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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1162532
The first book in the Guardians of the Gates Trilogy.

Upstairs, Ridiah and Razalon gathered their necessary belongings for the trip.
“You are going to be gone for a while so be sure to pack anything that you will not miss.” Vilix called from the downstairs stairwell.
“How long do you think, we’ll be gone?” Ridiah asked.
“I don’t know but I would assume that we are going to be gone for quit some time.” Razalon replied, trying to fit a hooded sweater into his bag.
Ridiah packed everything she could think of that she might need for this trip.
An hour later the twins set their bags at the head of the stairs along with their practice swords. Dinner was early and once the dishes were washed Ridiah and Razalon went to bed early.

“Breakfast is ready!” Razalon heard someone call in his sleep. He rolled over and put his blanket over his head. Ridiah got up, yawned and went downstairs, eager to set off. She had never been to Crescent before and she couldn’t wait to see the beautiful city that she had heard was partly built over the mouth of a river.
“Where’s your brother?” Vilix asked.
“Oh, you know him, it would take nothing short of an earthquake to wake him at this hour.” Ridiah replied, helping herself to some toast.
Ridiah sat at the table and started to eat while Vilix went up stairs.
The sounds of a struggle drifted downstairs. Apparently Vilix won because Razalon came down to eat.
“You know, I bet that one day you’ll wish that you were not such a sound sleeper.” Ridiah commented, wondering how anyone could sleep when one was about to begin a journey.

“Hurry up,” Malek’s voice came from the open door. “We need to be ready to go in ten minutes. Ridiah ran upstairs to grab her pack and bow. Hurriedly she put on one of her nicer dresses that her mother had made. Heading back down the stairs she past Razalon on his way up. Before long they were they were riding along the countryside, Malek mounted on a black horse with Vilix. Razalon and Ridiah were riding a chestnut. Their packing horse was in between the two, carrying their gear.
“We will not be riding the whole way.” Malek told them.
“I am going to let the horses go when we leave the village.” He told the twins.
For the next league they rode in silence. After a full day of slow riding, they rounded a bend in the island. Finally the village of Ranor came into view the town was built on the side of a low hill.

A short time later Malek was pounding his fist on the gate. The gate was made of sturdy wood and stood about ten feet high. Above the gate there was a parapet that rose another four feet upon which soldiers could stand to defend if the need arose. The gatekeeper met them, an old man wearing a blue cloak over a green shirt and brown trousers. Upon his chest he wore a blue dolphin clasp that represented his position as the first keeper of the gate.
“How may I help you?” The man standing beside the gate asked politely.
“We’re just passing through.” Malek replied, “on our way to Crescent.” He explained.
“And how long do you wish to stay in Ranor?” The gatekeeper inquired.
Just long enough to get some provisions for our journey.”
“You may enter, here is your pass, good for three days.” The man said, signing a form and handing it to Malek.
“Thank you, and may your gate never fall while under your care.” Malek replied.
“Are we going to be seeing any of our old friends?” inquired Razalon.
“That depends on who you consider to be friends, we are staying with the Elgir family today. They have a young boy about your age.” Malek answered.
“Oh,” Razalon said quietly. He didn’t like the Elgir family very much. They did have a son a little younger than Razalon and Ridiah, but the three of them didn’t get along too well.

When they came to the end of the street, Malek turned right and Ridiah was surprised at how the quiet street they had been traveling on, suddenly turned into the loud, busy, marketplace. They had to make their way through throngs of people pushing this way and that. It reminded Razalon of trying to swim upstream in a fast-moving creek.
The harder you tried to go forward the more you were pushed back.
“Aren’t we going to stop and look around?” Ridiah asked.
“Yes, but not now, we need to leave our horses at the Elgir’s so they won’t be in the way.” Malek answered.
Ranor was built to resemble a human city, cramped. Most of the city had little of the open spaces or the plants that the elves enjoyed. Indeed there were several humans among the swirling group of shoppers. Malek led his family down a side alley that led to a nice neighborhood just a few minutes from the marketplace.

Malek came to a stop in front of a large brown house with two stories and an attic.
Out on the porch sat an older manthat looked almost completely human. Hugar had only a trace of elf blood running in his veins so he aged a lot faster than half elves.
Looking up the man smiled at them.
“There you are. I was wondering what kept you, probably that blabbermouth gatekeeper.” Hugar said knowingly. “I sometimes think the reason they gave him that job was that if anyone ever tried to attack this place, he would talk their heads off instead of chopping them.”
Malek dismounted, chuckling at Hugar’s joke. “Where should we put our horses?”
“Just take ‘em round back of the house. There’s a stable back there with two open stalls waitin’ for ‘em.” Malek led the horses to the stable.

When he returned Hugar led the way into the house to show them where they would be sleeping. “I assume that you and your wife will be busy for most of the remaining day, so you can leave the kids with me if you like.” Hugar offered.
“I’m sure that my son wouldn’t mind showing them around.”
“That would be great.” Vilix replied. “Have a good time while we’re in town.” It had been a year since Razalon and Ridiah had been to Raúl, and they weren’t sure if Derek would be easy to get along with. Somewhat spoiled and obsessed with getting along with the popular children, he had always been a bore.

Hugar led them upstairs and asked them to wait until his son returned. After they had been sitting on some hard chairs for about an hour, they heard young voices approach the outside door. Derek walked in and stopped when he saw the twins sitting in the living room. “What are you two doing here?” He asked, a hint of coldness in his voice.
“We’re staying here tonight, as I am sure you already know.” Ridiah said with a hint of sarcasm.
“Yes, I knew you were coming.” Derek admitted.
“Than why did you ask?”
“Never mind. Do you want to go to the bridge with me and some friends?” Derek offered.
“Sure.” Razalon replied. Ridiah pulled him back, “He seems a bit too nice all of the sudden.” She whispered in his ear. Razalon shrugged.
“What’s the hold up?”
“Come on then.”

At the edge of the market, they met up with a group of Derek’s friends.
Razalon thought they looked a bit ruddy. Derek introduced the twins and together they walked to the south end of town.
They came to a small bridge over a deep creek that emptied into the river. Under the bridge appeared to be a common swimming area as several soaking people past them. Leading the way Derek took of his shirt and jumped into the cool water followed by the rest of the group. They swam to the other side and started to whisper to each other, occasionally glancing over at Ridiah or Razalon who remained on shore.

Feeling uneasy, Razalon jumped into the river, and Ridiah waded in a little by the shore.
“Hey Razalon, why don’t you swim over here?” Derek asked politely.
Razalon started to swim across and was surprised at the strength of the current in the middle. Fighting against the current Razalon grabbed the edge of the rock Derek and his friends stood on. The rock was fairly large and about thirty feet from the opposite shore. The boulder jutted five feet above the water at its highest point.
“Ridiah why don’t you come out here too?” Derek suggested, as Razalon stood up.
“This is a pretty nice place for swimming.” Razalon commented.
“What’s that, you don’t like it?” Riley, one of Derek’s bigger friends asked.
“No, I just said it was nice.” Razalon replied, raising an eyebrow, confused.
He pulled himself out of the water and turned to look see Ridiah.
Riley stepped forward and shoved Razalon hard in the back.
Razalon fell into the river and the group started jeering. Derek forced a laugh and looked away.

“Think it’s funny do you?” Razalon asked angrily after climbing back onto the boulder. He stepped toward Riley who was still laughing heartily.
With a quick lunge Razalon jumped on him, sending them both tumbling over the rock and into the water.
Riley shoved Razalon’s head under and held it until Razalon broke loose.
“What do you think your doing?” Ridiah shouted from the shore.
“Just having some fun with him.” One of Derek’s friends answered. “Want to join in?”
“You better believe it.” Ridiah shouted back. She looked hard at the boy who had spoken, then made a shoving motion with her hands.

The boy’s mocking expression turned to one of surprise as he stumbled back a couple of steps and fell backwards into the water.
“What did you do?” Derek asked, helping his friend out of the water.
“This!” Ridiah replied throwing her arms forward and sending Derek and the boy over the rock.
“She’s magic!” One of the other boys shouted, as he dove off the rock and started swimming rapidly towards shore, the rest of the group followed after him leaving Derek alone in the river.
Razalon swam back to Ridiah with Derek.
“What did you do?” Derek asked again as he climbed onto the bank. He sounded angry but Ridiah sensed that he was also interested.
“Just a little trick I learned, want me to show you again?” She asked.
“No, thanks to you and your brother my friends probably won’t speak to me again.”
The trio watched as the group of boys ran as fast as they could away from the river.
Derek started for home. Razalon and Ridiah followed him.
“I’m really sorry.” Ridiah apologized after she had cooled down. “I guess I just lost my temper.”

“It’s my fault, really.” Derek said, “Besides, they were not the best friends anyway. I’m the one that should be apologizing for letting them tease Razalon like that.”
“Well it was pretty rude but don’t feel guilty about it. We all make mistakes.”
“But how did you do that?” Derek asked Ridiah.
“Oh, just something I picked up.” Ridiah said, trying to avoid the subject.
“No, it isn’t I know what you did. You used magic.”
“You know, there is something that I have to tell you.” Derek confessed.
“What is it?” Ridiah asked.
“I am coming to Crescent with you.”
“What?” Razalon asked, “Why do you need to come with us?” He asked.
“Because I am going to the same weapon training camp as you.” Derek explained.
Razalon and Ridiah stood surprised. They had no idea that they were going to Crescent to learn how to use their weapons.
“And one more thing I should tell you,” Derek said, “I advise you not to use your powers openly again, mages are no longer welcomed by most people, except in time of battle.”

“It’s a little early to be heading back. Is there anywhere else interesting that we can go see?” Razalon asked.
“We could go to the park.” Derek said. “It’s on the other side of town though. We will have to take a shortcut, follow me.” Derek started running and the twins followed close behind. Derek led them down side streets to avoid the crowds. At one point they had to climb over a six-foot wall made of stone that stood behind a deserted house.
Eventually, they excited a narrow alley and entered a large green plain covered with trees and plants. “Finally,” Razalon sighed, “Somewhere without the cramped buildings or crowds.”
“Yeah, the park isn’t used much anymore. But there is a fountain ahead, but the path is no longer clear.”

They had to fight their way through parts of the trail that were overgrown by tough bushes.
“This must have been a beautiful place when it was kept up.” Ridiah commented, smelling a new rose blossom. She paused for a moment, looking over her shoulder.
“What is it?” Razalon asked her.
“I thought I heard footsteps behind us a moment ago.”
“Probably just someone taking a walk. It isn’t uncommon for a few people to come here.” Derek said.

The sound of running water met their ears as they approached a clearing up ahead.
Stepping into the small open field Ridiah sucked in her breath stunned by the fountain that stood in the center of the treeless area.
It was carved of silver, overlaid with gold flowers and other symbols.
There was an old sign posted near the fountain saying that an elf, a human and a half elf had built the fountain together. Ridiah couldn’t understand why the people of Ranor could let the park be overgrown when they had such a beautiful relic standing in its center. Staring at the fountain, something caught Ridiah’s attention. There was a design engraved on the side of the fountain that looked familiar but Ridiah couldn’t place where she had seen it before. The trio walked closer to the pool of water. Water shot out of severa; spouts at the top and fell in streams into a basin that was over flowing into a larger pool of water.
In the front of the pool there was a notch out of which the clear water flowed in a small stream that led into a thicket and out of sight.

“We should probably be heading back.” Razalon said regretting that they would have to leave the fountain. He felt like he could spend a week sitting and watching the water flow.
“Yes, I think it is time we left.” Derek said.They turned and started back along the trail.

The three of them had only walked a short distance when there was a rattle in the bushes to there left. Razalon turned in time to see two of the boys they had gone swimming with lunging forward. Another boy jumped on top of Derek while Ridiah struggled with a girl they had not noticed earlier.
“Think it’s funny do you?” Riley asked them.
“Making us look like fools in front of the other people at the creek.” He said, holding the scruff of Razalon’s neck and giving him a hard shove to the ground.
“And what do you think your doing, hanging out with this lot?” He asked Derek.
Derek was unable to reply, the boy’s hand with whom he was wrestling was over his mouth to keep him from shouting for help.
“Leave them alone!” Ridiah cried, holding the arm of the girl that had jumped her behind the girls back so that she was wincing with pain every time she tried to escape.
“No, I don’t think we’re finished with you yet.” Riley said, slugging Razalon in the stomach.

Ridiah could tell that Razalon had taken enough when a branch lying on the ground a few feet away started to rise shakily into the air. Ridiah guessed that Razalon was disoriented from having the wind knocked out of him.
She helped him lift it up and throw it at Riley. The smaller boy that was helping to hold Razalon rolled to the side just in time to avoid the branch. Riley was pushed away from Razalon by the force of the blow. “Let’s get out of here.” Riley said when they heard a couple people talking further down the trail.

Ridiah released the blond girl that had jumped her. But to her surprise she didn’t run. Instead she turned toward Derek and said, “I’m sorry about what happened.”
“But I must admit I didn’t like the way you suggested that they trick your friend and push him off the rock. I know you didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did but still . . . ” her voice trailed off. Then facing Ridiah she held out her arm and said. “Hi, I’m Mariah, sorry about jumping you like that.”
She winced as Ridiah shook her hand.
“So that’s why you pretended to trip when you came after me.” Ridiah commented.
“At first I thought you were just really clumsy.”
“Yeah well, I better get going, just wanted Derek to know he still had a friend when he comes back.” Mariah said, walking down the trail to the parks entrance.
The remainder of the trip back to Derek’s house was quiet. No one seemed to want to say anything on the subject of Derek’s ex-friends. Before long they were walking along the Market Street to get to Derek’s house. They had decided not to risk taking deserted streets and alleys in the likely event of being ambushed again.

“There you are.” Vilix said as they entered the frontroom.
“I was just starting to worry about you, I told your father that if you were not back by sunset he would have to go looking for you.”
“Did you get everything that we are going to need for our trip?” Ridiah asked.
“Yes, we bought some food, clothes, and a few other supplies.” Vilix answered.
“Now can I get you to help me fix dinner?”
Razalon volunteered to go outside and help Derek feed the horses in the stables.
“How long have you known where we were going?” He asked while they walked to the barn.
“Well I wasn’t told directly, but I overheard my father talking to one of his friends about the trip.” Derek explained, as he unlatched the door.
“And then my father said that your family was coming for a visit as you went through town on your way to Crescent and that I would be going with you.”
“Of course at the time I did not want to go anywhere with you but things seem to have changed since you arrived.” Derek finished.

Derek invited Razalon to sleep in his room. Razalon agreed and laid his sleeping mat on the floor.
Ridiah slept in the guestroom across from Derek’s. Malek and Vilix were going to sleep downstairs, after they had finished discussing the trip with Hugar.
It only took Ridiah and Razalon a few minutes to fall asleep as they were already worn out by the long horse ride, not to mention the other problems they had faced that day. Derek lay awake for some time thinking about what had happened with his best friends. ‘Did he regret becoming friends with Razalon and Ridiah?’ He asked himself.
‘No.’ he decided. People who would be that mean to them were not the type of kids that he should hang out with, besides, he didn’t know how many would be like Mariah and only pretend to not like the twins. After a while he rolled over and fell asleep.
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