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This story is about a lottery win and one greedy daughter |
Heart break win She had just become a widow. She did not know what she was going to do without her husband now. She had not seen her eldest daughter Sophie at the funeral but she did'nt really get on with her but she thought she might make an effort at her time of grieving. About three month's later, Shiela won a very big amount of money on the lottery. She decided to buy all the things that she needed and put the rest into saving's to be divided among her six children. Sophie was included. Shiela decided to make a clause when she opened the accounts. The clause was that if anything should happen to anyone of her children. Then that child's money would be shared out evenly beetween the rest of them. None of them could obtain the money until they were twenty one. Sophie was already twenty. When Sophie heard about the thing her mother had done she was delighted. But Sophie was also a very greedy person. She decided to hatch a plan. Sophie knew she had to be very careful not to make the things she was going to do look real. They would have to look like accident's. She decided that she would have to start with the oldest and work down. She decided that she would have to start with Racheal. Racheal was the next oldest. She was twenty but nearly twenty one. She only had two weeks to go before she became twenty one. Sophie knew she had to work fast on this one. She decided to phone Racheal. She alway's kept her mother's phone number she did not know why. She told Racheal that she wanted to speak to her. That she had a secret to tell her about her mother. They kept talking on the phone. "Where will we meet"? Asked Racheal "Do you know the old bridge across the river? We will meet on that" "That bridge is very dangerous. No-one is allowed up there anymore." "That is all the more private for us then." "I dont know about this." "I will wait on the south side of the bridge". "That mean's I have to cross the bridge". "Yes you will. Just be very careful." "Why dont you cross it"? "If you want this information bad enough you will cross the bridge and do not tell anybody that you are meeting someone there". "I do not know if I want the information that bad". "I will be there from three to four o'clock and at the same time tomorrow and if you do not show I shall just presume that you do not want the information." "That will suit me". Said Racheal and put the phone down. That night Racheal and her mother were in the sitting room on there own. Racheal decided to challenge her mother. "Mother I have to ask you something". "What is it love?" "I know you said you told me everything about your past but are you sure that you did tell me everything?" "Yes of course I have. Now what brought this up?" "I was just curious". "Well do not be. I have told you everything". Racheal decided to leave it at that but she knew her mother was keeping something back from her but she just could not work out what. That night she decided to write a bit of a note even though she did not know what she was going to be told the following day. Even though she had missed today's appointment she had decided to go the following day. What caused her to write the letter was the fear of the bridge she had. The following day Racheal set of for the bridge at a quarter to three. She arrived at the old bridge at ten past three. Even as she was crossing the bridge she was very nervous. She got across the bridge alright and she met Sophie. Sophie introduced herself to Racheal and the name seem to be familiar to her. "Yes I thought my surname might sound familiar to you". "It is familiar. I remember my mother telling me that she once had an affair with a man with the same surname as your's." "She did. I am what came of that affair". "That mean's". Racheal stopped shocked. "That is right. I am your stepsister." "But how did she hide you for nine months during her pregnancy? How did my father not find out?" "It is because your father went away for a year and half as he was in the army at the time and they often went away on long stretches. When I was born my father and your mother agreed that I should stay with my father as our mother did not want to lose your father. I have not seen my mother since the day I was born. She has written letter's alright but that is it." "How could she do this to me?" "Do what to you?" "She told me last night that she was not keeping any secrets from me. I am disgusted with her". "I don't know about that. I just think that she's evil". "We will keep in contact with each other if you would like that." Said Racheal "I would" Lied Sophie "We will meet again but not up here". "That is fine with me". Racheal was absoutely furious with her mother for lying to her about her step-sister that she forgot how dangerous the bbridge was and how light the timber was underneath her feet. There was a ten foot drop onto a path that was a nature walk that ran under the bridge. Sophie had already gone. Racheal was halfway over the bridge when she found her feet were starting to go from her. Before she could even shout for help.Which would have been a natural reaction. Before she could even shout for help she went tumbling through the air landed in the middle of the path below. She was now dead. Sophie partly guessed that something like that would happen as she knew she had got Racheal mad enough to forget about the platform of the bridge. Meanwhile back at home it was getting late when Racheal's mother asked the rest of the children if they had seen. Racheal they all answered by saying no. Shiela found this very strange as Racheal was alway's very good to tell her where she was going. If it was a last minute decision to stay with her boyfriend or stay over night at a friend's she would phone home. Shiela called the police but they told her that they could do nothing unless the girl was missing for twenty four hours no matter how careful the girl was. She was told to call at the same time again the following evening if there was still no news from her daughter. The following day it was raining so there was nobody walking along the path where Racheal's body was now lying. That night as Shiela had not heard a word from Racheal she decided it was time to call the police. The police came straight around. They took a description of Racheal and asked to see her room. When they entered Racheal's room they found it very tidy but they also found an envelope upon the dressing table had mammy written on front of it. "Have you been in this room since your daughter was missing?" Asked the policeman. "No I have not". Answered Shiela. "Well you better take this". Said the policeman. Shiela opened the envelope and took the letter out of it. It Read: Dear Mam I know your secret at long last. I alway's knew you were hiding something from me. Why could you not tell me your secret you know it would have been safe. I was always close to you I thought. I knew you were after lying to me. I am sorry mum but i have to go. I am going upto the old bridge to think. Love Racheal. "That place is very dangerous and she knows it". Screamed Shiela at the police. "We shall go and search the place mam but we do not hold out much hope as you said yourself that place is very dangerous." With this Shiela started to become very hysterical. The police called in Kevin and told him to call a doctor and to stay with his mother until she calmed down. The police did not leave until the doctor came around. The doctor put her to bed and gave her a sedative. The two policemen got a few other colleagues together. A couple of policemen went to each end of the bridge as they could not see anybody on it they decided to go down on to the footpath with there flashlights. There was two policemen already down there. They came across the body first. They called the coroner who told them that it looked like a suicide attempt. He also told them that the body had been there all day as her clothes were all wet. He could also see the hole in the bridge. He got Racheal's body moved to the morgue. He told the policemen that what he could make out was that she went upto throw herself off but instead she fell through the old platform. The police went back to the house and told the doctor what had happened and that Shiela would have to come and identify the body in the morgue. The doctor told the police that it would be impossible for the mother to go as she had been given a sedative and he reckoned all the children were to young to be put through an ordeal like that. He told them that they would have to wait until tomorrow. The following day Shiela went to the morgue and identified the body. "That is my Racheal. I am so sorry love". She said crying her heart out. Shiela was then taken back home by the doctor. She was very shook up and so were her children but they all pulled together to help one another through this time of tradegy. Racheal was buried after her post motem which confirmed that her neck had broken on the fall down and even if she had lived she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life as she had broken her spine as well as she had landed on the path below the bridge. Shiela could still not work out one thing though. Why should Racheal commit suicide just because she had found out that she had a stepsister and because her mother had lied to her. Shiela decided to put the thought to the back of her head as the way she looked at it her daughter had committed suicide and there was nothing she could do about it. It was no good putting why or why not questions through her head it would only torment her. Life went back to normal for the next year for Shiela and her children but little did Shiela know that Sophie was still plotting and scheming. Sophie had decided to wait the year as she knew none of the children could get there hands on the money for a while at least and plus she did not want it to look obvious. Kevin was soon to become eighteen. Shiela was starting to get all the preparation and planning ready for the birthday party. She had arranged for him to celebrate his birthday at a nearby nightclub. Shiela was doing all the catering for the party herself. Kevin was now attending college. A friend of Sophie's knew Kevin but she did not know that Sophie was his stepsister. Sophie got the opinion from her friends that kevin was a bit of a hot head. He loved to do things to impress the girls in his class and the college. Sophie's friend called around to her apartment just two nights before kevin's birthday party. "We want to get Kevin to do some kind of dare devil stunt tomorrow night".Said Mandy. "What on earth for?" "We want him to prove himself to everyone,He thinks he is the best.Well we want him to prove it." "What on earth are you going to do?" "I dont know. I was wondering if you had any idea's". "If I did have any idea's would you promise to keep me out of it if anything went horrible wrong". "Why?" "I do not want to be involved in this kind of stuff in anyway what so ever". "I promise I will not tell a soul not even the police if it comes to that but i can not see why it would come to that as it is only a bit of harmless fun." "Just promise to keep me out of it and I will be quite happy". "I will, I promise. What idea have you got?" "Do you know the cliff's behind the lighthouse?" "I do and I also know that they are very dangerous". "If he is such a big man he will jump of the cliffs into the water below without a fear in the world". "That is a good idea. It sounds das but good". Sophie's friend left. Sophie was now delighted with herself. She now no longer had to wreck her brain to try and find a way to get rid of kevin. She had an over jealous friend to do it for her. She knew her friend Mandy was very jealous of Kevin. At school Mandy told her boyfriend to put a note up in thier toilets. The note read: Kevin You know who I am talking too. I know you will be eighteen soon. I challenge you to jump of the cliffs behind the lighthouse. From you know who. P.s. Burn this letter when you have read it as we do not want it getting into the wrong hands do we. A lot of students saw this letter before Kevin actually got to see it. They were all asking what his answer to the question was going to be. He told them that there was no better man for the job. That night everbody turned up at the hillside to watch Kevin jump. When he did jump he hit his head of a rock on his way down. Everybody was waiting for Kevin to come up the path that walker's used along side the cliff's. After half an hour they all started to get worried and nervous as there was still no sign of Kevin coming up. They decided to call the police and the police called some divers. Mandy told them all about there stupid college prank but she did not tell them about the part that Sophie had played in it. When the rescue team arrived they went down the side of the cliff's and into the water where they recovered Kevin's body and after a coroner had examined it, it was removed to the morgue. The police called around to Shiela's and told her what had happened. All she could say was NO NO not another one of my children please god. Shiela identified the body. There was a post mortem done which revealed that even though Kevin hit his head of the rocks he still died from drowning. Kevin's death was recorded as an accidental death. Mandy never forgave herself for Kevin's death and a week later she was found in the girl's toilets after taking an overdose. She was dead on arrival to hospital. Sophie thought this was even better as now Mandy was dead no one knew it was her idea and not Mandy's idea. Two days later Kevin's funeral took place.Sophie attended Kevin's funeral but she stood back where nobody could see her. She attended Mandy's funeral as a friend and where everybody could see her. That night Sophie went home and started plotting the murder of her stepsister Laura. Who was nineteen. She was thinking very hard as she already had used two methods now what mathod could she use to get rid of Laura. Meanwhile back at Laura's house everyone was symphsizing with the family over Kevin's death. While around the street people were saying that since Shiela had,had some good luck with money she's had nothing but bad luck with her children. She had now lost two of her children and little did she know that Laura was suppose to be next.Sophie had now thought of an idea to get rid of Laura but she would have to be very careful of not being seen by anyone who knew Laura or her family. Sophie would park on the street that Laura lived on. She would park a good bit up from the house. She would then keep a daily record of the commings and goings of the family. Sophie had no ideas which one was Laura as the two girls looked almost liked twins. Sophie did not know any of these close friends to talk to so she could not ask them which one was which without arousing suspicion. Laura suffered from asthma and was often in and out of hospital. The week that Sophie decided it was time. Laura had one of her asthma attacks and was rushed into hospital. Sophie did not know that it was Laura was in in hospital. Sophie waited until she saw the other sister coming out of the house and she started crossing the road. Monica was in the middle of the road when Sophie drove the car straight at her at full speed knocking her down. There was several neighbours who came running out of there homes after hearing the screams of the girl but unfortunately no one got a chance to take the number of the car as it had vanished by the time anyone got to the road. Shiela came rushing out and straight to the crowd and saw Monica on the ground she was very still. Oh no please god please why are you doing this to me! Shouted Shiela. A neighbour tried to calm her down while an ambulance arrived. Shiela went with Monica to the hospital. Monica was in a coma. All her family came to visit her even Laura even though she was very sick herself she had to wear an oxygen mask because of her asthma. Monica and Laura were very close and at the moment Laura could not help think that it should be herself inside that bed and not Monica and especially how things had been going lately. Monica was in a coma for one month before she finally passed away and then was buried. In that month Sophie had been scanning the papers and had been reading about the accident and waiting.But the newspaper's never mentioned the girls name until the last day when she died. The newspapers were helping the police with there enquiries into the case of hit and run and they wanted anyone with any information to come forward. One thing that caught Sophie in surprise that was the name it said in the paper. It said Monica and not Laura but she did not care as it was still one of them that she had got rid off but it still meant that she had to work to get work of Laura now. Shiela was starting to think that there had been a curse put on her family. She started to become very protective over her reamining two children. The children did not like her being over protective. They started to tell her that they did not need to be protected as they were quite well able to look after themselves. Sophie heard that Laura was after deciding to go to college. Sophie knew a couple of girls on the campus who were drug addicts and she decided that she would tell them a little story about Laura. Sophie knew this girl called Tracey who would do anything just so she could get high on drugs. Tracey had her own special supplier. Sophie decided to have a little talk to Tracey. "Tracey" "Yes Sophie" "I want you to do something for me or else I will get your supplier to take a few of your drugs away". "What do you want me to do?" "Do you know the first year student's that are coming in?" "Yes what about them?" "I want you to befriend one of them". "Which one of them? There's thirty one of them you know". "Her name is Laura Pilts". "Is that the new girl that is always in and out of hospital with asthma?" "That is her" "Why do you want me to befriend her?" "She is one of those miss goody two shoes who thinks she never does anything wrong". "Oh one of them" "Yes" "What exactly do you want me to do?" "Befriend her first and then get her addicted to that stuff you take". "What if she does not want to take it?" "Do everything in your power to get her to take the stuff. Now will you do it or not?" "You do not leave me much choice do you so I will have to do it but do not blame me if it does not work". "It will work and do not worry I will not blame you". What Sophie knew and Tracey did'nt was that taking drugs would affect Laura's asthma. A week after Monica's funeral Laura came home from hospital. She had been told that when she was ready to start college she could go. Even though Laura and Larry were grieving for there brother and sisters they started to turn against one another and started accusing one another of there brother's death's. They were furious with one another. Laura told her mother that she was going to leave home and go to college and board there. Mother agreed with her that if that was what she wanted she should do it and that she would not stand in her way. Although her mother hated the thought of her being away from home. She was always thinking who was going to be next on the death list. When Laura was in college she settled down very well and she made great friends with Tracey and a few other girls but Tracey became her best friend. Laura had been in the college for three months when she caught Tracey taking something. "What is that?" "Just something to cool down my nerves. Do you want some?" "No thanks" "It will not harm you it will only make you feel a bit more carefree". "I do not think so". "Look if you took some of this you would get some friends and they would not think you are such a bore anymore". "Do you think so?" "I know so". "Go on and give me a small bit so" Tracey showed Laura how to use the stuff. Laura felt great after taking the stuff and soon she started to forget about her troubles, Each day she took more and more of the drug and soon she was addicted to it. After nine months in college Laura was found dead in the dormitory from an overdose. The police got no clues of where she got the drugs from. Shiela was informed. Shiela had noticed a change in Laura the last time she had visited but she did not think it was drugs. She was now sure that there was a curse on the family. Laura was buried three days later. Shiela became even more protective over the final boy. The police were now getting suspicious of all the death's in the same family they knew about the money as Shiela had told them. But the police had no proof that any of the accidents were planned for the purpose of getting rid of these children so they had no proof that they were murder's. Sophie had to think hard of a new idea to get rid of Larry. She was delighted that there was only one more to get rid of. The one thing she did know was that Larry was mad into sports any kind of sports he loved. Sophie thought of an idea but did not know weather it was going to work or not but she thought it was worth a try. Sophie decided to find out the next time Larry would be playing football. Which was easy to do as there was always a notice of when the next match would be played and who would be playing in it. Sophie decided to sneak into the mens changing rooms while there was nobody there and she found the locker with Larry's name on it. She saw in the locker a drink that was only half drunk. She put four steroid tablets into the remainder of the drink and left them to dissolve and then she made her way home. Delighted with herself and praying that it would work. That afternoon Larry went to the changing rooms to get changed for the match. He remembered his drink in the locker and decided to finish it he had been there the day before for the warm up and had only drank half of his drink. He had decided to leave the rest for today. That afternoon out on the pitch halfway through the game Larry dropped to the ground clutching his chest the team put a subistute on for him and down in the changing room they called for an ambulance. Larry was rushed to hospital where he died on arrival from a massive heart attack from the steroids. His team mates could not beleive that he took steroids thet did'nt think he was that stupid. Shiela was informed of Larry's death and what he had done. She now had no one left but Sophie. Three days later Larry was buried. She was deeply shocked. It took Shiela three months before she started thinking straight again. When Shiela started thinking straight again she remembered something which had not crossed her mind before. She remembered that when she put the money into the bank she had put down that if anything happened to all her children then after four months of the last one's death the money would go to there stepsister Sophie. Then she said to herself surely to god she would not be that cruel but she was. Shiela put a hand gun into her bag and then made her way to Sophie's place. She also had a tape recorder in her bag. Sophie invited Shiela in even though she knew who she was. Once inside Shiela decided to turn the tape recorder on without Sophie knowing it. She kept hold of her handbag all the time. "Do you want a cup of coffee or tea?" "No thanks not from you". "What do you mean? Why are you so hostile?" "Why did you kill all my children your own flesh and blood. They were your own stepsisters and stepbrother. Just tell me why?" "My own flesh and blood and your my mother dont give me the creeps. Where were you all the times I needed you? Shall I tell you, You were no where to be seen. You were to busy playing happy families and keeping me a secret". "Your evil. Why did you kill them?" "To watch you squirm and be lonely for once". "Surely to god that is not the only reason". "Of course there is another reason. The money is the other reason you see I can live the life of riley now can't I?" "That is what you think" Said Shiela as she pulled the gun from her handbag and pointed it at Sophie. "What are you going to do with that?" "Kill you what do you think you did'nt think I brought it here to play with it". "You will never get away with it. You will go to prison. I admit I killed the children but I nmade it nice and clean so no one knows it was murder". "I will not go to prison all they will do is listen to this tape of you confessing to my children's death." Said Shiela as she let all six bullets fly from her gun into Sophie's body where Sophie slumped to the floor. A neighbour heard the shooting and called the police and an ambulance. The police arrived on the scene first. They found Shiela sat on a chair in the sittingroom. Shiela's trial came and the jury took twenty nine hours deliberating but could not agree with each other so her case was thrown out. Shiela had been waiting nearly two years for all this to come to an end and in that time herself and her defence lawyer were after falling in love. Was Shiela about to get the happiness that she so deserved after all the heartache she had gone through. As Shiela was going down the steps of the courthouse a man that she recognized came running towards her shouting this is for killing my little girl you bitch I always knew you were evil and he shot Shiela. She was dead before the ambulance arrived and Sophie's dad then turned the gun on himself and he also died along side the woman he once loved but now despised for killing his daughter who he could not see any wrong with even through all the evil she had done to Shiela's family. As for the money that all went to the local hospital as Shiela had requested just before she died. Just goes to show that some people will go to any lengths to get there hands on money. THE END |