Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1169883-You-Promised-me-forever-ch-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Family · #1169883
first chapter of what i hope to be a wonderful story
Susan sat in her usual chair admiring her beautiful family. They were all sitting by the fire chatting about new and exciting things that had happened over the past year. Christmas was the only time Susan got to see her family that she admired so much, so she took in every possible minute she could. Though this Christmas was very different, for the first time in twenty-five years the family was missing someone, someone who always really made Christmas for Susan. As the realization hit her, Susan became very somber and withdrawn. Of course the all knowing Liz, Susan’s oldest daughter, noticed right away the change in her mother’s mood, and moved her self so she was sitting on the floor between her mother’s legs. Susan smiled at this and regained her previous mood. She forgot how blessed she has been. She has four gorgeous children all in college with scholarships. Liz, Will, London, and Anthony were all here with her and that is all that matters.

Will, Liz’s twin brother, soon started to get visibly nervous as did his siblings. Susan noticed right away and inquired what was wrong. When asked though, Will did not answer right away. Will knew what he had to do and that is what made him so nervous. No one had talked about him since the incident, but it was now or never. So with as much courage as he could muster Will asked the question that everyone wanted to know,

“Mom, how are you? I mean ever since Dad le…” Will stopped mid-sentence as he saw his mom’s eyes begin to mist.

“We’re all just really worried about you mom,” Liz cut in to help Will out, “you haven’t been out of the house in two months, you have not gone in to yours and dad’s room since the fight, and you haven’t called any of us to gripe at us about not visiting you.” The last comment sent a light smile to Susan’s mouth she knew they were right.

“Alright, alright I know I have been a little introverted these last couple of month but, I promise I am fine, I just need time, that’s all. Now I think it is time that I retire for the night and I think it would be best if you all did the same. Santa can’t come if you aren’t asleep.” That sent a whirl of laughter through the room. As they settled down the kids said good night to there mother and then continued chatting about different things.

Susan walked up the old stair case that lead to the sleeping quarters. When she reached the top she stared at the beautiful oak door in front of her, her hand gently caressing a groove in the door. Susan stayed there for a moment in a world of her own. The light chatter from down stairs was now drowned out by piercing silence. Susan’s hand made contact with the cold metal knob. Silence was soon replaced by the squeak of the doors hinges. For the first time in two months she stared at the empty dark room. It looked exactly how it had all these years, but it was not the same. The room seemed to be spewing loneliness and heartache where there was once joy and unconditional love. This was not there room anymore. No, now it was just an empty room in an empty house. Susan stood at that spot for a few more minutes before retreating back out the door taking on more glance at the lonely room before closing the beautiful oak door once more and setting of toward the guest room where she had been staying.

“So, Anthony who’s the lucky individual?” Liz laughed at how she said that. Memories of her ‘relationship talks’ with her parents was always an evening of awkwardness. Her Dad would always ask ‘who’s the lucky guy’ and then Susan and Joey would start getting in an argument about not ‘pressuring’ her sexual orientation and then Joey would tell her she was retarded and then in the most sarcastic way he would ask me ‘who’s the lucky individual’. “That is really none of your business Elizabeth,” Anthony said snapping Liz back to reality, “so I am not telling.” Liz smiled as a wicked thought came to her mind. “Well if I tell mom you are dating someone I will find out soon enough,” Anthony’s eyes bulged, “you know how mom is” Anthony did not think she would use the mom card but she did and he was in a corner. “No you can’t. Last time she drove all the way to NYU to ‘surprise’ me and spent a whole week snooping around my dorm, telling embarrassing baby stories, and then the guilt trips I swear she has some part Jew in her I know she does.” They all started laughing. They all knew that side of there mother very well. The only thing that ever saved them was their dad Joey. “That’s nothing,” Will started, “you remember my last girlfriend Joyce.” They all nodded in agreement with London adding a gag sound. “Well that is exactly how mom felt about her to London,” he lightly pushed her into Anthony, “ok so mom decides to take one of her ‘surprise’ trips to my apartment in California. Well anyways Joyce and I had been living together, but I had forgot to mention that to mom and well she did her Jewish mother routine like she always does, but here is the kicker she sits with Joyce and decides to talk about all my previous relationships in excruciating detail.” The three other siblings could not help but laugh. “She must have talked to her for hours.” Liz busted out earning her a cold bitter look from Will. As the kids laughed and continued to reminisce about there mom’s outrages antics the fire started to fade. Soon they all decided to retire for the evening. For a moment life was back to normal, but only for a moment.

© Copyright 2006 Jonathan (johnboyson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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