Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1207769-Dianna-Island---Which-Way-First
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #1207769
The 4 royal children go on their way to find who Dianna is and also find themselves.

Dianna Island was a huge island, where the Hunters hunted, and the civilized people lived. The civilized people were divided into four different cities and beliefs.
Depending on where you are born had a reflection on your personality. If you were born or had a backround of a Wheldon then you would be known to have or cause lots of unnecessary fights and be physically very strong. In the city of Wheldon, your attitude was what they used to judge you. If you didnt like having fights you weren't considered a Wheldon, and most likely you would be forced to go and work in Wheldon's Royal Castle as a servant. Wheldons also had the strongest & most creative men in all of the Dianna's Island.
As a Leardon . Leardons are always very curious about everything which is the reason for most of their intelligence...and noisy personalities. Leardons are always very confident in everything they did. They have a know-it-all attitude similar to the Wheldons

"What the?" Berti the Hoovdern cook exclaimed when he discovered his beautiful pig for the Royal People was gone.
"Oh no! What will I do? How will I ever be able to redo the dinner in 5 hours!"
The Royal Families of Hoovdern, Beadagon, Leardon, and Wheldon gathered every year to celebrate the founding of their people. There was always two parties in Hoovdern; one for the pheasants down in the lower floor of the castle; another party on the main floor in the Banquet Hall for the weathly people. That meant that two dinners needed to be made for the parties. Although one was far more necessary than the other, they both took time. And if he didn't have it done, he would surely get fired!
"Oh I am going to get fired! Or worse behead-!" Berti mumbled.
Berti heard a voice and 2 different chuckles after that. Berti immediatly knew what was going on. This was not a matter of him misplacing something, Berti was a victim a of a cruel prank. And he just happened to know who did it.
Berti decided to wait the prankers out - let them confess and ask for forgiveness. He went over to the platters where his appetizer's sat waiting for him. Berti opened the lid and a bunch of water and fish came wriggling out of the pan.
"Ahh! My appetizers! You two are on my death-list!" Berti shrieked out. He could not keep it in any longer. The fowl little pranksters were just too evil! Besides it was only to easy to know who did this prank. Berti only knew one Hoovdern that could work so well with fish and water.
Berti walked over to the cupboard which seemed to be laughing histerically. He opened the door and two handsome brunette boys tappled out laughing their hearts out. Berti walked away disgusted.
"You know, you two gave me quite a scare for a moment!" Berti said as he got a bucket from another cupboard. Berti went over to the first boy who had finished laughing, and he handed the darker boy the bucket.
"Here clean up your fish." Berti said.
"Oh relax, Beri!" The other brown-eyed boy said as he finally finished laghing.
"Forgive me, for saying ever so roughly but - How Prince Derrick am I supposed to relax if you have ruined a dinner that takes 15 hours to make!" Berti exclaimed, with a sarcastic attitude.
The other boy who was over picking up fish looked over at Berti and said,
"Um, Berti, why don't you just take a step back and breathe for a little while. You seem to be having a little bit of a vein problem. You see it's sticking out - a lot. Honestly, it's kind of creepy."
Berti narrowed his eyes. "You have a lot of nerve, you know that, Jarred."
The darker boy called Jarred, always got that from people. Everyone always said that he had a lot of Leardon & Wheldon qualities about him. Actually Berti didnt see any Hoovdern in Jarred at all.
"And we all know what type of people have that sort of insulting nerve, don't we Jarred?" Berti taunted.
"What?" Jarred asked. He was starting to see where this was going.
"A Wheldon." Berti whispered for the right effect.
"Pardon?" Jarred said, he was red in the face. The fish in his hand slipped out of his hand, and Jarred stared at it and somehow the fish landed in the bucket.
"And we also know who is really handy with fish, Jarred!" Prine Derrick said, catching on with what Berti was doing.
"Funny how mostly Leardon's are handy with fish." Berti continued. "And you know what's even more pecuilar? The fact - no offense - but you really aren't the best at riding..."
"So! What does that have to do with anything!" Jarred exc;aimed angrily. "Fish doesnt have to be just for Leardons!"
Having a conversation about how much of a Leardon/Wheldon Jarred was had a funny effect on him. He always reacted the same way everytime, pretended nothing was wrong, then exploded with quick insults. Which really didnt help his case at all. Wheldon's were known for their quick come backs in fights.
"You are absolutely right, Jarred. Fish are your speciality. Too bad my menu isn't FISH!!" Berti shrieked back at Jarred.
"Okay guys calm down!" Derrick offered.
"Tell that to the Wheldon." Berti grumbled.
"I am not a Wheldon!" Jarred wailed.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of!" Berti admitted. "I am Wheldon and Hoovdern. What's the big deal?"
The truth was Jarred couldn't be sure that he was or was not a Wheldon or any race for that matter. Jarred had been on the streets when he was 5. As far as he knew Jarred could even be a Hunter. He could only remember that he was loved by his parents; he had a big room, lots of toys, nice clothes and he and his parents would laugh and smile all the time. He also remembers the night he was put on the streets.
It was a stormy night and men dressed in black came into his room. He could hear the screaming and shouting of his parents, metal against metal. The men took him outside, into a carriage where it smelled of dirt and roses. Lately, he had been having the recurring dream of him in his old llife and then the Hunters would come. He couldn't stand the smell of roses hated them. Derrick didnt understand why, but Queen Herana did. Jarred and Queen Herana shared that little secret.
When the men tried to leave for their campsite, his parents went after him. The carriage he was in fell to the side and when he climbed out he was surrounded by fire and swordplay. Jarred had been an orphan on the streets for a couple of days after that night. The King and Queen of Hoovdern had come out to inspect the damage. Queen Herana said that he had just bumped into her. Queen Herana brang him into the castle in sympathy. Being the same age as her own son, Jarred was assigned a servent to the prince. Gradually, he befriended Prince Derrick and they became inseparable and best friends. Only Jarred and Queen Herana shared this little secret.
More To Come....
© Copyright 2007 Marigold (tsmo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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