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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1134699
A warrior's adventure to find a place to belong, his true love.
I would be grateful for any suggestions. This is my first story that I have shared with anyone. It is a work in progress. I hope you will enjoy Wereheart's and Jenny's adventures.


It was a hot afternoon as Jenny walked across campus courtyard toward the living quarters which her family live in hoping it would rain, or it would cool off during the eventing. She stopped at the door looking around for her two brothers hoping beat them back home. As she entered doorway still looking around for trouble especially her brothers. Jenny still remember what her older brother said,"We will see how tough you mage are in a real fight." She started to walk faster to make it up the stairs quickly hoping to miss the two troublemakers in her life. She started up the stairs and made it to second landing when she heard someone sneaking around, she stopped look around saw no one, listening again she only heard silence .She started toward the third floor landing hoping to make it to her room and freedom, safely for the rest of day from her brothers. Jenny suddenly stopped looking around for the last time before entering third floor doorway .She heard something rattled on the third flood.Jenny thought I have you rats now try to surprise me will you. Jenny close her eyes and started to cast a spell which she just learn four days ago in class."O Great Northern Goddess please aid me by freeze my enemies in their place with your great power so I escape can them"Jenny said in low whisper voice.She make a jester with her two index finger pointing toward third floor ."Got you rats!"Jenny said smile on her face.Suddenly she heard someone scream a woman then crash things hitting the floor.Jenny ran through the doorway to see her mother frozen in place with a tray and broken glasses,plates on the floor."Mama! I'm so sorry thought you are Tyler and Karl."Jenny said as she was starting to cry.Suddenly someone hits her in the back with soft taps."You are dead ,you stinking whoring witch."the hard loud voice with laugher it said.She turn around to see her two brothers with smiles on their faces."I told you this morning before breakfast that you mage are nothing more than smart-ass,and pushover in combat no real threat to wizard/warrior."said by her younger brother with smile on his face."What did you say?"said their mother. Jenny and her brothers turn to see their mother's face red with rage from her brothers comments about mage being useless in combat.Go to yours rooms,I will being the one who will deal you ,not your father because he is in trouble with me also.Suddenly a voice coming from doorway said"Who in trouble now?"as tall slender woman with strawberry blonde hair,and wear a black pair leather with a open black vest over very tight dark blue shirt. "Lilyn,please leads not start this argument today, these three plus their father,Richard my husband are in troubles."their mother said with a pleading voice. "OK, I won't start until your husband show his ugly demon face around me,alright does that make you feel better,Leesia ", Aunt Lilyn said as she passed them toward small table near the window with some packages in her arms. Aunt Lilyn placed the packages on
the table and turned to face them with a smile. "Jenny,Tyler, and Karl go to your rooms now,I don't have tell you another time to go!" their mother said in loud voice.Jenny, Tyler,and Karl make their way down long hallway the two brothers started playing sword fight, wild Jenny was remembering their parent's argument from this morning before breakfast in the main dinner.She remember the shouting between them,the anger in her mother' face and voice."If that man step one foot in this school and our home. I will leave you taking the children with me to my parent's home in Haven Claw . I will never come back to you do you understand where I stand on this subject", Lessie told Richard in strong but firm voice. "No!
Sithmen is my friend, mentor and especially a good family friend, no one will tell me who I can or can't see. If he wishes to stay a few days here it will be alright with me and most of the town's council members support my decision",her father said with in a louder and furious voice . "I will not have that butchering ,killing,Inquisitor in my home with our children. I will not have that man under this roof ", her mother said with tears running down her face. "Sithmen was not an Inquisitor, he was just the a judge in the Inquisitor Courts which no longer exists."
Suddenly Jenny was hit from behind by her brother Karl knocking her into the wall, and down to the floor knocking over an antique vase. "What that noise ?" their mother said from the living room.'Nothing mother nothing", Tyler and
Karl said in united. " You are in big trouble now as that was father's family heirloom vase you two just broke",Jenny said in low of voice so only her two brother could hear."We did not break it,sis, you did.", Karl said with a smile on his face."Damn it I wanted so badly to be the one who broke that ugly vase", their aunt's voice said from behind them. Making all three of them jumped at same time. The two brother turn to see their mother and aunt behind them. Their mother looked furiously at them like she could kill them both for what they did to their sister." Please help Jenny to her room make sure she is unhurt from these two playing around ,Lilyn, while I make sure these two make it to their room without making any more trouble today", she said as grabbed an ear of each boy.
Aunt Lilyn helped Jenny from the flood into her room ,while her mother make sure her two brother made it to their room in one piece."Now just relax everything will be alright ", her aunt said as she help to her bed. "Hey, Now we have attend a very important meeting in few minutes in your father's office. We will be right back to check on you after the meeting,see you later",her aunt said as she gave Jenny a kiss on her forehead and turn toward bedroom door to leave for the hallway."Come along you two trouble-makers", their mother said as they down the hallway toward the boy's bedroom."Mom that hurts please let go of our ears we will behave from
now on", Karl and Tyler said at time same.Their mother let go of their ears in front of bedroom door.Their mother turn the bedroom door nob and open the door. She saw the messy room before her eyes. She surveyed the room and could not find one spot that was not covered up by clothes or littered with books."Now you two boys clean up this room ,also hand over your wooden training swords as part of your punishment.I'll decide when you get back yours swords.also stay here in your room until I or Aunt Lilyn come to get you,now start cleaning." their mother said with a smile. "But mom we promise not to have swords fights in the house,and attack Jenny anymore in school or when she coming home from her classes. Warriors need their swords with them at all times. We promise never to misbehave again in the house", the boys said while on their knees ." True warriors do not attack for fun. Now hand over the swords to me. If I have to ask one more time, I will keep them longer than I had planned originally to keep them. Your choice", their mother with her hand out for their swords.The boys handed their swords to their mother.She close the bedroom's door behind her started up the hallway toward Lilyn standing there in hallway waiting on her ."So what the punishment this time?Leesia",she asked."Clean their room ,take way their swords for four months,plus I think up some new ones as well,they still have go to classes.",Lessia said with a smile at her sister."It not going work on them and you know it,because it did not work on us when we were children."Lilyn said with grim on her face. As the two sister started up the hallway toward Leesia's master bedroom ,Lilyn gave her sister hug as they enter the room ."Just you wait ,oh you bastard,slim bloodworm I'm going fix your damn ass Richard James Hollystone the Third for breaking my sister's heart.Lilyn said to herself as Leesia was going thought her closet looking something to wear.Lilyn silently moves toward the bedroom's veranda door facing north. Reaching in her vest pocket she pulls out a small purple globe and sends it off into the afternoon sky toward to Haven Claw."Lilyn where are you,please help me find something to wear to this damn meeting we have to crash."Leesia said from her closet. "Just wear your leather pant,leather boot,and your favorite green shirt, at should up set your husband."Lilyn said from the veranda . Lilyn came back into master bedroom to see what her sister was going to wear to the meeting."Now that my sister should look like a real mage ready to kick but."Lilyn said which make Leesia turn away from the mirror to look at her with a smile.Leesia smile at her sister turnable to show off her outfit,placing long slim blade in the boot sheath connected to her right boot side."Well what do you think should or should not I take the blade with me?" Lessia said with a smile.Her sister gave a laugh about going arm to a Council Meeting or what ever this meeting was."If you take your blade, then I gets to bring my throwing knives to the meeting, okay" Lilyn said with a smile."Okay,but no killing or no thrown your knives at Richard or his guest promise me Lilyn"Leesia said in serious voice."And you no throwing your blade at your husband,and his guest also dear sister."Lilyn said a grim on her face.The sisters were hugging as they left the bedroom heading toward stairway stopping by Lilyn's bedroom so she could get her throwing knives."It's feel great to wearing my leather clothes again."Leesia said as she and her sister headed down staircase to go to crash the secet meeting.They ran into their grandmother,who was coming up the stairways.They stopped to talk with her about what was going on in the school,that they all were leaving to go back to Haven Claw,home."I'll send Grant a message that we all are leaving for home.Grandma can you give message to him for me?"Leesia said with a please in her voice."Okay,I'm delievery your message to him I have to go the general store for some red and green silk thread for my secet project ."Meanwhile you two get yourselves to that meeting and don't get into trouble you hear me ."their grandmother said in a steady calm voice.


Wereheart wokeup about the lated afternoon in the high grass. The only scents and sound around were those of the forest animals, that were being to move around. The scent reminded of how hungry he was as he looked in his pack to see what supplies he had left for his journey home. Inside the pack he found a few pieces of dry beef jerky, berries, nuts and nearly empty canteen of water.He a took just a small of water wetted it his thouth,as he place the cap back on the canteen, and back in the pack he stop suddenly as the when sounds of the aimals went silent as the sounds of them was vanished replaced with female humming a song that you would in a park,or in home's a happy song Wereheart moved from his hide place to see whom was humming. He silent as possilbe through the brushes to see what this female looked like.As he pull back bushes to see ,all he could is a figure of woman with blondieredish hair wearing of purlpe rode with gold trim holding silver staff moving toward edge of treeline. Wereheart lead out a deep loud glow, not in hunger but desire to be with her to hold to kiss her. Wereheart rewise what he done, heself had put in danger. He quickly realse the bushes return to his quickly to the hide place to pack up his pack, and find location to in hide in until night come. Wereheart quietly and quickly to the second hide place which was nearer to enter to path. .Reaching into the side pocket he pulled out the special map that his father had entrusted to him. Even though each of brothers carried the same copy of the map, only the male members of his family had a copy of this particular map. The map showed hidden caves, paths and other ways of travel to unmarked territories and realms of certain elven and werewolf colonies.
Comparing the stars on the map and in the sky for him to take the right path thru the hills without any problems or detections..He stood up stretching and he shaking his head to wakeup,as he was looking toward hills for the pathway's marker.He spotted a dim greenish pulsing light just under the branches of a large oak tree on the hillside.He moved quickly toward the hill without deserve the animal around him toward pathway's marker. Wereheart walked passed the old guardian tree toward the rock's side with the marker's engraving on it.He putting his hand on it to bush the sand and dust off of the marker so he could see the engraving in which way to go toward passage way.He putting his map out and held it toward the moon to see which rune mark to use on the marker before him. On the map the land mark disappeared and was replaced by a single rune symbol on the map paper.He place the map back inside the side pocket in the pack so he wouldn't loose it.Next Wereheart remove his pendant from around his neck,he looked,smelled around him to make sure no one was in the area.When he was sure the area was clear,he place the his arrowhead shape pendant on to engraving marker,making sure that the pendant's point was pointing that the right rune symbol on the marker.Because if he use the wrong rune symbol it would be very hard to get thur the hills. He probably would be detected and caught by the towns people or priest,who would have him caged then put him to the death by being burn alive.The blue/green stone in center of the pendant gave a quick flash to indicate that the pathway would be opening soon.Wererheart pickup his pendent from the marker, listening for the passway's door to opened into,or over the hills .He heard an the rumbling ,some rocks falling from left side of the hill . Suddenly the left side of the hill started to shift back into hill to form a stair way to the hill top. Wereheart quickly put his pendent back around his neck and pick up his field pack started to climbing up the stairway. As he climb quickly to top of the hill ,he quickly turn to see if any one was following him up the stairway with his hand on sword's handle ready to draw it if he had to defend the secret trail thru the hills.When the stairway disappear he turn started to walked into hill pass another old guardian tree .He notice some arrows sticking into the old tree along with sash marks ,and burned marks on the trunk of the tree as it was in battle with trespasser which had no rights being there.He also noticed on the ground there are an small pool of dried bloods,with a blood trail that lead into the main trail which connected two of trail-ways meet together. Wereheart let out deep growl of anger about a possibility of trespasser into the clans secret trails suddenly his body started to shaking then he felt a sharp pain running through his entire body which made him fall to the ground on all four.Wereheart fought hard to maintain his human form telling himself that he did not need to lose control now and change his form here in the pass way.If he did change now he would not make it out of the hill alive because the traps and creatures that live here. A few minutes pass Wereheart felt pain pass he slowly stood up shacking his head and stretch out his arms to loose up trying relieve some the stress of the moment. He bent over a pick up his sword off the ground but he keep it in his hand just case he had to used against trespassers. As he started follow the trail of blood,ready himself in his mind for combat with these trespassers.Has he followed the trail of blooded ,he was coming wear of the surrounding that there was no birds singing in the trees, or any animals around the area. As Wereheart followed blood trail listening for sound of movement in the bushes.He started hum a song his mother used to sing to him when he was little boy when he had a nightmare in the middle of the night.He stopped in track saying to himself "You are a warrior and you are to fight, kill these trespassers of his pack territory so get your head out of your ass and acted like a warrior."as he shook his head about. He looked around and listen for sound of movement in the bushes before moving toward the small build which was the Shrine of the Moon Goddess .
© Copyright 2006 Night Raider (nightraider at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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