Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1123806-Solitare
Rated: 18+ · Other · Death · #1123806
A bit of dark fiction from the real world of thoughts and dreams. See through my eyes.
It was a Peer to Peer game on Hack's computer and he enjoyed endless hours ignoring life, his problems, and most of all Humanity. Hack sat alone playing Solitare both on his computer and on his cell phone. Something to keep his mind off the present. He did this to keep from thinking in general. Solitare was one of Hack's favorite games. The name was a bastard version of the classic card game with a simple twist, you could play alone or with a friend. Hack's only friend was on the other side of the screen playing alone with him, switching control with each turn. Hack had the edge by playing a mirror of the game on his cell, while linked to his computer he could try cards without actually taking his turn and know card turns ahead of time. Hack never knew or cared if James, his friend had ever had the same idea or even if he cared. Hack cared about one thing this day, and that was crushing the life out of his opponent. Screw James he thought. So what about his troubles and his life. Screw him and his fucked up Family Reunion mess.

Hack was alone in the world. He had no friends to speak of and those who brandished the word never lived up to their end of the term. He lived alone in a small cozy cabin in the woods close to the edge of nothing on a piece of land in the center of nothing squared. His only neighbors were cows, his only company was that of the huge garden spiders that nested with the wasp under his front porch.

James begins to tear up and make statements about how things have got to this point. How his family one by one, has been lost. James has never known the pain that burns through his soul.

Both had venom enough pound for pound to match his own searing hatred for the persistence of redneck, hickish unschooled, ignorant, plague of man itself, roaming the planet and spitting their tobacco juice like the very grasshoppers he feed to Mixel and Pliks. They never had to reunite with their family, they lived solitary lives, knowing their boundaries.

Hack stares blankly at the screen and motions a clasped fist rubbing his eyes and and makes baby cries in mockery. James had always know the company of his family through all things. They would have a Family Reunion once every year just before Thanksgiving in November. Hack thinks of how sappy of an idea that sounds. He motions for the next move to provoke his opposition to get a grip.

Hack had lost his only son to a rare but dreadful condition that claimed his Mother years earlier. Hack had also lost his family to constant problems and upheavals that threatened even his hardened mental state. His Mother was a hypochondriac, control freak, and religious "fruit cake" as he referred to her. The Mother from "Carlie" a Steffon Kingdom story and now late night movie of the week. She was a hard as nails Catholic woman with a zest for finding the harm in everything and the reason the world should ignore her faults and look at their own. If you had a nut sack she was going to out do you, and if you didn't then you were the sadistic spawn of Satan himself out to steal away the world with your slutty ways. Not even the dying were safe from this woman, as she had tried taking a job as a terminal cancer patient counselor only to be fired for telling the ill fated chemical food that they would be damned to hell and burn with more pain than they already had if they didn't pledge their mortal souls to God.

His Father was a small town styled man who crawled around his scowling wife until weeks end when he forgot he had a family and left for 3 day "fishing trips" only to return home and sleep for his night job. Spineless and weak, non-confrontational, ball-less sack of country born mamas boy man. Hack had lost all respect for him and gave him no chance for recovery until he was cornered in to a divorce by the wicked witch from the nest. Hack had high hopes for him until he watch the juice drained sniffer give in to her every demand. Leaving him broke, on so many levels that he went right after the first clawing 4 time widow that he could find. His own Father, crawled straight from the mantis arms right in to the spiders web.

He had three brothers. Two of which still were living. The other was lucky enough to die at birth, which incidentally was partly to blame for his Mothers renewed insistence in organized religion at the end of the 1980's.

King was the middle brother, apply named for the Kingdom Of Heaven by the Queen of Hell and lastly was Eric. Not named for the conquering viking centuries ago as his self sainted Mother would have lead you to believe, but for her sorted concealed affair affair with one of her farce illness doctors so named. King left the nest at twenty one years to fail in the military, fail in politics and fail in his career choices but in spite of that became the self proclaimed advocate of all things done right and just. King despised his brother for one thing, that he wasn't the oldest and in turn the foreman of the new age of kids his Mother had popped out. Therefore he would not, by right be the driving influence nor benchmark for all after him to overcome. Besides that, King had been dealt a bloody nose when Hack made laymans leaps and bounds by being the first to leave the household, get a job, and stick to anything he started.

Eric on the other hand was a professional con man. Eric was also a huge mammoth child. Eric had the guts to stand up in youth and speak against his Mother and her hypocritical ways. He was bold, daring, and had the highest IQ for technically problems in the family. He was also crafty with his ways, but lacked two things needed for success. Common sense and subtlety were lost in Eric. He had not only the guts to stand up to and speak out against the Queen Bitch, but the stupidity to try and burn the house down in broad daylight with her in it. Not silently or quietly, at age twelve he bitched her out left and right and called her every name he could think of while pouring gasoline around the house and telling her what he was going to do to her. Four years later he would get out of juvenile prison and reform school only to be making his manly trip to jail for stealing his own car from the repo man and leaving him a note as to and rigging his truck, to explode upon shut off. Yes, smart but not subtle.

Hack made another move that added more points to the score of the game being played. He relished the feel of success. He felt the struggle of his opponents next choice. He stopped and wondered for a moment if it was too early in the game to push James too hard considering his current state of life in general. Then as if in answer to his mental query, the face on the screen slowly sneered back a look of determination and revenge in play.

James had the perfect family. His Father worked at the same job that he first found upon working age. He was loyal and faithful to his wife. His Mother cooked and cleaned and made cookies and breads. His brothers never fought and kept out of each others business, unless it was of course to show up and claim who had the biggest heart during the Holidays and Family Reunions.

Hack tried not to think of the things that had transpired over the last 9 months with regard to anything. Not his lost love, not his life, not his family, and definitely not his friend James. He coiled back in his chair and winced away the look on his face away from the screen, so James would not see his face. Slowly, a kind of smirking evil grin replaced the pale white poker face riddled with hidden jerks and twitches as he recounted the blinding flashes of deeds done in his mind.

James had somehow crawled out of the woodwork to provide Hack with the loving ideals that family and friends are the cure all as the world knows it.At first Hack was amused, then annoyed, and later unimpressed. Somehow, James managed to keep making contact, no matter how much Hack stay out of the lines of communication.

Hack had met James online somewhere between the rise and fall of his last true love, Jerriseena.

Jerriseena was her true family name, but was shortened by her family informally to Jerry. This insult was taken to a further extreme when Hack had found out that her family had raised her as a sort of failsafe "Man of the House', as a boy, in the event of her Fathers inability to survive the tumor on his already failing heart. Hack was appalled by this. How could he make love to a woman and cry out, "Jerry I love you!!", while she whispered return statements of true love and foreverness in his ear. Jerry was a guys name, her blessed Uncle's name for shit sake, and he made it quite clear to her family and friends that he would not disgrace her by calling her by the same name as the bully who used to yank his pants down in grade school for a whole class laugh, so many years ago. In private he would secretly refer to her as Seena. In his mind as well as the general pubic, Seena a "warrior priestess" on TV, was a much more femininely powerful womans name. In just 3 months after uttering it as a hidden bedroom name, he was calling to her in public by it. Striking respect and summoning awesome raw sexual power in the minds of those whom he had only been able to glean a crumb of respect from prior to meeting Jerriseena. She seemed to like the idea that someone in her life thought higher of her personally than just another head of hair with tits and an ass. Thus, hence forth she was Seena, Hack's Priestess. That she was.

She came on as innocent as a mouse but raged with the power of an alley cat in bed. She seemed to have no idea of her own potential to men in general until she met Hack. She amazed him, and enthralled him. The things she could, would and wanted to do, were down right self destructive and degrading disrespectful to herself at times. Given such a gift, after the drain filler he had called his before hand, he felt compelled to treat her with the respect of a High Priestess. He worshiped her like she had never been treated before. He gave it his all like never before. No safety nets or back-up plans. He took her word as though she was the one true Goddess of all things.

Now all this may all sound fairly normal for a man in true love, but given a flash review of Hack's life the common man may see things a bit differently.

In Hack's earliest years he had to deal with his Mothers constant religious ramblings and over protective nature, but then came school. A outlet for social and immoral behavior. Within the first few months of second grade, Hack was subjected to what one of his older more mature playground playmates had learned from their Daddy. He was taken behind the school yards farthest work shed and treated to everything this fifth grade girl had learned. She had thrown him down in the four foot high grass and instructed him to do as she wished. Being curious he continued until she had ridden him of his innocence. Later, he was used by more and more of this town's family 'dolls'. He later would learn that these girls all had fathers who were friends and would get together for beer, drugs and swapping of their 'toys' during the family picnics, barbecues, and backyard family reunions.

Spiders eat their young that don't become independent and we think thats wrong.

Years went by with a dragging sorrow filled moan from behind closed doors near by as he was forced to attend the towns church family gatherings. Watching from a distance and keeping himself safe, he tried to explain to his Mother in very unspecific terms the reasons why the other children, including his brother King, were so silently crying about being there. Why when he and his brother came home from Grandpa's house on the overnight stays after church that King was so appeasing to the adults.

Some spiders will crawl away and die, knowing that their young will either survive or die trying, but never lay their eggs in another spiders web.

Yet more years pass, and Hack grow older and wiser. He grew independent fast in preparation for as swift of a flight from the nesting Queen as possible. School yet again brought a fresh new look at life with new friends and new parents. This time with a twist. Having taken a new approach, Hack decided that weekends were best spent at friends homes. He had could the eye of his classmates divorced drunken Mother. Geraldine, or 'Jerry' was more than 20 years his senior and private party waiting for him every weekend that he could make it to the house. Being ridden by someone else's Mother was definitely better than by his own in so many different terms and ways. Besides, all he would remember was the room spinning, the feeling of chunks of the days meals sliding past his tongue and up his throat, and her crying about how sorry she was for doing this to him each and every weekend night of his sixteenth year of life.

When the act is over, some male spiders willingly let the female eat them. In these instances the female Spider being mounted is up to 150% larger than the male and can be twice the age. This insures a clean breeding stock without possible inbreeding.

Time slithers by farther and Hack's relationship with Jerry is at a closing point after four years gone by. A house, two cars and a series of holidays and birthdays, all wash away due to Jerry's insecurity over Hack's friendship with a girl his own age and size. Promises are broken and words are exchanged. He never dates through high school and missed all social events and dating queries in exchange for the return on the promises made to this mature woman who claims to have respect, loyalty and trust for him alone. His high school friend, his friend's mother, and little brother who had become his only family, become the thief, the rapist, and the gremlin. Life seems cold and hard but the gateway to hell swings wide open for entry and the Queen is waiting for failure with open arms. Older and wiser still, Hack had come to expect the world to be less than truthful.

Unfinished section under construction

Hack meets Yanna and is taken in by lies.

Hack has son.

Hack loses Yanna

James parallel story.

Hack struggles to keep a float with child alone.

Hack makes new life and pulls together.

Hack mets Crystal.

Hack loses Crystal as Yanna returns.

Hack loses health then Yanna again.

James parallel story.

Hack struggles then loses son.

Hack leaves home town and starts life with Jerriseena.

Hack loses Jerriseena. Begin downward mental spiral.

James parallel story.

Return to present.


© Copyright 2006 HailDarkLord (haildarklord at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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