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Legislation versus Faith..... Can there be a winner? |
This is a draft of a "Letter to the Editor". It was my response to reading that Same Sex Marriage could be a political hot topic, again. Dear Sir: Enough of this topic! Just as government cannot legislate Religion, Religious groups cannot dictate law. Each body has it's own, separate, definition of marriage. Accept this fact. Is there not enough hardship and strife in the world? Poverty and Crime? This issue has no business being in the political arena. This is a personal issue. If two people make the choice to commit to marriage, no power on this earth should prevent them from doing so. Saying that.... I also want to recognize that any religious organization has the right to define their holy sacraments as they see fit. They do get to choose what happens within their walls and what is defined as holy. I will continue to support this right. I do not agree same sex marriage is a sin, but I will protect the Catholic church's right not to bless them. Legally, why is the sex of the couple an issue? There is no need to debate nor to legislate whom we are allowed to love. Love is a very special experience. Very spiritual. Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms already prevents discrimination based on sex. Legally, marriage is an easy concept. Two consenting adults, who choose to commit to each other based on love. Could anything be more simple? Please, don't waste our tax dollars, or our representatives' time, discussing this topic any longer. Love is to be celebrated not legislated. In the words of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, after removing laws against homosexuality from the Criminal Code of Canada, "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.". I understand the financial motives behind groups lobbying to have a legal marriage defined as one woman and one man. Fewer spouses to acknowledge, fewer benefits to pay. To those groups, I say shame on you. Same sex couples are a fact in today's culture. Sooner, rather than later, your corporate culture will reflect this evolution of marriage. For those of you who want the legal and religious celebration, your spiritual self must be your guide. I'm not dismissing the importance of this issue. I'm just reassigning the forum for discussion. |