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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1254233
A girl and a guy, hes and assassin and shes a stepchild whos step dad wants her dead
My Hero

         Rain lashed the windows and thunder rumbled, making the house tremble as if it were frightened by the intensity if the storm. At the end of a dark hallway a thin ribbon of light spilled out of a partially open door. See the light, a young man, not quite twenty, tiptoed silently down the hall to peek through the partially open door to the room inside. He saw his father, a soft faced man with wide shoulders, a deep voice, graying temples, dark hair, and a hard back hand lean forward in what he brightly called his ‘power chair’. His face was a hard mask of anger.
         “That girl has been a thorn in my side ever sense my late wife Lydia brought her into this house. She’s constantly trying to ruin my reputation and the reputation of this family. I want her gone!” his father yelled.
         Out in the hall the young man frowned. Lydia had been his step mother until about a year ago when she died in a hit and run car accident. Her daughter Kit, his step sister of three years, had taken Lydia’s death harder than anyone else. At nineteen she still lived in the mansion that his father owned but he was lucky if he saw her twice in one day. He couldn’t possibly think of a reason why his father would hate her so much.
         “Have you tried sending her to a boarding school?” Another male voice asked from within the room. Shifting a little the young man saw that another man was sitting in one of the leather Chairs on the opposite side of the large mahogany desk from his father. He couldn’t tell who the man was because the figure’s hood was up and the majority of his body was hidden by the chair he was sitting in.
         His father leaned back slightly. “I tried when Lydia was alive but somehow she found out and cancelled the enrollment. Now that retched daughter of hers is too old.”
         “Perhaps you could send her to a remote island,” The anonymous man suggested.
         The young man saw his father’s eyes narrow. “.I thought you didn’t have any problems about jobs like these,” he demanded.
         The young mans eyes instantly jumped to the black shrouded figure sitting across from his father. The man didn’t even flinch at his father’s gruff commanding tone.
         “I don’t, I am merely making sure that this is your final decision,” the man said calmly.
         The young mans gaze jumped back to his father’s face. The look he saw in those chocolate brown eyes made his blood turn to ice. He’d always known his father was a hard man but the look in those eyes was murderous.
         “My decision is more than final. I want her dead so that she had no chance to come back into my home and ruin my life.”
         The man didn’t move for a long moment but then the young man saw the gentlemen uncross his legs. “Then I shall see what I can do.”
         His father gave a terse nod then reached below the desk and drew out a large black briefcase which he handed across the table to the other man as they both got to their feet. “Here is the payment you asked for.”
         Out side in the hall the young man felt all the blood drain from his face leaving him deathly pale and light headed. His father’s words kept echoing in his making him feel sick to his stomach. It took an effort but he forced down the bile rising in his throat.
         His father wanted to have Kit killed. Breathing heavily he turned and pressed his back against the wall desperately trying to get his breath back. His mind raced with a thousand different scenarios. There had to be a way to help her.
         Movement from inside the room had his heart rate picking up again. From the sound of it he didn’t have much time before his father or the assassin he’d hired came out and saw him. As quickly as he could he started back down the hallway. A few steps away from the door and a floor board decides to creak under his foot.
         “Shit,” he whispered loudly in his mind. He barely had time to take another step before the door opened behind him and the man whom his had been talking to stepped out in to the hallway.
         “It seems the walls have ears tonight,” the man commented. He caught a glimpse of what looked like a dragon katana sword hanging beneath the mans long black trench coat before the guys fists closed around the front of the young mans shirt and jerked him into he room.
         The young man stumbled for a second before he got his balance back then threw a quick glare at the assassin before he locked his gaze on his father.
“Cody,” his father hissed and rushed around the desk to stalk over him. “How much did you hear?” he demanded, fisting his hands in Cody’s short black hair.
         “I didn’t hear anything!” he said hastily “I got hungry so I was heading towards the kitchen for something to eat.”
         His father gave him an evil smile before loosening his hold and ruffling his hair. “Okay,” he said a little too sweetly.
         “Go on and get yourself something to eat.”
         Released from his father’s hold Cody didn’t move a muscle but glanced at the assassin again. “Is this a friend of yours dad?” he asked conversationally.
         “That’s none of your business, now go,” his father ordered.
         Frowning Cody left the room but stayed by the door again to try and catch the rest of the conversation through the closed door.
         “That was my son, don’t worry he won’t be a problem,” he heard his father assure the assassin.
         “I’m glad to hear it. Here is my number. Call me if you come up with anymore information.”
         Cody heard footsteps then the soft squeak of one of the drawers in his father’s desk and smiled. He’d just thought of a way to save his sister and he knew exactly where to find the information he needed. Rushing quietly down the hall he hid in a closet until he heard both of them leave then snuck back into his father’s office to retrieve the number from the drawer on the upper left side.
         He glanced briefly at the name then quickly shut the drawer and headed for the kitchen at a jog. If his father caught him snooping around then he’d never have a chance to save Kit. The automatic lights switched on over head as he skidded to a halt by the sink. He blinked several times to adjust his vision to the new lighting then quickly got down a few things from the cupboards for a light snack. He was just finishing making a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. A few seconds later his father walked into the room.
         “I’m almost finished here,” Cody informed his father casually as he put his sandwich on a plate and dropped his dirty dishes into the dishwater.
         “Fine, after this I suggest you stay in your room the next time you want a midnight snack,” His father growled the left the room.
         Cody waited until he heard his footsteps fade away before he rushed to his room and pulled out his version wireless cell phone. Quickly pulling out the slip of paper he’d taken from his father’s desk, he punched in the number that was written on it and locked his door. He turned to gaze out his window, staring blankly at the rain distorted images, as he listened to the phone on the other end ring.
         “Hello?” a male voice said on the other end of the line.
         “Darien Lirit?” Cody asked without saying hello back.
         “Who’s asking?” the man asked after Cody’s question.
         “Cody Hawks Moore; I have a proposition for you”
         So, Darien thought, the son was following the father. Smiling as he sped up a little on the highway, he waited a moment before he spoke. “And what is your proposition?”
         Cody’s expression became hard. “I know very well that my father is paying you to kill my stepsister. I also know that like any other self respecting criminal you won’t admit to a damn thing. However I want my sister alive. I am willing to pay you double the amount of money that my father is paying you to keep her alive.”
         Darien took a moment to think about the situation. He didn’t mind killing people for money, after all it was a living if not an honest on, and the amount the senior Hawks Moore was paying him was more that he’d made in a couple of years. However the extra money that the son was willing to pay would come in handy.
         “All right,” he said after a long moment of silence. “I’ll take you offer and I’ll leave the task of keeping your father off my back in your hands.”
         Cody closed his eyes in relief. “Fine but call me at this number when you have some news for me.” He quickly rattled of his cell phone number.
         “I’ll expect the money, in cash, to be delivered to me within twenty-four hours.”
         Cody felt a noose start to slowly close around his neck. Twenty-four wasn’t much time but he’d make sure he got the money, even if he had to steal some from his father’s account. “Where should I meet you?”
         “Behind the Drunken Banana club at midnight tomorrow night.” With that he hung up.
         The Drunken Banana club. He’d heard of the place before. It was known more for its underage drinking, illegal gambling, and questionable cliental then for being a good dance spot. He thought it was kind of fitting that an assassin would choose a spot like that for money transaction.
         Closing his phone he pulled off his shirt and walked into the bathroom to star at himself in the mirror. His features were pretty average. Deep green eyes and jet black hair that curled slightly over the tops of his ears. He was average height and weight, somewhat muscular though since he’d started working out the previous year and his skin had a just kissed by the sun look that kept him from looking like a ghost but also didn’t leave him looking like he’d gotten a tan.
         With a shake of his head he quickly brushed his teeth and used the toilet before walking back into his bedroom. He tossed his cell phone onto night stand as he pulled back the covers and slipped into bed. Once he’d gotten comfortable he glanced at his silent phone and sighed. “I hope you’re all right Kit,” he murmured and slowly fell asleep.
         Over in a small city a tavern club was booming. Outside a midnight black car pulled into the parking lot and a familiar man wearing a long black trench coat with the hood pulled up to cover his features got out. Darien looked up at the neon lighted logo that gave the name of the club as he locked up his car. The Drunken Banana? Couldn’t these people come up with something better? With a disgusted shake of his head he pocketed his keys and walked inside. As soon as he opened the door loud music slammed into him, making his internal organs pound to the beat of the bass.
         “Hey Darien!!” someone yelled from across the room as soon as the door closed behind him.
         Darien glanced over in the direction from which the voice had come from and saw one of his friends sitting at a table with, what to the untrained eye, looked like a briefcase sitting beside him on the floor, thought really it was a camouflaged laptop. Walking over to the table he took the seat opposite him and grinned. “You realize you may get me killed one of these days with that loud mouth of yours Sashi Degodeshi.”
         “Probably,” Sashi admitted with a shrug and an answering grin. When Darien made no further comment he studied his long time friend.
         Darien was of average height and weight, a little muscular, and a little tanned from spending so much time in the sun. His face was a series of smooth angles that made him look like and angel and more often then not attracted more women then he could stand. His eyes, too, compelled the willing but at the same time could instill trust or deliver death. A deep azure blue they were his most dominate feature and were set off by his strange yet attractive hair cut, something that looked like a military crew cut with red bangs hanging down framing his face.
         More often that not that his face was filled with the shadow of his job, something he was sure Darien wouldn’t appreciate knowing he could see. Tonight thought he looked a little more relaxed then he had the last time he’d seen him.
         “So how have you been?” Sashi said breaking the silence.
         Darien shrugged and studied Sashi with the same calmness as his friend had studying himself. His friend was of average height but an inch or so shorter than himself, a little bit skinnier, with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair that, in its shagginess, made him all the cuter. They’d been friends for almost ten years now and, really, he was the only on he contact for this kind of operation.
         “I’m alright. How about you?” He said casually.
         “I’m fine,” he paused for a second as a waitress stopped at their table.
         “What’ll you have tonight?” she asked, nearly having to scream over the next song.
         Sashi glanced at Darien for his order.
         “Corona.” Darien said to the waitress.
         “Make that two,” Sashi amended.
         With a brief nod the waitress wrote their orders down and swayed her way back to the bar. Sashi watched her for a second before continuing with what he was going to say. “So I take it you need my help on an assignment?” He asked, reaching for his laptop.
         Darien grinned. “You know me too well,” he commented.
         Sashi grinned back. “Who are you looking for?” he opened his laptop and turned it on as he spoke.
         Darien leaned back in his chair, and crossed his arms. “A girl. Her name is Kit Cloud. I need to know where she’s disappeared to.”
         “Okay. You’ll have everything including how many towels she uses in the shower in about two slashes of that pretty little sword of yours,” he spoke as his fingers tapped the keys at nearly the speed of light.
         Darien left him to his task and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, slipping one between his lips as he shoved the pack back into his coat pocket. Lighting it he let is gaze wander around the room. His eyes lightened on a young woman dressed in dark, baggy, blue jeans, a black tube top that showed off her cleavage and high heel boots that made her two inches taller, moving her body like a gypsy on the dance floor among a pack of other girls.
         The smoke that he’d just inhaled left his lungs a little too quickly was making him cough as the breath left his lungs in a rush. Sashi looked up at him when he heard him start to cough, one eyebrow raised. “Marlboro’s a little too strong for you?” he asked.
         Darien drew in a deep breath and glared at him. “No.” He left it at that because he didn’t want him to know that he’d just seen a young girl, she couldn’t be older than seventeen, which had made his bloods turn to fire in his veins.
         With a brief shake of his head Sashi looked back at his computer screen. While he got back to hacking files Darien nodded his in thanks to the waitress when she brought them their drinks. Once she left Darien inhaled on his cigarette again as he let his gaze return to the girl on the dance floor. He wasn’t sure why but her body, with its generous bust size and hourglass curves had his mouth watering. He watched her dance among the other bodies. Maybe it was her lightly tanned skin that, even from the distance between them, looked as smooth as silk. Or the long, dark purple, hair that hung to the middle of her back and was striking contrast to her deep, dark blue eyes. Whatever it was, he knew for sure that he’d never had such an intense reaction to a woman before.
         “Okay,” Sashi said, picking up his drink to take along pause while drinking.
         “You found her?” Darien asked, wrenching his gaze from the girl, and looked over to Sashi.
         “Yep, Kit Cloud born April thirteen, nineteen eighty-nine, city of residence New Orleans, house number eighteen, Stanley Street. They even have a picture,” he turned the computer around so that Darien could see the picture.
         Once again he chocked on smoke. Coughing to clear hi air way he crushed out his cigarette and stared for a moment at the picture. It was her! He couldn’t believe his luck. The girl he’d been hired to shoot then keep safe was right at this moment twitching her really nice little butt on the dance floor. ‘She’s also the one you’re getting all hot and heavy about’, his conscious reminded him. That was an understatement.
         “You recognize her?” Sashi asked when he saw the look on Darien’s face.
         Darien stared at the picture for one last long moment, taking in the differences in appearance. Obviously she’d just recently dyed her hair because in the picture it was a straight rainfall of liquid brown as opposed to the dark purple that it is now. She must have lost weight too because in the picture she looked a little fuller than she did now in her extremely revealing outfit. Otherwise though she looked pretty much the same.
         Raising his head he nodded in the direction that Kit was dancing. “She’s out on the dance floor right now.”
         Sashi instantly swiveled in his seat to look out on the dance floor. A second later he turned back to face Darien with a grin. “Hot Damn! That was a little easier then expected.”
         Darien didn’t comment but sipped his drink as he watched Kit walk over to a booth with the group of girls she’d been dancing with; obviously they were friends of hers. That might help him if he was lucky. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it in swift movements he planed all at the same time.
         “Hey Kit I’ve got to take the girls home and hit the mattress so I can get some sleep before class tomorrow but I’ll see you later ‘Kay?” Charlene, one of her friends, said as she picked up her purse.
         “Yeah, sure,” with a smile se hugged everyone in the group goodbye. “But be careful okay?”
         Charlene smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek, “Don’t worry we will be.”
         Kit watched them leave then sat down at the booth and ordered a tall glass of ice water when a waitress showed up. She could have used her fake I.D. to get something alcoholic but she wasn’t in the mood tonight for a fuzzy brain. And besides her stepfather was already on her case about her supposed ‘incident lifestyle’, she definitely didn’t want to make the matter worse by getting a D.U.I on the drive home.
         “Here’s your water,” the waitress announced when she came back.
         Kit thankfully took the glass of cold, sparkling, liquid the waitress held out to her and drank deeply. She loved dancing but afterward she was always left with a feeling of dehydration. Hopefully one glass of water would cure her instead of her usual three.
         “Hello my dear. How are you this evening?” A male voice asked several moments later.
         Kit took her gaze from the dance floor, where she’d been watching people dance to some new music she’d never heard before, and looked over to see a large, muscular, man completely dressed in black, standing beside her table with two cronies waiting like devoted dogs behind him. His slightly long black hair was slick back with some kind of gel and in the flashing strobe likes looked like an oily mess. Ha had a face that reminded her of one of the Sopranos and there was something in the way he was smiling at her that made her skin crawl.
         “Who are you?” She demanded defiantly. Was he another one of her stepfather’s “friends’?
         The greasy haired man looked a bit demonic for a second, putting a hand on his chest in apology and extending his other one. “I am sorry. I’ve forgotten my manners. My name is Drake Draconis.”
         She frowned in confusion, ignoring the little tickle of fear that raced up her spine. She’s never heard of this man before but that didn’t mean he wasn’t somehow connected with her stepfather. “Sorry but I don’t know you,” she said and turned her attention back to the dance floor.
         A second later she felt a large, rough palmed, hand on her bare shoulder. Her gaze instantly snapped to it before slowly following the length of his arm up to his face. “Yes I know but why don’t we get to know each other,” he said softly in a rough, almost gravely voice.
         Her eyes arrowed for a second before she quickly knocked his hand away. “No thanks,” she said in what anyone else would have recognized as her extremely pissed tone of voice.
         That tone quickly became a gasp of pain as he took hold of her arms in an iron grip and hauled her to her feet. She could tell from his expression that he wasn’t happy. “Now look here Miss, Cloud. You’re mine now so that means you’ll do exactly what I tell you when I tell and how I tell you. Do you understand me?”
                   Twisting herself out of his grasp she blindly picked up her glass of water off the table behind her and threw the rest of its contents into his face, belatedly wishing it was alcohol so that is would burn his eyes. “I don’t belong to anyone; Least of all your slimy, disgusting, ass. So I suggest you cool off Mister Draconis,” she spoke angrily, sheering at his name.
         Mr. Draconis growled as he wiped water out of hi eyes then threw a glare at her. “Seize her!” he ordered his men.
         Kit saw the men coming and quickly kicked the closet one in the crotch, instantly dropping him to his knees, then tried to run away. Strong arms instantly locked around her, pinning her arms to her sides and squeezing so that she had to fight for air. She cried out once in pain and struggled, kicking uselessly at air. “Let me go you sleazy piece of crap,” she ordered as she continued to struggle.
         “You don’t see m to understand something my dear Kit,” Mr. Draconis said as he once again appeared in front of her. She saw him reach into his jacket and watched as he slowly pulled out a shiny, crazy looking, dagger. Her gaze instantly flew to his face to see the evil grin plastered there. “If I can’t have you then no one can.”
         She screamed as he plunged the dagger deep into her belly, then again when he pulled it out. Her chin hit her chest as her head fell and she began to tremble in agony. When she felt dizziness begin to sweep into her, she raised her head just in time to see Drake’s head cleaved from his shoulders.
         She felt her eyes widen at the site and watched the severed head fall with a sickening thud to the tiled floor, the body falling beside it a second later. Her stomach rolled at the sight, the churning only made it worse as adrenaline pumped into her system. Looking up she saw another, more attractive, man dressed in a black standing in front of her holding a bloody and very mean looking sword.
         “Mr. Draconis!” The man holding Kit yelled and immediately released her.
         Even with adrenaline keeping her breathing she found that she was weaker from blood loss then what she’d thought. As soon as the man let go of her she dropped like a lead piece left of Drake Draconis. With a small sound of disgust she pushed herself several feet away from the bleeding corpse and under a table.
         It was only then she noticed that the club was in complete chaos. Both men and women screamed in fright and ran in a mob towards the exit. She saw two men run out of the crowd toward the man who killed Drake and watches as one was cut in two with a massive stroke of the anonymous man’s sword. The second one, upon seeing this happen, gave an angry battle cry and rushed the man with the sword. He was almost on top of him when the man with the sword suddenly struck out with his fist, instantly dropping his would be attacker.
         Heart pounding she looked around on the floor and saw that along with Drake’s body there were also several bodies of all of his men, except the one who got punched. Her stomach rolled again and, unable to control it this time, she shifted onto her side and emptied her stomach of its contents.
         Darien heard the sound of vomit hitting tile in the suddenly quiet club and looked under a table several feet away to see Kit being sick. Sliding his sword back into scabbard he stepped over the pieces of his dead opponents and walked over to her. He crouches down when he reached where she was hiding and held out a napkin he’d picked up from a table. She was turned slightly away from him. But he waited for her too look at him. When she did he saw fear flare in her eyes and she attempted to make herself disappear.
         “Are you here to finish what you started?” she asked, her teeth chattering as if she was freezing.
         “No,” he replied calmly. “I’m here to help.” To prove it he motioned with the napkin for her to take it. When she did, wiping her mouth with it, he took off his coat, removed his sword and its casing before he slowly moved closer to wrap her in its warmth. He knew that the reason she was suddenly so cold was that her body was going into shock as she lost more blood from her stab wound.
         Shivering she burrowed into the coats depths and felt a wave of dizziness was over her. Closing her eyes for a moment she waited for it to pass then looked at Darien again. “Who are you?”
         “My name is Darien Lirit,” he replied formally.
         “Kit Cloud,” she held out a badly shaking hand to shake his. Darien took it gently between his and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. “Do you always make it a habit of saving anonymous women?” She asked with a ghost of a smile
         “No. I mainly save my talents for those beautiful ones who don’t pay any attention to me,” he joked with a small grin. It earned him a small, tinkling, laugh from her that quickly turned into a gasp of pain. “Come on lets get you out of here,” he suggested.
         Kit nodded and with his help, crawling out from underneath the table. As soon as they were out in the open she tried to stand up but her vision and the world around her suddenly started to spin around. In one smooth motion Darien swung her into his arms when she suddenly slumped against him and carried her out the door, grabbing his sword on the way.
         Kit woke a couple days later to a watery sunshine and an extremely soft bed, confused she quickly looked around. She was in a bedroom, one she didn’t recognize; it had an oak dresser at one end of the room, a large walk in closet at the other. A large picture window occupied its own wall towards the east and was across the room from the four poster bed that she was currently laying in. The walls were done in a soft rose color that was soothing and warm and made her wonder even more how she had gotten here.
         Heart pounding she threw back the covers and made to get out of bed. Pain instantly stabbed through her, centering in specific point on her stomach. She took a moment to breathe through the pain before she lifted the overlarge black t-shirt that she was wearing to see a large bandage covering about half of her stomach. Passing a hand over it she immediately remembered what had happened.
         -She’d been out having a good time with some of her friends. When they left a guy, what was his name, oh yeah, Drake Draconis, came up and hassled her. When she had told had told him to get real he’d stabbed her. Then some other guy – She smiled as she remembered his face – Darien Lirit had hacked Drake and all his men to pieces. And he’d done it to save her. She couldn’t help but feel all gooey inside about that.
         But why he had saved her? After all he couldn’t have done it only because he thought she was beautiful. She was smart enough to know that he’d only been joking when he’d said that. So who had sent him?
         The sound of footsteps outside the door had her quickly pulling the covers back over her. Another thing that she noticed when she lifted the t-shirt was, that the t-shirt was the only thing she was wearing. Dragging the covers up to her chin she closed her eyes and did her best to pretend that she was asleep. When the door opened her heart was pounding so loud that she feared whoever it was that just walked in could hear it. Struggling to calm herself she listened to the footsteps move closer then the soft clatter of a tray being set down on the bed side table. She felt the bed dip on one side as whoever it was sat down and willed herself not to jump out of bed.
         “You know, you’re not a very convincing liar,” Darien commented, looking down at her slightly frowning face. He saw her visibly relax when she realized it was him and watched her eyes open. Their color once again struck him, like a blow to the gut. He had never seen eyes as deep and as dark a blue as hers. They captivated him as nothing else could. “I brought you some breakfast,” he said, shoving his emotions aside.
Kit glanced at the tray that he’d set on the nightstand then looked back at his face. “You sent you to save me?” she asked bluntly.
         Darien studied her for a moment, for someone so young she was definitely strong willed. “Your brother asked me to keep you safe.” And if he didn’t leave soon he’d miss the drop off at the Drunken Banana.
“Why?” she asked confused.
         Impatient he got to his feet. “You’ll find out in time.” He gestured toward the tray of food. “I suggest you eat something so that you can regain your strength. Getting stabbed took a lot out of you.”
         Kit watched him walk towards the door with a sinking heart. “Where are you going?”
         “I have something to do,” he said without turning around.
         Well obviously, but she still didn’t want to be left alone. “Well what am I suppose to do while you’re gone?” It was a stupid question really because she didn’t actually feel like doing anything besides lying here for another minute or two.
         Darien turned in the doorway to face her, one hand taking hold of the door handle. “Eat, rest, get your strength back.” He listed off each one. “This is only the beginning. Once you are well again the real work begins.” He started to back out of room, closing the door on his way but her stopped just before closing it and poked his head in. “Oh and don’t try and leave this room.” With that he shut the door with a quiet click.
         Kit lay in bed staring at the door partially angry at his exit and partially curious as to what he had planned for her. ‘Only the beginning’ she thought as she stared at the ceiling. ‘Beginning of what’ Her stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten anything in a while. Turning her head she looked at the tray of food uncertainly. Should she chance it, she wondered, after all she knew almost nothing about this man. The only thing she knew for sure was, for some odd reason, drawn to him.
         Hers stomach rumbled again impatiently. She frowned as she sniffed the air, catching the mouth watering sent of bacon, eggs, and hash browns. ‘Maybe he put something in the food to make it smell so good, or’ her conscious spoke up, ‘your just trying to find reasons not to trust the man who saved your life.’
         She didn’t like the thought but what else was she suppose to think, the man had come out of nowhere and saved her life because, according to him, her brother had asked him to keep her safe. ‘Just eat the food,’ her conscious said impatiently.
         Taking a deep breath she forced herself through the pain and slowly slid into a sitting position. After taking a moment to catch her breath and let the pain ease, she took the tray from the nightstand and se it in her lap. Picking up the fork that lay beside the plate she eyed the metal again. “Well,” she thought, “here goes nothing.” Sticking the fork in the eggs and slowly bringing it up, she took the first bite of eggs; she only hoped she wasn’t getting herself killed.
         Darien drove into the back lot behind the Drunken Banana and smiled when his lights bounced off a black, two door jeep. Quickly parking his car, he shut off the lights and slowly climbed out. He saw Cody get out of his own vehicle and shut his door as he walked over.
         “Is she alright?” Cody asked urgently. He heard about the attack on her a couple of days ago.
         Darien slid his hands into the pockets of his trench coat and nodded. “She’s fine. Where’s the money?”
         Cody blew out a relieved breath and turned to pull a large black duffle bag out of the trunk of his jeep. He held it out to Darien. “It’s all here,” he assured him in a flat tone.
         Darien took the duffle bag and pulled the zipper back alittle to peer inside. A fist full of one hundred dollar bills greeted him. Closing the bag he nodded to Cody in thanks. “It was a pleasure doing business with you.”
         He turned to walk back to his car but Cody stopped him. “I was thinking of extending our agreement,” Cody spoke with a determined tone.
         “I’m listening,” Darien said as he turned around to face him again.
         “I know that my father isn’t going to stop hunting her even though you killed his other assassins. I also know that the money I just gave you isn’t going to last long between the two of you so I was thinking of making payments to you, of however much you need, every month or so,” Cody spoke, his voice very business like.
         Darien thought it over for a couple of moments. He knew that is he agrees to it that they’d eventually run into some snags but he was game to try. “Alright but don’t leave a paper trail. Make sure the payments are in cash, and are dropped in a spot that is secure,” he advised.
         Cody nodded in a understanding way and blew out another relieved breath. “Just take care of her.”
         “Don’t worry kid; she’ll be well taken care off.” With a grin Darien got back into his car, throwing the duffle bag in the passengers seat. Staring the car and driving off leaving the club and Cody behind him, he realized that this is only the beginning of a new chapter for both him and Kit.

© Copyright 2007 Mistress Kitten (bloodyangelkit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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