Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1139989-Daughter-of-the-Titan-Oceanus-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mythology · #1139989
The continuing story of Daughter of the Titian Oceanus part1 ch,1-5

Nami and Rai headed down to the main deck to check the damage that Artemis had caused while they weren't looking. One of the main leaders from the dive team came up to them obviously to report the damage,"Sir, most of the equipment is damaged and we don't know what caused it. We were about to send a few more teams down for retreivel but as we were doing the inspection we noticed none of the equipment was working, luckily no one had gone into the water yet so everyone's fine." "Well at least no one was hurt but we don't have enough spare parts left to repair the gear on this large of a scale, I guess we're going to have to head back to land and get the nessesary parts and then we can annouce our discovery and that will help in the long run as well anyway." Rai responded loudly the part about going home so that every one could here the good news. Although most who knew Rai well were a little suspcious at his sudden surender to this little problem. Dr. Satoru was the only one who was willing to ask what was really going on though. After everyone started the cleaning up he confronted the two who were strangely happy that they were leaving the sea. "Neither of you seem to be sick, but I'm prompted to think so considering that you both are happy to be heading on to shore. So tell me why are we really leaving?"He asked openly. Rai looked over at Nami seeing if he could tell his close friend, he was releaved when she nodded in aprovel. "Not but twenty minuets ago did the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis show up here. They were going to kill Nami but she defended her self and they sort of struck a deal with her, I guess you could say. Though the one called Apollo is indirectly trying to help we think. But the arrangement that they made was that the gods and goddesses were going to hunt her down, but Apollo did this so that Nami could convince them to fight with her against Zeus when she confronts him. And that brings us to why were really leaving, we have to get to the shore so we won't be sitting ducks and so innocent people don't get hurt. These gods don't care about what happens to us humans."He explained. "Well that's certinly a reason to stop so early. But I don't like that you both have been put into such emence danger there's no telling what could happen. Does anyone else know about this?"Dr. Satoru said motioning them to follow him below deck so that they could talk privately in his office. "If you mean Ayame then no. We are the only three that know whats really going on. I haven't decieded if I want to tell her. If I do tell her then she'll want to come too and then she'll be in danger. Where as if I don't tell her she wouldn't be in any danger, but I don't like keeping such a big secret from her."He answered as they walked down the hall toward the doctor's office.
Ayame stepped out from behind the slidding door where the extra equipment was held.' What was so dangerous that Rai wouldn't tell her?' she wondered. She quietly followed the sound of their voices until she heard a door close, 'they must've went into Dr. Satoru's office.' she resolved walking up to the door and listening through the door. She could hear Rai talking about leaving with someone, but who she didn't know yet. She listened more closely and heard that Nami was also in there. She was asking where the best place Rai and her could be alone and away from everyone else! Ayame sunk down onto the floor at this shocking news. Rai and Nami were running away togeather! It was dangerous because he knew that she would be very mad, which she was, but he should face her like a man and just tell her that he was leaving her for Nami. She was so mad that she stomped off and didn't even bother listening to the rest of the conversation.
"We need to find a place that we won't be putting anyone in danger, but we can't be too far away from a town or city because we will need food."Rai said as they sat down in the doctor's small office. "Well I don't know of any where you can go now a days where there aren't alot of people. I do how ever have a small town house in Rome, it's not far from the Vatican City. It might actually be better if you two stayed there the gods have always favored Rome, and now that the Rome that they once favored over all other cities is in ruins they might not just come in and destroy every thing in sight until they get what they want." Said Dr. Satoru. "He is right. The gods would never do anything to harm Zeus' favorite city. And I always wanted to go and visit Rome, but I was always taught that Rome was nothing but a sin-den." Nami said eagerly. Then Rai and Dr. Satoru burst out laughing. "What's so funny?!" Nami said in a very innocent voice. "It's..haha... what...haha...you called Rome...hahaha!!!" Rai said trying to breath in between laughing. "Well thats what my gardians called it, and it was true. Pandora let all the sins and horrors out of the box and onto the world and Rome was where it all happened so it was a den of sin."Nami said innocently defensive. They continued to laugh but not as much as they saw that it was up setting her. "Well thats besides the point right now we just need to get to land as quickly as possible then to Rome." Nami said changing the subject away from her as much as possible. The other two nodded and they stood up and headed to the upper deck to start plotting their corse. They planed it so that they docked in a small port city far out side of Rome so that they would inconspicually enter the country. All of this was of course was because Nami wasn't an accual citizen anywhere, at least not anymore.
chapter 6 11/28
Ayame walked to the back of the ship, where no one else would be, so that she could sulk with out being watched. At least she thought she wasn't being watched. High above her a young, handsome god watched her. Ayame comepletely unaware starts crying, it was unfare she and Rai had been together since their start at college. Then they found Atlantis together, and then she came along. How could she compete with a goddess? It wasn't fair. "Jealousy has always been beautiful on mortal women."Said a voice from behind Ayame. She quickly whirled around to stare at the most handsome man she had truely ever seen. He was tall and very muscular and wearing only pants with a sword at his side. The sun set off his gorgeous black hair and eyes. Just hearing his voice had sent chills down his spine. "W-Who are you?"She stuttered trying to conceal the fact that she was crying and jealous. "You might know me as Mars or maybe Aries. I go by both, but I'm not here to talk about me I'm here to help you. You know where that over grown water nymph is going."He said running his hand down her cheek, this made her heart flutter in double time. "I just know we're docking in a small city to avoid the Italian coast guard and their pass port checks. What is it you plan to do?" Ayame asked still sniffling a little bit. "The other gods and goddesses, including myself, are going to hunt her. Who ever takes her to Zeus first will be greatly rewarded. Not that this would concern a mortal like your self."He answered in his heavenly voice. "But it does concern me. I want to help. I could get much closer to her and bring her to you without her even realizing it and you wouldn't have to do hardly anything and you would receive you reward." She said hoping he would allow her to help in the ridding of Nami. "Alright you can help, but if you get in the way of another god or goddess I can't be held responsible if you get hurt." He agreed putting his hand out to shake hers in order to seal their deal. "Thank you. I promise I won't fail you."
© Copyright 2006 Nani-kun (pandy123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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