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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1215768
Allison had always been overlooked...but circumstances changed her life
Allison turned over and opened her eyes, seeing a sleeping man next to her was not something she normally saw. She sat up slowly and gazed down at the man next to her, recognizing him was easy. He was the star quarterback for the college football team, and he was the roommate of her bestfriends boyfriend.

Groaning she quickly relived the night before, and felt a tinge of red creep up her skin. There had been drinking and she normally never drank, but last night she did. She remembered Shawn, Bri's boyfriend, making her a couple of drinks. She also remembered JT sitting next to her on the couch, but couldn't quite remembered how she got from the couch to his bed. It was obvious what happened, she was naked and JT certainly didn't look like he had anything on.

She couldn't believe that she had slept with JT. Embarrassed she slid out of bed and found her clothes all over his bedroom. Pulling them on quickly she wanted to get out of his room before he woke up. Pulling on her shoes she opened his bedroom door and shut it quietly behind her. She didn't hear anyone up and glancing at her watch she was pretty sure she could get out of here without anyone seeing her.

She found her purse beside the couch and grabbed it, she didn't remember where her coat was. She groaned the longer she stayed here she knew that someone was bound to come out and find her. She had a long sleeve sweater on, taking a deep breath she opened the front door. It was cold outside, but she didn't waste any time in getting to her apartment.

Keeping her head down, she walked quickly and with a purpose. The cold helped her clear her mind during her walk. She couldn't change anything about what happened, but she didn't have to dwell on it. It happened and that was that, she told herself. The walk took about fifteen minutes, but she didn't notice that. She was frozen all the way through she thought as she saw apartment complex. Walking up the stairs she was relieved when she got to her door.

Opening her door, she sighed as the warmth from her apartment engulfed her. Shutting the door she let out a sigh of relief. Her roommate wasn't home. Sitting her purse on the couch, she walked to her bedroom. First things first, she thought to herself. She needed a warm shower to warm up.

After the shower she slipped into her robe. There was no guessing what she did last night. Her body showed the signs that she had been with JT. Running the brush through her hair she tightened the sash on her robe and left the bathroom. Walking to the kitchen she put a cup of water in the microwave to have some hot chocolate.

Leaning against the counter, she told herself she shouldn't worry about it. JT after all was a popular man on campus, and she blended in with everyone else. She tutored Shawn, Bri's boyfriend, and that was JT's friend and teammate. She had seen JT before at Shawn's house, but had never talked to him...until last night. He surely wouldn't even think twice about their interlude.

Taking her cup of hot chocolate to her bedroom, she sat it on her nightstand. She oepned her closet to find something to wear. Hearing a knock at her door she frowned. The only one that ever knocked at her door was their neighbor, Sally. Sally was always coming over for something. She ran out of ingredients regularly for whatever she was cooking.

Sighing she contemplated not answering the door, but before Sally had stood there for ten straight minutes. Walking out of her bedroom she opened the door and her jaw dropped. It wasn't the five foot four blond from next door. It was the six foot five dark haired man she saw first thing this morning.

He stood there in a leather coat staring at her. She wrapped her arms around her middle and swallowed. "Uhm hi." She mumbled.

He nodded, "Hi." He looked around and asked, "Can I come in?"

She looked around and said, "Uhm sure." She stepped back and let him walk in. She closed her eyes as he walked into the livingroom. She shut the door and followed him, he sat down on the couch and handed her a coat.

"I think this is yours."

She looked at her coat and reached for it, "Oh thank you." She walked over to the closet and hung up the coat. "You didn't need to bring it over here."

He said "Well if you wanted, I could have given it to Bri."

She blushed and said, "Oh no...uhm that is that wouldn't be necessary." She walked back over and sat down in a chair.

JT nodded and asked, "Why did you leave without your coat? It is freezing outside."

She swallowed and looked down at her hands. "I just wanted to get home, and I couldn't remember where I left it."

He said, "It was stupid."

She said, "I know."

"What do you remember about last night?" He asked her.

She looked up and replied, "Honestly very little."

He nodded, "You know we had sex?"

She blushed, and nodded.

He said, "Contrary to what you may believe, I normally never have casual sex with anyone."

She said, "Neither do I."

He rubbed his chin and looked down "I know." He sighed, "Alli, was last night your first time?"

She was embarrassed by the situation. Obviously it hadn't been good if he noticed that, closing her eyes she swallowed. "Do we have to talk about this? I mean it's over and done with and there's nothing we can do about it now. Just get on with our lives...you know?"

He looked over at her, "So it doesn't bother you at all?"

She stood up and started to walk away, but a hand on her arm prevented her from going anywhere. She stopped and looked at him. "I just don't want to talk about it."

He didn't let her go, but said "I understand being embarrassed. But running away from it, is not going to make it any better. And I don't know if you remember or not, but we were both pretty drunk last night."

She said "I gathered that."

He said "What I'm getting at is...as out of it as I was, I didn't use any protection."

She swallowed, "Well I don't have anything, so you don't have anything to worry about."

He chuckled, "I figured that out. What I was talking about is me...do you wonder?"

She stared at him. "Is there something I should know?"

He said, "No. Like I said, I normally don't ever do this." He shook his head and said, "I hadn't drank that much in a long time, and I think that I drank way too much early on."

She said "I normally don't drink at all. Shawn just gave me something fruity, but I don't think he knew I didn't drink."

JT looked at her, "You don't drink?"

She shook her head. "Ask Bri, she can tell you."

"And Shawn wouldn't know that?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I normally am not around him unless we're studying." She looked down at her hands and said, "You're not going to say anything to him or Bri are you?"

He asked, "You just want to act like it never happened?"

She asked, "Don't you think that would be best?"

He shook his head and stood up, "Obviously you don't take sex lightly or you wouldn't have been a virgin. Contrary to what you may think of me, I don't take sex lightly with women." He walked towards the door and stopped as he opened it and looked at her. "And for the record, no I don't think that is the best if we acted like it never happened. It did happen, and we can't change that."

She watched him walk out the door and told herself it was for the best.

A couple of weeks had went by and she fell back into a normal routine. She tutored Shawn at the library or in her and Bri's apartment. She didn't even see JT and that was for the best she told herself.

Bri wanted her to go to the football game with her, and normally she wouldn't mind going, but after everything that happened between her and JT. She wasn't thrilled with the slim chance of seeing JT she reluctantly agreed with Bri to go. She could always figure some excuse to skip out of Bri wanted to stay and walk back with Shawn.

The game was a good one, it was close until the last quarter then they just played hard and beat the other team by two touchdowns. After the game was over, Bri wanted to stay. Allison told Bri she really should go back to the apartment because she still had some studying to do.

"Oh please, I promise we won't stay long. They will be let out pretty quickly after they get their showers. They'll come in tomorrow for the review and talk about the game."

She sighed, "I really need to get back to our apartment as soon as possible."

Bri smiled, "I promise I'll be quick. Let me go find him and congratulate him on a great game." She took off towards the locker rooms.

Allison sighed, sitting back down she reached in her purse for her paperback books he'd been reading for her English Lit class. She had read for awhile and was startled when someone sat next to her, thinking it was Bri she smiled and turned. It wasn't Bri.

"Where's Bri?" She asked JT.

He said, "Shawn wanted to go out and celebrate, so he asked me if I wouldn't mind running you back to your apartment."

She said "Oh." She closed her book and put the book in her purse. "You don't have to, I can walk. It's not that far."

"Am I that repulsive to you, that you don't want me to even give you a ride home. That you'd rather freeze your ass off, or get attacked by god knows who, because in case you didn't realize it is dark out here."

She said, "I didn't mean it like that. I just thought you would be busy celebrating."

He stood up and looked down at here, "Do you want a ride home or not?"

She realized that she was being rather stupid. "Yes, please."

He nodded. Turning around he walked away and she stood up and hurridly followed him out to his car. He didn't say anything, and she didn't utter a word as she followed him. He had a nice sporty black car. He didn't bother to open her door, and she opened it and slid into the leather seat.

She assumed he knew where her apartment was, because he didnt' ask for directions and she didn't offer any. The drive was quiet, not even the radio turned on. The drive was about five or ten minutes away, but it seemed like hours. She stared out the window and didn't say a word as he drove. Since they had waited on the guys to get done, the traffic was very light.

He pulled up in front of her apartment, she opened her car door and before she got out she turned to him. "Thank you for the lift, I appreciate it." Escaping the car, she shut the door and fled into her apartment. She was never so happy to see the inside of it as she was at that moment.

A couple of more weeks went by without incident and she forgave Bri. It was hard to be upset because if she was, Bri would want an explanation.

She was walking back from her English Lit class a week later and Bri was talking to her about Shawn's last game. "He came back and man was he sore."

She nodded.

"Oh there he is now." She was waving ahead of her.

Allison looked up and saw Shawn and JT. She groaned, she knew she just wasn't lucky. A group of guys was playing football in the grass next to where they were walking. A couple of the guys hollared out to Shawn and JT.

Bri giggled, "Isn't he just adorable?"

Allison laughed. Bri was so bestotted on Shawn it was kind of funny. As they walked closer, she was trying to think of a way to make herself absent. Because she wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her, she never saw the guy running backwards at her. The next thing she knew was a heavy body hit her and her books in her arms went sailing in front of her. She never had a chance to protect herself from the fall.

Slowly she opened her eyes, focusing she saw Bri's concerned face. "Ouch, what happened?"

"Oh thank god. Are you okay Alli?" Bri asked her.

She touched her head, "Oh what happened?"

Bri said, "One of the guys playing football ran into you." The guy in question looked relieved and skirted into the background.

"Oh." She sat up and held her head, "Ouch."

Bri helped her sit up. "How is your head?"

"I think okay." She looked around and saw that Shawn and JT were staring at her too. Her books were sitting by her. She started to reach for them and Bri snatched them away. "I'll carry your books."

"I'm really okay." She started to stand up and the pounding in her head intensified. Putting a hand to her head she closed her eyes.

"Sure you are." Bri scoffed.

"I am." She stood up tried to take a step and would have fell if JT hadn't cought her. The feel of his hands on her arms made her jump.

"I got you." His deep voice echoed in her ears.

"I'm really okay. I just need to get my balance." She took a deep breath and stepped away, as she did her eyes blurred and she felt her knees buckled.

"Like hell you are." JT reached out and in one movement picked her up in his arms.

"JT." She protested as his arms held her.

"Shut up. You need to see a doctor. You probably have a concussion."

She looked at Bri, "Bri."

"He's probably right. We should get you checked out just to be careful." Bri followed JT and Shawn as JT walked through a crowd of people.

She saw the stares she was getting from people and turned her face into JT. "Oh I'm so embarrassed."

He laughed "Why?" He kept walking, not braking stride as he walked away from the crowd of people towards the parking lot.

"Everyone is staring." She pressed her hand against her head. "Ouch, oh my head.
© Copyright 2007 Hamtres (hamtres at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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