Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1232969-Dream-maker-
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1232969
i had a dream in english and this is what it was.............
as i tune out when the teacher reads us a poem called 'homecoming' i forget school and start to gaze out the window which i sat next to up the back all i see is trees oh wait no, trees and buildings one big long building we called it 'B block' but anyway as i gaze out i start to drift off to sleep i close my eyes and put my head down on the hard plastic/wood table i see lots of trees below me,

i find myself flying over disney land i look down and see lots of happy faces they all make me happy and i smile i see my best friends i try to go down to see them but i can't to wonder where am i now, but i just go over sand the only thoughts going though my mind is 'where am i?' it starts to get really hot i find myself flying over a hot desert with the sun shinning in my eyes i ask myself out loud "this is when i need a pair of sunglasses"
" here is a pair"a voice from out of nowhere replys to me "what whos there" i answer in a nervious and scared voice, but all i see and here are the wind and a pair of sunglasses but no ordinary pair it had dimmed lens and a fire like stricks on the side just how like them i pick them up and just when i see them i find that it says 'made for caitlin and only for caitlin'i thought why would it say caitlin my name of all names why my name and how come this person or whatever it was how did it know my name and why did it say 'only for caitlin' then i heard that voice again "yes your name is caitlin right" the voice repeated until i answed the thing" who are you?.... and how do you know my name" i answed,he answed in a very wierd voice "i am the dream maker i can give you good or bad dreams now what do you chose?" as a smartass i am i chose "well i dont know dream makerif i chose bad you are only a figment of my imagenation that makes you not real" i answer
"good you chose bad haha"he answed in a ungreatfull voice, then puff i found myself in a cage about to get eaten by a hurg, hiary, lion staring at me " Help Help me" i sceamed waiting for my knight in shinning armer but no-one came. then i noticed that i was flying over paris it was so cool "man look at that the elifle tower" i said amazed then from out of know where i appear in my class room but this time i was not able to be heard or they just were ignoring me but i dubt it cause when i stood in front of my friend kristy she just kept writing what was on the board but i still could not be seen i wished i would be back and thats when i saw me, i saw a person meaning me sitting in my seat "unbalievabe" i said before waking up to hear the bell go for lunch and my friend kristy"caitlin, caitlin the bell went"she said in a bored voice "yeah yeah i am up lets get out of here"

i still wonder why i had that dream but i dont know maybe when i get older i will reliese why i had it but till then i guess i got to wait just like every one else.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1232969-Dream-maker-