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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1229887
This is my first novel. Suggestions would be appreciated. Very Kay Hooperish.
Overton Pass, Colorado  Present

         Mia shifted her grocery bags into a more comfortable position in her arms.  As she reached for the front door pain erupted in her head.
         Not now...please! She silently begged.  Shaking she hurried inside.  The pain was excruciating, knocking her to her knees.  Silent tears fell in puddles as she hung her head.  The room was spinning, the colors reminding her of a keleidoscope.  All her nerves were pulsing with energy, like bolts of electricity.  The pain worsened until it felt like her skull was exploding.  She lifted her head and let out a scream, right before she collapsed on the floor.

         The darness was suffocating.  She felt cold, so very cold.  It was like a tunnel.  Keep moving, straight ahead. She told herself.  She could see light, barely.  Then, in an instant she was there watching.  There was so much pain and hate, she couldn't bear it.That's when she heard it, a whimper that was barely audible.  She could help, she had to.  But before she could gather any of her strength the darkness seemed to race away.  She latched onto it, letting it pull her deeper.  She had to see, through the killers eyes.
              There was excitment and adrenaline all around, live untapped energy buzzed loudly.  He was so angry and betrayed.  She felt his thoughts;so evil.  Watching through alien eyes she saw the girl.  She was young, maybe twenty and beautiful.  Or rather, she used to be.  The girl was blindfolded with a soft purple cloth.  Bits of information Mia caught, others flews past her.  There was so much blood, the smell burning it's way into her senses.  The young girls legs were covered in blood, it would be a slow painful death.
            Mia could feel the killer's laughter growing echoing.  A piece of metal cought her attention.  It was a knife, gold and beautiful.  Deadly.  She saw the man move closer to the girl and grab her jaw.  Mia heard the crunch, she sensed the pain and shock that came with that crunch.  Prying the gilrs mouth open the killer manauvered the knife inside.  There were screams, hyterical and terrified.  The he was holding the gilrs tongue in his hand.  A trophy.

        " Mia!  Mia an you hear me?  Come on honey, come back to me!" A desperate voice pleaded.  The voice was so strangely framiliar.  "Mia where are you?"  The voicce rang through her head, it was her brother.  Mia had to get back to him, she knew she'd seen too much. 
        "Mia wake up!  Follow the sound of my voice!  Open your eyes!"  Justin watched his sister lie on the floor.  To all who didn't know her she seemed either asleep or unconscious.  BUt in fact she was clutched in a dream-like state.  Justin watched her eyelids flutter and her lips part in a silent gasp.  What color was left in her skin drained away.  She was going deeper.  Panicked, Justin grabbed her shoulders and lifted her so she was sitting against his leg and cried, "Mia no!  Stay with me.  Don't you dare go back!  Damn you!"  He gave her a hard shake.  When that did nothing he laid her back on the floor.  Sitting perfectly still he closed his eyes.  Letting down the barriers that kept his own psychic ability quiet and serached for her.

          Speak to me.
          There was nothing.  So deeper he went, following the energy around him...evil energy.  He tried agin to reach hi siter.

      Come back to me plaese.
      Justin, I'm here.

      Mia was so weak, her strength almost gone, used up trying to escape.  There was so much anger, smothering them.  He had to get her out.  Desperately he tried one last thing.  Reaching out to her, Justin found her hiding place and forced himself around her.  He created a mental forcefield to surround her and give her the chance to leave.  The brief sheild allowed Mia to return to her body without feeling the power of the darkness.

        Gasping Mia opened her eyes.  There was nothing, just blackness.  There was always a shock when she first opened her eyes and saw nothing.  The feeling quickly faded, blindness was one of the side affects from her visions.
        "Mia what the hell happened?"  Justin demaned as he grabbed her hand.  Weakly she used her grip on her brother to pull herself into the sitting position.
        "I'm not sure.  This one was so strange."
        "Strange how?"  Mia felt herself being lifted into her brother's arms.  A few moments later she was placed on her bed.  She was so tired, and her head throbbed painfully.  "Mia why was this vision so strange?"  Justin asked again as he pulled a blanket over his siter.  SighingMia answered, "She died.  He hated her, he loved her, and he killed her."  Then she was asleep.  Justin knew she'd be asleep for a few hours, and would only remember a feew things when she woke up.  He hope Mia assumed the girl she'd seen was murdered.  He also knew better than to hope.

© Copyright 2007 Allisen Lee (maggster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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