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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1162247
Criminal master Mathio and Torper try a daring robbery of the legendary sword Excalibur!

“Not yet.”
“Soon.” I told my partner Torper. We were pulling off one of my greatest ideas yet. To steal the “Monolith” painting, worth billions of dollars, the museums prize possession, and I was about to steal it. Since my last few great ‘tricks’, or my ‘games’ as I like to call it, I have came to be popular here in England.
“Wow Nick look at that! Now that is what I call art.” I said loudly to Torper as a security guard walked by.
“Yes it is Mike.” Torper said back. We had planned this a month ago. Today I was Mike, and he was Nick. I looked into my glasses, which I was wearing and saw that the guard had gone. In my fake glasses I placed one of those clear mirrors instead of lenses so I could see behind me without turning. Quite ingeniuss I would say.
“ Ok, now Torper.” I said opening my portfolio. I took out a picture frame with a blank sheet of canvas in it. I then looked to see if Torper covered the cameras. He was already looking around for more traps.
“It seems clear to me.” He reported. I then went to the monolith painting. It truly was worth a lot of money. I could tell at first glance. It was a whirlpool of colors. All the colors contrasted each other, in a way it was like looking into the sun, very blinding. An artist named Neith Angelo painted the “Monolith”. It was a painting of a soul, but no one knows whose soul.
I went to the bars that were surrounding the wall around the painting. I climbed onto it but before I climbed down I took out a cigarette and took one puff. It was like eating tealeaf by itself. The bitterness burned into my mouth, it was disgusting yet I felt like I needed more. I went in for another puff but I looked at the painting and remembered what I came here for. I bent close to the floor and exhaled. The smoke came out and covered a section of the floor. As I had expected. Cutting through he smoke was a dim red line. It was a security laser. Invisible to the bare eye. If anything solid touched it the alarm would go off.
I looked closer at the line and followed it toward the wall. There were 5 black spots on it. That was the power of the laser lines. I went over there and poured water over all five of the black spots. They shorted out and the laser lines disappeared. I quickly climbed over the bars and put the monolith painting into my portfolio and placed the blank canvas in its place so people would think that it had been switched or something. While that was happening Torper pretended to be a security guard in the museum and told people who tried to come that this area was restricted. I then quickly climbed over the fence and started to walk casually away from the painting.
“Yes we made it” Torper sighed.
“Not until we are home.” I reminded him and quickened my pace as we got close to the exit.
“I hoped you enjoyed your stay.” One of the guards at the door smiled.
“Thank you very much. It was amazing. Especially the monolith! I stared so hard that it disappeared.” I replied. The guard laughed. I hurried out, Torper at my heels and caught a taxi just as I heard the alarm go off.
When we got to our hotel room we both sighed with relief. I turned on the T.V and saw in the news: “ Today just recently the monolith painting was stolen at the English Museum of Art, or that it mysteriously “disappeared.” The painting might have been switched. For in its place was a blank canvas.” I turned off the T.V
“It’s funny how simple it can be to break through security.” I commented. All I used was a cigarette, a portfolio, glasses, and a water bottle.
“Oh yeah, Mathio I forgot to tell you something.” Torper said as he started opening his laptop.
“What is it?” I turned. Whenever Torper forgets to tell me something it is always important.
“Look at this!” he turned the laptop so I could see. “Inspector Voigt Lander is coming to London. He is one of Frances best inspectors. He has unraveled a total of 159 crimes. All of which no one could unravel.” Torper started to type something. “I think he is the right challenge for you. It also says here that he is coming here to protect Excalibur.” I looked up instantly.
“So it is true. They really did find the sword of “King Arthur”. I looked out the window thinking. “Pack up Torper we are going to London.” I turned and started to call for a taxi.
When we got to London, the heart of England, the first thing I did was finding a hotel that was close to the museum where the sword was. Then I unpacked the Monolith painting and hid it under the mattress of my bed.
“Um Mathio… won’t you damage it when you sleep?” Torper asked with a concerned voice.
“I don’t expect to stay here for the night.” I simply replied. Torper’s face showed understanding and he smiled. But I took no notice; there were many things on my mind. How will I get Excalibur? Will I get caught?
“Hey Torper can you watch our room for a while? Do some research about the museum if you get bored. I need to go shopping.” I asked Torper.
“Sure thing Mat!” Torper replied and turned to his laptop.
I walked out of the door and stuck my head in just as I remembered. “And don’t call me Mat.”
At the mall I walked around the labyrinth of shelves and dodged around the innumerable amount of people. Every few seconds I would need to dive to the side as a group of teenagers walked by blocking the entire aisle and talking with millions of bags lining there arms. They looked like ants crawling out of their hive. When I finally got out of the anthill I had bought the things I needed for the “game”. I had gotten a smoke maker, several suction cups, a remote control car, and other things.
When I lined the items on the bed, back at the hotel, Torper stared wide-eyed.
“This is gonna be a big game!” He exclaimed as he counted all the items and walked towards the laptop to tell me what he learned. “Well first off I was right about the ‘all great inspector’ Voight Lander. He will be leading the security of the sword. The sword is located in a, probably bullet proof, glass case.” Torper than showed me several googled images of the sword, taken from different angles. I looked close to the screen and looked at all the images. The sword was in a case, and was in a large room filled with art and information about King Arthur. It was in a room with a domed ceiling. I looked at every picture and noticed something odd. There was no one in any of the pictures. No tourists, no visitors, not even any guards. I noted that in my head and continued to search.
“There are cameras looking at every inch of the room.” I pointed at the black and white boxes around the rim of the dome. “But not looking at the ceiling.” I then pointed to a glass window at the top of the dome. “That is my invitation.” I said looking at Torper to see if he had any more ideas. His face was firm and serious. This is the time when Torper enjoys himself most, because he loves strategy games. He plays them all the time.
“I can’t see any other way in! But don’t you think it is a little to inviting?” Torper asked still keeping his face firm.
I looked more closely and then it came to my head. “Torper I am sorry but I need you to sit this one out.” I had just foiled their plan.
“What! But you need me! You can’t do this Mathio! You just can’t!” Torper argued.
“You will understand when this is all over. I promise.” I assured Torper. But he still looked sad and droopy. We then waited for midnight to come.
Time had passed by fast. I spend hours checking and rechecking all of the materials. My hands became fish and my head a sponge. I changed into dark tight cloth. This would help me blend in and move better. In my head I kept thinking, this will be a great game. But deep inside I doubted myself for stealing. I have seen how people who went to jail changed. To be truthful I was scared. Any other game seemed so easy but this one. This one was different; there was no cheat codes or tricks. This game I had to play head on. I had to use my skills; I had to fight my wits. Yet still inside I still kept doubting myself. This game was the newest I have ever played.
“Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong.” The clock tower chimed marking ten o clock. People around London were probably still awake but getting drowsy. I stood up and slung my bulging bag over my shoulder and walked towards the door. But before I stepped out I grabbed Torper's alarm clock and set it to 1 o’ clock in the morning. Then slipped a note under his pillow. Then I stepped out into the hallway that led to the cab outside.
After I paid the driver I stepped out of the cab and started walking towards the back of the museum where the dome was located. It was dark outside. The wind howled, the full moon peaked out of the clouds, and the buildings looked like they were about to fall. When I got to the door, which was locked, I dropped my bag and took off my suit and pants, which were over the black cloth. I then threw them into the trash and slung the bag over my shoulder. I tightened the strap so the bag was literally stuck to my back. I then walked to where no one could see me and opened my bag. I reached in and took out one suction cup and placed it where my foot could reach the highest on the marble wall. Although the suction cup had stuck I double-checked to see if it could hold my weight. I couldn’t afford to make a mistake. Then I took out another one I placed it where my foot could reach highest next. I kept at this until I was finally about 3 quarters of the way up. I had also reached back every now and then to take off a suction cup so no one could follow. I finally got to the top and I quickly rolled to a shadow and checked if there were any guards around. There wasn’t any. I then went to the window and took out the remote controlled car, which I had modified and added a camera, a recorder, and made the wheels sticky so it could go on walls. I peered down and saw that there were about 6 guards around. So I opened the window a crack and stuck the car on the ceiling. I then quickly rushed back to the shadow where I took out the remote control, and a hand held video screen so I could see from the cars view. I drove it down the dome until I got on the ground. I turned the car and saw that there was a guard right in front of it with his back turned. So I quickly turned and drove it towards the next room. When I thought it got far enough I grabbed a remote, which controlled the recorder that I had recorded many sounds on. I then pressed play and heard a loud breaking of glass noise then many others following it. I then grabbed a dart gun, which shot those foam bullets, and dashed to the window where I saw the last guard go towards the car. I then opened the window and shot the cameras with the extremely well trained accuracy that I had practiced since I was a child. The darts went and hit the camera lenses and blocked them by hitting them and falling off, leaving black ink covering the lenses. The ink that I had soaked into the darts before I shot. I then tied a rope around me and jumped down. When I reached the ground I quickly took out the smoke maker and turned it on. Then as quickly as I got down, the smoke spread covering the entire room. I ran to the case and saw laser lines filling the case. I didn’t have time for this so I smashed the glass with the smoke maker and grabbed the sword. As I grabbed the sword dismay filled my body. I went limp. I dropped to the ground onto my knees and dropped the sword. It had been a fake.
Soon lines and lines of thoughts came charging into my mind. I have failed. I will be caught. What now? So I finally go to jail. How will I be punished? I let the thoughts sink in. But I knew that there was no escape. When the smoke cleared there was a swarm of police surrounding me. As I had expected, there was no escape. It had all been a set up.
“Astounding work master mind!” A figure stepped forward clapping slowly. “ I am inspector…”
“Voight Lander, Frances best inspector. You have unraveled 159 crimes, which were unable to by other inspectors. The best of the best. Am I correct?” I cut him off. I was starting to get dizzy. This was too new, I have entered the hardest level of the game… it’s not a game. Those 4 words imprinted itself into my brain. This is no game but reality. When you lose here it is not like losing in a game. You don’t get another life to play from there on. I smiled and thought to myself about this new experience.
“I can see that you have done your research.” Voight stepped forward and hand cuffed me. “But I guess you didn’t study hard enough to pass my exam.” I was then shoved into a police car and waited for my future to come hit me.
In jail I curled up on the hard concrete floor. They took everything away from me. Everything except for all I need. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 1:30. Torper is probably awake now. I then started to break my watch apart. When I finished it was already two o clock. I had a small flat battery, two needles, a lot of wheels, and the cover. I was about to make a lock-picking tool when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly grabbed all of the materials and opened the mattress zipper and hid them in there. I then curled up into a ball again.
“Hey there! Are you new here?” I heard a guard greet.
“In your dreams!” I heard another familiar voice reply and then I heard a thump. “Hey buddy, need a hand?” I looked up to see Torper dressed in a guard’s uniform.
“So you got my note.” I quickly went to the gate as Torper unlocked it and swung it open. “Thanks Torper.” I thanked.
“Hey remember we are not safe until we are home.” This time Torper reminded me. We then ran towards our victory. Yet in my head I knew what my next move was going to be.
When we got to a different hotel and got a room I quickly jumped onto the bed and exhaled. I could finally rest.
Torper however looked at me and said, “So I read your note and it told me the next move.”
“Yeah. Tomorrow will be a knew game.” I replied “But for now lets get some sleep.” Torper had to agree. He yawed and fell face first into his bed and instantly fell asleep. I to fell asleep after a few seconds.
“Hello detective!” I greeted and grabbed a seat and sat right in front of Inspector Voight Lander. I saw him on the way to the museum through the café window. He was with 2 other police officers. He looked up and jumped back.
“You! Have you come to turn your self in?” He asked. Still with a shocked expression on his face.
“No just thought I would say hello.” I replied. I glanced and saw him go for his coat. “I suggest you don’t go for your gun inspector. Over half of the people in this café are one of my associates.” I bluffed. He stopped and straightened. “But don’t worry I am not stealing anymore. I have made my choice.”
“How can I trust you?” The inspector asked cocking his eyebrow.
“Well let’s make it this way. I knew that the whole entire sword was a fake from the beginning. You may declare to have solved 160 crimes but you have only solved 159 still. That is because I am out of jail. My whole plan was based on going to jail. How did I know that it is fake you might ask? That night when I stole it was the first night it was out to public. So how could there be google images? Also why weren’t there any viewers in the images? That is because it was all part of your plan. You also made it so there was no guard on the roof, and intentionally took the pictures so I could see the cameras and the window on the roof.” I unraveled my whole plan and told him what I did in every crime I have ever done. “Go to Max’s Hotel, room 68, under the mattress of the right bed is the Monolith painting. Well I have to go now I have a job to look for.” I ended, leaving him staring at me blankly. Apparently he has never had a criminal do this before. I then walked out. My back turned to my past. I am a newborn now. My life has changed. I am no longer a criminal mastermind. I have told all my tricks to everyone. I have knocked down the king and my pawn reached the other side of the board turning it into a stronger queen. I end this story now with what was left in my heart. Inside everyone is a burning heart, and from that heart you are born.
© Copyright 2006 Moon Watcher (fireheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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