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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Mystery · #1156581
First attempt at writing for the sake of writing, murder mystery.
It was a crisp autumn day, one when you would expect to see frozen dew on blades of grass. Unity darted between tourists on her way to meet her girl friend Sarah. The click of her heels was barely audible with the morning comotion in the city district. Her slim gray pinstripe pant suit barely kept the icy chill in the air off her bones. Despite the dim ashen day that promised an early winter Unity was bright and chipper. She loved the fall, and besides that there was not much that could bring her down from her euphoria today. After four years of devotion the man of her dreams asked for her hand in marriage. Unity zipped past people wearing full length wool coats of all shades of gray and brown. It was quite obvious many of these coats had not been used since last year. creases that looked like they had been sewn in trailed down the sides and backs, even on the busy sidewalks the distinct gaging smell of moth balls surrounded her. She rounded the corner at a springy run to see her friend Sarah in one of the notorious wool coats in a sandy brown shade drumming her fingers on a green metal cafe table. When Sarah looked Unity's way she pursed her lips into a thin line and rolled her eyes to her wrist watch. Unity flashed her a smile of confidence and shurgged. Unity was never on time for her get togethers with Sarah. Unity did not see the purpose it was not like either of them did not have all day to sit and chat over coffee. Neither of the girls had a job that demanded them back at a certain time. Sarah owned a highclass design store, and Unity had her Grandfather's fortune to live off of. Unity fell into the hunter green metal cafe chair and breathed in the cool aumtumn air mixed with the warm mocha flavored aroma from the open cafe doors.
"I should just start telling you we will meet at a quarter of the hour." Sarah said teasingly as she waved for the waitress. "We are ready now, my friend finally decided to show up." Sarah loved to make a scene at other peoples expense. Unity did not mind she knew Sarah was a good friend and it was as she said her "way of showing people I care for them." Unity always wondered what she would do if she did not care about someone but decided it was safer to be cared for. After ordering their coffees and a sampler cake tray, Unity begin telling Sarah about her weekend. "I have never been so red in front of so many people." Unity covered her face with her hands and choked an excited cry back. Sarah sat astounded after four years neither girl thought that Michael would have surprised them both. "You best not walk over any bridges dear, I would be afraid of you falling in and sinking to the bottom." Sarah contorted Unity's hand this way and that watching the sparkle in the diamond on her left ring finger. Unity laughed. "I told him it was too much." Sarah slapped the metal table her tennis braclets and numerous rigs clanging loudly. "If I have taught you anything it is that there is never too much when it comes to jewelry." The girls gigled michieviously, causig many of the cafe customers to look warily over their shouders at them. Sarah had always had a suitor or two giving her expensive gifts usualy jewelry. The funny thing was she always wore it. She had a different ensemble of twenty or more pieces for ever outfit she wore. It did not matter if she had broken it off with the guy who gave her the braclet, she would wear the jewelery when she felt like it. Even on dates with other men. Often times she would have to explain to her suitor of the evening that she had to wear the diamond tennis braclet from her ex-boyfriend becuase it went better with her outfit than the one he gave her. Sarah had never felt the need to adjust her attitude to make a man heppy, and she still had more men then she knew what to do with. Unity had just as many suitors but had decided to let them all go when she met Michael. Michael was a tall rough cut man from the country side, and when her family and friends found out where he was from they were ready to send her to alaska to keep her from marrying him. That was untill they found out that he owned most of the country land. Michael DuBois, son of Lawerence DuBois, a renowned author and multi millionair. Michael lived and maintained the largest farm in the new england region. He had horses bred and trained from germany, swizterland, and the ukraine. He had the largest crop land in all of New england and grew a variety of feed crops and flowers. Michael had a doctorite and had worked for a few years as a resident, but gave it up to come home and help manage the farm his father had financed for him. Unity could not be happier she found a man who was wealthy and well known to fit her parents wishes and a man that lived a real life, and could love a real women like Unity. After Unity and Sarah had finished the last of there coffee they decided to stroll around and look at the bridal stores for ideas for Unity's wedding.
"I need to pick a date first." Unity stopped in front of the first bridal boutique delaying the inevitable. "Well we can look around and when you find something you like you will know what season it would be best in." Sarah was right again and she knew it. She gripped Unity's wrist and led her into the warm store. Unity had never been into a bridal shoppe and she felt dizzy when she saw all of the dresses. There was no way she would be able to find a dress that was right for her. Sarah listened to Unity's complaints as she fished through the racks. "Sarah I don't want to wear what everyone else will wear? I don't want to look like a bristly old maid." Sarah turned to Unity pursed her lips again and marched to the desk dragging Unity by the wrist again. "We need some help." Sarah stated matter of factly to the women behind the counter making last minute alterations to a sheer cream dress. The women turned with a smile to Sarah and asked when the wedding was. "oh it is not for me, my friend her Unity is newly engaged and she would like some ideas." Sarah again got to exploit her friend and was happy as a cat in the sun. The women bustled around the counter and brought Unity and Sarah to a stand that was surrounded by mirrors. "obviously she has a very delicate beauty, and she needs a dress that will weigh her down." Sarah was right. Unity looked at her self in the mirror. She was not short, and was not skinny, she had always thought she was overweight becuase all her friends wore sizes much smaller than her. Now Unity was looking at the women Sarah described. She was delicate. She had long slender fingers that her mother had always told her were made to play piano. Her shoulders were smooth and her frame could be seen when she twisted this way and that. Suddenly Unity felt beautiful and smiled as she watched her self in the mirror.
"Look she's already practicing and she hasn't even tried the dress on yet." The women from the store sounded like a practiced proud mother. Unity flushed and spun to face the women and Sarah who were holding the dresses the women had found. Unity's eyes glistened as she saw the dresses. They were identical to what Sarah had just described herself as. One dress had silver glistening down the side, another satin gown glimmered just from the light hitting it. Unity tried on the delicate dresses that had been choosen for her, and she fell in love with a slim glimmery blueish white satin dress that had a low back with diamond straps to keep it from falling open. "A dress like that is very simple but on you it is very elegant." the women from the store praised Unity and told her if she liked the thin strp dress she would probably do an evening wedding as it was very elegant. "When will the alterations be ready." Sarah brought everything back to earth, and Unity spun shocked. "This is just the first try. Shouldn't I go elsewhere also?"
"Do you like the dress?" Unity nodded in response to Sarah's question. "Do you love the dress?"
"I want to get married in this dress, and spend the most important day of my life in it." Unity turned to gaze at herself in the mirror.
"So as I was asking, when will the alterations be ready." Sarah returned to speaking with the women from the store.
"I can have them rushed and done in three months, or I can have them done in about four months." The women walked towards her desk to grab her scheduler.
"Sarah there is no rush on this, I haven't even set a date yet." Unity shuffled towards her friend, it obvious the dress needed to be altered even with her height it was too long.
"Nonsense you have a date now. It will be perfect right after the new year. I want the dress done by christmas I will pay you more if that requires it to be rushed." Sarah pointed to the December date on the womens schedule, and smiled at Unity. "You will pick up the dress on the twentythird of december and will go through a final fitting. Stop pouting you love the dress and I am sure Michael will love the idea of a Winter wedding." Sarah was right Unity truely was happy, not that she was going to let her friend know. Unity dreamed of her wedding as she posed and stretched for the store women to take down her sizes. Unity was happy to have a friend like Sarah. Other wise she may have never picked a day, or a dress, and when she did she probably wouldn't have been happy with it. Unity was positive that Michael would like the idea as he had already suggested that their wedding be soon so that he didn't have to spend another momnet without her. Unity could have floated away right in the store. She had never felt so light headed and giddy for so long. She was engaged, had the dress of her dreams, and a date that couldn't have been better picked by the president himself. Everything was going as delicately and beautifully as Unity herself.
© Copyright 2006 Rose Mime (rosemime at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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