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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Political · #1212299
A letter to mankind on where we're going and why we need change...
Asking you…

Dear mankind,
Please stop and listen to me,
Are you to busy to hear my plea?

Why do you fight?
Meaningless wars?
You know these things just cannot be ignored,
Like killing our people, our planet, our home,
Such things are your problem too,
But you still don’t think it should matter to you,

You fight over the land you are destroying,
And if this keeps up there’ll be nothing left,
Chemicals, logging and pollution,
Affect you as well,
Ignoring these things paves the road to hell,
But you still don’t care,
‘It won’t happen in your time’,
But why should future generations pay for your crimes?

So open your minds,
And your hearts,
Empathy is a beautiful art,
Whether it be to brighten someone’s day,
With a smile and kind word,
Or to change the world,
And point our path a better way,

It’s not to late,
To right this wrong,
But when People speak up,
But there voices are silent,
No matter how loud they yell,
Nobody’s listening to what they have to tell,
They’re all on their cell phones,
Developing Cancer,
Driving their cars,
Clouding the very air we breathe,

So I ask you this,
Will your children’s children,
Shake their heads at the world you left them,
And wonder why,
We didn’t even bother to try?
Or will they smile and say,
‘Thank you for changing your ways’?
We don’t need to point guns or fingers,
The effect of our errors will always linger,
Who’s right and who’s wrong?
But honestly who cares!?
It’s like in pre-school when they tell you talk it out,
‘Don’t use your fists use your words’
We know how to talk and yet we choose not to,
We choose war instead,
And because of our choice innocent people wind up dead,
It’s not pretty or comforting but the truth is the truth,
We made it that way we have only us to blame,
So think of that mankind,
While we hang our heads in shame,

Well mankind I’ve said what I needed to say,
I hope you think about the error of your ways,
I leave you to your conscience,
And sense of what’s right,
I have faith in you,
To make the right choice,
I’m confident you will,
If you’ve learned from the past,
The future is bright,
So for now I bid you adieu and farewell,
Remember what I’ve told you,
Now you have a story to tell…

© Copyright 2007 tiger-chan (tiger-chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212299-Asking-You