with that and drives home.

Yay!!! Part 5!!!
oh.... it's so late....
This is going to be fun!!

Dan and Tom went for a drink to celebrate the fact that Tom finally spoke with Caite. After that, he dropped Dan off in front of his apartment and went home.

He said hi to the doorman and walked upstairs. He took the stairs, he was still excited about that fact that he saw Caite.

When Tom entered his apartment he immediately turned on his computer and made himself some coffee. Louisa promised she would email. He promised he would behave when he saw Caite, and he did, and then she would email Caite's number. Tom logged in on his account and saw that Louisa hold on to her word.

He had an email. Two emails. Two? He opened his mailbox and his jaw dropped.
Your new messages:
black_angel@webnet.com (Louisa)

Caite had sent him an email.

1 Hour Before.

Caite got home. It was half past 7. She threw her keys and bags on the bar. Lights plopped on, Bonnie sat in the living room. "Hey Bon" Caite greeted her ghost friend. "Hey, how was it?" Bonnie asked curious. Did her plan worked?

"It was okay" Caite replied off-handed. Bonnie smiled, yup, her plan had worked. She could see it in Caite's eyes. She may not have known, but Tom was all over her.

Anna walked into the room, greeting Caite as well.
"You bought anything? She asked while she looked at the bags on the bar. "Yeah eh.. New jeans, some shirts and new sunglasses" Caite replied, summoning all the things she bought. "So I can finally throw your old ones away?" Anna asked with that undertone. "Nnnnn!" Caite whined.

She always had a problem with throwing old stuff away. Most of the time the stored it on the attic. "Fine" she muttered, "it was falling apart anyway".

Caite had logged in on her account. She kept thinking about Tom. And Tom Fellicks. His voice was so familiar. So calm and friendly. So comforting. It reminded her of Tom. That voice would the Tom she knew have.

Or maybe she just missed him so much. But there was more about it. And finally, she crawled out of her shell and sent Tom a message.

She couldn't deny it any longer. She was in love with him. Crazy as it sounded, but she did. She accepted it, at last. Louisa was right. For once in eh Her entire life.

Caite sighed. What could she write? How should she began? She chickened out on him.

*Can you just start with 'hey I missed you?'... No you can't. Can you? And what should I say? Tell a whole story about my day? Tell him what I did?* Caite moaned and started typing. She erased more than she wrote.

Tom clicked on Caite's email. It was short, but he knew it took her a long time.

Hey, sorry I was away for so long, I was really busy, working you know? Anyway, you okay? I hope I'll see you tonight! Same time? Caite

That short email meant the world to him. She still liked him. She was still interested. Yes, she was scared. But if she knew he liked her to, would she still be?

*Probably not* Tom thought. He hoped. He read the email a couple of times and then opened Louisa's email.

She totally love your photo! Who wouldnt ;)
Anyway, you hold on to you word, so will I. So as promised, her number, but you'll pay the funeral costs!
Home: 555-21040
Cell: 06-22754127
Try her cell first, she can always buy a new one, costs less than buying a whole new phoneconnection
Kisses, Louisa

Tom leaned back and sighed. What should he do? There were suddenly so many options. Call her. Email her. Leave her. Let her wait like she did to him. First email, then call. First call, then email. Email, call, email. Wait. Call. Wait, email then call. Wait, call, email. This was freaking him out.

Tom ran over the possibilities over Caite dying of a heart attack and made a decision. He sent her an email. Waited a minute, and then dialled her number.

Caite waited. And she waited. Then she waited some more. An hour had past and still wasn't he online! Did he chickened out like she did? Was he not interested anymore?

A pop-up told her she had an email. Caite quickly looked. It was Tom. She opened it and read the weirdest email she had ever had, including the time she got an email about an alien wanting to visit her. She was surprised for the second time. The first time was actually sending the email to Tom. The second was the email:

Whatever you do, dont freak out, especially don't die of a heart attack

Oh and DON'T hang up!

That was it. It was really odd. The oddest email ever. It would probably win a prize.

All the sudden, her cellphone rang. *Probably Louisa asking me if I talked to him already* she thought. But her display showed an unknown number. Caite picked up, "Caite Johnson".

A voice answered a bit hesitating "Hi... It's Tom".

Wait a minute! She knew that voice! It was Tom Fellicks, Louisa newest hottie.

"Tom Fellicks right?" She asked, wondering what he wanted from her. "Eh.. almost.. Did you get my email?" Tom replied. "No I didn'-"

-don't freak out
-don't die of a heart attack
-don't hang up

It hit her so hard, the cold goose pimples ran up her spine in her neck. She jumped out of her chair like she got burned and even startled Bonnie a little, who was looking outside.

"Are you still alive?" Tom asked carefully. She could hear the fear and the insecurity in his voice. "No..- I mean, yes, I am..." she managed to stumble. She was talking to Tom! Hot Tom! Again!

This quiz is 7 freaking pages so you better like it!
We will Tess, we will....
And I'm tired so these answes suck.
It's okay, we love you! 2 parts on one day!!!

"I'm-.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called" The boy on the other end started. "No!" Caite quickly replied before he could hang up "No, er.... It's okay, I'm just a little-". "Scared?" Tom finished her sentence.

"Yeah.." Caite answered, feeling rather stupid. "Make that two.. " she heard on the other line and chuckled.

He made her laugh for the first time. It felt good. Tom smiled and he knew, he did the right thing. "You needed to confess again?" he heard Caite say "Yeah.. Sort of, sorry". "Tom Fellicks.. My ass" the girl mumbled. "I didn't made that up, Louisa did!" Tom defended himself. "Ha! You could have told me the truth instead of giving me a bloody heart attack. How did you get my number anyway?".

The smile that had appeared on Tom's face quickly disappeared. "Eh.. The phonebook?" he tried. "I get it, Louisa" Caite said. Tom chuckled, "So you're okay with it?". "How can I not?".

Caite bit her lip. That big, stupid, blurting mouth of her! She heard Tom sigh and move.

Tom plumped on the couch, his legs relaxed on the small table. "I guess the phone bill is going to be sky high" he remarked. But he didn't cared. That phone bill could go up his ass, he was talking to Caite.

Caite chuckled, "Don't worry, if they're looking for you, you can hide at my place". "Which is?" "If I tell you, are you going to stand on my doorstep tomorrow morning?" "If you want me to.." Tom joked.

*We had the introduction, we can stop playing and move on to the flirting* Tom thought.

"That depends" he heard on the over side, "on what?" he asked. "If you're a morning or evening person" Caite teased.

Caite got the hint. Flirting time! Come and get me.

"That depends" he replied. "On what?" This time it was Caite asking. "Who lays next to me when I wake up in the morning" Tom teased. "So you wake up next to a different girl every morning eh?" the girl teased some more, enjoying every second of it.

Tom bit his lip. That was not what he wanted to say. What if Caite was starting to think he only wanted her for sex?!

"No I meant-" "I know what you meant Tom, I was just teasing you" Caite smiled. "Oh" Tom replied sheepishly. Then he couldn't help but chuckle. "So, morning or evening person?" she asked again.


"Breakfast or diner?"



"Breakfast is great after sex and diner is perfect with a beautiful girl next to me"

Caite chuckled, the charmer. "Okay then.. Car or walking?"


"Again? Why?"

"My car is always good-"

"-to shag on the backseat?"

"Could be" Tom smirked. Caite wasn't the girly type. She was the rough edition. The kind of type that didn't bothered talking about sex. The kind of type that hangs out in a lingerie store. Tom smirked again.
"But a walk through the park under the stars next to you is also really good"

Caite laughed. He was the romantic type. The best of all.

"My turn" Tom said, "Top or under?"

She chuckled again, "Under I guess, I'm not really dominant"

"Good, or else we would collide" Tom said teasing. She laughed. Again.

This went on for 2 hours until Tom suggested they should get a cup of coffee together.



"Tea, I don't drink coffee, only when I get on my nerves"

"Alright, tea then. I'll pick you up tomorrow"

"I can't, I have to work, early" Caite lied.

"Day after tomorrow"

"Work again. I'm working a lot this week, before I go on vacation"

"Really?! Where to? How long?"

"Just for 16 days to a hotel not far away"

"Which hotel?" Tom asked avidly.

"You're really thorough aren't you?"

Tom chuckled, "I just want to see you, what's wrong with that?"


"Are you afraid?"

"Of what?" Caite said in a dare-me-tone.

"Me. Meeting me. Looking me straight in the eye. Making me laugh. Me making you laugh. Giving in to you feelings?" He carefully added.

Caite was silent. How was it possible that someone could already know someone so good? Could already see right through her?

"Am I right?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You're dogging all my questions that lead to you. You don't want to meet me, you still haven't sent a photo of yourself. I bet you walk around with a big sign saying piss off, leave me alone, i hate myself"

Tom said the last part to challenge Caite. Draw her out in the open. Awake a sleeping lion. He had no idea how true it was, until it remained silent. She didn't respond.

"But no one can miss the 'you're hot' all over your ass.. "

"How would you know?" Caite asked curious.

"I'm not telling" Tom said teasing.

"Tom!!" the girl whined.


Caite sighed. "You should be the shrink, not me" It was out. She was opening. Already. And she was afraid, but not of him. Just of his reaction and herself.

"Was I right?" Tom asked in disbelieve.


"I'm sorry.." he said, almost whispering. He was so sweet. So gentle.

"Don't be"

"I am"

"-going to bed" Caite finished his already finished sentence. Tom chuckled. "I'm exhausted" Caite muttered, "me too, it was a long day" "tell me about it". They both chuckled. "Night Cait"
"Good night.... Tom?" "Yes?"

Caite sighed and closed her eyes. "It's the Pronda Hotel" "Thanks Cait. You call me tomorrow?" "Yes, I will" "promised? Caite chuckled "promised". "Okay, bye, sleep tight" "you too, bye".

They both hang up, sighed, smiled and finally went to bed. They both fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillow.

© Copyright 2006 PassionInsanity (passionlove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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