Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/122319-Young-Love-Forbidden
Rated: 13+ · Article · Friendship · #122319
A story of friendship and young love that was forbidden....yet could not be quenched.
So many times adults forget that even in youth passions and love can blossom. Why is it so hard to understand that? Those who have grown up through the “free love” generation forget so easily it seems. This is a story of two young people who have found early in life what many adults can never find….Love and passion. It exposes intimate situations and explores the reality of what can and often does happen. The author is not afraid to go where most dare not go.…. so if you can handle it…..read on.


Sky Shadow had spent his first two years at Timberlake High School concentrating on his studies and his athletics. Time had molded his German/Native American heritage into a blue eyed, darkly skinned and ruggedly handsome young man.

Last year as a sophomore he carried a GPA of 3.8 and quarter backed the football team to within one game of the State Championship. Division One colleges were chomping at the bit to sign him. It seemed as though his life's dream of playing college ball was within reach. Now at the beginning of his junior year he seemed even more focused...but focused on what?

Chapter 1

"Forbidden Fruit"

Sky finished the first note that he had ever written to a girl in his life and carefully folded it. He put it away and tried hard to get into the Biology lecture. Biology was his favorite class and under normal circumstances he was quite focused but today he could not seem to tune in to Mr. Barber's lecture at all. His mind kept wondering and filling up with thoughts of her.
"Come on Sky," he said silently to himself, "you don't even know anything about her, besides she is just a Freshman and you are a Junior."
He tried to focus on the teacher’s lecture once again, but it didn't work. He still couldn't get her off of his mind. To blow off a half-hour of an important Biology lecture was not a good thing to do.
He closed his eyes again as he scanned the image of her in his thoughts. It was almost as though she were standing right there with him. Her long dark thick hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her beautiful white smile accentuated by her dark complection. Her tiny waist and athletic, muscular legs.
"Mmmm" he moaned softly as a smile rocked his head backwards. His daydream deepened as his youthful passions began to peak. He thought of holding her and kissing her softly. He actually imagined the smell of her perfume and he could feel her against him-his arms wrapped around her in a tender hug, squeezing her closer to him. He could feel the warm sweet dampness of her kiss, and could almost taste her . . .

"Shadow!" The voice seemed to be calling to him from a distance. It began to take her from his arms for a moment but he quickly went back again . . .
"Shadow . . . Hey Sky, come on man wake up!"
CRASH! Sky's eyes snapped open as he quickly straightened up in his chair. He shook his head a couple of times to clear himself from his daydream. He grabbed his pen and after a few moments of pretending to be writing notes Sky leaned over to his friend and whispered, "hey Dowd, I wasn't talking out loud was I?"
"That was the problem man. I thought that you were going to blow right here man." Dowd chuckled a bit as he cupped his hand to his mouth and whispered back. "It is a good thing that Mr. Barber is so stinking loud when he lectures. Who were you thinking about anyway? She must be something special."
"I must have dozed off a bit." Sky felt embarrassed and looked around in hopes that know one else had noticed. He leaned in toward his friend and gave an excuse for his actions. "I, I haven’t been sleeping very well lately." Sky, moved in a little closer and asked, "Dowd, did I really say anything out loud?"
"Not really dude, but I could tell through the moans and groans that something really fine was galloping between the synapses and circuits of your head. I don't think that was the only place items were galloping either man." Dowd double clicked his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair and restrained his laughter.
Sky realized that his daydream had stimulated a certain physiological reaction. The physical properties that had been extremely stimulated by his dream state were certainly not going to be a good thing when the bell rang. He had just enough time to straighten up in his chair and pull at the center of his jeans to try adjusting it for better concealment when . . .
Brinnnngggg! The bell rang to end classes for another day. Mr. Barber yelled out his final orders over the scurrying students that were rushing out of the room.
"Tomorrow I will expect that you have the outline of your projects completed for me to look at! Make sure that it matches the format that I gave you on Tuesday. Have a good evening!"
Sky wrote a quick note to himself in his planner to finish his outline tonight after practice. He quickly started to pack his books into his book bag as his thoughts again turned to her. Would he see her now? Butterflies struck hard at his chest.
Just before Biology class she was talking to some other JV cheerleaders in the hall outside the door. She had on a White Cashmere sweater and a short dark blue skirt. The sweater was awesome and highlighted her dark skin and coal black hair. The short skirt accentuated her long athletic legs. Her thumb was clenched in her teeth when Sky walked by and she smiled and followed him with her coal black eyes. As Sky passed by her she waved with her fingers, never removing her thumb from her teeth. "God, she is so cute!" he thought.

BANG! BANG! BANG! "Hey man come on dipstick!" It was Chuck Bower, Sky's best friend slapping the door and shouting out as he stopped briefly in the doorway.
"I'm on my way dude, chill out!" Sky answered as he jammed his books into his pack and slid his chair under the table.
Chuck's voice was unwelcome in the shadowing moments of his still lingering state of mind. Sky slung the pack over his shoulder glancing down quickly to check and make sure his post fantasy adjustment had worked at concealment.
"Shit!" Sky was not ready to launch into the hall just yet. He sat down his book bag and pulled out his light weight jacket and draped it in front of himself and raced out the door and into the hall.
He could see Chucks tall frame above the rest of the scurrying students. Both he and chuck were tall. The only difference between them was that Chuck was as big as he was tall-two hundred and thirty five pounds of muscle on a six-foot three inch frame.
"Moose!" Sky shouted at his friend above the traffic and noise of scurrying students. "Wait up Moose!"
Moose was Sky's special nickname for his best friend and only he was allowed to call him that. Hell, no one else dared to call him by that name.
Chuck slowed and merged himself over to the side of the hallway to wait for Sky to catch up. Sky sliced his way through the other students and caught up with his friend.
"Hey buddy, want me to take your books out to the car? I have to go get my practice gear."
"Good God!" Chuck said as he slid his book bag off and handed it to Sky. "Did mommy Sky wash your gear again? Freak'n Mr. Clean is what you are. Shit! You don't know what it's like to be a real football player. All that pansy ass quarterback stuff." Chuck smiled and howled out loud for his verbal stuffing.
Sky quickly came back. "Yeah, well let me tell you something Mr. rocks for hands and straw for brains. If I had a tight end that would block for me maybe my face wouldn't get jammed three feet into the dirt five times a practice, and then maybe mommy Sky could take a break." Sky smiled and gently patted a hand against Chucks face as he continued. "Is that big bad defensive end Rob Bates too tough for my witty bitty buddy?"
Sky and Chuck had been friends for a long time, and Sky knew how to push Chuck's buttons.
"You know my friend," Sky said as he lowered his volume, "I heard that Rob was telling everyone that you were his personal boy toy last night at practice."
Chuck looked up and down the hall to see if Rob might be within reach.
"Mhhmmmm, that's what is going round the loop ole buddy!" Sky continued as he looked down and away.
Sky just shook his head back and forth. "And I thought you were tough my friend?" Sky knew that one did it.
The smile quickly left Chucks face, and a look Sky had seen too often before came into Chucks eyes.
"Rrrrrrrrr!" Chuck roared with clenched teeth and fists at his side. He slipped around the corner and into the hallway toward the locker room. "AHHHHH!" Came another roar from Chuck.
"Oh my God!" Sky thought to himself as he merged out into the hallway. "I feel sorry for Rob tonight."
Sky smiled and chuckled. Just as he turned around the corner into the main hallway he spotted his friend David. "Hey Dave would you give this to Kathy to give to Jan for me?" Sky asked.
"Sure man, in fact I'll give it to her personally right away."
"Thanks man, I owe you one." Sky reached out his hand and gave Dave some skin along with a note.
Sky picked up the pace to the parking lot so he wouldn't be late for practice.

Chapter 2

”First contact”

Jan Weaver had always been energetic and totally focused on how she achieved what she wanted. Her parents had prepared her all her life for high school and college. She excelled as a young girl not only in academics, but in soccer, gymnastics and cheerleading as well. Jan had always seemed much older than her age. It was not her physical stature necessarily that gave her this persona, although it did not hinder it. She was tall at 5’ 6” and physically a little ahead of her time. Her maturity came more from within. She was goal oriented and always seemed to reach them. Now she had another goal within her reach-a goal that she had been after for the entire two years that they had lived in Timberlake . . . Sky.

Jan slipped off her skirt and placed it over the locker room bench before she sat down. It was cool in the locker room and the benches were cold to sit on especially in panties. She was always the first one to get ready for practice, and today was no exception. She placed one foot at a time into the legs of her sweat pants and stood quickly and pulled them on to warm her from the damp coolness of the air. She pulled them down around her tiny waste so that the tie string rested just above her hips and snugged them up tight. She pulled off her sweater and removed her bra and slipped on a white sports bra top. Her full figure combined with the coolness of the locker room made her grateful for the liner in the top. She finished off with a purple zip up sweatshirt that had the school mascot embroidered on the back and her name in the front.

Taking a moment to relax Jan sat down again on the bench. Leaning back against the locker she closed her eyes for a moment as her thoughts filled with Sky. A deep sigh rushed from her lungs without warning, and a warm tingling wave of emotion rose from deep below and washed over her stomach and then up to her face in a red-hot blush. This implosion of passion was not new to Jan. When her thoughts turned toward Sky she lay helpless to stop it. The intensity and the frequency of these moments were increasing, and Jan welcomed them with an open heart and soul. She had moved herself from the shadows of a little girls crush into the light and heat of a young woman's passion and desire.

Jan smiled to herself thinking that she had finally gotten Sky's attention today. She was right on target. More images of Sky came flooding into her mind. She was once again drifting into her special place. It was a special place that she visited often, however now there was a difference. Now her images of him were patterned freshly from her close encounters with him in the hallways.
"Mmmm, he is so cute!" she whispered out loud through her smile. The door to the locker room slammed against the wall as it came open. It also slammed Jan out of a place where she wanted to stay for at least a little while longer. It was Kathy Oakey Jan’s best friend-at least she was only moments before.
“Janie!” Kathy screamed with outstretched arms as she shuffled across the room and slid over bumping into Jan. “What’s up girl... !” she said as she backed away slightly.
“Jesus Oakey, do you have to always be so freaking loud!” Jan snapped at her friend.
“Oh my God…. You were there weren’t you?” Kathy knew her friend better than anyone. She knew the look on Jan’s face and the afterglow. Kathy had seen it for over two years now.
“Mmmhmm girl you got it bad!” Kathy said shaking her head as she unbuttoned her top.
“Shut up!” Jan came back as she smile and threw a sock at her friend. “I saw you and David in the hallway today. You two looked like Cat Dog you were so close.”
Rap, rap, rap came a soft knock on the locker room door just before it came open. “Man on the deck!” came the voice echoing off the walls. It was David.
Kathy and Jan just looked at each other in shock as he walked towards them.
“What the Hell are you doing in here?” Kathy asked as she tried to close her blouse with her hands.
“I have an important message for a certain lady in here that couldn’t wait.” David said as he walked towards them. Two other girls came in through the door behind David and stared at him as they walked past giggling.
His eyes were fixed on Kathy as he reached out and gently tucked a finger under her chin and lifted up her face until her eyes met his. "Hey gorgeous, where have you been hiding all my life?"
“Jesus David!” Kathy said in a concerned whisper as she took hold of his hand with hers. “If Miss. Johnson catches you in here you will get us both kicked out of school.”
David brought his face down toward her and moistened his lips and placed a soft kiss onto her lips.
“Ok, that’s it!” Jan said as she took hold of David and turned him around. Jan quickly looked at Kathy and then down to her open shirt. “Close your blouse Kath, he is liable to short out and take you right here and now!”
“Opps!” Kathy said in surprise as she realized when she took hold of David’s hand her blouse had lay open exposing her upper undergarment among partial portions of her anatomy.
"Oh oops," Jan said with a sarcastic smile and a role of the eyes, "like he has never seen that territory before."
"Dipstick!" Jan snapped at David as she grabbed him behind the neck, turned him towards the door and began to march him away.
"Not only are you going to get yourself and my best friend kicked out of school,” Jan pushed him faster towards the door, “I can’t take any more of this shit between you two anyway. First of all you are my brother; that alone makes me ill. Secondly, and probably most vital to my current disgust, I don’t even have anybody for myself. You two passion hounds are driving me crazy with your love scenes directly from the bedroom script of Days of our Lives!”
“But… but…Jan my message was for you.” David said as he handed the note to her over his shoulder.
Jan stopped pushing for just a second, and took the note. Just as she did David started to turn around and wave at Kathy.
“David, first of all thanks. Second get the hell out of here NOW!” Jan giggled a little and opened the door. She looked to make sure the coast was clear and then she shoved him out and up the stairs.

Jan turned around to see Kathy still standing there like she was stoned.
“Good God Oakey, your boyfriend is nuts!” Jan said laughing as she unfolded the note.
“I know but you have to admit he is very cute.” Kathy sighed.
“Not to me he isn’t! For a brother he is ok, but why does my best friend have to like my older brother anyway?”
Kathy sat down on the bench and lay back against the lockers and pushed a set of fingers through her long thick hair and sighed. "If you only knew my friend, if you only knew."
Jan opened the paper that David had given to her. “Oh my god!” Jan shrieked, “It’s from Sky!”
“No way!” Kathy said with excitement as she jumped up and ran over to see.
Jan finished opening the note as they both read it in unison.
“Jan, I think you’re cute. I would like to talk to you sometime if you want.”
Jan sat down on the bench along with Kathy in silenced emotions.
“Oh my God Kath. After all this time he has finally noticed me.”
”Oh heck Jan, like you haven’t had this planned for two years now. I knew that this day would come for you, I just knew it." Kathy reached around her friend and hugged her. “I guess that we both have had a good day wouldn’t you say girl?”
“I guess that we have.” Jan said as she hugged her best friend back. “Let’s get going.”

Chapter 3

”Close encounters”

Sky did not have a great practice. His thoughts were not on football tonight, but rather on Jan. He wondered if she got the note and how she felt about it. Maybe he read her all wrong and she was just being friendly. Sky felt a hand on his shoulder. It was his quarterback coach Mr. Huber, “Great job out there tonight Shadow, I hope tomorrow night at the game you are able to get your head out of your butt!” He smiled and jogged off.
“He’s right my good buddy,” Moose said as he took off jogging as well. “You sucked out there tonight.”
“I know it,” Sky admitted “I did have my head up my ass!”
“No my good friend you had your mind on some ass.” Moose laughed, as he ran off.
Sky just smiled at his friend’s observational statement and laughed along with him.
Sky knew he would be alright tomorrow night at the game. He was very well prepared and performed well under the pressure of game conditions.
Still, no matter how he tried he could not get Jan off his mind.

Jan had a great practice. She and the other JV cheerleaders had worked very hard at their dance routine with the varsity. The routine had come together really nice and that made her feel great.
Normally she would have gotten dressed quickly after practice, found David, pulled him off Kathy and headed for home. Tonight was going to be different. She was going to wait for Sky to come in from practice. He would be coming in soon and she did not want to take the chance on missing him.
Jan was so excited about talking to him tonight before she left. David was already talking with Kathy so her ride would not be leaving anytime soon.
Some of the football players were starting to come in from practice now. As Jan walked by three varsity cheerleaders she over heard them talking about how hot Sky was. They were waiting for him to come in so that they could see him. There was not a girl in school who did not talk about Sky. They all wanted him. Jan had to listen to conversations of girls day in and day out. Strategy and plans to get him to notice them and what they would do for him if he ever dated them.
Jan had to pretend like it didn't bother her and bounce around the conversations. It always bothered her deeply when she had to listen and be silent. She had loved Sky from the very first time that she saw him.
"The Note!" "THE NOTE!" Jan thought. She got goose bumps all over. A rush of heat came over her again. She turned around and looked at the three who were talking about Sky and said in her mind, "But look who he wants to talk to...me. A great big rush and grin came over Jan. "Oh my God!" she said through clenched teeth. "Sky thinks I'm cute and wants to talk to me."
She calmed herself and settled down as more players came in. She positioned herself in plain view of the door coming in from the field. She hoped that Sky would not just go down the stairs to the locker room without seeing her. She also hoped that he would want to talk to her tonight. She took one last check of her appearance and wondered if she should have just gone on to the locker room. Jan knew that she was sweaty but she also thought that he would like her that way. He was an athlete just like she was. She didn't think that the outfit would hurt matters any either. She left her sweatshirt unzipped and her sweat pants had fallen just enough during practice to expose small portions of white lace along her hips. She purposely made no adjustment as she thought Sky might like that.
"Jesus girl, you are no better than those other girls." She thought for a moment. "Yes you are. You are doing it to please him not for bragging rights for getting him." She smiled....
David and Kathy came walking over and started talking with her. Jan kept a watch out of the corner of her eye.....for Sky.

As Sky came in to view of the parking lot he noticed that David’s car was still there. That meant that Jan was more than likely still at school as well because she rode with him most of the time. He started to jog a little faster. Sky wanted to find out if she had gotten his note, and how she felt about it. He didn't know if he could take not knowing all night long about how she felt. This was the first time that he had ever let himself even think about anything but school and athletics. He didn't really go looking for this either; it was just her...she was so amazingly special.
As Sky walked into the gym and turned the corner to head down the stairs to the locker room there was Jan talking with Kathy and David. It stopped him dead in his tracks.
“Hi Kathy, David… Hi Jan.” Sky seemed to choke on her name. Actually he was choking on the beauty that stood in front of him. Jan had on a pair of purple sweat pants. They were rolled down at the waste and exposing a small portion of white elastic panties on her hip. She had a white sports bra top on that left her tanned muscular mid-section open to his view. A few long locks of her coal black hair were matted with sweat from her hard workout and lay patterned along her cheek and neck. Sky hardly noticed Kathy and David leaving as he sat down his helmet and took of his jersey and shoulder pads. Jan was so cute standing there.
“I got your note tonight.” She was fumbling with her fingers in excitement and swaying slightly back and forth as she spoke.
Sky had never heard a voice so sweet.
“Was it alright that I sent it?” Sky asked slowly walking toward her.
“It was completely all right, and I wanted you to know that before you went home tonight," Jan said as she coupled her hands together in front of her.
Jan was getting more beautiful as Sky got closer.
“I am sorry that I am so yucky,” Jan said as she pulled some hair back off her cheek. “I just didn’t want you to wonder tonight how I felt about the note, so I hung around before I showered so I wouldn’t miss you.”
“That so cool,” Sky said as he came closer towards her. "You certainly don’t have to worry about yucky just take a look at me," Sky said holding out both arms with palms up. "Or better yet, you can probably smell me by now."
Jan chuckled. Sky's simple answer already made her feel more at ease. As she watched him get closer and closer her heart began to beat faster and faster. Sky now stood right in front of her and she looked up at him and smiled, "If you need to get going we can talk tomorrow?"
"I'm good, I mean if you have time now?" Sky had never felt the fever that raced inside of him at this moment before in his life.
Jan’s heart was beating so hard within her chest that she was afraid he would hear her desires screaming through her skin. There he was in front of her. He towered over her and she was looking at his chest with beads of sweat still trailing downward and onto his stomach. He was right about one thing for sure. She could smell him. It was far from being yucky though. It was earthy, it was different, and she couldn’t put her finger on it exactly, but she knew what it was doing to her passions. It was driving her crazy. Sky’s voice suddenly shifted her from the pleasures of one of her senses to the pleasure of two-audio and visual.
“I said something that I wish I had not said in the note.” He wanted to kiss her as the words crossed his lips. He knew that the pause and the way he laid out the words would place her off guard. And that is what he wanted to do. He wanted the words to carry the same depth of meaning to her heart as they did in his.
“Oh my god, I knew it was too good to be true.” Jan thought as she heard his words. At first she looked away from him in anticipation of the rejection that she feared was to come. In her mind she ran through the excuses she just knew she was about to hear. “I know…. I am too young for him. It might have been if we were closer in age. I think you’re cute but in a little sisterly way. I need to stay focused on school and sports.” She wondered what it would be like to be so embarrassed at the rejection. How could she have been so wrong about what she felt was to be so right?
He reached down to her face with his hand and spoke softly as he gently removed some of her hair away from her face. He slid his hand tenderly under her chin and brought her beautiful coal black eyes up until they met with his.
“I said something in the note that I shouldn’t have said,” as Sky spoke he paused and stared deeply into her eyes, "I don't want to hurt you. I was not being totally truthful with you…”
Jan’s heart began to sink. She felt sick to her stomach. She saw in his eyes what she knew she was supposed to see. He was meant to be hers. She wanted to scream out to him and ask him why he could not feel the passion that was there. After a moment that seemed to Jan as an eternity Sky continued…
“In the note I said that I thought you were cute and you are…. The only thing I realized just now is…. Well... I realize now… I mean right at this moment… that you aren't cute.... you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.”
Just as she found her breath again she lost it to the meaning of the words he had spoken to her. For over two years she knew that they belonged together. Here and now it was beginning to happen. Jan wanted him to kiss her right then and there. She fought back so many emotions. She wanted to cry, to scream, to sing or dance. They were both lost in each other so deeply that Moose had to finally tap Sky on the shoulder to break into his conscious thought.
“Hey man you alright?” Moose asked, "I've been calling your name about a hundred times. Coach wants to see you right away in his office.”
“Thanks Moose,” Sky said as he turned his attention back towards Jan.
“Listen I have to go.” Sky said very reluctantly. ”I know you are going to be at the pep rally tomorrow after school. Do you think that you can hang around until game time? Maybe we could drive down to the Steak N' Shake for a burger or something after the rally? You know, start to get to know each other better.
“I can stay till game time,” Jan walked with him as she answered. “ And I would love to go out to eat-or just talk.”
“Great!” Sky almost shouted. “I’ll see you tomorrow in the halls. If you have time between classes maybe we can at least say hello.” Sky looked into her beautiful eyes and reached and brushed back a strand of her hair. He turned and ran off towards the coaches offices. As he got to the door he stopped and looked back at her.
“I will see you tomorrow.” Jan said, with a cute finger wave and a smile as she disappeared around the corner .
“YES!” Sky said to himself as he opened the door and walked into the coaches office.
“What the crap are you smiling about Shadow?” Came the irritated voice of coach Messina. Sky wiped the smile off his face for his coach, but inside he could not stop.

Chapter 4

“Hell hath no fury”

“You’re quiet tonight. How did it go with Sky?” David said as he turned his car onto the road leading to their house.
“It was good.” Her answer seemed short. She turned away to look out the window so that he could not see the tears that were starting to pool in her eyes.
“Just good? That is all you can say after you have nearly worshiped this guy since we moved here. Come on J. J. what the heck is the matter with you?”
J. J. was David’s own special name for Jan. He did not ever call her that except when they were alone. It was his own way to say to her that it was time to drop the veil and be honest with each other. David was concerned about the way his sister was acting. They did not have the stereotypical brother/sister relationship growing up. They had always been very close and had shared everything together.
“Hey sis, what the heck went on tonight?” David pulled over and stopped on a safe part of the shoulder and put the car in park and turned down the music.
“Nothing happened bad with Sky. He told me that I was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. It was all that I thought it would be.” She started to sob.
“J.J… ” David said with genuine concern in his voice. “Is this the time of the month that I should not really try and understand you, or do you need to talk about this?” David knew that if he guessed right the answer that was coming back would be with harsh tones.
“No David it is not my period, and I am not… sob!… sob!… having a PMS moment.” Jan tried to control herself as she spoke, but it was not working too well.
David reached across her and opened the glove box and got out a stack of tissues and handed them to her and spoke softly. “Ok J. J. What the heck is getting to you? You have got to tell me sis. Come on! You know I can’t stand it when something is making you cry.” David placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her towards him. “Sis, come on please tell me what’s the matter?”
“David you are the best brother,” Jan said as she wiped her tears and then her nose, “ and you know that this is not going to be allowed to happen. Dad will never let me date Sky and you know it.”
David looked down and away in silent agreement to Jan’s latest statement. He raised his eyes back quickly to listen once again in hopes that she did not observe his body language.
Jan pulled herself together, “I have waited for this day for all my life it seems… and…” Sob! “Well look at the way dad looks at you and Kathy. He thinks that her parents are losers because they let her go out with you. All he ever does is talk to you about finding a good girl instead of one that… well you know the routine. And if he ever found out the real relationship that you and Kathy are sharing he’d loose it for sure.”
“Jan, how long have you known in your heart that Dad would not let his little girl date an older boy?” David raised his eyebrows as if to lend to the ridiculousness of even having to ask this question. He continued with his point, “ and how long have you hidden pictures, scrapbooks, diaries full of things about how you felt about Sky. Writings that would have sent Dad to the crazy farm if he ever read them!”
“How do you know what is in my diaries?” Jan stopped and cleared, and glared.
“Never mind we can go there later.” David said as a blush came on his face at his ill-timed and ill-fated slip of his tongue.
He continued smoothly in hopes that he would not have to answer that particular question at this moment. “Listen, we can probably get around Dad through Mom. Look at the situation between mom and dad. Dad is three years older than Mom and they started dating when mom was in the 9th grade. Heck, they got married as soon as mom graduated high school.”
“Yeah dipstick, Mom was pregnant with you walking to get her diploma!” Jan said folding her arms and letting out a sigh.
“You’re right sis, Dad will flip out!” David agreed too quickly, and his statement seemed too final for Jan.
“I don’t care if he does or not David!” Jan said with renewed intensity. “I know in my heart that Sky is the one for me, and I have known that since I first saw him. Dad will not take that away! I will not let it happen!”
“Oh shit,” David thought to himself. “Trouble with a capitol T is on the way.”
David knew he would share in his fair portion of this bitter sweet pie when it started coming down. He certainly knew how much dirt his little sis was holding on him. She would cash in her markers when she needed to and he would certainly have to be cautious and mindful of that.
His little sister’s mind was made up. He was all too familiar with that scenario. When Jan made up her mind, you might as well go with her or get the hell out of the way. David knew that he needed to table this conversation for now and at least try and gain some higher ground. He knew that he should have just told her it would all be all right, slipped her a hug, and let things play out. David followed the big brother impulse without thinking; it would soon cost him some flesh.
“Sis, you know that Dad is just concerned about our future,” David said as he reached to start up the car. He and Mom just don’t want either of us to make the same mistakes that they did. I know that some of their reasoning may be slighted in a self-centered kind of way.” David thought for a moment and collected his next thought as he pulled out and onto the road, “Just look at how Mom and Dad left jobs, family and the town where they grew up. They moved to Timberlake for us. They did that so we could have a better chance at college with a better school. You and I both know that the decisions they make are out of love. They don’t want us to loose out on what they feel like they lost out on.”
Jan was listening up to this point because it was about the two of them. However, things were about to change and David was about to channel this conversation a little too personally for Jan.
David cleared his throat as he signaled to turn down off the road and make his way down the long lane to the house. “You have way too much going for you not to stay focused sis.” Jan did not like the tone of singularity in that last sentence.
David was about to head down a road with his sister that would be a lot rougher than the lane to the house. It would be a road that he did not like to travel and usually found by error of tongue. As they were growing up David knew when to walk away. It was safer that way. David could always tell when Jan was getting to the point of no return by her eyebrows. If only he would have looked this time. Unfortunately for him he didn’t …
“Mom and Dad just don’t want you to do anything to jeopardize the opportunities that you have going for you. Getting involved with a boy and losing focus is not where they want you to go. I am concerned about you too.” Jan ruffled in her seat a bit on the last sentence but David din did not notice it or he would have stopped.
“And besides,” David continued, “you haven’t dated yet, and Sky is a junior and…” BANG! It wasn’t a gun but it sounded like one as Jan had heard enough of the pot calling the kettle black.
“STOP RIGHT THERE MR. GOODY TWO SHOES!” Jan slammed her fist into the seat just inches from his shoulder. It was then that he saw the eyebrows.
“Oh my god what have I done,” he thought as he waited for the remainder of the wrath of Jan.
“Have you forgotten who you are talking to here my good brother!” Her voice gave value to the fact that she was just getting started.
“Let us go back to last summer…shall we say specifically July the 12th. Does that ring a bell to you my big brother?” She was not really expecting an answer to that question so she continued… “I remember a certain friend of mine who was in a panic because she was a week late for her period-for the second time I might add!”
Jan took a deep breath. “And let us go a little further back to the end of last school year. It was a weekend when Mom and Dad took your little sister, the one who doesn't need to get involved with a boy, to the mall. Mom got to feeling sick so we were going to come home early. Who was the one who knew that you were with a certain someone at the house and called to warn you? If my memory serves me right when I called you and Kath were in the shower. That would have been good for mom and dad to walk in on!" She grabbed another deep breath.
"What about the time that you got Kathy so drunk that she couldn’t walk let alone go home. You brought her by my room and dumped the whole thing on me? Who was the one that took the heat for that one? You owe me big brother!” Jan was just getting rolling when they pulled up to the house.
“ And just what the hell makes it different for you. Oh, because you’re a man, a whole year older, and I am Daddy's little girl. That is total bullshit! Listen, I am going to date Sky and that is that! I am mature enough to make the decisions that I need to make. If I so chose to do the things that my older brother has done, I can assure you that I will be much smarter about it than he and my best friend have been! Now let’s just leave it at that!
Not another word was spoken about this subject. David turned off the car and they both got out and walked in silence into the house.

Chapter 5

“Daddy's Little Girl”

Coming home early from work to surprise his wife for lunch John Weaver found the diary open laying on their bed. His wife, Janice must have been reading it. He picked it up and began to thumb through it. What he found written by his little girl were not the things he wanted to read. After some time Janice returned from the basement where she had been doing laundry to be startled by John.

"Oh my God!" Janice barked as she entered the room. She set the clothes basket down on the floor. "What are you doing home so early? You scared the Heck out of me." Janice could see the look on John's face as he stood there with the diary he had been reading in his hand.
"I see that you found Jan's diary." Janice said, "Have you read anything interesting?" She knew what that question was going to bring about.

"I just simply don't know what to do about this Janice!" John Weaver began pacing around the bedroom with his free hand running fingers front to back through what hair he had left. He threw the diary onto the bed and pointed at it. "Our little girl! What the hell is going on here?" Both hands ran through his hair and then back down across his face. "She is only a little girl! We can't turn our heads to this!"

Janet Weaver was a little more rational with her reply-she had to be. "I'll tell you what we are going to do and that is continue to trust in our little girl, as you keep calling her, to do the right thing. I don't know if you have noticed or not but in the past year our little girl has become a beautiful young woman.
Janice hung her head. "I don't think that we communicate enough with her on social matters and I wish that we had been more open with her when she was growing up. I just can't talk to her. Every time I try to talk about things that may be a little touchy she shuts me off. I think that is the real reason why I started reading her diary. I swore to myself that I would never be like my parents. I told myself that I would be open with my kids about dating and sex and here I sit guilty of not having a close relationship with my little girl." Janice started to cry.

John slammed his hand on the dresser. "I don't want to hear that bull shit! You knew what she had been writing in her diary about that boy? And for over two years now you have kept it from me!" Mr. Weaver just plopped down onto the bed and buried his face in his hands. "And you never told me!" What the Hell am I going to do now?"

"Now you listen to me John Weaver!" Janet spoke assertively as she pulled herself together. She walked around and sat beside her husband on the bed. "What would you have done? Would you demand that she stop writing her thoughts. Would you put patches on her eyes so she could not look at him? Keep her at home away from everything? Janice paused for a moment in deepening thought and concern on how to handle this. "We can not let her know that I have been reading her diary. I only did it so that I could protect her and stay on top of her life. Jan will not talk to me about anything that is going on in her life. It has been a closed door with her the last couple years. I think that is our fault and none of hers. If I thought that anything was important enough to get you involved I would have talked to you about it before now!"

"IMPORTANT ENOUGH!" John slammed his hands down onto the bed as he stood up. Did you read the same diary I did? It sounds like a romance novel or a soap opera. This is not normal for a young girl barely fifteen years old to be thinking like this. Her infatuation with that boy will be the end of her dreams. She is too young-he is too old for her. I refuse to let her throw her life away! Hell, read this!" He picked up the diary and held out the book to Janice. "She is already having a sexual relationship with this guy in her mind for Chirsts sake!"

Janice rose and walked slowly in front of John and stared into his eyes. "I have been reading it. I have been reading it for over two years now and nothing has happened. This is a young ladies infatuation with an older boy. A boy who in her mind is the everything her fantasies can imagine. I fear that we have been too closed with our children. Instead of talking with them we demanded that it was our way or the highway. It may be too late to influence her decisions. Janice placed her hands on the side of Johns face and raised her husbands eyes up to meet with hers. "Do you know how familiar this situation and conversation is to me? It sounds like our lives and the conversation my father had with my mother about you. Remember my dear? You were my everything from the time I was thirteen years old, or have you forgotten.
John looked away and bit at his bottom lip. "I just don't want her to throw away her life over a boy."
Janice backed away and her tone was filled with hurt. "Are you insinuating that I have thrown my life away John?"

John's head lowered along with his shoulders and his temper. "Of course you have not thrown your life away. We have each other. We have a good home and two beautiful children." He placed his face into his hands and began to weep. "In all honesty Janice I forever feel guilty over what I did to you. I feel responsible that you did not become a veterinarian like you always wanted to. I took your dreams away from you. Out of my desire and passion for you I became blinded to your wants and wishes. I was selfish and I am so sorry sweetheart. I am so sorry for robbing you of your dreams. I don't want to see that happen to our little Jan. I shouldn't have worked so many hours. I should have been there for her and talked to her when she would have listened. But hell no!" He pounded his hands against his chest as he again walked away. "I was too busy, I was too busy making a better life for the family." He wept harder.

Janice reached out and took hold of John and they both held onto each other for some time before she spoke. "John Weaver, what ever am I going to do with you? I would not trade my decisions to be with you for anything in the world. I wanted you as badly as you did me. There has never been a moment when I ever regretted the decisions I made. Trust in our daughter. We have provided her with a loving home and have done all that we could to teach her. We may have not been as open with her as we should have been but She is able to see what happened to us. God knows she has been involved in discussions about bad decisions in our life. She has to start to make her own decisions now she is a young lady."

John drew away from his wife and at arms length looked her in the eyes. His tears dried instantly and his countenance changed. Janice had seen that look more than a few times before in their life together. She knew what was going to follow as John began to speak. It was the same hardcore mind set that kept the open communications with the kids at a minimum. He was going to dictate what was good for Jan and David-just as he had always done. They would not make the same mistakes that he and Janice did. Guilt, wether it is based on reality or fabricated pretenses can be a terribly blinding thing.
Janice tried one last time to get through to her husband. "John we need to trust Jan to make the right decisions. She is a very mature 15 year old. We need to try and open the lines of communication with her. She will..." John cut her off!
"I will not allow my little girl to throw away her chances at what life can give to her. She has worked too hard and has too many talents to throw it all away on a high school fling and "puppy love" emotions. She will never have my blessing to date this Sky Shadow and I will do everything that is within my ability to make sure that it does not happen!"
John picked up Jan's diary and held it by the corner.
"Get this back in her room so that she does not know that we know. I will take care of the rest in my own way."

Janice took the diary as her arms fell limp and to her sides. "John, don't do this, please don't drive her away from us," she whispered.

The back door slammed shut behind John.

Janice sat down on the bed and cried.....

Chapter 6

"Night Rider"

It was 10:00 p.m and Sky knew that the phone would be ringing soon. Coach always called for bed check the night before a game. Brinnggggg! "I got it!" Sky shouted down the stairs so that his parents could hear. "Shadow residence," he answered.
"Hey shadow," came the deep voice of coach Messina. "Sky get some good sleep in tonight. I want you to go over that 33 Belly Series sweep pass throw back in your head a couple times and see me 3rd period in the morning. We will review it then and watch film. That play will be good against Universal's aggressive defense tomorrow night."
"Sure thing coach," Sky answered, "I have been going over it already tonight. We'll be ready for Universal High tomorrow."
"I sure hope that your right there big guy cause your practice tonight was not the best effort you know?"
"I'm sorry coach. I guess that my head was just not there. I apologize for wasting every ones pre-game practice time. I promise that I will be ready to lead the team tomorrow to victory."
Coach Messina sighed before he spoke. "Shadow, is there anything that I can help you with?"
"No sir." Sky answered quickly.
"Is everything alright? I have not seen you like you were tonight at a pre-game practice before. Your head was just not in the practice. This don't have anything to do with that girl Coach Huber saw you talking to does it? If I have told you guys once I have told you a million times girls are only good for three things and ain't but one of those that your momma don't do for you now and the other you best just take care of on your own." Messina paused. "You have a wonderful future ahead of you young man and you'll be better served in it if you put that kind of relationship off until you get to where someone is paying you to play. You understand?"
"Yes sir, I do understand. I will keep it clean and focused coach." Sky sounded sure and finished with his answer.
"All right then. Get to bed and get good sleep I will see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight Shadow!" Coach Messina hung up.
Sky hung up the receiver and stood there for a few moments. For a moment he pondered the thought that maybe he should re-consider his interests in Jan. Maybe he should just can it for now like coach said. Sky sighed and laid back against the hall wall and closed his eyes. His meeting with her today came rushing back to him. His thoughts of her brought her image to life. She was so beautiful and so innocent and sweet. He could smell her and could imagine the feel of her velvet skin as he brushed the hair from her face. Sky knew that Jan was special. He could feel himself becoming aroused once again. He did not know what to do with the fire burning in his gut. He wanted to kiss her, to hold her to feel her against him. "Goodnight Shadow, is everything alright?" Coach Messina's voice came crashing back into his thoughts again. He smacked the wall with open palms and walked toward his bedroom. He could handle his career and Jan along with it. He would make sure that it happened. He smiled as he walked past the stairs. He yelled down to his mother and father, "good night," and went off to bed to try and sleep.

Chapter 7

"Fantasy Island"

Jan could hear her father and mother still discussing something at a raised level of speech. She could not make out what they were saying. She thought that they might have had an argument earlier today because it was unusually quiet and formal during dinner. Everything she tried to do to break the icy ora at the table just fell short. She wondered what was wrong.
Jan closed her History book and turned on the radio to her favorite station. She reached up and shut off the reading lamp above her head board. She glanced over at the clock it was 10:00 p.m. She was just too sleepy to continue reading and too annoyed by the undertone of her parents debate to concentrate. A quick flip on to her back bounced the bed up and down several times. For just a moment her thoughts ran heated, and she smiled. Sky...
Passion burst inside of her as she closed her eyes. She thought about their first kiss, the first time they would make out. What will it be like when he touches her in special forbidden places-when she touches him there? What will it feel like when they finally make love?
As she closed her eyes her mind filled with the image of him standing in front of her. So many nights she had thought about him. For two years she had dreamed and awaited today’s encounter. Her senses were heightened as her vision of him deepened. His muscular frame and his tender voice. As she pulled the sheets up toward her face they seemed softer than normal. She imagined his hands caressing her slowly. It was much more real now-she had felt his touch and looked at the fire burning in his sky blue eyes. The softness of the fabric that began to encase her felt unusually good against her skin. Slowly, unconscious of thought, she pulled the fabric towards her face. As the softness cascaded across her breasts a mystical shock bolted through her. She had never felt such emotions surge through her before. "Mmmmm", she said out loud as she smiled at the thought of his touch, and then....Brinnnggggg! The phone rang. It was Kathy. She had finished her studies and wanted the scoop from Jan.
"Ok, give me the scoop." Kathy said when she heard Jan pick up.
"Jesus Orr!" Jan was again a little more than irritated at first. She paused for a moment. "Do you ever know how to ruin a good fantasy!"
They both laughed out loud and began to chat.

Chapter 8

"The Big Bang Theory"

It was game day morning and Sky found himself unusually excited as he awakened. Normally waking up on a game day his thoughts would be totally focused on the game. The rush of excitement he was used to were thoughts of the opening kick off or the touchdown pass perfectly thrown. It was different today. His awakening thoughts turned toward the big game for only for a brief moment. His night had been filled with dreams of Jan.
As he lay quietly his thoughts became completely filled with her. Feelings like butterflies danced about in his chest. His heart rate picked up and his breathing became slow and deep. As he closed his eyes he drifted off into a half asleep state of consciousness where his feelings intensified. He could so clearly see those coal black eyes looking up at him and her petite frame so perfectly outlined in the white sports bra. The wet strands of her hair and the smooth texture of her skin- he could feel them as he brushed them away from her face. He could smell her perfume. He could almost touch the softness of her neck and feel the fullness of the lips he so wanted to kiss. She was so beautiful and innocent.
His dreamlike state deepened and the butterflies in his chest began to burst into tiny flickers of flame. He wanted to explore her. He reached out to her and let his hands slide down her sides. She laid back her head in want and desire. Her chest rose and fell with each deepening breath.
The flames that now danced within his chest reached down into his soul as they became a consuming uncontrollable fire.
He was intensely aroused and was now extremely uncomfortable from the swollen hardness beneath his underwear.
Nothing had ever brought him to this place before.
He could no longer take it and reached down and released himself from the prison of cloth. He was now helpless against the softness of the sheets that now in his mind became … her softness…… BANG! In a micro second every muscle in his body constricted…he shuddered!
BANG! In an instant, what felt to Sky as a thousand horseman rushed from the pit of his flesh and out the top of his head and back to his groin; over and over again.
His hands clenched at the pillow as he pressed his face tightly into it. His breathing was heavy and fast. Wave after wave jolted his body with pulsating patterns of pleasure. He fell limp into the wetness and warmth.
His mind began to clear as he fully awakened. As reality began to sink in it brought him from that special place. He slid to the side of the bed and stood up and began to gather the sheets from the bed. Sweat poured from his face. The warmth that he felt was unlike anything he had ever experienced before in his life. He thought of Jan. He frowned at how he had let her down….this first time anyway. He smiled and chuckled. At least his lack of stamina was only a fantasy. With his laugh one last jolt of excitement jumped from within and onto the carpet. He cleaned up and walked to the hamper and tossed in the sheets. As he grabbed some clean underwear out of his dresser drawer something hanging over the back of his desk chair caught his eye. It was his #12 game jersey. A new rush of excitement filled his chest. It was the big game tonight. The District championship game between Universal and Timberlake. "Yes!" He said as he bounded off for the shower.

Chapter 9

"Strawberry Fields"

Jan was awake an hour before she needed to be because she couldn’t sleep anyway. She had spent half the night talking to Kathy and recording the events of she and Sky’s first official meeting in her diary. The other half of the night she had spent in total dreams of Sky.
She walked into the bathroom and pulled the elastic hair tie out of her hair and started the shower. As she stood there waiting for the water to began to warm she smiled at herself in the mirror. It was a smile at the thought of her small victory that to her had been long over due. It had been a two year process that she had patiently waited for.
She slipped out of her flannel nightgown and placed it onto the vanity. She stood for a moment looking at her body and wondering if her breasts were big enough, if she were too skinny or too young looking for Sky.
She slipped out of her panties and gave a quick glance turning from side to side. She had a perfectly shaped body and it was very athletic. The tan lines of her summer on the beach were still there as if her bikini was light beige against her darker toned skin. It outlined her in a sexy way she thought.
She stepped into the warmth of the water and closed the shower door. She reached up and dialed the shower head to pulsate and began to enjoy the massaging action on her back as she often did in the awakening moments of her day. Her thoughts turned toward Sky as she leaned for some time against the glass of the shower. She was half asleep and dreaming of him when she unconsciously turned toward the hot streams of water that cascaded against her. She did not consciously plan her movements under the stream of hot water. Emotionally lost in unexplored sensations the patterned rhythms massaged against her. Her dream like state deepened and her imagination turned the flickering of the water into the warmth of his touch.
Sky obviously wanted her never to forget that first moment when they met. It was for certain that she never would. The way he toyed with her emotions as he referred to what he had said in the note. He carefully and sensuously had taken her from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. He had planned it that way. And it worked. It was so romantic and he was so handsome.
She thought of his body and how it looked. It was so sexy. His height had filled her view as she was talking to him; his muscular chest and arms. She found herself thinking about his blue eyes as they looked deeply into hers-the softness of his voice and the gentleness of his touch as he touched her cheek to brush her hair away.
She also knew that he was exploring her body as they talked. She had caught him looking at her and that excited her. The outfit and the panties peaking above the sweat pants did just what she wanted; got his attention.
Her youthful desire for Sky to someday be hers was no longer a distant dream. She had his attention and she would never let it go.
She dialed the shower a little hotter as she began to let her imagination move her deeper into thoughts of him. The heat and pulsating of the cascading water moved at her soul and heightened her vision. Jan fantasized herself lying underneath him, vulnerable and powerless. Passions began to lay waste to inhibitions. Her conscious control was lost to her fantasy as she reached up and removed the shower head from the pin it rested on. Jan began to explore herself with the hot pulsating stream. She moved the gentle stream back and forth across her body. She had never traveled this road before as her hands… became his.
As she closed her eyes to the emotions her head rolled from side to side. She imagined Sky in the dim and romantic light and warmth of a fire. He was just above her, his muscular arms holding himself away as he explored every inch of her. The shadows caressed his skin and gave softness to his strength. Orange bursts of firelight gave to her brief glimpses how she imagined he would be. Powerful emotions tore at her soul as they patterned themselves in intermittent waves. Without conscious thought she slowly moved the heat of the water downward across her stomach. Her breath escaped from her in one deep sigh as the rhythm of the water beat against her. She was so aroused and every part of her became so amazingly sensitive. Losing all control she imagined the softness of his kiss against her neck. The heat of the water intensified and became like the heat that she had felt in his touch.
She could see him clearly now. He was kneeling above her. Climbing slowly up toward her as he gently and softly trailed tiny kisses across and up her stomach... she watched…and waited.
As she lost herself deeper into her fantasy she suddenly began to feel warmer than usual. As the stream of pulsating warmth reached lower and lower she lost all control. The heat of the water beat a rhythm against her and sent vibrations to areas that were suddenly awakened from 15 years of sleep.
Uncharted emotions took control of her body and mind. Her free hand became his, squeezing harder in unconscious manipulation of virgin flesh. She dropped deeper and deeper into her erotic imaginary scene. She could feel him as he touched her and the pulsating blasts of water from the shower became his touch. Her vision deepened as she fantasized him on top of her-his masculine chest as he lay slowly down towards her. He smiled at her his deep blue eyes burning into her heart as he gently kissed her on the lips. He moved to her neck and gently suckled as she allowed him into her soul. She could feel the warmth of his body coming against hers and the unbelievable feeling as he…..suddenly the pulsating waters freed her...“Oh my God!” uncontrolled she screamed as new and unknown feelings exploded like a bomb and rushed through her. She bit hard at her bottom lip to keep herself quiet. Her eyes burst open and her breath was intense and deeply rhythmic. She dropped the shower head and it snapped and dangled at the end of its chord. Darts of electricity took command from the depths of her. Waves of uncharted constrictions exploded outward through her stomach, up and over her shoulders and into her back only to return again over and over. Her limbs became weak and shuddered as she slowly and helplessly slid to the floor of the shower. She was unable to move except for the quickened gasp for breath. She sat there helpless and unable to move.
The free hanging shower head she had unknowingly dropped was spinning out of control. A smile came to her as she slowly began to realize what had just happened to her. It was her first orgasm. It was unbelievable! She had just given herself to Sky….body and soul….well not in reality yet…..she giggled a girlish laugh ……..she chased at and grabbed the shower head as the last of her newly found sensations began to roll into the distant parts of her soul like the thunder of a passing storm.
Tap, tap, tap, “Jan, did you fall?” came her mothers voice through the bathroom door. For just a moment Jan felt a flush of embarrassment rush across her face.
“No mom, I just dropped the shower head.” Jan replied as she carefully stood and grabbed the shampoo and began to wash her hair. A smile came to her as she closed her eyes to the suds……

Chapter 10

"Dating Game"

Sky galloped down the stairs to the breakfast table. His father folded the paper he had been reading as he always did when his son sat down.
"Good morning son." His father said as he handed the paper off to Mrs. Shadow in a trade for a cup of coffee.
Mrs. Shadow gave Sky a quick peck on the cheek, "good morning sweetie."
"Hey Dad, hey mom." Sky shot back as he folded the napkin into his lap.
"Big game tonight for us, are you ready?" Mr. Shadow asked.
"I believe that we are Dad. Billy Morton is back from his ankle injury at nose guard and he will dominate their center. Moose's ribs aren't hurting him much anymore so he is definitely going to be getting some work tonight."
The phone rang and Mrs. Shadow answered it. She turned towards the two men and lipped that it was her sister. She stepped out of the room motioning to Sky that his waffles were ready to come out of the maker.
"Speaking of Moose," his father said as he filled his mouth with a bite of waffles. "Are you two going out to eat spaghetti at Steak N' Shake as usual before the game?"
"Well.....not exactly Dad."
"Not exactly?" His Dad shot back. "You and Moose have been eating that place out of spaghetti every home game for three years now . What do you mean not exactly?"
Sky placed his finger vertically over his lips and lowered his eyebrows. He leaned over toward his dad. "Shh, I don't want mom to know but I am taking this girl to Steak N' Shake tonight." Sky smiled and winked at his father as he got up and crossed the room to get out his breakfast. When Sky turned around his father was one huge smile from ear to ear.
"Thank God boy! I knew that you were picky but I was beginning to wonder if you were gay." He chuckled. "Is she pretty?"
"Dad, she is awesome! Sky's father watched as his son's face lit up. The most beautiful girl you have ever seen." Sky sat down and his father leaned in closer handing him the syrup. "I can't stop thinking about her, Dad. She is a freshman this year and so smart and very athletic. She is tall, I mean for a girl anyway, and has the cutest personality."
"When can you bring her by here so that I can meet her? You know she has to pass the Daddy kissing test in order to date my boy," Mr. Shadow raised his eyebrows a few times.
"You're a sick old man" Sky shot back as he took a bite of waffles. "I haven’t even kissed her yet you'll have to wait your turn." They both chuckled.
"Who is this lucky little lady son? Would I know her?"
"Yeah," Sky shot back. "I think you even commented on the article about her in the paper last summer. She is the one who scored the six goals in one summer league soccer game. Of course you also thought she was cute."
"Jan Weaver," his father replied. She is cute! She is also a pretty good gymnast as well isn't she?
"She is already ranked in the State and she is only a freshman." Sky smiled as his father gave him the thumbs up.
"So I take it you don't want your mother to know just yet?" Sky looked up at his father and answered the question without saying a word. He did not want the official FBI interrogation just yet.
"So am I to assume that it is she you are going to be taking tonight to Steak N' Shake before the game?" His father reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. "And what about poor old Moose?"
"He is alright. I told him last night that I was going to try heterosexuality for a while. He didn't crash too hard." Sky caught his father off guard with that one. After a couple seconds they both laughed.
"Here is a twenty spot for you and your little date tonight. As Sky reached for it his father snatched it back. "You can have it only on one condition." Sky looked at his father and did not know what was coming-with him it could be anything.
"You play your best tonight." Papa Shadow smiled.
Sky got up and snatched the twenty and gave his father a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Love you Dad. I will be at my best tonight." Sky grabbed his lettermen jacket off of the coat rack in the foyer and yelled out to his mother, "Love you mom!"
Sky and his dad had a great relationship. Sky could talk to his papa about anything. He respected his authority but cherished their friendship. He always tried to get over on his dad but never seemed to be able to get the last laugh. As Sky grabbed his keys to go out the door he thought of something. He walked back in to where his dad had poured himself another cup of coffee and asked, "Dad, can I have a couple more dollars?"
"Twenty is not enough? What do you need the extra money for?" his father asked.
"I need it to buy some condoms?" His father sat down the coffee cup and looked Sky straight in the eyes and said, "I thought you said you broke it off with Moose?"
"Dang it!" Sky said as they both laughed. "Love you Pop." Sky said as he hugged his dad and walked toward the front door. He could never seem to get his Dad.
"I love you too boy, play hard tonight. Your mother and I are so proud of you." Papa Shadow smiled and chuckled as he sipped his coffee and whispered, "Crazy Kid, wonder where he gets it from?"

Chapter 11

"To Tell the Truth"

Wrap, wrap, wrap! "Hey J.J. let's get going mom has breakfast ready." Jan could hear David stepping off down the wooden stairs to the kitchen. She finished her mascara and stepped back to take one more glance at herself in the mirror. She really liked game days. She got to wear her cheerleading outfit which in purple silver and black was the bomb. School was different when it was game day too; assemblies in the afternoon and the pep rally last period. Just the overall attitude of the faculty and students was drenched in excitement and anticipation of the game.
She was especially excited today. She couldn't wait to see Sky.
She grabbed her History book off of her night stand and slid it into her book bag. She quickly made her bed and grabbed the wet towel off the back of her desk chair. She paused for a second. The towel reminded her of her shower this morning. She blushed and then smiled as a shudder of excitement hit her.
She walked to the bathroom and threw the towel into the white wicker hamper and bounded down the stairs to breakfast.

David had to make some type of comment to prove whatever it is that big brothers have to prove.
"Bout time you freak'n slow poke, I have seen snails that move faster. I am almost done with breakfast and your just getting started. I'd like to get out of here on time for once."
Jan just smacked him on the back of the head as she walked by and sat down.
"Your almost done with breakfast because you are a glutton. You rarely shower in the morning and dress sloppy and you resemble a horse eating from a trough." She smiled a quick little smart ass smile at David. He just buried his face again in his food.
"You want apple or orange juice sweetie?" her mother asked as she sat down her plate.
"Apple please, thanks mom."
Her mother poured her juice and sat it down. "Hey, what time does the game start tonight?"
"Eight mom." David piped up.
"Are you both coming home after the pep rally, your father wanted to know?" Jan's mom was fishing.
David stopped in mid-bite and looked through his brows across the table at his sister. He tilted his head and opened up one palm towards his sister. He stretched his fingers wide apart as if to say "this is your puppy girl."
Jan took over. "Mom, myself and some other cheerleaders and girls from the dance squad are going to stay at school until the game. We have to work on posters for the field and treat bags for the guys lockers.
Her mother opened up the vitamins and placed one at each of their plates. "What are you going to do about eating tonight? Do you need some money? Are you going to eat at the concession stand before the game?" Mrs. Weaver was working hard here.
"If you can spare a couple of bucks mom it would be good. I know that some of the kids are going to go down and get something to eat at Steak N' Shake after were done." David gave a lip closed, Jay Leno type one thumbs up head shake over the table to his sister. Jan just glared at him.
Jan's mother opened up an upper cabinet and reached into a jar and pulled out a ten dollar bill and gave it to Jan. David held out his hand for his share and his mother just gave him five and said, "you can come home and eat here and go to the game with Dad and me."
"Like that will happen," David shot back.
Janice walked over and picked up the paper off of the counter top and flopped it on the table. "There is a front page article about tonight’s game. Most of the article is about that boy who plays quarterback for us, what is his name?" She unfolded the paper as David and Jan gave each other a look. She was really working it here.
"Oh here it is. Wow! He is a nice looking boy isn't he. Hmmmm, Sky Shadow, that is an unusual name. Do either of you know him? Janice was trying every lure she had in her "mother gone fishing" tackle box to try and get an information bite. She wanted to see what, if anything her daughter might be willing to give up.
David cut in and saved the day for his sister.
"I know him mom." He grabbed the paper to pretend like he was looking at it. "I have talked to him quite a bit at school. He is just a normal guy. He is very smart and a great athlete. He has Native American blood in him. I think on his father's side of the family, I think it is Cherokee Indian.
"Well that would explain the name," his mother added. "You being a cheerleader Jan have you met him yet?"
Reeeeeeerrrrrrr, the cast of momma Weavers information gathering fishing pole went long and deep.
David scooted his chair back and said, "look at the time J. J. we got to run!"
They both grabbed a quick kiss from their mom and bolted out the door.
"Thanks David," Jan said as she got into the car.
"Just take a couple of my social debts off what I owe ya." David cracked a smile and started the car.
Janice Weaver hung up her motherly fishing rod and poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down. Spreading the article out in front of her on the table she began to read.

Chapter 12

"Father Knows Best?"

All through the night Janice had lay in silence pretending to be asleep and afraid to speak. John had tried to sleep. He would toss and turn and then get out of bed and pace back and forth across the bedroom. She would watch and listen as he would enter the bathroom and close the door. She could hear him crying one moment and gritting his teeth and cursing at himself the next..
Hopeless frustration and self imposed guilt were chipping away at the heart of the vibrant man she had come to know and love. He was so angry with himself. His perception of his failure was so deeply disturbing to Janice; and it was so very misguided and wrong.
She heard him walking down the hallway towards the kitchen and grabbed the coffee pot and poured him a cup. John draped his coat over the back of the chair and sat down.
"Good morning sweetheart," Janice set the cup of coffee down in front of him and waited for a response..there was none.
Janice retreated back to the coffee pot and began to pour herself another cup. As she stood there she stole glimpses of John. What she saw tore at her like a double edged sword; it broke her heart and angered her.
The dark purple circles that puffed out from under John's eyes told of his lost sleep and tears. The red veins that filled the whites of his eyes gave glimpses of the seismic activity that was bubbling deep in his heart.
Janice had never seen this before in her husband. He was always stubborn and single minded but this was different some how. It was his little girl; he was losing her and he simply did not know how to handle it. Why would he? As a man, as a father.....he had never been here before.
Slowly, methodically like a robot, John raised his cup and took a sip of his coffee. His face was void of expression as he stared in silence. A heavy sigh came roaring through his nostrils as he returned the cup slowly to the table.
Janice turned her thoughts away for a moment and slid the spatula under the pancakes and put them on a plate. She opened the microwave and pulled out the cup of hot syrup and walked over to the table. John leaned back in his chair as Janice sat his breakfast plate down in front of him-not even a glimmer of expression. Janice slowly walked back to the coffee pot and pretended to pour herself another cup of coffee as she again watched him out of the corner of her eye.
Janice could not take it any longer. John was a good father and she was a good mother. They had given Jan and David a loving home and had made certain that they had every opportunity to succeed. A girls childish crush over a boy was not the end of the world. Even if this grew to be more than just a crush there is only so much that parents, even good ones, can do.....and we have done it. Janice could not keep silent any longer.
"John, you can not just sit there and let this eat on you like this. We need to talk about this." The silence that followed was not golden. The few moments that passed without a response seemed like an eternity.
Janice quickly walked to the table and pulled a chair away across from her husband and sat down. Janice placed her elbows on the table in front of her and raised them palms facing one another as if to channel his eyes towards hers. "John! Talk to me damn it!" Because Janice was normally very soft spoken this tactic had on selected occasions been effective at getting John’s attention. This time was disturbingly different. John did not even blink an eye. He just sat there staring right passed her and slowly raised his coffee cup and took another sip and then slowly sat the cup back on the table. He quickly got up and pulled his coat off of the back of the chair and threw it over his shoulder.
"John, what the hell? You have to talk to me." Janice felt herself about to cry. John looked so different, so distant and angry.
He walked over to the hooks on the wall by the front door that held his truck keys and removed them. He turned around and sighed with such a horrible look on his face. He gritted his teeth...."My little girl will not throw away her dreams. I will not allow it to happen!"
"John!" He cut Janice off with a raised hand and a look in his eyes that was not John. He walked out the door without giving her a kiss....he had never done that.....ever. Janice sat down and folded her head in her arms on the table and cried.

Chapter 13

"Momma Knows Best!"

Moose was waiting just inside the door when Sky pulled into the driveway. Sky shut off the motor as Moose came out the door with Mrs. Bower coming out right behind him shouting out a greeting and waving her hand. “Hey Sky!”
“Hello Mrs. B., How are you this morning?” Sky closed the door to his bright blue 64' Malibu behind him and took off on a jog towards the door. He hopped over the short hedge taking a short cut to he front walk and bounded up to where Moose was giving his mom a hug and kiss good bye..
“Hey Mrs. B.” Sky backed away a little and gestured with out stretched arms as he shook his head side to side. “You are looking as beautiful as ever this morning.” He gave her a big hug.
“You are as full of crap as usual Sky, but I thank you just the same.” She gave him a big squeeze and a kiss on the cheek and softly patted the side of his face.
Mr. Bower had passed away when Moose was just a little boy. They didn’t have much in the way of money and that always bothered Sky. It never seemed to bother her or Chuck though. They were just good people. Mrs. Bower had worked two jobs as long as Sky had known his best friend, and that was a long time. One thing about Mrs. B. was that her boy was the love of her life. She never missed one game that Chuck had played in. No matter how far away or what she had to do to get there she had never missed one and that was a lot of games. Moose was a great basketball player as well as a football standout and that meant a lot of games to get to during a year..
Moose and Sky had grown up together and the two had been inseparable. Sky had always stuck up for Moose when they were growing up. Of course that was before Moose got his growth spirt in Jr. High. Moose was not Moose before that. He was always tall but he was a tooth pick and unusually clumsy. Sky had always had to protect him when they were younger. Now that Moose was Moose he constantly returned the favor especially on the football field.
Moose grabbed his book bag and his duffle bag from his mother’s hand and gave her another quick peck on the cheek. “Love you mom.”
“I love you too baby. You two play hard tonight it’s a big game. It’s the play off there is no second chance you know. You make sure you two leave everything you got on that field; if I have to carry the both of you off cause you ain’t got noth’n left...... I will.”
“We will Mrs. B. I promise.” Sky slapped the shoulder of his friend as they turned to walk to the car. If your son will block this game and give me some time to throw the ball.” Chuck was just about to retaliate when....
“And Charles!”
Moose stopped dead in his tracks when he heard that and turned around. When his momma called him Charles she wanted his attention. “Yes Momma?”
“That big defensive end for Winter Park, what’s his name?”
“Rodney Patterson Momma.”
“Yes, that’s the one. He has that inside spin move you need to watch out for. You remember don’t you Sky?”
“How the heck could I forget Mrs. B. He nearly took off my head last time we played them.”
“Don’t you let his ass get in there on Sky now....you hear me! You got to make sure that he has time to throw.” The two of them started walking towards the car. When Mrs. B. got on her coaching soap box she called them like she saw them.
“Sky Shadow!” Chuck put his hand to his mouth and chuckled but just kept on walking. Sky stopped and turned around. Mrs. B. meant business when she used Sky’s last name. It was just like when she called Moose Charles; she wanted his full attention.
“They played a two deep zone last game and you two tore them up with the wide receivers. I would suspect that they are going to go to man to man coverage this game to try and stop that. I suspect that they will play tight on the wide receiver.....bump and run more than likely. My boy will probably be matched up with that number 56, what is his name?”
“Mike Overly momma.” Chuck shot back as he sat down in the car.
“Yes, that’s the boy. He can’t hang with my Charles now he’s too short....you hear me?”
“I hear you Mrs. B.”
“A little play action to freeze him for a moment and hit Charles over the top in front of the safety.”
“I agree Mrs. B.” Coach Messina agrees with you too and we have been working on the tight end routes real heavy this week. Sky waved as he sat down and closed the car door. He started the car and they both saw Mrs. B. making a motion to roll down the window.
“Tell that boy of mine to look the ball into his hands and catch it before he tries to run!” She double pointed and smiled blew two kisses and disappeared into the house.
“Damn your mother knows as much as coach.”
“Yea, I know.”
“Do you tell her what we are doing in practice?”
“Shit,” Moose laughed, “ she tells me what we should be doing in practice.”
They both chuckled as they pulled out of the driveway.

More chapters to come soon......
© Copyright 2001 skyshadow (skywayman442 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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