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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1188262
Is there really such thing as true love? InuyashaXKagome fanfiction.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Even though I would kiss Naraku and stop hating Kikyo to own him. Seriously, do not sue. Thank you.

Midnight Blues

Chicago, 12:30 AM. Present Day.

Inuyasha Taisho sat in a bar around the corner of his apartment, pondering and fuming over his troubles. Taking a swig of his bitter tasting beer, the 26 year old thought,
‘That slut deserves to go to hell after what she did!’
He clenched his jaw, trying to shut out the scenes that played out about an hour ago.

The hanyou (half demon) had just come back from a long day at the hospital. So, very tired, he came home, expecting a worried fiancé there waiting for him. But then, he got the shock of his life. Still wearing his white coat and green scrubs underneath it, he walked in the door and he caught her in his apartment in their bed with a guy. After his shock had subsided, he went crazy. The enraged doctor had chased the scrambling guy around the apartment and punching him in the jaw, and anywhere in reach, knocking him unconscious. Inuyasha had literally thrown him out of the apartment screaming nonsense, leaving Kikyo to hastily grab a sheet to cover herself, her eyes still wide in disbelief at what had just occurred. She begged and pleaded with him and said she was sorry. But he just stood there looking as if he were in a nightmare, not sure what to do. His supposed fiancée tried to explain, but then quickly gave up at his betrayed and angry face and dumped him on the spot. His betrayed expression turned emotionless and masked when he heard Kikyo say that she didn‘t really love him and that she had been cheating on him since the relationship began. She said she only stayed for the money, (his older brother Sesshomaru owned the richest company in all the U.S. and Japan.) Then she set the diamond ring on the table. Kikyo walked out, her head held high, leaving the internally heartbroken Inuyasha standing speechless.


The doctor growled and slammed his drink down on the bar, shaking the images away. He never should have even met the bitch. It was the stupid nurse’s fault, making him go into the wrong hospital room. He mentally reminded himself to fire her. He sighed and was just about to get up when he noticed an attractive young woman sitting next to him, staring at him intently. He glanced at her, annoyed, and took another drink of his cracked beer, deciding to use her as a momentary distraction from his pain.
“What the hell are you looking at?” the long, silver-haired, amber-eyed, half demon shot at the girl.
“You,” she said bluntly.
“Feh,” he snorted. “Could you quit?! I’ve had a bad day and I don’t want some girl staring at me all night!”
The pretty girl looked quite startled for a split second and then she scowled.
“ I’m so sorry,” the woman replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I didn’t know you were having a pity party.” She rolled her eyes. “Next time, I’ll make sure to bring tissues,” the girl, he guessed was about 20, shot back as she got up gracefully and sauntered off to a booth close by, Martini in hand.
Very irritated, Inuyasha thought, 'Ugh! The nerve of that wench!'
He gritted his teeth and put down a five on the counter. He leapt up off the bar stool and marched over to the young woman who was sipping her Martini, smirking.
“Where the hell do you get the fucking nerve to talk to someone you’ve never met, wench!?” Inuyasha bit out tersely at the girl who was now smiling cattily.
“From my dad,” she told him bluntly. They both stared at each other for the longest time. It probably was only a few seconds, but it felt like an hour. Suddenly, they both started laughing simultaneously.
“Are you always this hostile and loaded?” Inuyasha asked smiling back, his anger drained.
She laughed, “Yeah, especially around guys. And I thought you might have needed to take your mind off whatever was making you think so attentively.....”
Inuyasha looked at her for a moment before asking kindly, “Can I buy you a drink? I promise I won't yell at you again. I've just had a really rough day, is all....”
The mysterious woman nodded and smiled warmly. “Sure. Sit down. I could use another Martini.”
Inuyasha sat down on the other side of the booth, grateful that he actually changed out of his hospital gear so he didn't look like an idiot and ordered her another drink. Soon, after some small talk, he said, “Hey, I don’t even know your name. Can I have it?”
“If you mean steal it, then no,” she laughed when he smirked. “But you can learn it…” she took a sip of her drink and waited for him to ask. (A/N: Lame, I know, sry)
“Alright, Ms. Smart Aleck, what's your name? Wait….it is Ms., right?” Inuyasha asked hesitantly.
“Ms. Kagome Higurashi,” she stated without hesitation. “And yours would be…?”
“Inuyasha Taisho. Nice to meet you.”
Kagome smiled and said coyly, “Yeah, it is nice…”.
Inuyasha took a minute to marvel willingly at how Kagome’s blue eyes shined brightly from the lights of the bar. How her long, ebony hair cascaded down her smooth, white shoulders. 'Gods, she’s beautiful. And has a sense of humor that I-….that I‘ve been searching for. Blunt, sexy, and can put up with my bad attitude. Not at all like Kikyo. I can’t believe I didn’t see through her act.......Oh, well. Sucks for Kikyo’ Inuyasha thought. ‘Because Kagome’s gonna be mine!’
Two hours later, Inuyasha and Kagome were still sitting at the same booth, talking and laughing like they were old friends. There was silence for a little while before Inuyasha looked at his watch and grimaces. Then he stated, “ I have to go, but I want to see you again. Can I?”
25 year old Kagome didn’t hesitate. She beamed sweetly and handed him a napkin with her scribbled phone number on it.
“I want to see you again, too, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha grinned and got up from the booth.
“I’ll call you. Good bye, beautiful, smart, and funny Kagome Higurashi,” Inuyasha said before walking out of the bar, leaving a melting and blushing Kagome.
'Oh, he’s so hott! Incredibly cocky, but sweet. Sarcastic, but totally hilarious. And-....Oh-….Oh, no…listen to me!….I-I’m falling in love with a guy I met 2 hours ago! Aaah! I don’t know if I can do this! I mean….I just broke up with Koga! Who I went out with for 2 years!' Kagome bit her lip an dthen sighed. 'Well, I guess I’ll just let fate decide. Hopefully he can heal my broken heart.....'
Just then, she heard squealing beside her.
“I knew you were giving him your phone number! Wow, you know how to pick ‘em. He’s one hott babe,” Sango, Kagome’s best friend since the 3rd grade said, sitting down on the other side of the booth where Inuyasha had just been. Her brown eyes sparkled with ovious joy for her friend and her long brown hair tied in a ponytail, of course, swished when she bounced a little in obvious excitement for her friend. Kagome laughed.
“Yeah, he is cute. And he’s a doctor. I just met him a few hours ago. We’ve been talking ever since! I’ve learned so much about him, I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. Sango….I think I’m falling for him.”
Sango nodded and smiled. “How could you not with someone like that?”
Kagome looked uncertain. “But, Sango, do you think it’s too soon?”
“Love can not be defined by time. If you get that feeling in your stomach and heart the next time you see him, the one that makes you feel like you’re flying and falling at the same time, it’s love. I could see the way you two looked at each other and how bittersweet that goodbye was.”
Kagome blushed but smiled and the nodded, trusting her friend.
“That reminds me….how are you and Miroku?”
Sango blushed brightly and stuttered, “M-Miroku? Uh, we’re just fine.”
Kagome raised her eyebrow in amusement.
“I know your not telling me everything, Sango. Come on….let it out.”
Sango smiled nervously and said, “Well,…..when I came home, Miroku was cooking dinner and there was music and flowers and everything. It was so wonderful, Kagome. We made love for the first time last night!”
Kagome squealed, soon joined by Sango.
“Wow, Sango, that’s awesome.”
“I know. He said he loved me and I just couldn’t resist anymore. I told him I loved him too.” Sango admitted, supporting a watery smile. “Oh, Kagome, I’m so happy!”
“And I’m so glad for you, Sango. It’s so romantic!" The girls got up and hugged briefly, but warmly and then sat back down. "Finally, after two years of you guys fighting, pretending you have no feelings for one another and then making goo-goo eyes at eachother when your back was turned! Well, how was it?” Sango blushed, knowing Sango didn't like to talk about stuff like that in public, so Kagome took that as the hint to change the subject until they could talk privately some other time. So they started talking about work and life in general, sipping at their drinks inbetween.They only had about two drinks each so they would be sober enough to drive. It was probably another good 45 minutes of the promised 'Girl's Night' they were having when Kagome yawned with sleepiness. “Oh, gosh, I'm tired. I know we had to keep postponing the time to meet at the bar, but I think 12:30 was a bit much. Well, you know how it is at the school. Busy, busy, busy. Teachers don’t rest.”
“I hear you. I have a conference tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!”
Kagome and Sango laughed and then they both stood up. They paying for their drinks before walking out of the bar, going to their separate cars.
“See you tomorrow, Kaggie!”
“Bye, San.”
The single 2nd grade teacher got into her blue buggie, turned on the engine and thought, 'Oh, please, Kami, let love find it’s way!'
Inuyasha was nervous. Really nervous. . It has been two days since he met the stunning person he was sure he was going to spend the rest of his life with, yet he had yet to call Kagome. The hospital had been so busy with all the unscheduled patients and he had to take extra shifts so he just didn’t have the time. But he had been thinking about her all day and her face had been haunting his dreams. The doctor was overwhelmed at how much he seemed to like her. He didn’t believe in immediate attraction….but now he definitely does.
He sighed as he sat up straighter in the chair at his Miami-style beach house. The mansion like 3-story house was one of it’s kind, meaning he had designed it himself, in the city of Chicago. Gathering courage, he slowly picked up the phone on the side table. He listened to the dial tone for a few seconds and then called the number. Oh, kami, please don’t let her be mad….but, if she’s anything like me…. she’ll be off the walls…
Finally, after the 6th ring, she picked up.
“Hello?” Kagome’s voice asked from downtown Chicago, not quite in the city he lived in, but on the border.
“Kagome? Hi, it’s Inuyasha.”
He winced, assuming she’s fuming because he received no reply from the other end, but also not hearing the dial tone, so, hoping he wouldn’t screw it up anymore, he continued.
“Listen-before you hang up on me-I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I didn't have the time. You know how busy a doctor's life can be."
Inuyasha bit his lip, hoping she wouldn't hang up.
"He-hello? Sorry, didn't catch any of that. (he could hear an embarrassed laugh) Line went staticky."
Inuyasha growled, his face turning red from embarrassment. He was mad that he had, for once, shown the nice side of his usually over-confident ego maniac image and no one heard it. Well, that's not gonna happen again, he thought.
"Hey, Kagome. It's that annoying jerk you met at the bar yesterday."
He could hear a laugh from the other end. He sighed in relief and his anger melted from hearing that angelic sound.
"Hey, Inuyasha. I've been wondering when you'd get the nerve to finally call me!"
The doctor scowled.
"Hey, who said anything about being nervous?" he said, putting his hand on his shaking knee, trying to convince himself of his own statement. "I just have been busy at work."
"Ya, me too."
"Cool...." was his famous reply. He frowned, reminding himself he was acting like a teenager, and got to the point.
"Listen, Kagome, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tomorrow night?" he said in the
best way that he could, considering his voice was cracking from nervousness.
"Sure! I'd love to."
Inuyasha could have kissed the phone.
"Great! How about 7:00?"
"I’ll be ready."
Inuyasha smiled. "Bye, Kagome.
Kagome Higurashi set down the phone on it's cradle with shaking fingers.
She took a deep calming breath and tried to tear her eyes away from the phone.
She turned and walked zombie-like to the living room and sat down in a daze on
the plush purple suede couch. She blinked a few times before breaking into a huge grin.

'Oh....my....gosh! Inuyasha just asked me out on a date!'

The young teacher giggled and grabbed the nearest pillow, sinking into the couch,
that grin still painted on her face.

'I was so nervous! Thank kami that he couldn't tell. It took every single one of my YOGA classes to not fumble with my words and be obvious about my uneasiness. Especially since I had been waiting for him to call since the second I got home the night I met the man that unknowingly makes my heart skip just by thinking about him! Ugh, I'm so pathetic! Well....a pathetic woman that's helplessy in love.'

Kagome sighed and perched her feet on the convienient coffee table.

'But I can't help it. There was a kind of......connection when I met Inuyasha. I just only wish all of this mess could be settled with Koga in my heart so that I could have space for Inuyasha. But.....I won't be able to handle it if the doctor breaks my heart, too....Yet, somehow,.... I can't help the feeling that he won't...like some part of my heart already knows....like....I knew him in a past life.....'

Kagome thought about that for a minute before shrugging and closing her eyes. She sighed again before sinking into the couch, relaxing her emotions. She listened to the clock on the wall tick before she sat sat up so abruptly, her foot slammed into the low table. She didn't even notice because a sudden thought hit her like a bullet.

'Oh, no! What am I going to wear?!!!'

She stood up quickly, and raced to her closet, searching through it like a madwoman.

'Red tanktop?!' She stared at it for second before shaking her head. 'No, it makes me look fat!'

The paranoid slim woman threw the article of clothing over he shoulder.

`A dress?!' Kagome looked at the black silky thing intently before groaning. 'No, too fancy!'

The teacher disgarded it too.

'A sweater?!' She prantically pulled a white sweater off the hanger, a smile beginning to form when
she spotted a coffee stain on it.

She crossed her arms and huffed, staring at all of her dissatisfying clothes.

'Damn, I'm screwed........except.....Wait!!! Sango!!'
"Have a nice day, girls," the elderly saleswoman said kindly behind the counter of the store.

"Thanks!" Kagome and Sango replied at the same time, picking up their bags. They both headed out of the
store, clothes for Kagome's upcoming date in hand. The two women got to the food court and sat down at the nearest table, sighing loudly with exhaustion. Sango groaned slightly and set her heavy bag down, clutching at her swolen ankle.

"Ugh, my feet are killing me! Who knew high heels could be so brutal?!" Sango asked, concentrating on the distended ankle.

"Well, we were walking around the mall for two hours...." Kagome replied. Sango just grunted in response, giving up on her ankle. Kagome's face scrunched up apologetically.

"Listen, Sango.......I'm really sorry about having to drag you out here so abrubtly. I just didn't have anything to wear and, well, you are the expert on clothes." Kagome apologized. Sango smiled and laid a hand on top of her friend's hand.

"That's okay, Kagome. I mean, what are friends for? It was fun and now you have something nice to wear....and expensive.Inuyasha better like it because I did not spend my time at the mall with swolen ankles for nothing!"

Kagome laughed. "Well, I'm sure someone be able to take your pain away when you get home," Kagome said coyly. Sango's eyes widened and she started blushing, pulling her hand away, setting them nervously in her lap.

Kagome inturrupted with another laugh. "How is Miroku, Sango?"

"He's umm...doing well, thanks...." Sango relpied. Kagome raised an eyebrow, silently asking Sango a question with her body language. Sango looked flustered and then sighed, giving in. "Oh, alright...well, I've been wanting to tell you this since yesterday, but I've been busy...and all you could talk about was Inuyasha....." Sango said, embarrassed.

Kagome blushed but before she could say anything, Sango interruppted.

"Don't worry about it, Kagome. I remember when I first met Miroku and all I could do was talk about him."

Kagome smiled, "I remember that. It was funny....and .....a little annoying." The two women laughed quietly. It got silent and all they could hear was the incredible noise of the packed local mall. Then, when she was coming back from getting them both strawberry smoothies, Kagome asked, "What was it that you wanted to tell me.....?" she said sipping on her drink.

Sango blushed faintly and set down her smoothie in front of her before replying. "Well, last night, Miroku took me out for dinner. It was casual, you know? Just some cheap, but really good seafood. So....I definitely wasn't expecting a small black box placed in front of me at the end of the meal...."

Kagome gasped and her face froze in shock, "W-wait, so...you're en-...engaged?" she choked on her words.

"I didn't say that. Let me finish." Sango said, silently laughing at her best friend's expression. "Well, you can imangine what happened. He got on his knee in front of me, taking my hand. And all I could think about was........killing him!"

Kagome didn't think she would ever be more confuzed than she was now. "What?!"

"I mean, married?! I thought it was waaay too early. I mean, I didn't want to take two giant leaps in our relationship so...........so soon."

Kagome then nodded, agreeing. But then.....Sango bit her lip and looked down at her lap, blushing.

"But-.........I was wrong. Miroku wasn't asking me to marry him, Kagome. You see......just about I was going to give him the beating of his life, he asked me if he wanted to move in with him and wanted to adopt a kitten. He opened the box and there was a cat tag with the name 'Kirara' on it."

Kagome grinned before bursting out into loud laughter. Sango smiled too, her blush fading a little bit.

"Well, of course, I said yes and then the whole restaurant clapped. It was really embarrassing, but, how I love Miroku even more and you know........I sorta now kinda hope he would be the spontaneous letch that he is and ask me to marry him."

Kagome smiled fondly and got up and hugged Sango. "I'm so happy for you Sango. I'm sure he will ask you because I know he feels the same way about you."

Sango half sobbed, half laughed and hugged her tighter. "Thanks, Kagome." They pulled away and were about to gather their things and leave before Sango looked over her shoulder and froze. Curious to what made her best friend act that way she started to turn her head to look, too. But the she was stopped abrubtly by Sango's hands on her shoulders. Panic was beginning to form in Kagome's eyes. "What is it, Sango?"

Sango gulped before speaking. "Don't turn around, Kagome." she said taking a glance behind her shoulder and grimacing. Kagome's eyes widened and, being incredibly stubborn, she turned around, bracing herself. She could barely hear Sango's protest before her whole world started to blur and crumble. Kagome gasped as her hand flew up to her mouth, mufflying her whisper of a pained, 'No!'. She took a step back her eyes watering with tears. Because, not two eight away from her, a beautiful woman was kissing Inuyasha
Taisho passionately on the lips.

Inuyasha Taisho looked at the shattered glass of his once vase on the floor, still angry as hell. Apparently, throwing a random object at the wall and watch it break to a million piecies doesn't calm a pissed off hanyou in the slightest bit. Because he felt like that was his heart on the kitchen floor, not his vase. He stormed over to his bedroom and started ripping and tearing at everything at sight, a firece growl in the back of his throat. His demon side was coming out and he could barely control it. Because of what happened not long ago, he was on a mad.......and incredibly sad rampage.


Inuyasha was at the mall, buying random things, trying to keep busy with his free day from work, when he saw Kikyo sitting on one of the mall's benches. Since, not feeling any love for her anymore, he walked right past her, trying to be oblivious. But he stopped abrubtly when he heard his name called out by his ex-fiance. He tensed, but turned around and said harshly, "Kikyo. What do you want?"
She was standing up in front of his now, but he couldn't help but feel his anger faltering. She looked heartbroken. "Oh, Inuyasha! He left me! (A/n: I'm gonna make up some random name since the guy she was seeing wouldn't be Naraku since, well, he wouldn't have been so scared when Inuyasha caught them) Takeshi left me! Inuyasha, I want you back! I need you! I've always loved you!!" Kikyo clutched desperately at Inuyasha, tears pouring from her eyes. "Take me back!"
Inuyasha clenched his jaw, taking Kikyo's hands forcefully away from him and relpied, "Kikyo, I can't do that! You broke my heart! You slept with this-...this Takeshi when you were engaged to ME!!! How could you get the fucking nerve to come up to me and tell me you still want me and want me to take you back?!! I don't think so, bitch!" He turned around and stalked angrily away when he was whirled around by Kikyo.
Now, Kikyo didn't looked sad, she looked angry all traces of her tears, or maybe, fake tears, gone. "Inuyasha, filthy half breed, you will take me back! You know you still love me and I need the money!!"
Inuyasha eyes flashed dangerously and he bit out, "I don't love you, Kikyo. Not anymore. I knew it the second I came home that night and you told me you were using me to get money. Oh, and the fact that you were naked in my our bed with another guy!!!"
Kikyo's eyes had narrowed and then, seeing no other way to convince him since she desperately needed money, she closed her eyes and threw herself in Inuyasha's startled arms and kissed him, hard. Inuyasha had closed his eyes momentarily, his instictive demon side reacting, wanting more, pushing into the kiss. But then, with his highly trained ears, he heard a stifled,"No", and he broke away from the kiss, his normal self returning. He turned to see Kagome Higurashi. The girl he was certain he would come to love was crying and running away, a woman calling Kagome's name as she ran after her. Inuyasha's eyes widened, realizing what she had saw and what he had so foolishly done and he choked out, "Kagome!" and turned to run when an arm held him back. 'Kikyo'.

He turned abruptly and snarled, "Kikyo, you BITCH! You ruin everything! Don't EVER come near me again or I swear, I will make sure you wished you've never been born! GOT IT, WHORE??!!"

Kikyo was so startled, she tripped in trying to step back and fell, her eyes horrified. Inuyasha didn't wait for an answer and ran with his demonic speed in the direction Kagome went in. "KAGOME!" He went through the mall doors, tracking her sent but then stopped, his eyes enlarging. For she was looking out the window at him in her car, the most broken hearted look on her face as her friend at the wheel was speeding away and onto the street.

***End Flashback***

Inuyasha sighed in anguish, clutched at his chest, and looked at the damge he had done to his room. Turning away, promising himself he'd clean it up later, he sank into the only unbroken chair left. 'Oh, Kagome, what did you see?!' He put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 'Did you hear what I'd said before? Obviously not, since you ran away. But, I know how you must feel. Rejected. Decievied. But, it's not what you think, Kagome. I don't love her............oh, kami, help me fix this problem.' And, for the first time in three years since his mother died, he cried.
Say you'll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you'll need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
Your safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you

All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always beside me
To hold me and to hide me

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solid youth
Say you'll want me with you here beside you
Anywhere you go let me go, too
That's all I ask of you

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me, each night, each morning

Say you love me
You know I do

Love me.......that's all I ask of you

*sniffle* Kagome hugged the fluffy pillow closer to her and grabbed another tissue from the almost empty box as Raul and Christine kissed passionately in 'The Phantom of the Opera'. Almost ten hours had passed since the incident at the mall and the miserable woman had curled up in the confort of everylasting love and beautiful music. She sank further into the comfy sofa as she let the beautiful notes float around her. Yet, try as she might, unwilling flashes of that woman and Inuyasha kissing kept returning to her thoughts.

'Ugh, I've had enough! I got up from bed to get away from the nightmares with Inuyasha, not to reflect on them! Though....the movie did help...'

Kagome sighed and paused the movie, trying to get a hold of herself. Wiping the tears away with the tissue, the female teacher pushed herself away from the coziness of the couch. She disposed of the tissue by throwing into the huge heap of white already on the floor. Sighing again at her obvious misery, she went to fetch a glass of milk. All that chocolate ice cream she ate was getting to her. She opened the fridge, getting out the gallon. 'Oh, kami, will I ever find the one who is right for me?!' She was just about to take a sip of the glass when...........the phone rang. Her brows furrowed as she set the untouched milk down. She glanced at the clock. The neon numbers flashed 12:46 A.M on the coffee machine.

'Who the heck would be calling at this hour?' Kagome thought. Shuffiling to the phone with her pink bunny slippers, ignoring the starteled meow of her cat Buyo on the floor, she stared at the number. 'Private Line' it read.
Bracing herself, not knowing what to expect, she slowly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Kagome's scratchy voice echoed around her appointment.

"Kagome, dear! Sango called me. Oh, honey, are you all right?"

"Momma!" Kagome's relieved and breathy voice replied. "I'm so glad you called!"

Kagome's mother's voice laughed softly in the phone all the way in Florida.

"I'm so glad you picked up, honey. You weren't answering Sango's calls and she was worried. I'm sorry I'm calling so late. But, when I heard from Sango just now, I just had to call to see how my baby is fairing..........(there was a pause).......You still haven't told me if you're okay, Kagome."

Kagome absently twireled the phone's cord around her fingers and leaned against the kitchen counter. "I'm okay, momma. Really. I'm fine," Kagome said even though she was staring at her red-nosed, puffy-eyed reflection in the mirror across the room. Of course she wasn't fine, but she couldn't let her mother know that. She'd be down here on plane in a second and she couldn't deal with that just now. Don't get her wrong, she loved her mother, but the ticket is just too much money for her mom. "Good ice cream and a movie solved everything."

There was silence on the other line for a long time and Kagome was afraid her mother was angry at her. But then Mrs. Higurashi's soft, concerned voice spoke through the speaker.

"Honey, we got through what Koga did to you, we can get through this. C'mon, baby, please tell me what happened. But, first, stop fiddling with the cord."

Kagome smiled softly and stopped playing with it. All these years and her mom could still always tell what her thoughts and actions were. Then, taking a deep breath, she slowly told her mom the painful events that had occurred. She left nothing out, going from start to finish. By the time she finished, though, the nerver-ending river of tears flooded down her face. Swiping them away, with her hand, she waited for her mom to reply.

"Oh, I see," was all her mom said. "I know you're hurt, dear but, listen, .....it could have been a misunderstanding. You-...you should talk to him, honey. It couldn't hurt."

Kagome bit her lip and said softly, "I hope you're right, momma. Because I really thought this was the guy for me." Kagome sighs and gives in, "I'll give him a chance, but just ONE chance to explain himself.

Kagome's mom smiled into the phone 1500 miles away. "You're doing the right thing."

"Okay, kids, that's the bell! Grab your stuff and head for the buses! You don't want to be late! Have a good weekend!" Kagome Higurashi shouted, trying to get her voice heard above the noise in the classroom of all the kids trying to leave at once.

"Bye, Miss Kagome!" a chorus of farewells replied before exciting, leaving the classroom empty except for Kagome. The young teacher let her plastered smile fade and took a deep breath. She started to pick up all the mess on the floor and put all the supplies away that the second graders left out with a heavy heart. The Friday had finally ended at Windscar Elementry and Kagome was exhausted from all the chaos that went on inside the walls of a second grade classroom. All day it had been, "Miss Kagome, I need help!""Miss Kagome, he spilled water on me!""Miss Kagome, the desk broke!", and personally, she had enough of it. Especially with Inuyasha on her mind. Through out the day she kept flying off to neverland, thinking about the great guy she met at the bar and then rapidly switching to the image of the gorgeous girl kissing that same great guy in the mall. It hadn't done a thing for her nerves. So now, fighting a headache, Kagome grudged over to her desk and started grading the kids' homework assignments from the previous day and worked on her lesson plans, yet the whole time, her mind was elsewhere. After an hour of working, she finally got up, smoothed down her skirt, and packed up for the weekend. Slinging her purse and her workbag over her shoulder, she turned off the lights and strolled out of the colorful classroom, not looking back. But, before she decided to leave the building, Kagome decided to say goodbye to Sango. Turning around, she walked a little bit down the hall until she reached the classroom. Putting on her 'I'm great and not heartbroken mask', she glanced quickly at the purple plack ontop of the foor reading, 'Ms. Hirikotsu' before walking through the open door.

"Hey San-.....Oh!" Kagome blushed brightly as she saw the surprised Sango and her boyfriend break apart from their passionate kiss. The couple turned their heads to see the embarrased tomato of Kagome standing there stupidly, frozen.

"I- I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to-umm-interrupt your umm...yeah..." Kagome stuttered.

"Kagome! We were just, umm....," Sango blushed too and pulled away from Miroku's embrace and turned toward her fellow co-worker and best friend. "well.....ugh, Kagome, this is Miroku." Kagome, blush fading, bowed her head slightly to Miroku in greeting. Grinning, not embarrassed at all, Miroku strolled up to Kagome, leaned forward, took her hand and kissed it.

"Wonderful to meet you, Miss Kagome. I've heard a lot about you," the handsome guitarist said. Raising an eyebrow, Kagome looked over to Sango. Seeing Sango roll her eyes but smile, Kagome smiled in return and then turned her attention back to Miroku. He was dropping her hand gently and standing back up as she said, "Pleasure. I've heard much about you, too."

"So, Kagome, did you need something?" Sango asked, coming to stand next to Miroku, facing Kagome, her blush gone as well. Kagome's lips quirked into a smile before she said, "Not really. I just wanted to say 'bye before leaving."

"Oh, I need to be leaving too and Mirkoku and I were planning on going out to dinner. You wanna come with us?" Sango asked.

"I don't know..... I don't wanna be the third wheel." Kagome replied honestly.

"Oh, no, Ms. Kagome, don't worry about it. We'd love to have you along, and besides, it'll get your mind off I-" Mirkopu gulped as Sango gave him a glare and he corrected himself quickly. He fake coughed and said, "-get your mind off work."

Kagome looked at the couple imploringly, "Are you sure?"

Sango smiled, "Yeah, it'll be a great time to relax and talk about anything besides schoolwork...."

Kagome laughed and said, "Alright, I guess I'll come with, but I"m paying then."

Sango groaned and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say. It's your money."

Then Miroku smiled and cut-in, "Okay, then, let's go eat!"

Sango and Kagome said at the same time, "Right behind you!"
"Oh, come on, Sesshoumaru, I'm not moping! Why did you have to take me to this idiotic place?" Inuyasha Taisho said gruffly, even though he was slouched in his seat, picking at his food, his actions contridicting his words. Sesshoumaru Taisho, owner of Taisho Incorporation, snorted and sat up straighter in his chair. His elegant baritone replied, "Yes, you are. I needed to get your brooding dismal self out of that filthy house. Pathetic, Inuyasha. And just because of a damn woman." Inuyasha glared at his brother for offending Kagome before sighing, not having the energy to fight back. He went back to aimlessly pick at his plate in obvious misery. Sesshoumaru was right..... He had been moping around his beach house ever since that terrible incident happened at the mall.

Inuyasha had been greatly looking forward to the date with Kagome, the captivating and beautiful woman he had met at the bar some few days ago. But fate turned against the hope of a beautiful relationship between the couple when Inuyasha's ex-fiance decided she wanted him back. Inuyasha snorted mentally at that. 'Yeah, right. Kikyo didn't want me in the first place. Just my money and my name.' Well, regardless, Kagome found them in an........akward situation and took it the wrong way. And now, Inuyasha was sitting at some semi-fancy restaurant with his brother. Sesshoumaru, his older brother, had come over early that evening to see why he wasn't answering his phone or going to work. And then he found the depressed Inuyasha watching 'The Notebook', his clothes in disarray and his house trashed with broken objects and empty food cartons. After a long lecture from his dignified, sophisticated older demon brother, Seshoumaru literally dragged him out to...in his own way....make his younger brother feel better. Sesshoumaru nor Inuyasha never want to admit the fact that they were close and very protective of eachother. They both cover it up by exchanging insults and sarcasm, but they both know know it's just a cover up for their concern. Though that fact has never been discussed aloud, its always been a mutual and silent agreement between the two brothers.

Coming back to reality, Inuyasha sighed once more and sat up straight in his chair and a few huge gulps of wine, contemplating if the stuff could get him drunk enough to distract him of his pain. Sesshoumaru sighed at Inuyasha's antics.
"You know, little brother. You could just apoligize."
"Yeah, right, fluffy. She won't even give me a chance. I mean, I wouldn't blame her. If I was her and found me in that situation with another woman, I'd probaby hate me too."
Sesshoumaru scowled at the term Inuyasha, over the years, had come to call him. But, he kept his temper and kept his voice only loud enough for them to hear. "Inuyasha, seriously, you are too pathetic. Unless you suddenly, out of thin air, came upon the power of mind reading, you have absolutely no idea what she will do you if you apologize!"
Inuyasha sighed again and didn't say anything.
"Besides, if you lose her, it's not like it would be like losing your best friend. I mean, you knew the wench, for what, little brother? Two hours? Hardly a lifetime bond.."
Inuyasha looks up from his plate suddenly to glare at Sesshoumaru and blurt out, "How would you know what love is?!"
Sesshoumaru raised his eyesbrows curiously after he took another carful sip of his wine, digesting Inuyasha's outburst. Inuyasha's eyes widened in humiliation, his cheeks burning.
"Love?...........Who said anything about love here, Inuyasha?"
"Well- I-.....oh, you wouldn't understand!"
"I highly doubt that, little brother......" Sesshoumaru sat back in his chair and trained his amber eyes carfully on Inuyasha, willing to listen. "Try me."
Inuyasha looked away from his penetrating stare and sighed grudgingly. He grabbed his fork and started to mindlessly fiddle with it. "I'm not really sure how to explain it....."
Sesshoumaru waited patiently until Inuyasha sighed again and stopped fiddling, staring dejectedly at his plate. "I'm not sure what it was. I met her at this bar after Kikyo dumped me. And it was like, after we got to know eachother, we kind of....clicked....."
Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows again, curious. "And you didn't with Kikyo?"
Inuyasha frowned. "No. Not at all. She caught me off gaurd when we first met." Inuyasha's eyebrows furrowed with concentration, looking back at the memory of first meeting Kikyo. "It took a long time before we stopped fighting and came to a truce. Our personalities couldn't have been more different. Well, she was the one to first make a move. Now that I think about it, she only asked me out after the conversation about my job...and yours...Anyway, Kikyo was intolerble for a whole month. But, after she kissed me, I guess I got distracted. I mean, it didn't even matter what she was truly like then because I guess....I was too distracted with the thought that someone truly accepted me." Inuyasha frowned with understanding, looking up at his brother "Or at least, that's what I think happened...."
Sesshoumaru grunted in understanding. "She was using you."
"Yeah...." Inuyasha grunted back.
Sesshoumaru shook his head slightly. "And to think you were going to marry her...." Inuyasha shrugged, "I think I just wanted someone to love and someone to love me in return." Sesshoumaru looked over at Inuyasha carefully and smirked.
"Such wise words for an ignorant puppy."
Inuyasha scowled. "Shut up, Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru smiled faintly and then his face became wiped of emotion, like always. He took another drink of his wine and was startled slightly to hear Inuyasha's unexpected outburst.
"God, I was just so stupid!" Inuyasha admitted and then scowled. Sesshoumaru put his drink down again, realizing Inuyasha still needed to vent. Sesshoumaru looked at the frustrated Inuyasha and said his words slowly.
"No, just ignorant. That being your first relationship, you didn't know what to expect. But, that's in the past now, little brother. You need to move on. It seems clear to me what you should do....I think you should make up with this woman as soon as possible."
His scowly gone, Inuyasha sat silently for a moment, thinking quietly while he looked away. A few minutes pass and he finally sighs and his shoulders drop slightly. He looks up at his brother and nods. "Yeah, okay, fluffy. I'll try."
Sesshoumaru sat up and growled, reaching for his wine glass. "I wish you'd stop calling me that. It's very annoying, little brother."
Inuyasha smirked weakly, breaking slowly out of his depressed mood. He, too, reached for his half empty glass. "Just as soon as you stop calling me 'little brother'."
Sesshoumaru grunted in reply and didn't say anything. The brothers shared a look and then they both looked away, clearing their throughts, embarassed. Sesshoumaru was first to say something, looking at his plate.
"Do you think the food got cold?"
"Nah, lets eat. I'm starving!" Inuyasha replied, grabbing his fork, an eager smile on his face.
"Ugh, now you decide your hungry?" Sesshoumaru shook his head and started to eat, the food still slightly warm.
"Heh, heh..Yeah, so what?" Inuyasha smirked and dug in.
Inuyasha smiled slowly to himself and looked over to his brother, who was concentrating on his food.
'Thank you....Sesshoumaru...'

They were both finishing up their food 10 minutes later when Inuyasha suddenly paused, the fork in midair, his smile from their previous banter fading. Putting his fork down, Inuyasha furrowed his brows and took a sniff, a familiar scent reaching his nose. Sesshoumaru noticed his odd behavior, his smirk fading, and asked with a hint of concern, "Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha blinked slowly and didn't reply, slowly looking up from his plate.
'Is.....is that who I think it is?....n-no, it couldn't be....!'
He gripped the table and looked over Sesshoumaru's shoulder, locating the scent.
His eyes widened as he saw who had just walked through the door of the restauraunt. "Kagome!"
To be continued..................
© Copyright 2006 DarkInuyashaangel101 (inuyashaluvr06 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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