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This is part 2 of the scifi heroin dealing vampire tale. |
Manco's Crew INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - DAY Tyler is sitting at his desk reading. He looks at his watch and realizes the time. He goes to a coat hanger and puts on a causal jacket. He then goes to his desk and takes out a small revolver, which he puts in his coat pocket. He shuts off the lights in his office and exits it. INT. SOUTH ROW CLUB- DAY Manco, Darius, Belmor and King are sitting at the bar, drinking and chatting. Darius has a glass of blood, while the others have wine in beer glasses. Tyler walks over to them. TYLER (to Manco) Hello, Manco. Manco and the other three turn around on their bar stools. MANCO (to Tyler) Hello, Tyler. DARIUS (to Tyler) Hey. BELMOR (to Tyler) Hello. KING (to Tyler) How are you doing? MANCO (to Darius, Belmor, and King and pointing at Tyler) This guy right here is Tyler. MANCO (to Tyler and motioning to Darius) This is Darius. (motioning to Belmor) This is Belmor. (motioning to king) And this is King. (not making any specific motions toward anyone) These are the guys I'm working with. DARIUS Yeah. TYLER Okay. MANCO (to Tyler) We run our operations out of this bar. (to Belmor) Belmor, tell him everything we know so far about Nicholas. You can also have a seat and a drink. Tyler gets a seat at the bar with the other four and motions for the bartender to bring him a drink. The bartender gives him a glass of iced water. Tyler sips it. BELMOR (to Tyler) Well, he apparently has warehouses, of which he operates. Either for torturing slash raping slash murdering slash eating his victims, distributing drugs, making drugs, holding drugs, or a combination. DARIUS (to Tyler) Our goal as of now is to find more out about his gang. He has three top lieutenants. They're Meredith Drasyel, Marcus Peterman, and Francisco Cartegera. Marcus is a vampire. KING (to Tyler) Real bastards they are those people. Motherfuckers. They all take a gulp of their drinks. MANCO (to Tyler) Our current field operation is going undercover and meeting these people and finding out what you can about the whereabouts of Nicholas. Since Nicholas's men doesn't know you, Tyler, we'd like you to go undercover to one of Meredith's parties. Get to know her. Bullshit her up with stuff. Get involved. Find out what you can. KING (to Tyler) We're willing to cover all your expenses. Meaning we'll give you forty dollars for the entrance fee. TYLER Mmmmm. That sounds like a good thing. DARIUS (to Tyler) It is. Darius throws two twenties at Tyler. They land on the floor. Tyler picks them up and puts them in his wallet. TYLER What I wonder about is that I'm just a mild-mannered hitman. What besides the fact that we share a goal and the fact that I'm unknown to any of Nicholas's men or woman makes me the right one for this job? BENTON (to Tyler) You are also charming and exceptionally skilled in the skill of killing. TYLER I'd suppose your right. So, how would I "suit up" for this? KING (to Tyler) The party is tomorrow over at the Regil Club, starting at 8:00 o'clock. All you need is forty dollars entrance fee, and a little invitation. MANCO Which we have in our possession and will give to you later in the night like before you leave the club. DARIUS (to Tyler) Yeah. You'd also need a nice suit. BELMOR Oh, definitely a suit. KING (to Tyler) Which, you'll have to pay for. TYLER (to the four) I thought you guys were covering my expenses. BELMOR (to Tyler) Suits aren't expenses. TYLER Oh. The five all take a gulp of their drink. MANCO So, in the meantime, enjoy the bar. DARIUS And come back to us after the party and tell us what you know. KING And that information is all you need to know for now. The Party INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler is sitting at his desk reading. He looks at his watch and realizes the time. He goes to a coat hanger and puts on a semi-formal suit jacket. He then goes to his desk and takes out a small revolver, which he puts in a holster on his ankle. He also gets an invitation off his desk and also puts it in his suit jacket pocket. He shuts off the lights in his office and exits it. EXT. REGIL CLUB - FRONT ENTRANCE - NIGHT There is a mob of people outside the Regil Club. Only a few are getting in through the runway between the mobs. Tyler is one of those people. He walks up to the entrance doors and the doorman stops him. REGIL CLUB DOORMAN (to Tyler) I'm sorry, but I'd have to see your invitation and I need to collect the entrance fee, before I can let you in. TYLER (to the doorman) Why of course. Tyler takes out his wallet and gives the doorman forty dollars, and then he takes out his invitation and gives it to the doorman. He also takes out a ten dollar bill. TYLER (handing ten dollar bill to the doorman) For your troubles. REGIL CLUB DOORMAN Of course, sir. Walk right in. The doorman opens the doors and Tyler enters. INT. REGIL CLUB - MEREDITH'S PARTY - NIGHT A rather formal party is going on with cocktails, waiter's with finger foods, and stuffy people in suits talking. Tyler heads over to one of the waiters. TYLER (to waiter) Excuse me. Would you happen to know the location of the hostess of this fine party? WAITER She's floating around. TYLER Ah, indeed. Then I guess I'm going to have to look for her. WAITER I believe so. TYLER Okay, carry on. WAITER I will. The waiter carries on with his duties. Tyler goes up to the bar. The bartender smiles. MEREDITH'S PARTY BARETENDER How may I help you? TYLER Yes, I would like some wine. MEREDITH'S PARTY BARETENDER What kind of wine? TYLER Any type of wine. MEREDITH'S PARTY BARETENDER Coming right up. The bartender pours some wine from a random bottle inside a small wine glass. The bartender hands him the glass. TYLER Thank you. MEREDITH'S PARTY BARETENDER Your welcome. Tyler walks away with the drink in hand. He stands by a table with some food on it and starts sipping his drink, with the silent hope that someone will approach him. He stands there for a bit. Eventually a punk in a suit, named Ari, comes to greet him. ARI (to Tyler) Looks like you're enjoying the party. Ari chuckles. ARI (cont'd and with his hand out) I'm Ari. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name. Tyler shakes Ari's hand. TYLER I'm Tyler. ARI What brings you to this party. TYLER Business. ARI Mmmm. My brother happens to be a heroin dealer. He gets invitations. Do you even know what this party is really about? TYLER I am here for business. ARI Well, at the risk of stating known information this party is to celebrate Meredith's organizations new success in the heroin business. TYLER I'm not surprised. ARI I hear their giving out free heroin here. TYLER (chuckling) Probably a way to attract new business. ARI Probably. TYLER Hey, would you know where I could find Meredith. ARI She's floating around. TYLER Okay. The stand there, drinking. A short amount of time passes. ARI (to Tyler) See any good films lately? TYLER No. I haven't. ARI That's too bad. There's a lot of good movies out there. TYLER Is that so? ARI Yup. TYLER Maybe I'll check some out. ARI Good man. Ari walks away. TRACKING SHOT-- Tyler finishes his drink and puts it on the table. He then floats around the party keeping his eyes open for Meredith. Then he spots a woman also floating around the party, surrounded by a group of people trying to talk to her. This person is Meredith. Tyler walks up to the group. Meredith immediately takes notice of him. The group stops trying to talk to her. MEREDITH (to Tyler) And who may you be? TYLER (to Meredith) My name is Tyler. MEREDITH A fantastic name. TYLER Are you Meredith? MEREDITH Yes I am. Enjoying the party? TYLER Very much so. MEREDITH That's good. How about later on, you come back into the drug bath with me? TYLER I would be delighted. MEREDITH Okay. In the meantime, continue enjoying the party. TYLER I will. The other people go back to trying to talk to Meredith while she continues to float around the party. INT. REGIL CLUB - DRUG BATH - LOCKER AREA - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Tyler is in the locker area to the drug bath. There is an attendant inside the locker room and some other people as well. REGIL CLUB DRUG BATH ATTENDANT Remember, no clothes are allowed in the drug bath. Tyler and the others start to take off their clothes. When they are all stripped they enter the bath area. INT. REGIL CLUB - DRUG BATH - BATH AREA - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION There people inside a large roman-style bath, all naked, using all types of drugs from tobacco to LSD. Meredith is among them and talking with some other nude people. There is also some extremely sexual vampiric blood transferring going on. Tyler sits down right near Meredith. The people around her are chatting about everything from the heroin trade to popular music or are just lost in a chemical trance. Meredith takes notice of Tyler and talks with him. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Well, Tyler, I see you're here at the drug bath. TYLER That I am. MEREDITH So, what brings you to one of my parties. TYLER Many things. MEREDITH What would be the primary reason? TYLER Business. MEREDITH What kind of business? TYLER Just plain old business involving professions. MEREDITH I see. So what exactly is your profession? TYLER I'm a drug designer. MEREDITH Pharmaceutical? TYLER You got it right. MEREDITH Tell me. How is the pharmaceutical drug business going? TYLER It's going well. Psychotropics and sex stimulants are the real craze. Not too different from the marijuana and ecstasy of your side of the business. MEREDITH Not too different at all. TYLER I'm a actually looking to see what I can offer to you and your business. MEREDITH I'm honored that people in the pharmaceutical side of the business want to come into the illicit side of the business. TYLER I'm honored that you're honored by it. MEREDITH Than we're both honored. TYLER Indeed. MEREDITH So, anyway, I may be able to offer you a part in my organization. TYLER That sounds lovely. MEREDITH But business isn't all I wanted to talk to you about when I invited you back here. TYLER Well, what else did you want to talk about? MEREDITH Nothing, nothing, at all. I just do that sometimes. TYLER Okay. So, when can I get involved in this job? MEREDITH I'll contact you. Then I'll do a more formal interview. TYLER How will you contact me? MEREDITH I'd need your phone number. TYLER Should I give it to you now? MEREDITH Why not, but don't speak it to me. Carve it onto the skin of one of the vampire concubines. (to a group of vampire concubines engaged in group sex) Get over here! Now! You fucked up diseased blood thirsty filing cabinet of a human being! A female vampire concubines stops having sex and comes over. MEREDITH (to female vampire concubine) Lie down on your back! The concubine lies down on her back. Meredith hands Tyler a drug that was on the side with a pile of cocaine. MEREDITH (to Tyler) That's a drug pen. It carves through skin but releases morphine, so you don't hurt the concubine in terms of pain. (whispering into Tyler's ear) It avoids lawsuits. TYLER Writing on concubines seems to be an effective method of recording information then. MEREDITH God. It is. TYLER Okay. Tyler writes on the concubine's stomach 555-6792. MEREDITH Perfect. (to female vampire concubine) Go back to your orgy! The female vampire concubine goes back to her group sex. MEREDITH (to Tyler) I'll call you sometime in the near future. You can go off and enjoy the drugs and concubines, while you are here. TYLER Actually, I really hafta go. MEREDITH Okay, no problem. Tyler gets up and walks away. INT. SOUTH ROW CLUB - NIGHT Manco, Darius, Belmor, and King are at the bar chatting. Tyler comes up to them. They turn around on they're bar stools to face Tyler. TYLER (to Manco, Darius, Belmor, and King) Meredith is going to call me for a pharmaceutical position. I gave her my office phone number. DARIUS Good show. BELMOR But do you know anything about pharmaceutics? TYLER I've dabbled enough to bullshit with credibility. MANCO Okay, this is all good. Now, once you are in this position, you are to find out as much information as you can and try to hinder their production. TYLER Remember guys, my only goal is to kill Nicholas. I am sympathetic to your plight, but once he's dead I'm out of here. MANCO That's perfectly fine. Once Nicholas is down, his operation is likely to fall and vice versa. TYLER Okay, so what should I do for now. Wait around in my office, for a phone call? KING That would be advisable. TYLER So, that's it. BELMOR Yup, once you get involved, with them, contact us again. TYLER Okay. DARIUS Remember, don't get too involved to the point where you actually care for this scum. Remember they steal heroin business from us. And they work for that vampire rapist, Nicholas. TYLER I know the rules of undercover. I'm a hitman. And frankly, Darius, I'm offended that we would even make the assumption that I needed to be reminded. DARIUS I'm sorry. TYLER You should be. There is a short pause, where everyone is just looking looking at each other. MANCO (to Tyler) Well... I guess you better be heading to your office. And once you're at your office, you better find a way to pass the time waiting for that phone call. TYLER Sure. Tyler walks out of the bar. The other four got back to their chatting and drinking. Waiting for the Phone Call INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler walks into his office. He hangs up his coat and puts his gun away. He goes to his desk and takes out a book titled, "The Art of Transsexual Prostitution". He begins reading. CUT TO: INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - DAY Tyler is still reading the book, but is much further through. He looks at his watch. He unlocks and opens a door to a closet in office to reveal a half-naked woman gagged, attached to a leash attached to the closet wall. She is also walking on all fours like a dog. Her name is Beth. The closet is is filled with excrement and rotten meat. TYLER (to Beth) Beth, it's time to walk you. Beth starts growling. TYLER (to Beth) Now Beth, it's not very nice to growl at your master. Beth starts to cry. TYLER (to Beth) Don't feel bad, Beth. Tyler grabs Beth's leash and pulls her out of the closet and into the office. TYLER (to Beth) Now because I'm waiting for a phone call, I have to walk you inside the office. Beth starts growling again. Tyler takes out a pocket knife and stabs her. She whimpers and settles down. TYLER Good. Tyler walks Bethany around the office for a little while for about 4 laps, and then Tyler stops. Tyler ties Beth's leash back to the closet. TYLER (to Beth) You're in line for a treat. Tyler opens another closet, to reveal a dead body. TYLER (to Beth) I'll give you some of old Alfie here. What do you say? Beth growls again. Tyler, using the same pocket knife he used to stab Beth, cuts a sliver of meat from the dead body. He then throws it to Beth. He then goes to Beth and quickly removes the gag and then leaps away. Beth starts ferociously eating the piece of meat. TYLER (sighing) That's my Beth. He then shuts and locks the closet door. Tyler goes down to start reading again. CUT TO: INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler is reading and then the phone rings. Tyler picks it up. It's Meredith. MEREDITH (OS) Hello. TYLER Hello MEREDITH (OS) Is this the residence or office of a Tyler? TYLER Why yes it is. MEREDITH (OS) Then to whom am I speaking? TYLER To Tyler himself. MEREDITH (OS) Oh, Tyler, I didn't recognize you. How are you doing? TYLER I'm doing good. MEREDITH (OS) Good. Well, I said I'd call you, so I'm calling you. TYLER Glad to here it. MEREDITH (OS) Can you meet me right now at Thelonius's Bar, Grill, and Sex Club? TYLER Sure. MEREDITH (OS) I'll explain more there. Just tell the hostess to bring you to Meredith's private room. TYLER Okay. MEREDITH (OS) See you there. TYLER See you there. Tyler hangs up the phone. He then puts on his coat and puts his pistol in his coat, proceeding to walk out of the office. Getting the Job INT. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB - NIGHT Tyler is waiting for a hostess to give him his table. A hostess comes. It is the one as from last time. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB HOSTESS (to Tyler) Hello and welcome to Thelonius's Bar, Grill, and Sex Club. Would you like a seat? TYLER (to hostess) Actually, I'd like to go to Meredith's private room. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to hostess) Why, certainly. TYLER Okay. Tracking Shot-- The hostess brings Tyler across the bar and grill area to the sex club area. There are many sexual encounters going on and the two just walk past them until they reach a small door in the sado-masochist section. The hostess brings Tyler through the door. INT. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION The private room is nicely decorated and has a large dining table in the middle. The centerpiece for the table is a nude vampire in S&M gear, who tied to the table and struggling around. Meredith, Marcus, and Francisco are dining at the table. The hostess leaves Tyler there. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Hello, Tyler. (to Marcus and Francisco) This is the pharmacy guy I was telling you about. MARCUS (to Tyler) Hello, I'm Marcus. FRANCISCO (to Tyler) I'm Francisco. Meredith gets behind Francisco with a piano wire and strangles him. He chokes and struggles and eventually dies. Meredith throws his body on the ground. No one else does anything. MEREDITH (to Tyler) I didn't trust Francisco. MARCUS (to Tyler) Neither did I. Better safe than sorry. Right? TYLER Right. MEREDITH Okay, sit down. Tyler sits down at the table. MARCUS (to Tyler) A waitress should be coming shortly. TYLER That sounds lovely. MARCUS It sure should. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Okay. So, Tyler, tell us more about your history in the pharmaceutical business? TYLER (to both Marcus and Meredith) Well, I worked at a respectable pharmaceutical firm, working primarily in the brain-fucking side of the business? The kind you would be most interested in. MEREDITH Oh, indeed we would. TYLER (to Marcus and Meredith) Well, anyway, I was a developer in a certain aphrodisiac. MARCUS Just the kind of pharmaceutical expertise we were looking for. MEREDITH Oh, indeed. TYLER (to Marcus and Meredith) I helped develop such drugs as Milixolol... MARCUS (to Tyler) Isn't that used to "treat" acute depression? TYLER (to Marcus) Well, yes, it was too potent to be a sex drug. Sent people in manic frenzies of joy. Sex drugs have to be somewhat mild or they'll kill the natural high. MEREDITH Yes, of course. (to Tyler) What else did you develop? TYLER Taresto, Charifural, Bleksorgioniktel, and Sugafrigaroderind. MARCUS All are successful sex drugs, are they not? TYLER Actually some are also psychotropic. My pride and joy, though, Taresto, is both a psychotropic and an aphrodisiac. MARCUS It sounds like we'd want you on the team. MEREDITH Yes we would. The waitress comes into the room. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to everyone) Can I take your orders? MARCUS (to waitress) Yes, of course. (to Tyler) No need for a menu. At the private table, we can order anything we please. TYLER (to Marcus) Is that so? MARCUS Yes. TYLER Okay. MARCUS (to the waitress) I'd like cheese stuffed pasta with buttered asparagus on a bun. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Marcus, while writing on her pad) Would you like anything to drink with that? MARCUS (to waitress) I'd like some battery acid mixed with dog's blood. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS Sure. (to Meredith) What would you like? MEREDITH Give me a salted roast pork covered in chicken skin, sprayed with canned butter, with a side of cheese steak and for a drink a glass of pure hand pressed potato juice. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Meredith, while writing down meal options) That sounds like a fantastic meal. (to Tyler) And what would you like? TYLER (to waitress) I'll take a beef porkish ham tenderloin sauteed in margarine on a tossed salad platter with a glass of bacon drippings mixed with asparagus juice to drink. Also throw in some vodka. On and in everything. Then put it all in a blender and serve it in a pitcher. The waitress writes down Tyler's order. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Marcus) So you would like... (reading from the pad) cheese stuffed pasta with buttered asparagus on a bun and a glass of battery acid mixed with dog's blood? MARCUS (to waitress) Yes. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Meredith) And you would like... (reading from the pad) a salted roast pork covered in chicken skin, sprayed with canned butter, with a side of cheese steak and a glass of hand pressed potato juice. MEREDITH (to waitress) Why yes. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Tyler) And you sir... (reading from the bad) a beef porkish ham tenderloin sauteed in margarine on a tossed salad platter with a glass of bacon drippings mixed with asparagus juice to drink. Throw in some vodka. On and in everything. Then put it all in a blender and serve it in a pitcher. TYLER That's the one. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to the three) Okay, you're orders should be done when they're done, but we will have you at top priority. TYLER That sounds lovely. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS Oh, it should. It should sounds very lovely. For it will be a lovely meal. A very lovely meal indeed, that I hope you will enjoy. MEREDITH (to waitress) I'm sure we will enjoy this lovely meal. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS Okay, then. Would any of you like any prostitutes, while you are waiting? TYLER (to the waitress) No thank you. MEREDITH (to the waitress) No. MARCUS Sorry. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS Okay. The waitress leaves. TYLER (to Marcus) I see you ordered dog's blood in a mixture with battery acid. MARCUS Yes, I did. TYLER (to Marcus) Now why is that? MARCUS (to Tyler) Well, I happen to be a vampire, Tyler. TYLER Okay. MARCUS Okay. There is a pause for a bit. MEREDITH (to Tyler) So, Tyler, tell us more about your work in the drug business? What are you doing currently doing? TYLER You know. I made chemical formulas, did lab research. I also made a lot of money on the side, selling poison. MARCUS (to Tyler) What do you mean poison? TYLER Well... I sold people, in the bulk, laboratory waste, right down to rat feces grounded down to somehow look like cocaine. MEREDITH (to Tyler) You sound like a creative type. TYLER (to Meredith) Maybe I am a creative type. Is that what you are looking for? MEREDITH (to Tyler) Perhaps. TYLER I see. MARCUS Indeed. There is a pause for a bit. MEREDITH (to Tyler) So anyway, Tyler, I think we're going to hire you. We'll give you a laboratory, where you can work on drugs experimentations for us. We'll pay you by the results you'll get. As of now, we're trying to find a way to cheaply and potently mix as many powdered drugs as possible and get the most mileage for our buck. MARCUS (to Tyler) Indeed. TYLER (to Marcus and Meredith) That sounds fantastic. When can I start work? MEREDITH (to Tyler) Once again, you shall be called. MARCUS (to Tyler) In the meantime, though, do you have any questions about our business and your job? TYLER As a matter of fact I do. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Then we would love to hear it. TYLER Who do you work for? Marcus and Meredith look at each other. MARCUS (to Tyler) Well, Tyler, we work for a vampire by the name of Nicholas Terrimo. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Indeed. MARCUS (to Tyler) It's really hard to get to see him, though. He does many things on his own. He's a very private man. TYLER (to Marcus) Were you insinuating that I wanted to meet him? MARCUS (to Tyler) Do not employees usually want to meet the boss? TYLER Perhaps I do want to meet him, but only when it is appropriate, though I would like to at least know about my employer's boss. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Tyler, there really isn't that much to know. He's a vampire. He's a private man. He pulls the primary strings. It's hard to meet him. He's rather flamboyant. He dresses well, and that is really about it. TYLER (to Meredith) I've also heard him to be a frequenter of brothels, night clubs, and sex clubs. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Yes and no. MARCUS (to Tyler) He frequents them, but not under his identity, nor for long periods of time. Of those who have heard of him, there is a common misconception that he is a party animal. TYLER Okay, then I'm content. MARCUS Good, then let us move on. The waitress walks in with the drinks. MARCUS (to the waitress) Oh, the drinks. Just set them down the table. The waitress sets the drinks down on the table. TYLER (to waitress) Thank you. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITRESS (to Tyler) You're welcome. The waitress leaves. MARCUS (to Tyler) Now, do you have any other questions. Marcus takes a sip of his drink. TYLER (to Marcus) Will I be working with anyone? MEREDITH (to Tyler) There'll be a few. Why? Is that a problem? TYLER (to Meredith) No, just curious. MARCUS Good. (to Tyler) Anything else? TYLER We'll actually yes. I think I've figured out a solution to your powdered drug problem. Just mix 25 cups of spoiled sugar products that have been ground to powder, which are incredibly cheap and reliable together with less than a quarter of a pinch of cocaine mixed with rat poison. Then add three cups flour, cook it and you should have something special with enough servings to do up a whole neighborhood for years. MEREDITH (to Tyler) My, god. You're right. That would be perfect. We'll then you next assignment would be drug improve. So, anything else? TYLER No, not really. MARCUS Good, then we can spend the rest of the meal with just small talk. TYLER That sounds lovely. MEREDITH (to Tyler) It sure is. They all take a sip of their drinks. Then then they start chatting about all manners of things. INT. SOUTH ROW CLUB - NIGHT Darius, Belmor, King, and Manco are sitting at the bar, drinking and chatting. Tyler walks in and then claps his hand to get their attention. They all turn around on their bar stools and look at Tyler. TYLER (to the four) I got the job. They're going to call me. Then I'll start. MANCO (to Tyler) That sounds lovely. DARIUS By the way. Was Francisco Cartegera there? TYLER (to Darius) He was, but they killed him. Sounds like they didn't trust him. Darius takes out a large revolver and points it at King. Belmor takes out a knife and grabs King around the waste, keeping the knife to his genitalia. Manco takes out a smaller semi-automatic pistol and points it at King. KING (to Manco) No! Manco and Darius empty the clips of both their guns at King. Belmor let's go of King and then starts stabbing him. TYLER (to Manco) What is this about? MANCO (to Tyler) We were suspecting he was a working for Nicholas. That was the last straw of proof we needed. Francisco Cartegera was our original inside man in Nicholas's operation. Luckily, we know that he didn't give you away. We kept tabs on him. Belmor is still stabbing King. Darius takes out a pocket knife and joins in on the fun. TYLER (to Manco) Why'd they kill him in front of me? MANCO (to Tyler) Take it from the expert. Job interviews are fantastic places to kill people. TYLER (to Manco) I'm an expert and I've never heard that. I always thought public bathrooms and brothels were the best places to kill people. MANCO (to Tyler) Those too. The stabbing is still going on. TYLER (to Manco) I'll keep that new bit of information duly noted. MANCO (to Tyler) You should. TYLER (to Manco) Okay. So, I should just wait for the phone call, then go tot he job and report to you once in a while? MANCO (to Tyler) Absolutely. TYLER (to Manco) Gottit. Still, they are stabbing the corpse. TYLER (to Manco) Have a lovely day. MANCO I will. TYLER Good. MANCO See yah. TYLER (to Manco) See yah. Oh and by the way, I made a drug recipe and gave it to them. MANCO Really? TYLER Yup. MANCO Nothing can compete with our fresh brewed California spring heroin. Don't worry about it. Tyler exits. |