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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1231795
Alex recieves a gift from his father however it isnt a normal game.
~Video Girl Karin~
~Part One~

It was ..just a normal day or so I thought. Everything was going as planned. My 18th birthday the day I became a man or so I thought. My old man working 90% of the time and 10% time with me. Sounds great huh? Not really it sucks to have to make your own meals and it sucks even more when your realize you cannot cook.

RRRrrrring. The phone went off and all I could do is sit there and think of who it was..hmm friends? Nah..Girl? ..No They never call here. Unless it was to make fun of me, its hard but I usally just ignore it. RRRrrrinng. Gah! There it goes again. I rush to pick up the phone.

Alex : "Hello?"
Dad : "Hello. Alex?"
Alex : "Wait wait..dont tell me? Late at the office? Cant come home? Overseas business trip?"
Dad : "Bing on number 3 Son."
Alex: "Great. Ill cya in ..about 2 - 3 months?"
Dad: "Yeah..Might be a little longer oh well see you soon."
Alex: "Yeah yeah.."
Dad: "Oh before I forgot there is a new game for you coming in the mail for your computer. Use it and make me proud son!" *Click*

Make me proud? Oh god..what can he be thinking of now.. Last time I got a porno mag, The other time it was a sexdoll and not one of those cheap sixty dollar ones. It was one of those expansive seven hundred dollar ones. Gah..I always ignore it or just return those. Oh well. For dinner all I could fix up with some eggs..Extra crispy and ninty-percent burnt. I decided for tea instead while tossing the eggs in the garbage.

Alex : "Tommorrow..I eat out"

I decided to call it a night and just head to bed. Tommorrow is my 18th birthday and again. I will have to spend it alone. Sadly this isnt the first time. I lay on my bed and slowly drift to sleep thinking of whats school going to be like tommorrow? I finally fall asleep.

Radio: "Today in the news. Women mysteriously disappearing continues and now Morgan with the weather"


I crushed the radio...again. Bleh. Well today is my birth- DingDong! The door? This early..bleh probably a salesman.
I walk out ready to say no to the salesman and when I come out all I see is a package. This must be the package that my old man was talking about. As I open the package quickly There is nothing but a blank CD case and a Video Cassette. On the box there was a piece of paper however. I started reading the note.

"Dear Son,
I Happened to stumble across a video store one day called Gokuroku I stumbled across a video of a cute girl and wondered to myself what if you had a girl like this. So well. Ive decided to work on a program with the manager of the store. He said that the time for VHS and Cassettes were ending and he wanted to try something new. Was it a mistake that this store appeared before my eyes? Or perhaps the gods are just watching me. I began work right away and in your hand there is the finshed product. The VHS is incase it wont work on your computer.

I hope you like her ~Dad"

Alex: "Like...who?"

I put the cassette in on my bed and pop the disc in my computer. The first that appears is a screen displaying what appears to be an outline of a girl.

Alex: "Lets..huh? Breast size? Traits? Hip size? Height?

It must have been one of those virtual girls on the internet Ive been hearing about. Apperently they are so realistic guys are getting more into them than into their actual wives. I configured a normal girl. However a little short with peach sized breasts. I got to choose the race. I choose japanese why? Well I like anime and perhaps she can teach me it! I just had to choose traits there many to choose from. Trustworthiness, Loyality, Cooking, Body, Charm, Creative, Kindess, and..Fetishes? Weird. Anyway after choosing all the traits. I clicked the save button, after saving it said print out. Well I clicked print hoping to see my women of choice and then..out of no where there was a huge flash. Blinding almost, after the flash was over. I notice a girl standing ontop of my printer. I didnt know what to say but I knew what thing I had to do..I got up and almost tackled her off the printer. I depend on that thing to work! She stepped off of the printer. Winked at me, and then out of no where fell over. She was unconscious. I put her on my bed (without even noticing that I crushed the cassette in my failed tackle attempt.) I rushed over to my computer and saw a huge sign on the screen. Enjoy your new life with your wife! Wait..with my..WIFE?
I froze in pure terror. Wife? I havent even touched, kissed, or do anything to a girl. Hell I could barely talk to one without getting nervous but..now wife? The printer sounded like it had something Jammed inside of it. I reached in and I found two rings. One for the groom and one for the bride. Stunned I looked back at the girl and saw she was awaking. The first thing I thought was...this..is my wife?
Around 12pm She started waking up I was still in the same spot as I was at 6am. She woke up. Yawned and then stared at me.

Alex: "Woah..wait me? Pervert?"
Girl: "I bet you touched me in your sleep..didnt you!"
Alex: "No Never! I have more respect for people than that!"
Girl: "Nyuuu its probably a lie!"
Alex: "sighh. Whatever. Whats your name?"
Girl: "My name..nyuu..I dont know."
Alex: "Wait wait how can you not know your own name?"
Girl: "Oh wait!"

She opened up her shirt and took out a little book and handed it to me..Your new wife. Beginner tips and Sexual Positions.

Alex: "Wait..Positions? Did you just hand me a porn magazine"
Girl: "Close to it. Its the manual for me Take good care of me now"
Alex: "Well for one. Go take a shower. You smell like ink."
Girl: "but.."
Alex: "Shower. Now."
Girl: "Yes dear.."

As she walked out I noticed something I shouldve noticed before. Her face, Her eyes, Her mouth, Her...rear. They were all what I have chosen on the computer!

Eyes : Blue
Hair : Blond
Race: Japanese
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite Passtime : Watching romantic movies.

When I saw the last two I ran downstairs and into the shower without thinking. She was busy taking her clothes off when I ran right into her. CLUMP! Was the only thing I remember clearly.

Alex: "Gah...sorry! I had to ask a question"
Girl: "Get off.."
Alex: "Hm?"
Girl: "It hurts.."
Alex: "What does.."

As I looked down I noticed something. My hand was right on top of her breast. I instantly blushed and looked back at her. She was embrassed and seemed angry. She hoped in the tub and decided to ask me.

Girl: "Alright then What did you need to ask?"
Alex: "Oh..um..right. Whats your favorite food.?"
Girl: "Oh..sushi!"
Alex: "Oh heh Alright thanks!"

As I exited she started singing in the tub while washing. I stood outside the door frozen in fear. Can someone be playing a trick on me? Was this a joke? Is my dad getting back at me for taking off his wig at that meeting? It was 12 years ago! I was 6 I was only a kid Iam sorry! forgive me! Looking at the two rings that fell out of the printer. I decided to go back in the bathroom. The girl was sitting the tub minding her own business. When she opened her eyes thats when trouble began.

Alex: "Bleh quit your whining."
Girl: "Naked?, Ready? Not? ..are you raping me?"
Alex: "What gah no! I need to talk to you but I also thought that we should each at least be able to see each other like this since we are ya know.."

I held up the two rings and put one on her finger and another on mine.

Alex: "Well we are offically husband a wife"
Girl: "Nyuuu...name?"
Alex: "huh?"
Girl: "Whats my name?"
Alex: "Um...Umm..Karin!"
Karin: "Huh? My name is Kar..in you want me in your car"
Alex: "noo noo I ment Kar it sounds like Care and in"
Karin: "Oh...my name is Karin!"
Alex: "Yes, yes it is!"
Karin: "Nya! Iam so happy Alex!"

Karin gave me a huge hug before she noticed her breasts were rubbing up against me she fell back in the tub and hit her head real hard. I rubbed her back to make her feel better and try to forget about the pain. However little did I realize that on my computer. There was a save file and on that save file there was another Karin. If anyone got a hold of it. It would mean trouble.
Out of the tub and into the living rom. I got a call from the school asking why was I late? The vice princpal is very popular with the students. Mainly because he is either strict or maybe because he ignores what parents tell him. I remember this one time..

Dad: "But..he destoried 3 windows and blew up a whole row of lockers!"
VP: "Your point? hes a kid and not to mention it was science class. Just thank god noone was hurt. I didnt want the X-men running around here."

Heh..having a comic book fan as a VP rocks. I said that I had an unexpected visit from a family member and forgot to call it saying I wasnt going to be at school today. Lucky for me she believed it.

Karin: "Nyuuu! Making up a lie for me like that your sweet!"
Alex: "Has she forgiven me for walking in on her naked or did she just forget?"

Lunch time came and I couldnt cook at all and I didnt want Karin to cook. So I just ordered a pizza.

Karin: "Pizza? Ive never heard of that food before."
Alex: "How could someone never hear of pizza? We are going to ignore the fact that its fun to make and you cant go wrong on pizza. Even if you flip it over in the oven you can still make a hotpocket!"
Karin: "Talking to yourself?"
Alex: "uh..yes!"

The pizza got here faster than I thought. It was to be expected however the manager at the pizza place I called from always has a rule. It gets to your house in record breaking time or its free! I only thought to myself "Man how is he going to break this one?" I put the pizza on the table and already saw Karin sitting there with a hungry look in her eyes.

Karin: "Nyuu.."
Alex: "Hungry?"
Karin: "Yes..Yes IAM!"

As I was almost done cutting the pizza she took 3 slices and finshed two in about 30 seconds. She held her stomach.

Karin: "Nyoo..I dont..feel good"
Alex: "You probably ate to fast. If you do that theres probably a big risk or heartburn or probably a cramp."
Karin: "Nyooo..Imma gonna go lay down and rest."
Alex: "Whatever you say Iam putting the rest of the pie into the fridge. Dont touch it until tommorrow!"
Karin: "Nyooo"
Alex: "Whenever I heard her say Nyo, Nyu, and Nya I kinda pictured her like a cat."

When Karin was sleeping I went to my computer to check how everything was going. The status of Karin was showed on the PC.

Health : 97%
Mental Health : 100%
Feeling: Tired
Relationship with current Male : Good but a pervert.
Type of Relationship : Friendly
Hoping to become : Going Steady.

After reading the going steady. I thought to myself. Where these her feelings or did my father put them in here. Before I knew it however she was behind me half-naked.

Karin: "Alex..."

I looked behind and saw her blushing. Not knowing what to do I gave her a hug, and put her back to bed. Apperently she fell off the bed and hurt her arm and wanted me to help her. Iam pretty sure the her blushing was part was because she saw what I was reading. After I made sure Karin was asleep I returned to the computer and took another look at her stats.

Time Left Before Recall : 71: 23: 00

What? recall? No way! I didnt know what to think of those other than what was my father thinking letting a girl live here and then just try and take her away like that. Doing something like that...is not only mean but its like doing something completely cruel! Its like giving life and then taking life away.
After that..it hit me. In one day. Only after 12 1/2 short hours Ive grown attached to Karin. Ive decided to put my worries away and headed to bed. Forgetting Karin was already in my bed I almost hit her but she stayed asleep. Before I fell asleep Karin wrapped her arm around me and gave me a hug..

Karin: "I dont plan on going anywhere soon.."
Alex: "That makes me happy. Very Happy!"

That moment in my life lasted for a long time. I almost wished it never ended but it ended when Karin fell asleep in my arms.
When I woke up I noticed one thing. Karin was missing and I got afraid. I ran to check the computer.

Time Left Before Recall : 63: 14 : 02

The time is left on the screen and I was releaved. I took a look at the monitor again.

Type of Relationship: Close Friends.
Hoping to become: Lovers

In one night 7 hours ago. She wanted to go steady and then she wanted to become lovers? Maybe it was like a video game. When your relationship levels up you need to aim higher.

Karin: "Here ya go Alex!"

She walked up with a bowl of cereal. I quickly ate the cereal and went downstairs to find a mess in the kitchen.

Karin: "Nyuu. Remember you choose good cook but clumsy!"
Alex: "Yeah..maybe clumsy isnt the right word for it.."

Today I decided to bring Karin to the mall to help her pick clothing out. We headed to the mall and when we got there we noticed alot of people from my school was there. They kept whispering stuff when me and Karin walked past.

Girl: "Is that Alex? He got a girlfriend?
Boy: "Who would want to go out with him when I exist in this world?"

I felt like I was ready to punch someone those little words just angered me. Karin stopped me from hitting the boy and kissed me. To my surprise I didnt know how to act other than to sit there and accept it.

Girl: "Oh my god..did she?"

The whispers continued. Iam pretty sure someone outside would jump me and try to take Karin away. We entered the clothes store and looked for nice clothing. As we entered people get kept staring at me like I was some kind of pervert. The first thing Karin did was run into the underwear section to buy new panties and a bra. I followed before I noticed we were even in this part of the store.

Karin: "Look these are cute arent they?"
Alex: "Yeah they look great."
Karin: "Your not even paying attention..nyoo.."
Alex: "Sure Iam these will look great on you!"

Without even noticing I grabbed a thong and thrown it into Karin's hands. She blushed and then asked me.

Karin: "Would you like to see me try this on?"
Alex: "Um..well.."
Karin: "Bleh! Your not fun!"

After about an hour and the half of shopping for her new clothes we head back to the food court. Which by now is almost completely empty, we both get milkshakes instead of actual food. We werent that hungry just exhausted. After fishing our shakes we headed to the bookstore and I picked up a few books. Two of the latest manga, and three magazines. We decided to head home after this and see how Karin looked in her new clothes.
When I got home I was in for the surprise of my life. My father was waiting for me in the living room on the couch with his hands infront of his face.

Father: "Son...the recall is now."
Alex: "That..cant be there are over 60 hours left"
Father: "Due to problems. All models must be called back."
Alex: "..All models..I thought Karin was the only one."
Father: "Dont be a fool! We needed more information and the information Karin was getting is completely useless!"

I saw Karin behind me grabbing my arm with all her strength like she didnt want to let go. My dad pressed a button and Karin fell and seemed almost lifeless I grabbed her and ran as fast as I could to my room. The last words I heard from my father are..

Father: "Iam sorry...son."

I ran upstairs to my room. Closed the door and locked it. When I got up there I noticed Karin was flashing and my computer screen was also flashing. She started floating toward my computer and was starting to get sucked into the monitor. The first thing I did was run and grabbed her arm. To try and save her however when I did that. Not only was Karin pulled into the world inside her PC. But I was as well.
Inside the computer was a world I never expected and Karin was infront of me lifeless then an old man appeared before my eyes. Wearing glasses he looked like a sage almost. He started talking.

Old Man: "I see. Your the second to actually come to this world."
Alex: "The second? You mean people have been inside a computer before?"
Old Man: "Well it wasnt a computer at its time..but a Video Cassette"
Alex: "Oh...is there a way to revive Karin?"
Old Man: "Ah yes. He was here for the same reason. However not to revive but to rescue."
Alex: "Rescue?"
Old Man: "You see. Because you created this girl from scratch. Chosing her race, gender, and other traits. You have custody over her body However. her mind is elsewhere."
Alex: "Where? Where can I find her mind?"
Old Man: "This is your computer...you should know."
Alex: "It..I saved it my harddrive in my folder...the name of the folder was...Karinc.config!"

When I said that. A stairway appeared infront of me. Made out of stone but with main holes, traps, and even worse than all other women all around it.

Old Man: "This stairway is where Karin's mind lies"
Alex: "..This stairway? What is it? A dungeon or some sort?"
Old Man: "You can call it that..but its really how you see love."
Alex: "How I see love..."

Hearing those words made me realize what love really was. It was filled with traps and holes to destory the relationship and temptations to cheat even. However I always thought that love could defeat these demons.

Alex: "Thanks!"

I started running up the stairs and when I turned around to look back at the old man I saw him smiling at me. It looked like a smile stright from the heart. As I began running up those stairs I noticed how difficult it was to avoid the traps and the crumbling staircases. The hardest part of all however was the women all around the staircase.

Girl A: "Alex..come play.."
Girl B: "Ill let you do anything you want.."

They were basicly begging me to do anything they want..all I could do was think of a song in my head. I got one! "Ureshii Namida" by Noriko Sakai. This song was played in my favorite anime. I'll never forget its name..just as I was about to think of a name. The stairs under me fell threw and I almost plunged to the bottom. Until I felt something holding on to me..A hand..warm and soft.

Karin: "Your not threw yet! Bring me back to my body!"
Alex: "yeah!"

Feeling the strength and power from Karin I lifted myself up and continued onward moving faster than ever until I reached the top. When I did however my father was waiting for me on top of the staircase with Karin's Disc in hand.

Father: "Sorry..you shouldve listened."
Alex: "No..dont!"

Before he was able to snap the disc in two. The old man that appeared before me was able to stop him.

Old Man: "Stop! Is this how a father treats their son? By taking away the most important person in their life!"
Father: "Grr.."

Without a second thought I rushed in and took the disc out of his hands. I continued onward until I heard the old man's voice

Old Man: "Alex! If you keep going north you will find a machine that machine put the disc in and put the helmet on top of Karin! Then press start! The password is Goku--"

He was cutoff for some reason my father might have tried to stop him. I continued north like the old man said and entered the room. When I got inside I saw a helmet, a computer, and a disc drive. I put the disc in and put the helmet on Karin..however before I could start anything it asked for a password..I didnt get to hear it from the old man. But it sounded familiar..
Goku..Goku what? GokuRoku? It had to work..I put it in and the computer rejected it. I thought about it again and then retyped it in english. I put the name Paradise and it started putting Karin's mind back inside of her. When it was finshed Karin awoke and gave me a big hug

Karin: "I ...I existed but you werent there you werent around!"
Alex: "Karin..its fine Iam here now."
Karin: "You wont go anywhere right..
Alex: "Right..I'll be here with you..I promise"
Father: "I doubt you can keep that promise."

When he entered the room my father looked like he put up an incredibly tough fight against the old man however I saw the Old Man being carried by his sage like robe.

Father: "He isnt dead. He's just unconscious. Son! look into that piece of trash's data and tell me what you see."

Unable to read whatever was on the screen Karin looked horrifed.

Alex: "What...what is it?"
Karin: "Some..someone.."
Father: "Exactly..after their 90 hours where up. Someone commited suicide when their girl disappeared. Instead of solving the problem they only made it worse."
Alex: "I dont believe that for a second! Karin might have gone away soon but when she did. I would be sad ya but I wouldnt die! I know Karin would stop me!"
Father: "He thought the same way and look where he is now."
Alex: "Shut up! I dont know or care about that man right now. All I care about is Karin!"

Karin was frozen in fear under my arm as I tried to protect her. My father pulled out a device that looked like a shocker and was about to shock Karin when I ran out of the way with her in my arms. I was about to exit the room when all of a sudden everything went black. Next thing I know..we were in my room. On my bed.

Karin: "Nyoo..what happened?
Alex: "We..we are back.."
Karin: "Alex..did you really mean that back there?"
Alex: "About what?"
Karin: "About..you being sad if I disappeared.."
Alex: "Of course right now your the world to me."

With that said I ran to my computer. To check on it. It showed the amount of time Karin had left.

Time Left before recall 99:93:0E

Alex: "E..as in Error?"
Karin: "Thats right. ..I dont need to go back."
Alex: "Karin..."

I bent over and kissed her and fell into the bed. I grabbed her hand and she grabbed mine.
That night was the happiest I have ever been and probably I ever will be.

© Copyright 2007 Chris Jones (otakucat89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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