Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1177865-Teen-Pregnancy-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1177865
This about a 18 year old girl who ends up to be pregnant in her last week of High School.
Chapter 1

Walking down the halls which were filled with lockers and people lined along them stepping out of the way for the most popular group in school. Hailey, the most popular girl with long brown hair that hung down to the middle of her back, with light blue eye shadow on that sparkled, which brightened her deep grey eyes, and her lips were covered in clear gloss. She wore a skin tight yellow tank top with flared blue jeans, which were fashionably all torn up, and high top black boots which tied on the side. On her shoulder hung a small white Louie Vuitton purse.
Hand in hand was Brandon the most popular guy, taller then she was with his shaggy hair hanging down to his eye lids. He wore a baggy black t-shirt with j-nco jeans on and K Swiss black and white sneakers. On his back hanging on to his shoulders by string was an addidas back pack.
Hanging behind them was three girls on Hailey side and three guys on Brandon’s side.
Walking together they all turn the corner to their left which came to a dead end. Brandon and Hailey turned to face each other leaning on the wall. The three girls stood behind Brandon and leaned on the wall.
Carmella, a girl with black hair that hung to her shoulders flared out. She had pink eye shadow on and pink lip gloss. She pulled out a compactor and looked at her self in the mirror.
Kristen, a girl with red hair that hung to her shoulders and was straightened. She wore no make up and pulled out a nail filler with pink flowers on it and began to fill her manicured nails.
Corrine, who was Hailey’s most trusted and best friend who had dark brown hair which was scrunched up in curls. On her face was natural tone make up that went with her skin. In her mouth she chewed bubble gum and twirled her finger in her hair.
The three guys which walked behind Brandon stood behind Hailey.
Nathan a guy with all curled hair like an afro and was reached up to Brandon’s shoulder as his height. He was dressed in a soccer uniform that read Winter Haven High #42. He looked up at the clock on the wall then looked at the watch on his wrist.
Hayden who’s brown hair with blonde streaks was spiked stood next to Nathan. He was a head taller then Nathan and held a soccer ball in his hands and was bouncing it on his knees.
Andy a spunky thin guy with his blonde hair spiked as well stood at the end of the line. He wore a buttoned up shirt with flames and had a blue and yellow jacket tied around his waist. He put his left foot on the wall leaning against it and looked up at the ceiling.
Hailey and Brandon looked into each others eyes and kissed passionately. Suddenly the bell rang.
“I’ll see you in lunch.” Brandon said. He kissed Hailey on the cheek then walked away with Nathan, Hayden, and Andy following.
Hailey, Corrine, Kristen, and Carmella walked into the classroom which was right across the hallway.

The bell rang and kids filled out of their classrooms making their way to the lunch room. Hailey was last out of the classroom with Corrine right behind her and the other two. They walked down the hallway and entered into an open area which was the center of Winter Haven high. They went to their right and walked up 4 steps to the cafeteria.
Waiting at a table with eight seats was Brandon sitting with his crew. Brandon sat at the end of the table and in front of him sat Nathan. Two seats down from where Brandon sat was Hayden and across from him was Andy.
In front of them all was trays of food along with food in front of the empty seats.
Hailey and her crew made their way to the table. Hailey sat next to Brandon and kissed him on his cheek. In front of her was a cartoon of blue milk, a brownie that had a pink frosting heart on it and turkey wraps.
Corrine sat next to Hayden, Kristen sat next to Andy, and Carmella sat next to Nathan.
“Thanks for the brownie. Its so cute.”
“Hails what are you wearing for the valentines prom tonight?” Kristen asked.
“Your just going to have to wait till tonight.” Hailey said.
“It is so cute.” Corrine said.
“Corrine quiet. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for Brandon. What are you wearing?” Hailey asked Brandon.
“Well that is a surprise. But for tonight I booked us a suit at The Winter Haven Hotel.” Brandon said.
“Really? Wow that’s a surprise.” Hailey said surprised.
“Just wait till tonight.” Brandon said.
“Oh. Yummy.” Hailey took a bite of her pink hearted brownie.
Brandon smiled at her. They both kissed each other.

A yellow hummer pulled up into a circled driveway in the center there was a fountain with an angel squirting water out of its mouth.
Brandon stepped out of his car onto a cobble stone driveway, wearing black shoes and slacks with a black leather belt, and a dark blue buttoned up shirt. He walked up to the front door of a very large two story house.
Hailey opened the door wearing a deep blue dress that had no straps hanging on to her shoulders, sequence sparkled on the top half of her dress that cut in like a v and blended in with the bottom half. On her feet were dark blue high heels that had diamonds on the top of her foot that ended before her sparkling manicured toes holding her foot in place.
Hailey spun around for Brandon showing him the back of her dress which was only holding with a tie making her back showing down to her waist exposing her tattoo which said #3 in pink with an outlining of black.
“Surprise.” Hailey said.
Brandon smiled at her. Admiring her stunning look with her hair all put up in a fancy way with only curls hanging from a few places, her make up all done in blue making her sparkle in the full moonlight, on the side of her right eye she had little jewels spiraling from the corner, and her nails all painted in blue and white with purple stars. Not to mention his soccer number on her back.
“You look amazing, hot, beautiful. You are so many things that I just can’t form right now. That tattoo is nice.” Brandon said.
“Aw how sweet, now you have a reason to look at my ass.” Hailey replied sarcastically.
“I don’t need a reason to do that.“ He smiled and walked up to Hailey, wrapping his arms around her waist felling her bare skin. He kissed her sweetly.
Hailey saw a flash of light in the corner of her eye and found her mother taking pictures of them.
“Mom.” Hailey said.
“What? I need pictures. Now get together you two.” Stacy said.
Hailey put her hands on Brandon’s strong and embracing arms. Together they both smiled for the camera.
“We should go or we’ll be late.” Brandon said whispered in her ear still smiling for the pictures.
“Okay. Lets go. Bye mom.” Hailey said. Brandon opened the side door of his yellow hummer for her.
“Have fun you two, but not to much fun. I’ll see you tomorrow Hails.” Stacy called out after her daughter.
Brandon drove off from Hailey’s house, pulling out of the driveway.

The yellow hummer pulled into a large lot of fancy cars. Brandon drove up to a large hotel and drove to the front door where the valet was waiting.
Brandon got out of the hummer and walked to the other side. He opened the side door and took Hailey’s hand. Hailey stepped out of the hummer holding Brandon’s hand and her other hand holding her dress above her feet making sure she doesn’t step on it.
Together they walked up to the valet hand in hand. Brandon threw him the car key. “Try not to damage it.”
“Yes sir.” The valet parker said.
Brandon and Hailey walked into a wide opened room with a few steps going down to the front desk.
“Yes how may I help you?” the man at the front desk asked.
“Were here for the Valentines Prom.” Hailey said.
“Ah, right this way.” the man lead their way to a door that was straight ahead of the them when they came in. “Welcome to the Valentines Ball.”
Wooden double doors opened into a room full of formal wearing teenagers in a large room with silver streamers hanging from the ceiling and a disco ball in the middle of the dance floor.
“This is amazing.” Hailey said looking around at all the people who had came which turned out to be most of the senior class.
“Hails over here.” Corrine called out from a table over in the far corner of the room.
“Hey there’s Corrine.” Hailey waved at her best friend. “Come on lets go.” Brandon and Hailey made their way across the dance floor to the table where Corrine and the gang were.
“Hails you look great. I love your dress.” Carmella said.
“Thanks.” Hailey hugged Carmella. “Corrine black is so your color.” She said admiring Corrine long silky black dress which tied around her neck and showed her bare back.
“I told you the dress would look fabulous.” Corrine said.
“Hey Brandon, Hailey looks hot.” Nathan said.
“Keep your eyes on your own date and off of mine.” Brandon said.
Nathan laughed at Brandon.
From fast pop the music changed into a slow song.
“I love this song.” Hailey said as she listened to the lyrics of the music.

“My gift is my song
And this one's for you
And you can tell everybody
That this is your song
It maybe quite simple
But now that it's done
Hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world”

“Wanna dance?” Brandon asked Hailey.
“Yeah.” Hailey took Brandon’s hand.
Brandon walked Hailey to the middle of the dance floor directly beneath the disco ball. He slipped his right arm around her waist and took her right hand. Hailey placed her hand in his and rested her left arm on his. Together they danced to the slow song. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes.
“I don’t want this moment to ever end.” Hailey said softly.
“Who said it has to?” Brandon asked. He looked down at Hailey.
Hailey opened her eyes lightly and looked up at his face. She put her hand around his neck and brought him closer to her lips. The kissed for a moment that seemed to last forever.
“I love you.” Brandon said.
Hailey looked up at him surprised. “You do?”
“Ya I do.” Brandon said.
“I love you too.” Hailey smiled and rested her head back on Brandon’s chest.
Suddenly the slow song changed to a fast song.
“Come on.” Brandon led Hailey off of the dace floor and back over to their table.

“What you gonna do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk?
I’m a get, get, get, get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my hump.
My hump, my hump.”

“Come on Hails lets go dance I love this song.” Corrine said. She took a hold of on of Hailey’s hands as Kristen took her other hand. Dragging her out onto the dance floor.
Hailey laughed at their dancing.
The guys ran over to the girls and danced with them.
“My, hump, my hump, my hump. Check it out.” Everyone in the on the dance floor said in unison.
Hailey and Corrine started to dance in a line. Brandon decided to get in between them. Hayden got behind Corrine.
Together Hailey and Corrine laughed.
Some one from the D.J stand paused the music. Everyone stopped in their tracks and yelled boo.
“Hello Winter haven high you all having fun tonight?” The D.J asked.
Everyone screamed. Some one from in the back whistled loudly.
“Good. Well now is the time for the voting of King and Queen of the Valentines dance. Choose wisely and don’t have to much fun.” The man put the music back on.
“I’ll be right back I’m going to go and vote.” Kristen said.
“Ya me to.” Carmella said.
“Who are you voting for?” Corrine asked.
“Brandon and Hails of course. What do you think I’m going to vote for the bitch of all bitch’s Stacey Shay and that Harvey guy? I think not.” Kristen said.
“Okay I’m coming to.” Hailey said.
“Me to.” Corrine said. Together they all walked over to the stand where there were two boxes and two piles of paper.
“Should we follow?” Andy asked.
“Sure.” Brandon and the guys followed the girls over to the stand.
Kristen took a pencil from a can and began to write something down on the little slip of paper.
“Oh look its the Preps.” A girl with thick curly dirty blonde hair walked over to the table with a group of friends behind her.
“Oh look it’s the bitch.” Kristen said.
“Very funny.” Stacey Shay said.
“I was taught to only speak the truth.” Kristen said.
“Huh well at least I’m not a wannabe prep.” Stacey said.
“From what I recall you were.” Hailey said stepping in. She walked in front of Kristen. “From what I remember you used to follow me around like a lap dog till I dropped you for smoking. Cause you know smoking’s not cool.” Hailey said teasingly.
“Why I should..” Stacey started.
Brandon cut in between Hailey and Stacey. “Hey why don’t you take you and your little posy somewhere that’s not here.”
“Why should I it’s a free country.” Stacey asked.
“Because hoe’s aren’t apart of society.” Hailey shot back.
“Your lucky your boy toy is holding me back.” Stacey said.
“You don’t have the guts to hit me. Your all talk and no play. Everyone here knows that. If you were going to hit me, you would have already done it. Not blabbing on about what your going to do. Plus how can you hit someone when your shaking like a quake?” Hailey said.
Stacey looked at her hand which was shaking. She put her hands behind her back. “Whatever.” Her and her group of friends walked away.
“You sure told her.” Carmella said.
“Like Kristen said, I was taught to only speak the truth.” She smiled crossing her arms over her shoulders.

“Okay everybody. Can I have your attention please.” The D.J said.
Everyone turned their attention towards the D.J.
“Wow well I have the valid for the winner of King and Queen. It was a unanimous vote in favor of Brandon and Hailey.” the D.J announced.
Hailey, Kristen, Corrine, and Carmella screamed. Hailey hugged her friends and took Brandon’s hand. Together they walked up onto the stage and stood before the senior class.
“I know pronounce you King and Queen.” The man put a gold crown on Brandon’s head and a stunning silver tiara on Hailey’s head also giving her a bouquet of flowers.
The senior class clapped joyously for the King and Queen.
Stacey got hot faced and walked away from the crowd which meant walking past Corrine and their table. Corrine stuck her foot out in front of her tripping Stacey making her land flat on her face.
The whole senior class laughed at her.
Stacey got up and stormed away furiously.
“And now for the dance.” the D.J put on a slow song.
Brandon took Hailey’s hand and walked her down of the stage and into the middle of the dance floor where everyone circled around them to watch.
Brandon put his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him. Hailey put her arms around his neck and together they danced.

“I will never find another lover
Sweeter then you, Sweeter then you
I will never find another lover
More precious then you, Precious then you.
And your are close to me you like my mother
Close to me you like my sister
Close to me you like my brother
And your are the only one my everything
And for you this song I sing
All my life I pray for someone like you
And I thank god that I,
That I finally found you.”

“What do you think will happen between us after high school?” Hailey asked.
“I don’t know. But I do know that my feelings for you will never change no matter what.” Brandon said. “I can promise you that.”
“Same here. No matter what.” Hailey said kissing Brandon.
Soon the song ended and everyone clapped for Brandon and Hailey.
They walked back to their table and sat down.
“Do you want something to drink?” Brandon asked.
“Yes please.” Hailey said.
Brandon walked away from Hailey and Corrine sat in his seat.
“So?” Corrine said.
“So what?” Hailey asked.
“What’s going on with you and Brandon tonight?” Corrine asked.
“I don’t know. And if I did I wouldn’t tell you.” Hailey said.
“Ya you would.” Corrine said.
“Okay maybe I would but I have no idea what’s going on tonight. Incase you haven’t realized I’m in the present not the future.” Hailey said.
“Your probably going to have sex.” Corrine asked curiously.
“Probably I mean you just don’t get a hotel room with ur girlfriend to sit around, eat pizza, and watch TV.” She said.
Corrine laughed.
“Here you go. Its orange soda.” Brandon said handing Hailey a plastic cup of soda.
“Thanks.” Hailey took a sip of her drink and put it down.
“That’s my queue to leave.” Corrine got up and walked away from her two best friends.
“Are you surprised at all that we won Prom King and Queen?” Hailey asked.
“No not really. Why are you?” Brandon asked as he sat down in the seat next to Hailey.
“No. Its just that were the two most popular people in school. On t.v. the popular people are usually snobby brats where were the exact opposite. Were on the National honor society for our grades, student council, principles panel, we do community service, we help when we can, and we respect and help the student body and everyone knows us. Its just nice to be known.” Hailey explained.
“Were nice what can we say.” Brandon said.
Hailey laughed lightly.
“Okay everyone you all know this song by heart, you’ve danced to it, you’ve stepped to it, and you’ve sang it. Come on everyone get on the dance floor the Cha Cha slide.” the D.J announced.
“Come on.” Brandon put his drink on the table and took Hailey’s hand bringing her onto the dance floor.
They stood next to their friends.

“To the left,
Take it back now ya’ll
One hop this time
Right foot left stomp
Left foot left stomp
Cha cha now ya’ll.”

“Oh my gosh the dance was amazing.” Hailey said getting onto the elevator.
“Just wait.” Brandon said.
“Mm.” The elevator door dinged and the doors closed.
Brandon pushed the number 11 on the elevator panel.
“So what’s waiting for us on floor 11?” Hailey asked.
“Flowers, Champaign, a cozy bed.” Brandon said.
“Oh yeah? And how do you plan on getting me into that cozy bed?” Hailey asked.
“By seducing you.” Brandon pulled Hailey closer to him and kissed her on the neck.
“Ya I’m for the seducing.” Hailey said she kissed Brandon on the lips hungrily pushing him against the elevator wall.
Suddenly the elevator dinged again.
Brandon and Hailey stopped kissing and ran down the hall to a room that had a sign that said 219. Brandon put a key in the door and turned it unlocking the door, he pushed it open.
Hailey walked in and found an open spaced room with a bed covered in red rose pedals straight in front of them.
“Its beautiful.” Hailey said.
“Just wait.” Brandon grabbed Hailey by the arm and brought her over to a double door. He opened the doors and outside was a large balcony with bedded chairs.
Hailey walked over to the stone balcony and looked over. She looked down and saw a garden full of lilies, roses, heather, lilacs, cardamom, and many other types of flowers.
“It’s beautiful.” Hailey said.
Brandon came up from behind her and spinned her around. “So are you.” he kissed her tenderly.
Hailey laughed.

Brandon opened his eyes as a stream of sunlight streamed in through the opened doors to the balcony. He looked over in the bed and found Hailey not being with him. He looked up at the doors and saw the wind blowing on the white curtains. He pulled the covers off of him and pulled on his silk blue boxers.
Brandon got up and walked out onto the balcony. Lying down on one of the bedded reclining chairs was Hailey drinking hot tea, in a white, cozy looking bathrobe with the Winter haven Hotel imbedded on one of the sides..
“Morning stranger.” Hailey said as she saw Brandon standing in the doorway.
“Morning.” Brandon said surprised to still see her with him.
Hailey put her tea cup on a glass stained table and stood up, walking towards Brandon. “Why you looked so shocked?”
“I don’t know.” Brandon said, a smile formed across his face.
Hailey smiled lovingly and kissed him.
“I love you.” Brandon said.
“I love you too.” Hailey said sweetly. She stood on her tips of her toes and kissed,
Brandon held her close to him as they made out.
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