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Character bios etc.
It started simply bio.

Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum: (lovely guardian of the door and Earth’s victory, and the McCallum clan motto is ‘He who has attempted difficult things.’) She is a 23year old part human/part elf with topaz blue eyes, light auburn hair and cream-colored skin that stands 5’7” tall. She is curvy and considers herself fat at a size 12, but what she hates most about her self is her ears, they are slightly pointed at the tops. She was advanced in school. She got her diploma at the age of 16 and moved out of her foster parents house then. She had been in foster care off and on since the age of 6 months. Doesn’t know her father and what she knows of her mother she doesn’t like. She has seen Summer off and on for most of her time in foster care, but Summer hasn’t shown up since she was seventeen. At that time Summer was talking craziness. Summer warned Kenny to watch out for the Du-Sith. She says they will want to let the Doidhean out to rein havoc on the Earth and dominate the humans.

Summer Eve McCallum: mother of Kennocha. We know that she had an affair with an elf. We know that she spoke of the Elvin world the last time she saw Kenny, but has not been forth coming about Kenny’s origins and lets Kenny think she is self-absorbed. Summer, however, knows that she has put Kenny in danger. She is a witch/priestess but not an Elder. She was assigned by the Cloister to make contact with an Elf from Tharndor and help him find who was coming through the gateway and why.

Alistriona McCallum: Summer’s grandmother. We know she was kidnapped during the Avulsion and that one of the Yarra had her make a blood sacrifice before she was released.
She raised Summer because Summer’s mother had died.

Dorothy “Dottie” cul Bun: (cul Bun is Romanian for good/kind)
She is a 5’2” rotund, 60-year-old with bleached white hair cut short and spiky. Rings on every finger and two piercing on each ear lobe. Make-up is not flashy but you know what color eye shadow she is favoring at the time. Dottie is sweet and would give her last dollar for anyone in need, but will tell you where to get off. She can set a doctor in his place with little more than a scowl. Dottie is a Wiccan “witch”, but was not born into it. Her familiar is a Pine Marten named Bradach. She tells Kenny that the Cloister must not know about her. The Cloister is made up of thirteen head priestess or priest, known as Elders. These alone know the where abouts of the gateways between our world and that of Tharndor the Elvin World.

Evelyn Aston: One of the Elders of the Cloister and Dottie’s mentor. She is a 5’6” average build, 56 years old with long brown hair with a light sprinkling of gray through out it. She is soft spoken, but can make her point without raising her voice. She was the one who recruited Summer to work with the Cloister, having not yet become an Elder and working in a similar position as Summer back then.

Shenn: (Irish for old/elderly) In the times before the Common Era (BCE), there was a compact made between the Shenn and Humanity. Those of the Shenn had fought among themselves. Some wanted to lord over the humans, and some wanted to let humanity grow without influence, but the biggest problem was that humanity’s population was increasing faster than that of the Shenn. So, after the Doidhean were locked away by the Yaara, the Yaara sealed most the gateways between the dimensions.
The Shenn is made up of High or Light Elves, Drows (a small number of whom practice dark magic and are known as Du-Sith), and Wood Elves.
High or Light Elves are nobles and high thinkers. They are tall with the males being between 6-61/2 feet and the woman being between 51/2-6 feet. They are very slim and agile. They live in small villages or castles of never more than fifty. They practice light or white magic. Although they are trained in the arts of swordplay and battle, they mostly fight with magic.
Drows are the working elves. Although they look much like the High Elves in appearance, they often have darker skin from being out in the weather and sun more. The men are usually darker than the women, and stand on average between 6’ to 7’ tall and are broader than Light Elves. The women stand on average 5’ to 5’6’ and are rubenesque. They live in large cities. They are trained in all hand-to-hand combats for which they are proficient and the basics of magic. A small number now practice dark magic since the Avulsion.
Wood Elves are small groups (mostly nomadic) who live in the forest that make-up a large part of the Shenn world. Both the men and women are adept at hand-to-hand combats and highly stealthy. They can blend into the woods and can alter their skin colors accordingly. Both the men and women stand between 5’4” to 5’10.
The Governing body of the Elvin society is called the Gerousia. Dottie told Kenny that Summer probably put her in foster care to keep the Gerousia from finding her. The Gerousia is made up of the King or Queen of the High Elves, the King or Queen of the Drows, all the chieftains of the Wood Elves, plus nine representatives of the High Elves and Drows different districts.
The Yaara is an order of High Elves that have reached the highest level of thinking and reasoning. The Yaara were responsible for the defeat of the Doidhean uprising known as the Avulsion.

Doidhean:(Celtic for Bad Men) They are made up of Wraiths, Necromancers, and Liches.
Wraiths once were Shenn who practiced dark magic. They are not solid, and kill humans by stealing their souls. They can only be killed by an Urumi sword. This Urumi sword is multiple bands of thin steel approximately ¾ inch width and up to five feet long. The multiple slashes it makes keeps the wraith from regenerating fast enough, thereby killing it. The Urumi is worn like a belt until it is needed.
Necromancers are Du-Sith wizards who practice dark magic. They kill humans by raising the dead. Necromancers can be killed by crossbow bolts, but may change to Liches if not killed by bolts with special broadheads that spread mercury as it rips through. Mercury is toxic to these creatures. These skeletons fight as humans would with swords and cannot be killed by crossbow bolts.
Liches are dead Necromancers who are stronger. Where Necromancers can command 2 or 3 skeletons, Liches can command up to 100. Mercury is the only thing that kills these creatures. The use of bolts with special broadheads that spread mercury as it rips through them is most often used. Any injection of mercury into them will cause death.

Kaon Koehoth Baelyn of the house Cyreddare (Dragon-keeper of Earth’s gate, bringer of the Guardian, son of the Warriors of the wind) Kaon, like his forefathers, has been an Aerial General in the Dragon Guard, holding the rank of Ruat Te Himear. Kaon is 6’8” dark tan with obsidian black hair that he has pulled back in braids at his temples. Now his father has called him home. His father is, one of the nine representatives to the Gerousia, High Lord of Rasse Foalooke to the Drow King. Koan’s dragon is named Itrenor. He is a lighting-bellowing dragon of sky blue color.

Ancalime Lessien (elvish for citrion female) who knew Summer and befriended her while she was in Tharndor with Kenny’s father. She knows who Kenny’s father is and why Summer hid Kenny. Kenny not only has been hidden from the Gerousia but from her own grandfather. Anca is the Illusionist or Ita’istar, she knows the ways of the witches. She lives at the beginning of the Rempa Siire or hooked river that separates the regions of Pilininge and Firinga in the mountains.

(Kenny’s father)

(Kenny’s Grandfather) arranged for his son and Summer to get together, as was for told by his father. Kenny’s Great-Grandfather was the Yaara member who didn’t oppose what the Doidhean were trying to do but knew that at the time it was futile. So he added blood of a human witch he had captured and some of his own blood to the seal of the prison door locking way the Doidhean. Kenny’s Grandfather had been brought up believing that the High Elven Society the he was in, not only should Lord it over the other elven societies, but the humans also.

Creatures of Tharndor (definitions courtesy of http://www.mythcreatures.co.uk/)
Karakadon is a bull like creature that has a single curved horn growing from its forehead, much like that of a unicorn. The creature strikes terror into other creatures with its breath and thunderous bellow.
Humbata has the head and horns of a bull and the paws and body a lion and the talon of a vulture.

Elvish words and phrases found at these websites http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/vortexshadow/language/dictionary.html

Spells and Wicca found at these websites

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