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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1118352
a young boy is troubled with his life. He is different from many other people.
The land of Cheska was beautiful and filled with magic. People shared smiles as they passes the streets every afternoon with a tip of the hat or a "Good evening" to their fellow citizens. Cheska was a land filled with many happy people.

That is for all except one. Arius was a young boy and attended school like most children in Cheska. The only thing that was different about Arius was that his skin was colored as blue as the sky.

His parents had despised him ever since the moent he was born. The day he was born, his mother and father were so excited hoping they would get a normal child. The father cursed his wife for having a blue child as if it were her fault.

The reason why Arius came out of the womb blue was because his mother had been drinking a potion. His mother had concieved a child before ehim but the infant died at birth. So, when Arius's mother found out that she was pregnant, she took a blue colored potion that would increase the chances of the child living. She took it more than she was supposed to, and Arius's skin had bcome blue.

Over the years, Arius's father abused his wife on a regular basis and Arius ran up to his room, weeping, knowing that it was because he was different. Arius felt as if it were his fault that he was colored so surreal. His mother had never loved him becuas he was the reason her husband hit her.

Arius went to the local college in Cheska. The moment he stepped into the school he was mocked by other people. They pointed at him and scoffed at him as he walked through the halls, some even purposely tripping him as he walked by.

"What's the matter, Arius?" the students mocked. "You're looking rather blue."

The teachers were not much kinder to him. They treated Arius as if he was more challenged than the other children and Arius despised that. He didn't want to be the one who stood out among the people, but he knew that was almost impossible.

Arius didn't make any friends either. He always sat in a corner alone, wishing that he would make friends. The students tormented him constantly and they would never leave him alone. Arius never defended himself because he knew no one would hlep him, everyone hated him.

The only person he had ever become close friends with was the teacher who studed the supernatural things of the world. His name was Mr. Drasius. He had been kind to Arius but wasn't really a friend. One day Arius's life changed forever.

One day he went over to Mr. Drasius's room for lunch. He was shocked to find an object of extraodinary power sitting on his desk. The Staff of Yeknom, the object that had been used by the leader of Cheska when he created the land. According to legend, when the righteous man takes hold of the staff he shall destory the wicked and make Cheska anew.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Mr. Drasisus chimed.

"Yes," Arius responded. "How did you get that?"

"My family has been gurding over the past few centuries. I wanted you to see it. Would you like to hold it?"

Mr. Drasius held it out for Arius to take. In delight, Arius reached for it and clenched it in his palms. Suddnenly, the ground began to shake very violently and the sky turned pitch black. Arius didn't realize what was happening because he felt a new sensation while he was grasping onto the Staff of Yeknom. Arius felt, for the first time in his life, like his life had a purpose. He felt that he was special and that he was in control.

Arius wouldn't dare let go of the staff. He didn't want to lose the rush of joy, as if the staff were a drug. Mr. Drasisus cried out to Arius to release his hold from the power but Arius refused. The teacher rushed into the room and threw orders at him.

"Young man, release that staff right now! That should not be in your possession. Come down right now!"

Arius realized he was levitating from the ground. There was no way he was going to let go. Suddenly he heard a voice in the back of his head.

"Run, Arius," the voice commanded.

"If you don't let go off the staff, you will be in major trouble young man," the headmaster said.

Arius heeded the words of the voice and rushed out of the window. he was now raised high in the air. He stretched out his hands, staff in one, as if he were a puppet being controlled. Lightnint crackled from left to right, with a loud that deafened the citizens of Cheska.

"Look, the Blue Terror!" the people poibnted at Arius.

"Fulfill your destiny," the voice said

"What is that?" Arius wondered.

"To create Cheska anew and cast down the wicked and unrighteous."

"What?" Arius said.

"Do it!"

The vocie then told him what to say. Arius put the staff in both of his hands and cried, "May the wicked be struck down and Cheska be made anew."

The ground cracked into two and a blinding light filled the land. The wicked and all the citizens of Cheska had been cast away. The light of Cheska went out and then rekindled itself. Arius, watched in astonsihment as a whole new land srood before him. A woman stood a few feet in front of him. Arius almsot cried in joy when he saw her. The woman that he was now facing was bue.

"Hi," Arius said.

"Hi," the woman responded. "Are you the one chosen by Yeknom?"

Arius looked at her and simply said, "Yes, I am."

"Come with me," the female said. " Yeknom spared us because we were the only righteous of the land. I have lived on the other side of Cheska, which is very far away. We are now the Adam and Eve of Cheska. We must unite and create the land once more. People shall fill this land once again."

They both joined hands and ran through the fields. They had children and their children had children, and so forth. All the citizens of the land were blue. Cheska had been made anew.
© Copyright 2006 Dan R. Lewis (danlewis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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