Never before had I been so stupid with my words Oh, how they hurt you If only I could go back and have a second chance maybe things would be different perhaps you would still be alive I have never forgiven myself for being part of the cause almost like it was I that made you die My regret is unfathomable like a deep abyss and I always ask myself Why did I say those things Others have said it wasn't my fault that it was only a coincedence But I know better I know the truth I killed you with the only weapon that I own My words If only I had said I Love You rather than what I said Maybe then you would still be alive One little lie could have saved your life Yet instead I chose to tell the truth How was I supposed to know That truth could kill Now I wish Night and day that my life is a dream and I will wake up On that Tuesday and when you ask how I feel about you My reply would be I Love You dear and even though I lied you would still be alive and that is the most important thing of all Sadly I still have never woken from this dream you are still dead and I still have said That which I regret If only I could take it back You would still be alive Oh how I hate myself And all the crazy, messed up things that I have said to you especially Why did I say it Why did I kill you If only I knew I could begin to repent Yet how do you repent something that was never intended To be the bane of your exsistence The guilt is unbearable so is the pain to know that you are dead When I really should be dead Why did the good person die Why couldn't I have died Why if only If only I had said when you asked I Love You dear |