Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1245638-Some-short-drafts-from-my-POD-book
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #1245638
POD stands for Prince Of Darkness and it is a story I have been working on.
This is the first part of my story, its opening. It could always change and most likely will. Mind it is also not all of the opening...I shall post more at another time:

  Standing in a corner I, the Queens Hand maid, cried. I cried for my mistress the Queen. Any moment now her screams would fade and the child would be born…the future king or queen of Driland. But this was not why I cried. For I knew, as the queen knew, she was blessed to be having a child of the late king.
  However I cried for the Queen because she would be remarrying quite soon to a man she didn’t love and who had pushed him self to being her husband, and the pain the Queen must have felt at this moment must have been unbearable as was the pain of knowing what was to happen after the child was born. It was quite rude and not what a proper king should do, pushing himself into marrying the Queen not long after the late king’s death.
  And how many times had I heard the Queen say what was to be done after the baby was born? I wipe my eyes as the Queens young, but firm, voice comes to mind. Wich had told me no more than a fore night ago:
“Kara my young hand maid you will follow my instructions, as it is you have said you would do so. You will obey me for sake that this Childs future will be spared.”
  She patted her round stomach as if to say ‘this child inside me’
“But your majesty...” I stumbled. “I cannot understand why you will not keep the child as your own, and let the child grow by your side…”
The Queen had turned to look up at me so fast that I stopped and stood still finding I am holding all air within me. In that firm stern manner she glared at me with that look that meant what she said would happen…or else. Not that her majesty was cruel or anything. She was however a strong independent woman.
  “You are young Kara. You know nothing of woman hood. I must save my child from a doom that I am afraid I have set upon the next heir to my husband’s throne myself.”
  She turned and walked on down the open stone hallway looking out into the sunlit gardens pausing every now and then to lean against the stone and feel its cool on her face. She sighed softly, almost too soft for one to hear, before saying back to me:
  “Had we not had a child and my husband was still alive we would see better days in this kingdom. But now that is all destroyed…I must remarry and I fear for the life of my child as well as my own. That is why I send the child away, and all must be quite about the Childs birth, so that when the child is of age it can come back and reclaim the throne that is rightfully it’s.”
  The Queen smiled at this as she looked out at a bright blossom seeing visions I couldn’t see. I could tell even from the distance I was that she was smiling, for her cheeks rose slowly and caused little lines to come at her eyes.
And then she dismissed me from her sight and wouldn’t let me see her all this time. I didn’t know why, no one did. Perhaps she wanted me to get ready for the journey I was to make soon…Perhaps it was something else.
  I closed my eyes and leaned against the stone walls of the Queens Chambers awaiting my call. My mistress gave a screech of pain which foretold the child was coming and what was to be done would be in the dead of night…And I would have to do it.
  I then ran to her door and almost went in when I remembered she didn’t want to see me, so I stood back and lowered my eyes to the floor while a female servant went in and silently closed the door behind her.
  Time pasted…I stood waiting. Finally I was called in by a maid and I wondered had the child been born now?
  But no, as I went in the Queen was still in bed, looking grey and frail. I gaped in awe, for the Queen had always been a woman of beautiful grace and a firm mind, Only now she looked as If she had been beaten, that life’s toll had taken her captive.
  Sweat glistened on her skin and made her soft blue cotton fabric stick to her skin. She looked over at me and called me over in a feeble whisper. I came. I always came. An annoying little mutt I was called by some, an adorable pup by others.
  I sat next to her on the bed and wondered if something was wrong, did she have the baby already? Had she not and something was wrong? I waited for my Queen to speak. She did but again in a soft feeble whisper.
“Kara, you have always been a faithful servant. Will you still be?                                          Will you now be brave? Please do this last thing.”
I nod and stare unblinking at my Queen…My friend…
She moves slightly and pain grabs her and she stays still for a long moment eyes closed clutching the sheets in pain. I want to reach out and help her…If only she knew that I would be glad to take some of her pain for her…But that was imposable.
  Her eye’s open, the pain passes and she loosens her grip on the sheets and talks on as if nothing had happened. She was always strong when the time called for it. Unlike me, and tears stung my eyes at that very moment.
“Kara, please be strong…” She says. “I need you to be. This child is coming tonight…And you must not be found leaving with it. My plan can only be fulfilled now by you. Now leave, and God speed you on your way.”
  She gave my hand a pat and I stood, looked down on my Queen one last time, then turned and left her room.
I waited. That’s what I had to do…Once this child was born I had to leave…I would never come back in this castle again.
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