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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Ghost · #1240549
A short story about some mysterious arsen murders. You'll be shocked to find who did it.
         From his birth Jack has had a picture perfect life. Attentive parents, friends, and always something to do, but before you get to the now, you must first understand how it started. It's true; Jack did have a picture perfect life, from his birth to age five and then age ten to age fourteen. In his life however there was a segment that wasn't so ideal. Many things happened during that fateful year and fate had conspired for the worst.
         It all started when Jack was five years old. He and his mother had not been used to fighting with one another so there was very high emotion when Jack disobeyed his mother for the first time. Little did anyone know, but Jack's mother Amanda was having a hard time holding on in the world. She would never let anyone know it, but she was a heavy drinker was she was depressed and an average drug addict. Jack was starting to become more and more disobedient and Amanda didn't like it. She missed the old days where they were happy and everything was perfect and she'd do anything to get it back. Sometimes she had to slip a pill or two just to make it and needless to say, her life was a mess. Her straight blonde hair started to split and turn dull. Her fingernails grew yellow and her skin color turned from a nice tan to more of a pale white. Her husband Derek noticed immediately. He couldn't prove it so one day he slipped out of work and waited for his dear wife to do her daily routine. Sure enough she did and this is when Derek stepped up behind her, spun her around and knocked her Sam Adams out of her hand.
         She twisted and turned, writhing around trying to get loss, but Derek had held her too tight.
         "I just wish things could go back to the way they were", she exclaimed.
         "Well they can't, so you're just going to have to get over it", Derek countered.
         She stopped struggling and stood still, head down. Then a lone teardrop hit the floor and she ran off. Derek knew he should chase after her so he could prevent her from doing something that she'd regret. Just as he was about to start the pursuit the phone rang.
         "Derek, there is an emergency down here. You need to come to work right away."
         "She'll be alright, I wonder what's going on at work though."
         Derek stood at a tall six foot two, which towered over his wife who stood five foot five. He was very well built which he needed to be since he worked at a lumberyard and was required to move logs all day. His wife worked at the local school that Jack just started to receive his teachings. Amanda couldn't bear the thought of losing her only son so she took up a job at the school where Jack was going. 
         Later that night Jack asked his mother if he could go buy a toy, but seeing as it was seven o' clock his mother said no. Jack's just a kid so he didn't understand and he really was determined to go. On his way to bed after his shower, Jack quietly slipped out the sliding back door and bolted down the road on his way to the store. After he took a turn and left his block the five-year-old boy got scared. Now it was dark and the only light source that was available was a flickering street lamp that burned out as Jack passed under it. Finally he realized what he was doing and started to cry. He sat down on the curb and sobbed. This however was interrupted by the sound of sirens, which left a trail of noise leading back to his house. Now he was rally scared. He ran home already weary of his thirty-minute excursion, which ended in failure.  When he got home the fire department had just started extinguishing the fires. Jack just stood there amazed at the intensity of what was happening. Finally he cried out in anguish into the cold, fall night.
         "No!! Mommy, Daddy!" and again "No! Mommy, Daddy!"
         His voice had lowered to a murmur, but it was enough to attract the attention of everyone. People tried to take him away from the horrendous scene, but to no avail. Jack slipped back under their arms and tried to run into the house to discover the end result. After many tries he fell to the ground in exhaustion. Jack curled up into a ball rocking back and forth quietly muttering one phrase over and over.
         "No! No! No! Mommy, Daddy!"
         This was their chance to get him out of there and they capitalized on it. The police who were accompanying the fire fighters scooped up the young boy and brought him to the station. Here they did everything within their power to get him into a warm, loving foster home where he might potentially be adopted. No one had ever told him that his parents were killed; instead he had been fed the lie that they were taking a vacation and this is where they said he should stay. The burnt house, which stood at 192 Coral Avenue, was knocked down and a new house was built in it's place.
         For ten years, Jack lived in that foster home, all of which he wished he could just see his parents one more time. Finally Jack was adopted at the age of ten by a couple recently from Brasil. Their names were Allison and Frank. Frank is well built like Derek and stands six feet even. Allison is a brunette, skinny and is extremely tan. Frank is a scientist who is studying climate changes in the west of the world. He worked his way over and started on the east side of the U.S. His first stop was New York and as he drove past the busy city to the small city adjacent from it he first passed a rural area where he couldn't help, but notice the beauty. The area of land sitting roadside is completely deserted. The grass has grown long and the dirt a rich soil perfect for farmland. Jack lives in a small town just past the fertile land where everyone knows each other and it really isn't far to anywhere. The back roads are dirt and the main, concrete. Just a typical city, but perfect if you want to start a family.
         So the two bought a house and took Jack to it. Jack recognized the house immediately. The address was192 Coral Avenue. This is where he spent the next four years of his life. The same house where both of his parents died and Jack tried to talk his new parents out of taking him there, but he was afraid if he argued with them they would die as well.
         It was a night just like any other. There were no irregular events in his daily routine. Nothing was different. Until, he fell asleep and had a dream. In Jack's dream, his mother was standing face towards the wall. Her hand was writing something. His mother hadn't moved out of the way at this point, but he saw a trickle of blood lead down the wall from his mother's hand and hit the floor. Finally she moved, but Jack was still confused. All she wrote was a sequence of numbers: 1-2-1. This dream was only five seconds and it would have been longer, but Jack was awakened by the sound of sirens. When he awakened from his bizarre dream, he found himself not in his bed, but on the couch a full level lower. Also he was no longer in his pajamas, he was fully dressed. Despite this Jack rushed out to discover that the origin of the sirens was coming from the house to the left of his. Jack could not sleep that night knowing that his life and his family's was just 100 feet from being no more. Again the next day he had the same dream where numbers were written in blood on the wall this time they were 14-4-15. This time however his mother was not writing these mysterious messages, it was some sort of demon. The eyes a piercing red that just gave off the aura of bloodlust. A black mist was constantly being discharged from the exterior of the being and the body itself was the darkest shade of black. It reminded him of a shadow how it moved so flawless and effortlessly. This dream was longer and Jack was able to view far more. This time the beast appeared to be writing it's name.
         Again, Jack was awakened by the piercing sounds of the sirens. Only this time he did wake up in his bed. He rushed to the window and peered out to the neighboring house, which was receiving the attention of the fire department. Jack decided to take a look at this fire and rushed outside. He took the back door, just as he had when he was a kid and snuck around the back of the burnt house. He knows from his own traumatic experience that the fire department won't let civilians into a house that is currently being extinguished. He knew he had to sneak in, but how? He thought to himself for a quick moment. Finally he came to a decision. He searched for and picked up the nearest rock then without impulse chucked it at the police holding people off from rushing in the house. When the two guards rushed to the source, Jack slipped around to the other side and scurried in. On the back wall was carved:
         "It will write it's human name in his blood."
         What could this mean, what possible explanation could decipher this message?
         Now Jack was looking forward to his dreams, hoping they would be the key to answering the secret of these events that are unfolding.
         The next day he fell asleep and only had a dream of the beast writing the numbers: 14-8-15. Nothing else, but that sequence of three numbers. Again he was awakened by the sound of sirens only he did not budge. He lay in his bed and just covered his head with his pillow.  He could tell that the trucks were across the street tending to that house. The link of burned houses was surrounding his house and he expected the next house to fall victim to be the one behind his. The next day he set his alarm for twelve O'clock A.M. in anticipation of catching this serial arsonist. The fiend committing the fires had already taken the lives of four children, one baby and six adults.
         As Jack expected, the fourth fire was at the house behind his and the fire was at it's prime. This time in his dream the last two numbers were revealed for him: 16-5. This time he arose, not to the sound of sirens, but to that of his alarm clock. Jack rushed to the back door in anticipation of seeing the culprit fleeing the scene, but no one ever left. The blaze of the fire was immensely burning and repelled you from 75 feet due to the intensity at which it was burning. After the fire department had left Jack took a look inside and realized that the deepest burn mark on the inside was a trail leading to the back wall where again the same message was scratched into it.
         "It will write it's human name in his blood."
         He finally fell asleep and woke up to the bright sunshine that was flowing through the window of his rural house. The fires had completely surrounded him and now he was scared. The thoughts of what might happen were driving him crazy. He was more afraid of being labeled as paranoid however so he didn't say anything and fell asleep later that night.
         Crash!!!!!! "What was that honey", questioned Allison?
         "I knew this was bound to happen, some hoods broke into the house. Stay close behind me, I don't want you to get hurt", said Frank as he carefully removed his 38 cal. Smith and Wesson from his nightstand.
         This time Jack's dream was out of control. He dreamt he was slowly falling into the darkness. And when he thought it was over, flames instantly engulfed his body. Once again he awakened as he had done previously, not to sirens, but to a familiar voice. The voice of his dad. Jack tried to turn and look his stepfather in the eye, but found himself incapable of doing so. It wasn't that he couldn't bear looking at his father it's just that he felt that some other force was controlling his body.
         "Jack? Is that you? What are you doing up and what was that crash...          Come one Jack I mean really, you need to go... Honey do you smell alcohol?"
         "I do, but it's mixed with some other smell"
         At that point, Frank turned to his left and saw what looked like to be the remains of a Sam Adams.
         "So that's where the crash came from. I can't believe you've been drinking!" proclaimed Frank. "Turn around Jack!!!
         Jack did turn around to face his father, but it was completely independent of his own will. He turned around with a frown. This quickly changed when his and his parents' eyes met. A malevolent grin quickly overcame Jack and he raised his hand up. His index finger was pointing down towards the ground. Allison and Frank looked down in unison to discover a trail of gasoline scattered throughout the house. However, the heaviest concentrate was one trail leading from the door to the back wall. The one they were currently standing in. They both looked up to discover Jack holding a long handled match.
         "Jack, you've been the one starting the fires?" questioned Frank
         Jack replied to that, but not in his normal voice. His voice had been distorted and combined with a demonic rasp that closely resembled the universal unholy spirit and demon voice. "Jack's body may have committed the acts, but it wasn't Jack." The demon then lit the match holding it by his head. This spirit then exclaimed, "Four fires so far, this to be the fifth. Five fires, to resemble the five years. Five years that I had...five years was all I had. It all ended on the fifth year. With this match, it will all end with the fifth fire.
In unison Jack's parents screamed, "Don't!!!!!!!"
It was too late... Jack dropped the match.
         "So, what do we have here?"
         "Well, carved into the wall in the number sequence1-2-1-14-4-15-14-8-15-16-5... and as you can see there is a name written in blood on the wall. Just as the other arson cases in this neighborhood. We have our cryptologists working on the numbers right now, but there is no evidence of who could have started the fire."
         "Good work Peterson", said the chief 
         "Peterson, Peterson. We figured it out."
         "Well, what did it mean?"
         "Each number had a corresponding letter that matched it in the alphabet:
1=a 2=b 3=c...
         "So... what does it say?"
         "Well, this is where it gets weird, it says: abandon hope"
         "Really, that can't be any weirder than a name written out in someone's blood!!" exclaimed Peterson.
         "So... do you know who she is?"
         "No, but who ever she is she is good. One day we'll get her. I will never forget her either. Not as long as that name haunts my dreams and makes me remember. Remember it all, theses fires, the death, but most of all her blood written name...Amanda.

© Copyright 2007 Mark Jorvik (10stanfjo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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