Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1141085-Half-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1141085
Lilith is an angel a half angel. Her little sister Lilly gets beaten and so does she
Chapter 1

         Before I start to tell you the whole story we must go back to when she found out. Let us go back nine years ago when she was 3...................
         Lilith tossed and turned in her bed. Crying, she got up and went into her mothers room. “Mommy,” she said.
         She crawled up into her mothers bed. Her mother threw a pillow at her and said in a raspy voice, “Go away Lilith.”
         “I............I had a bad dream again.” Lilith said.
         “They’re not real ,so go away Lilith.” her mother said to her again. Lilith didn’t though. She just stared at her mother with red eyes.
         “Mommy please I had a really bad dream. Somebody was beating Katie with a whip ,and I was trying to save her ,but I couldn’t.” Lilith said. Her mother got up and looked at her.
         “Lilith nobody is going to come in this house with a whip except me.” her mother told her.
         Lilith looked at her with horrified eyes. She was horrified at the thought of her mother bringing in a whip and hitting her big sister ,Katie, and her. Lilith tried to move because she knew that something bad was going to happen tomorrow if she didn’t ,but she couldn’t.
         Her mother looked up again and got a pillow and threw it at Lilith knocking her off of the bed. Lilith gave a little sob and her mother threw another one at her.
         “Lilith go away!” her mother screamed at her. Lilith ran into her room. The little three- year-old wiped the tears from her red, burning eyes.
         She looked up and saw a white glowing light. Then she started to float and she kept on floating. She floated all the way up into the clouds. She looked down at her house ,and surprisingly she wasn’t scared. She felt her feet touch a cloud as she landed on it.
         She looked around and saw a big gate. “I’m not dead am I?” she asked to nobody in particular. She saw a white yellowish light go around her.
         “No you certainly are not,” a voice said.
         “Hey who said that?” she asked. “Who are you?”
         “Oh well little Lilith you are in heaven and I am the ruler of heaven.” said the voice.
         “Where are you though?” she asked again.
         “I am all around you.” he said.
         “Why am I up here?” Lilith asked.
         “I must tell you something. You may not understand it ,but don’t worry you will when your older.” he said.
         The light went around her a few times ,and then again she felt herself getting lifted into mid-air. Then suddenly, instead of her curly light brown hair, she had straight black hair. Instead of her little Barney pajamas, she had a little black flowing dress on. Then, Lilith looked at herself and then saw black ,but it wasn’t because of the dark, it was because of her new, feathery, 5 footed wings sprouting from her back.
         “Wh.............what happened to me?” Lilith asked. She looked at her new wings and gasped. “I thought that angels were suppose to have white wings.” she said.
         “You’re not an angel, you’re a half angel.” he said.
         “What’s a half angel?” she asked looking at him in confusion.
         “A half angel is half human and half angel. They have black wings ,but you can only fly when you turn into your angel form.” he said.
         She nodded though she still didn’t understand it. He looked at her black wings and gasped. He went over to her and felt them. “Lilith, your wings aren’t made out of crows feathers, they’re made of fake fur.” he told her. She looked at him and asked him
         “Is that bad?” He shook his head ,but she could tell that he was worried for some reason.
         “Lilith I want you to be on your best guard for the rest of your life.” he said. Lilith looked at him ,and now she was worried.
         “What's gonna happen?” she asked him.
         “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” he told her. She nodded to him. That night she went to heaven and then went back down to Earth. She woke up in her bed ,and then she slowly went down stairs.
         Katie was there looking at her with horrified and desperate eyes. “Katie what's wrong?” Lilith asked. Katie looked at her and in a horrid voice she said, “Mom went out........to go get something........”
         Lilith looked at her confused and Katie said again, “She went to go get a whip t..........to whip us.”
         Lilith felt her eyes tear up when she ran upstairs into her room and locked the door. She stayed in her room and prayed that she would be alright and that her sister would be alright too.
         She heard her sisters door open and close. “I guess she went into her room too.” Lilith whispered to herself. Lilith stayed in her room and tried to calm herself down except it didn’t work so she prayed again ,and she tip toed out of her room and knocked on her sisters bedroom door.
         Her sister opened the door very carefully. She saw Lilith there so she let her in. “Katie what’s she gonna do to us?” Lilith asked.
         Katie shrugged and looked out her window. She saw a car come in and saw her mother step out of it. Lilith looked out of the window too and saw her ,and prepared to meet her nightmare. They heard their mother open and close all of the doors down stairs and then they heard her walk up stairs.
         Katie and Lilith went into a small area of Katie’s room so that it would be hard for their mom to find them ,and they locked the door too. They could hear their mom open all of the doors there ,and then they heard her fumble the door. They looked there horrified and thought about what she was going to do to them when she opened the door and found them.
         They could hear her still trying to open the door ,and then finally, she went down stairs ,but it wasn’t over yet. They heard her walk upstairs yet again and heard her fumble with the door again ,and then they heard the door open. They jumped and still looked horrified.
         “Katie, Lilith where are you?” their mother said. They didn’t dare make one sound, and they didn’t dare breath.
         “There you are!” their mother screamed. I’m sure that you guys don’t want to know what happened next ,but lets just say that it wasn’t pleasant. Now we must go forward in time......nine years later......................
         Lilith went down on her knees ,and she wiped her reddish eyes. She looked up at her mother and then looked down again.
         “Please stop please!” Lilith screamed. Her mother just kept whipping her though. Lilith saw blood drip onto the floor ,and once her mother was done Lilith stood up and slowly walked into the shower.
         She felt the blood drip down her back and into the water. She looked down at the water that was below her feet. It looked like it was raining blood. Lilith tried to look at her back ,but couldn’t ,so she looked at her arm. Her arm was ok ,but her hand was bleeding like crazy. Her hand burned whenever the water touched it.
         “Who knew that water could hurt you.” she told herself. She stayed in the shower until the blood went away and then got out.
         She wrapped her body in a towel and then went into her room. She could feel the burning on her back. She burned everywhere ,and especially in her heart. She didn’t know why her mom had started this in the first place ,and because of her whipping, her sister was dead.
         She lied to the police and threatened to kill Lilith if she said different to them. Her mother told the police that her sister had drowned in a lake and that when they found her she was beaten up like she had looked like.
         Lilly went into her room ,and she locked and chained her door. At first, Lilith didn’t know why her little sister was in her room ,and especially when she was naked. She heard hard knocking on her door ,and she then knew why, her mother.
         Lilly looked at her big sister for help ,but sadly there was nothing that she could do. If she did anything then her mom would kill Lilly no matter what.
         “Mom, could you please wait? I’m trying to get dressed.” Lilith screamed in her room.
         “I know that she’s in there!” her mother screamed back. Lilly sobbed a bit ,and Lilith screamed back “Mom, please wait”
         She could hear her mom stomp down the stairs ,and she knew that she was going to get it because she had argued with her mother. She quickly got dressed and pulled the chain out. She got scared to go out ,but she got her key from her dresser. Her door was to keep people out and in.
         Lilith unlocked the door and was going to tell Lilly to stay in her room ,but her mother could lock Lilith out and lock Lilly in ,so she told Lilly to hurry into her room. Lilith walked out of her room and Lilly crept behind her ,and when she passed her room she slipped in. Lilith heard her lock and chain her door.
         Lilith took a deep breath in and out and walked slowly down the stairs.
         “Mom, where are you?” she asked. She stepped into the living room and looked around. Her mom wasn’t in there. She crept into the kitchen and looked in there. Her mom wasn’t in there either. Her mind twirled around in her head. She wanted to get her beating over with.
         Lilith looked around ,and twirled around only to see her mother with a wooden bat in her hand. As her mom was beating her she could again feel the blood run down her back. “Mommy stop please!” she screamed. She looked her mom in the eyes. She was drunk!
         Lilith grabbed the bat and eventually got it out of her mom’s hands. Her hands were blistered and bleeding ,but she’s been dealing with that for years. Lilith looked at her mom in the eye’s again. She saw that not only was she drunk,but she was high! Her mom tried to walk to her but fell on her way to her. Now she was crawling on the floor and grabbing her leg.
         Lilith struggled to get out of her mom’s grip ,but she couldn’t. She raised the bat and was about to hit her mom when Lilly came down the stairs. “Lilith, are you going to hurt mommy?” she asked her. Lilith turned around to look at her. Her eye’s were red and puffy ,and they were tearing again.
         Lilith looked at her and then at her mom who was now completely knocked out. She slipped her foot out of her grip. “Lilly pack your bags.”
Chapter 2

         Lilly looked at her big sister confused ,but she did as she was told. They both ran up the stairs and into Lilly’s room. Lilith got down the biggest suit case that she had ,and packed most of her clothes into it plus her tooth brush,hair brush, and a few other toys and items.
         Lilith went into her room ,and packed most of her clothes in her suit case as well. She thought that she was done ,but she looked through her dresser once more. She was surprised that she had forgotten something, something very special to her.
         She held it up in front of her face. It was her sister’s old night gown. It was black and it was ripped at the bottom ,but it was still good enough to wear. She smiled and put it into her suit case.
         Lilith got out another suit case out and crept down the stairs so that she could get them some food. She packed a few cans of potatoes,peas, and corn. She then got a few apples, bananas, and strawberries ,but she put the strawberries away because they would have gone bad with out a fridge with them. She put in a bit of junk food in the suit case and then packed in more canned foods.
          She looked around her room and saw the picture that was taken when she was ten. It was before her sister died. She looked at it. Katie, Lilly, and Lilith were all wearing little red glittery dresses. Lilly was only one year old, Lilith was ten, and Katie was thirteen. Lilith was glad that she hadn’t forgot about it but was sad that her sister had to die so young.
         It was almost three years since her sister died. She had died on Lilith’s birthday, which made that birthday the worst. That was the first time that Lilly had saw their mother whip somebody. Lilith put the picture in her bag and heaved the bag on her shoulders.
         She was thankful that Lilly could also carry her bag because she probably wouldn’t have been able to carry it. Lilith slowly and carefully unlocked the front door. She opened it ,and they both snuck outside. Once they were outside they began to run away from the house.
         They had made it out of the house! They were free! Lilith looked back out her house for one last time ,and ran along with Lilly down the street and into the forest. Lilith had always wanted to go into the forest because she had heard stories about it. Of course, she didn’t believe about the mystical stuff about it ,but she had remember that there was something in there where all of the kids that had ran away had there own home.
         Once they were actually in the forest it was almost dark. Lilith looked at Lilly and smiled at her. She smiled back ,and they made their way through the woods. The next week they had fought bears, homeless men who didn’t want them in their property, and dogs that made them run for about a mile.
         Lilith couldn’t believe everything that they have went through. “Lilith are you sure that there’s a home where all the run away kids go?” Lilly asked her. Lilith looked down at her and shrugged.
         “I don’t actually know.” she said. Lilith looked at the sun and then all around her.
         Lilly ran ahead of her. “Lilly, please don’t run ahead!” Lilith screamed. She sighed and slapped her hand on her head. “Don’t go to far!” she screamed at her again.
         All of a sudden she heard Lilly scream. Lilith ran ,full speed, to her sister and two boys ,about probably two years older than her, stopped her. They looked like Indians. They didn’t have a shirt on and they had red and blue paint under their eyes.
         In the background she saw Lilly being held by two other boys. “Who are you?” the first boy asked her.
         “My name’s Lilith.” she said.
         “Is that yours?” the second one asked. Lilith nodded.
         “Are you guy’s run away kids?” the first boy asked her. She nodded again ,and the two boys made a signal to the other two that were holding Lilly. They dropped her ,and Lilly ran to her.
         “Come with us.” the second boy said.
         “Wait, wait, wait,” Lilith said. “What are your name’s?” Lilith asked. They turned around and looked at them. Lilly went closer to Lilith, almost hugging her leg.
         The first boy held his hand out at her. “Name’s Rain . This is Rune and Russome.” he pointed to the two boys as he said it. She looked at the other boy that looked about Lilly’s age.
         “Who’s that?”
         Rain looked at the little boy. “Oh him? He’s my little brother, Shadow.” he said. Shadow stepped out and looked at Lilly and Lilith. He smiled at them and ran off. “Shadow don’t run off too far. You don’t want bears to get you now do you?” Rain called at him. Shadow nodded and ran off again.
         “Yeah, sorry about him. He likes to explore a lot.” Rain told them.
         “Oh don’t worry so do we.” Lilith said. Rain smiled at them.
         “Well, before you guys stay here you have to meet the master.” he said.
         “Hey wait a minute. We didn’t say that we wanted to stay here.” Lilly said.
         “It’s either you guys stay here, or you guys get eaten by bears.” Rain said.
         Lilly got closer to her sister and Lilith nodded. They went up an elevator in a tree. Once they were up there they were shocked. They were in a room filled with bear skins, food, and surprisingly a TV. “How’d you get a TV?” Lilly asked.
         “It’s called stealing.” Rain replied.
         Lilith stared at him and held Lilly closer to her, almost as if he was going to steal her at any second. Rain led them through about a dozen of rooms and a hundred of tree branches.
         Finally, they were at the masters chair. “We’ve got some new comers, Malo.” Rain said. He kneeled on one knee and Lilith did as well, but Lilly kept standing. The master turned around ,and it looked like a seventeen year old boy.
         “Hey you there,” he pointed to Lilly. “kneel before me.”
         Lilly just stared at him awkwardly. She didn’t know what he meant. “If you don’t kneel I will get my servants to kill you.” he said.
         Lilith stared at Lilly and mouthed the word ‘bow’, but it was obvious that she didn’t understand.
         Lilith stood up and said, “Sorry Malo, she doesn’t know what you mean.”
         Malo stared at them and said, “Rain, take them to the forgotten forest.”
         Lilith was angry at that point. Why would somebody give them a punishment for standing up instead of bowing down?
         “No, they didn’t do anything.” Rain said.
         Malo glared at him. “Rune, Russome, take these back-stabbers to the forgotten forest.” Malo demanded. Rune and Russome grabbed them both by the arms and dragged them out to a door. Still holding Lilly’s arm, Rune opened the door and led them all in there.
         Lilith didn’t know why it was called the forgotten forest. The tree’s were bright green ,and the grass was as well. There were red roses blooming everywhere.
         Lilith walked over to the lake and drank out of it. The water felt so good down her throat. She looked in the lake ,and saw herself.
         “Don’t worry, it’ll change after we go to sleep.” Rain said, and he was right.
         By midnight there was brown grass, no leaves on the tree, a bright red lake, and black roses everywhere. Lilith looked around at the extreme change. She looked at Lilly and Rain, who’s eye’s were drifting off. She walked over to the tree and laid on it.
         She looked around. She thought that it was better than the dream land that it was before. Before she could soak in the new transformed world that was in front of her, she felt an awkward pinch in her back.
         Lilith got off the tree and looked at it. There were no bugs on it. Actually, there wasn’t anything on it. She felt her back. There was some kind of bump on both sides of her back. She felt blood ooze down her back.
         At first, she thought that it was just the cuts from her mother, but then she felt something come out of her back.
         Her body levitated,and she was forced to hunch over a bit. Her wings began to sprout out, and her outfit began to change. She was wearing a dress that looked exactly like her sister’s, rips and all, and her hair was flowing down her back.
         Rain’s eye’s opened and looked up at her. She turned to look at him, shocked that he had saw her, and he gasped. “You’re a..........fairy.” he said. He went over to examine her.
          “Wait, fairy’s don’t have such elegant dresses, they’re usually wearing something more reveling.” Rain said. Lilith looked down. “What are you?” he asked.
         “I’m a angel.” she said.
         “So you’re dead?”
         Lilith shook her head. “No,no,no I’m not dead. I’m a half angel.”
         “Oh really? Cool!” he exclaimed. She smiled at him since he was actually the only one that saw her and didn’t hate her for being a half angel. He smiled back and examined her again.
         “What are you doing?” she asked.
         He felt her wings ,and she shivered a bit because his hands felt like ice-sickles on her wings, “They feel like fur.” he said.
         “It’s not real fur,” Lilith explained to him. “it’s fake. It’s not made from animals. The bad part is, is that they’re very rare.”
         “That means that you’re unique. Isn’t that good?” Rain asked.
         Lilith shook her head. “No, because somebody wants them and will do anything to get them. They would even kill me.” she said.
         “Who is it?” Rain asked. She thought for a moment. Lilith really didn’t know who it was. He never told her. Probably because she's never had to fight anybody in her angel form.
         "Well ,Rain, I really don't know who it is." she said.
         “Really? Why not?" he asked.
          "I don't know. He's never told me."
          "Who is he?" he asked.
         "He's God.He gave me these wings when I was three years old. He told me to be on my best guard for the rest of my life because of my wings."
         "Once I had a dream that somebody was trying to take Lilly. All I could hear ,though, was God saying 'spread your wings and fly' and Lilly screaming and a few other mummbled voices." Lilith said.
         "Do you think that they might be using Lilly as bait?"
         "Well if they are then I best be on my guard. I would be crushed if anything happened to her. I've already lost one of my sisters." Lilith sighed and sat on the ground ,and Rain sat beside her.
         Soon, her wings started to go back into her skin and her dress turned into her outfit that she was wearing before. “Do you change like that often?” he asked. She nodded. For about four years she has been changing like that in the middle of the night.
         A little gust came on to her and she shivered.
         “Why did the forest change?” Lilith asked.
         Rain sighed and said, “Well, a lot has happened in this forest. A whole lot. It’s a long story, too.”
         “Oh, I don’t care! Just tell me what has happened in this forest.”
         “Ok, ok, ok. Come over here.” Rain led her to a long wooden table. It had been torn apart ,and only one little piece was standing. She sat down next to him ,and she shifted hre body around so that she could see him eye to eye.
         “When I was a little boy, five I would think, there was a war here. Before, this was a very nice peaceful forest. No harm was ever here until that day. A enemy tribe , Alotece, came here. We offered them peace ,and we ,also offered to share the land with them. They wouldn’t go away without a fight ,though. Before this was a place for run away kids, adults use to live here ,too. That big fort that we live in ,was a fort that they had built for us. Everybody lived here,in the door, see?” Rain pointed to a burnt up house in the distance.
         “We loved it here. We almost spent more time here than in our club house. Then they came. Our parents tried to protect us from the enemy tribe ,but no luck. They killed them with their weapons. After this, Malo was the leader. He was the oldest of the kids. Again, I was five at the time and most of the kids ,except for Malo, weren’t older than six years old. We had to be trained to fight them. We were taught how to sword fight, and then how to protect ourselves if needed.”
         “We weren’t all boys,though. A six year old named San was helping the girls learn how to handle swords, protect themselves, and how to heal injured kids ,or soliders as we liked to call ourselves.”
         “The men were huge ,and we hardly survived ,but we managed to kill them all. After we killed them all, we threw them in the lake. That is the reason why the lake is red. After the war, the whole forest looked like this. It was a forest that we wanted to be forgotten,hence the name ‘forgotten forest’.”
         Lilith was staring at the ground. “I ran away ,because my mother had abused my little sister and me.”
         Rain looked at her. “I hope that she didn’t follow you here. You guys don’t seem like you need anymore pain.”
         Lilith looked up at him. “Do you know when Malo is going to let us out of here?”
         “He was just mad that Lilly didn’t ‘kneel down’ to him. He acts like he’s everything. He’ll let us out tomorrow ,and after that I can show you two around.”
         “How do you know that he’ll let us out so soon?” Lilith looked up at him.
         “He isn’t that mean. I’m sure he will. I mean considering the fact that we’re best friends.” he replide.
         Lilith stared at Lilly and then at the lake. The sun was coming up and the trees were starting to bloom. The grass was starting to become a warm green, and the lake was becoming a bright blue again. Even the roses started to look less black.
         “Does this always happen?”
         “This place changing.”
         Rain looked at his surroundings and said “Yeah, this isn’t new.”
         Lilith looked up at the view herself. She looked in the distance and thought she saw, what looked like, another half angel.
         “What are you looking at?” Rain asked her.
         She looked up again and saw that the angel was gone. “Oh, nothing.”

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