Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1262857-JENNY------Chapter-4new
by Mandy
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Other · #1262857

                                        Chapter 4

Jenny longed for Friday to arrive she lay on her side whispering to Pete not wanting to wake her parents, glancing out of the window birds sang signifying the dawn of a new day. She stretched her eyes closing slowly as she snuggled into her pillow.

"I have to get some sleep, are you still coming tomorrow." she laughed accidently putting the phone on loud speaker. " OK I'll see you at twelve." She placed the phone under her pillow falling asleep waking late the next morning she glanced at the clock yawning, it was nearly 10.30, quickly hurrying to the shower knowing Pete would soon arrive. Her parents sat quietly watching the television surprised that Jennifer had yet again overslept.

"Jennifer must have spoken to Pete late last night, " Rose stated, Bill nodded silently in agreement, glancing at his daughter as she hurried into the room. Caroline knocked on the door waiting impatiently for an answer. Rose opened it slightly, shocked to see her standing there.

"I don't think Jennifer wants to see you, I'm afraid she's busy this weekend." Rose stated eager to deter her. Caroline walked inside ignoring rose pushing her aside, she hurried into the lounge closely followed by rose. "Excuse me, but you do not push your way into somebodys home, especially if you are not welcome." Rose stated clearly annoyed.

"Jenny we have to meet Pete and the others at the old church." Caroline gasped eager to leave, once again ignoring rose. Jenny glanced at the clock confused.

"I thought Pete finished work at twelve." Jenny said quickly checking her mobile in case Pete had sent her a message. Bill held her arm gently pulling her aside.

"Why would he tell you to stay away from her, and then send her to get you. It doesn't make sense." He stated clearly worried by Carolines presence. "Pete doesn't trust her, he told you that a few days ago." He pleaded with her to listen. Caroline began to grow impatient gripping Jenny's arm.

"Pete finished work early this morning he would have phoned you, but he knew I was meeting Jim." Caroline stated calmly now. "That's probably why he asked me to pass the message he wouldn't want you to go there alone, would he?" She turned to face rose. "I'm sorry for pushing my way in, I just thought Jenny would want to see Pete."

"I suppose he wouldn't, but." Jenny paused. "Wait outside Caroline, I'll only be a few minutes." She closed the front door returning to her parents. "I'll phone you both later, If I am staying with Pete." she hugged her parents joining Caroline at the door. Rose watched her daughter hurry to meet Pete accompanied by Caroline returning to a very worried Bill.

"This just doesn't make sense, Pete can't stand Caroline." He picked up the phone turning to Rose. "I think I'll phone him, just to find out whats happening." The girls walked through the old stone arch, Jenny glanced around expecting to see the other members of the group but the church grounds lay empty.

"I thought Pete was supposed to be here." Jenny stated turning to Caroline clearly disappointed. Caroline laughed pushing her towards the door.

"Do you remember when I told you to leave Pete, but you wouldn't listen, would you. I told you I would get him." She paused. "Now I will." Caroline stated. Sirrius held Jenny firmly, she struggled to free herself. "I felt really bad last Friday, until I met him, you always have to be the good one Jenny." She paused. Sirrius handed Caroline a small envelope. "you don't win this time." She laughed.

"You have served me well, and you will be justly rewarded." He pushed Jenny to the floor has he spoke gripping her hair. "You will provide tonight entrainments." She pulled away from him his rancid breath turning her stomach, trembling, remembering how he had tortured and killed Cassandra. a few members of the cult arrived as requested teasing her attempting to remove her clothes.

"No save her for tonight, I think she will satisfy our needs, won't you my dear." sirrius touched her thigh as he spoke. She cried unable to answer him frightened for her safety.

The sound of bikes thundered towards the church disturbing the silence has the group rode into the church grounds. Sirrius dragged Jenny by the hair into one of the vaults leading to an under ground cellar, the sound of fighting  covered his escape. He tied her to the metal railings stretching her until she barely touched the ground, she cried as he taunted her with a small bladed knife slicing her clothes from her body, slicing deep into her flesh.

"I think you want to serve me now don't you?" He whispered kissing her neck, she tried to escape his touch. He gripped her legs loosing his pants making her scream.

"Please don't." Jenny pleaded tears ran down her face, he shoved her away when he had finished hitting her repeatedly until she lost consciousness.

"Until later my sweet." He gripped her bloodstained cheeks. "I hope your a little more satisfying, I wouldn't want to hurt you would I?" Sirrius kissed her cold swollen lips gently, following a trickle of blood as it ran quickly down her body with his finger.

Jim sat beside Caroline concerned holding her gently, tears ran down her face she trembled badly glancing into Jims green eyes shaking her head silently, unable to tell him.

"Did they hurt you?" Jim asked trying to comfort her. Caroline glanced around quickly noticing Pete approaching she held Jim close frightened. Pete grabbed her turning her to face him.

"Where is she, I'm warning you Caroline don't push me." He wiped the blood from his mouth. "Why did you bring her here. I know you did, her parents told me." He remembered the room they had shared the first time they met, thinking she might have returned, the room lay empty. He quickly returned to Caroline.

"I will give you one last chance Caroline." Pete shouted frightening her.

"I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen." She started to cry wiping her face. "He took her." She glanced at the entrance to the vault. Pete entered the vault confused by anger and fear, Jim covered his mouth the stench of stagnant water and mould filled the air turning his stomach. He paused resting against the wall trying not to vomit reluctantly following Pete noticing daylight ahead he nudged Pete silently. The sun illuminated Jenny bloodstained body as she hung motionless from the railings her arms stretched high above her head. Pete froze unable to move for a few seconds, looking at her naked bruised body silent tears rolled down his face. He quickly checked her pulse glancing at Jim.

"Pete, is she." He couldn't finish his sentence dreading his answer.

"No but she is very weak, give me your knife." He attempted to cut her down, she opened her eyes screaming.

"Jenny its me, let me help you." Pete whispered, she fought to get away from him, he handed the knife to Jim. "Look the knife as gone, I want you to listen to me." He quickly unzipped his jacket handing it to Jim. "Jenny look its me." She closed her tear stained eyes not wanting to look at him expecting to feel pain again, he stroked her face gently.

"Can you remember your birthday you said, I made it a great day." He whispered holding her gently. "We told your parents didn't we, can you remember." He wiped his face as he spoke, she opened her eyes crying bitterly. "I'll get you down." Pete held her gently allowing Jim to cut her down she fell to the floor. "Don't look at anything only me." Pete whispered rubbing her legs and arms making her cry again. "Jim would you phone an ambulance, she needs to go to hospital." He wiped the blood away from her stomach revealing a deep gash.

"I don't want to go Pete, please." She begged him trying to stand.

"Just relax I'll be with you I promise." He paused glancing at the shattered look on her face. "I want you to close your eyes and dream." She started to cry again trying to sit up. "Jenny listen to me." He stroked her hair laying her down again, holding his T-shirt firmly on the gash slowing the flow of blood. She covered her eyes from the daylight as the paramedics  carried her to the ambulance closely followed by Pete and Jim. They hurried to stabilize her, Pete began to worry her eyes closed, slowly loosing consciousness.

"I know your a fighter Jen, fight for me." He whispered. They arrived at the hospital rushing her into rhesus.

"Hi Pete, have they dragged you back into work again?" The consultant quickly checked her has he spoke.

"I'm not working, Jenny is my girlfriend. She was attacked by a madman." He cried trying to compose himself. "Her name is Jennifer Saunders, she's 18 and not taking any medication. I will inform her parents." He walked towards the door wiping his face.

"I think you should tell them, she will be going to theatre." The consultant stated, Pete nodded silently.

He dialled the number slamming down the phone, he had promised to look after her but now she lay in a hospital bed, the thought of confronting her parents, explaining the pain she endured concerned him. He waited patiently for them to answer the phone eventually explaining to Bill. He waited for them to arrive Rose pushed him aside wanting to be at her daughters side.

"This is your fault, if she hadn't met you, it wouldn't have happened." Rose snapped crying, he thought silently knowing it was the truth, Jenny had nearly died, she lay quietly asleep. Pete closed the door quietly watching has her parents sat beside her bedside. Rose cried touching her daughters bruised face turning to face Pete.

"Have you seen this, you did this." Rose pointed to her daughters face, tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Your right Rose it was my fault." Pete wiped his eyes. "But you can't make me feel any worse inside." He sat on the edge of the bed holding jennys hand as he spoke. "You will never know how much this hurts me, I have to look at her every day knowing it was my fault." He kissed her gently on the cheek. She opened her eyes saying nothing silently laying in a deep state of shock, Pete glanced through her notes, she began to panic as the nurse attempted to give her some medication thinking the syringe was the knife held by Sirrius, Pete held her gently.

"Its OK relax, you know I wouldn't hurt you but you need this." He quickly gave her the medication. "I want you to try and go back to sleep, I'll stay here I promise."

"I can't, he will come back." Jenny trembled holding him close clearly frightened.

"He can't come back because I'm here." He gave her a sedative to help her sleep wiping her tear stained face. "Would you like a cup of tea, I think she will sleep for a while." He escorted them to the relatives room handing them a drink.

"If its easier to blame me Rose I can live with that, Caroline took her to that madman." He sat beside her. "I didn't leave here until twelve, I didn't receive the call from Bill until after twelve." He paused thinking about Jenny laying alone. "She promised not to talk to her." He said annoyed tears filled his eyes. Bill gripped his shoulder gently.

"Rose is upset, we all are." Bill stood between them. "But! Blaming each other won't help Jennifer we need to be strong for her." He pleaded. Petes pager interrupted them, he hurried to her room Jenny sat screaming Petes name crying, he sat beside her.

"I thought you had left me alone with him, he wants to hurt me." Pete laid her down gently

"Jenny there isn't anyone here but you and me and the doctor. He wants to examine you and I didn't leave, I was in the relatives room with your parents." He whispered. "Have you missed me?" She nodded silently. "Let the doctor examine you just hug me," the doctor quickly examined her. "Jen I thought you might like to know the doctor has gone." She held him close feeling safe in his arms.

"If you want to go home you don't have to worry I will let you know if there is a problem." Pete covered his mouth yawning, Jenny fell asleep listening to them, Bill sat beside him.

"I think you should go home, you haven't had any sleep Pete." He glanced at his daughter sleeping peacefully. "Your exhausted, and you did promise to look after her, but you need sleep, I'll stay with her tonight." Bill insisted Rose return home also. "Why don't you stay at our house tonight." Bill insisted, Pete kissed Jenny on the cheek reluctant to leave her side.

"I'll get a taxi with you Rose the bike should be safe enough." The journey to the house was silent Rose obviously blaming him. He walked into Jennys bedroom touching her pillow the sound of her laughing filled his mind, the thought of touching her so far away tears ran down his face glancing at a picture of her. The beautiful short time they had spent together now gone, taken from him. Rose interrupted his thoughts walking into the room, she handed him a mug of chocolate sitting beside him.

"I don't blame you Pete." She wiped his tears away. "I think you are falling in love with her, I know Jennifer loves you. Drink that chocolate and try and get some sleep." She kissed him on the cheek surprising him. He quickly undressed holding her pillow close he could still smell the faint aroma of her perfume as he held it gently wishing she was in his arms falling asleep. He tossed and turned dreaming about Sirrius torturing Jenny quickly sitting up sweat ran down his body, his pulse raced as he glanced at the clock it was am. He sighed hurrying to the shower the memories of Jenny surrounded him again, he quickly dressed hurrying to the kitchen surprised to find Rose cooking breakfast.

"Did you manage to get any sleep?" She handed him a plate as she spoke.

"I had a few hours thanks, I really needed some sleep." He hurried his breakfast wanting to get to the hospital, Rose handed him a mug of coffee.

"I'll phone the taxi in a few minutes." Rose said sitting in Bills chair, she had listened to him cry her daughters name in his sleep, she sighed not wanting to embarrass him. "How long do you think Jennifer will have to stay in hospital?"

"I couldn't say to be honest Rose, I wouldn't want to build up your hopes for nothing." He finished his coffee returning the pots to the kitchen. The taxi arrived returning them to the hospital they hurried to her room.

"How do you feel today?" Pete asked sitting on the bed, kissing her on the cheek.

"She refused to eat her breakfast, but she did sleep." Bill stated walking towards the door clearly tired. Rose sat at her daughters bedside holding her hand.

"Pete stayed with me last night." She whispered, Jenny glanced at Pete a solitary tear ran down her face.

"Its OK Jen." Pete held her close hugging her.

"I can't get that man out of my head, I've tried Pete." She cried. "My stomach is killing me." He stroked her hair gently.

"You should see the doctor soon." He stated concerned about the pain she had. The doctor walked into the room followed by the nurse. "Do you want me to stay?" She nodded silently Rose and Bill waited outside worried by their daughters constant screams.

"Jenny I only want to examine you, I won't hurt you." He sat beside her attempting to check her stomach, she gripped the quilt frightened. Pete sat on the edge of the bed holding her hand.

"Listen to me." He stroked her face turning her to face him. "I told you yesterday, stop fighting the doctors." He paused glancing at her trembling hand. "I'm here, and I'll make sure your safe." He wiped away her tears the doctor examined her quickly covering her with the quilt again.

"I'll give you some pain relief but you are healing nicely." The doctor filled in her notes as he spoke, Pete pulled him to one side.

"How long do you think she will have to stay in hospital?" Pete whispered not wanting Jenny to over hear.

"I think we will see how well she is tomorrow, and if she has a good nights sleep." He paused. "If she does get discharged she will still need rest, It might help if she was discharged to qualified medical supervision." He whispered. "But!, I can't tell you when to book your leave can I ?" he smirked leaving them alone. Pete thought silently, worried that Caroline would visit Jenny If she was discharged to her parents house, he glanced at the bruises on her face, she interrupted his thoughts.

"Sorry Jen, I was miles away, I have to talk to your father." Pete said standing to leave she gripped his hand. "This is really important." He sighed sitting beside her again. Her parents returned eager to find out their daughters progress.

"Bill could I have a word with you?" Pete asked allowing Rose to sit beside Jenny. They walked outside the hospital smoking.

"The doctor might discharge her tomorrow, but she must have medical care. What do you intend to say to Caroline, your not going to allow her to see Jen surely," he paused. "Because we both know she will try."

"That girl will never get inside our house again, not this time," he said turning to face him. "My only concern, Jennifer listens to her. Caroline can be very convincing. I don't think we need to worry about Jennifer getting the right kind of care,"

"I want Jen to move in with me, I know she will be safe."

"I gave Jennifer the chance to make her own decisions, I'm sure she will do the right thing, and I mean right for her." They returned to Jennys room, Pete sat beside her she began to tremble hearing voices and footsteps outside the room has visitors filed onto the ward. Caroline paused outside the room.

"I'm sure Jenny is in here Jim." Caroline whispered attempting to open the door. Pete opened it surprising her, he walked outside closing the door behind him.

"She is in here but she doesn't want to see you." Pete stated. Caroline looked shocked attempting to push him aside.

"What do you mean, of course she wants to see me, We are friends." Caroline snapped annoyed.

"You took her to that madman, She is lying in that bed because of you, how can you class yourself has her friend." Pete stated annoyed, tears filled Carolines eyes.

"I didn't do it deliberately did I, it just happened, she tried to convince him.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you in her parents have insisted that you will not be allowed to visit." He paused. "Under any circumstances." She stormed along the corridor leaving Jim alone.

"I think she really has a problem, is she taking anything, drugs?" Pete quizzed him, they discussed Caroline for a few minutes, Jim hurried to catch Caroline.

"Who was that." Jenny struggled to sit up has she spoke her body ached.

"Jim wanted to know how you were feeling." He sat beside her again.

"Caroline was with him wasn't she?" He nodded silently. "What did she say." He explained how she had tried to deny her involvement.

"I just want to get out of here."

"I want to take you home, to our home." He paused, "But, I think we need to get you well first." Pete whispered. "If I took you home would you promise to stay in bed for a few days." She nodded silently longing to be in his arms. "I think the doctor might discharge you tomorrow, if you have a good night tonight."

"Will you be staying with me tonight" she lay her head on his chest stroking his T-shirt relieved to feel the warmth from his body, he shook his head.

"I think you might need a few clothes, and I have to take the bike back to the flat." He paused. "I think your mother is staying with you tonight."

Pete returned his bike to the flat collecting some clean clothes, he waited patiently for the taxi to arrive to take him to Jennys house. Bill waited patiently sitting quietly on the edge of his daughters bed glancing around, her communion certificate hung proudly above her bed. He glanced at the small white bible laying open on the bedside the last scripture marked with the short golden braid defining family values, a silent tear rolled down his face, had he truly failed her. The doorbell disturbed him he walked slowly to the door troubled.

"I'm sorry Pete, I was." He held his head unable to finish his sentence tears rolled down his face as he walked into the lounge. Pete sat him down quickly pouring him a drink, sitting beside him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Pete asked quietly, Bill turned to face him gazing at him.

"I was in Jennifers room, I wanted to get her some clothes for tomorrow, I don't know what happened, have I failed her Pete." Bill wiped his face trying to compose himself.

"You haven't failed her, I don't think its a crime to love your daughter, is it?" He paused. "Its probably the shock from Jennys assault plus you haven't had much sleep have you?"

They talked for about an hour discussing Jenny, Cassandra and reluctantly Caroline, Bill asked if Pete had any long term plans concerning his daughter, Pete thought silently he had thought his relationship with Cassandra wouldn't have ended, but fate proved otherwise. The next morning they had breakfast returning to the hospital, the holdall firmly in Petes hand. He sat beside Jenny. The doctor arrived at am he studied Jennys notes silently, occasionally glancing at her.

"I think." He paused sitting beside her pressing her abdomen, quickly removing the dressing on her stomach, she cried. "We might discharge you, but we need to examine you properly." She pulled away from him refusing.

"I want Pete to examine me, What difference would it make?" She snapped

"Why do you want me to examine you, I won't lie just to get you out of here." Pete could tell she was unhappy he took the file from the doctor has he spoke.

"I just want to get out of here, doctors give me the creeps." She stated, he turned to face her stunned.

"Really,?" Pete sat beside her. "So I give you the creeps." He sat her up checking the bruises on her back, she shook her head clearly embarrassed.

"Just sign the form and take me home, you don't have to examine me do you?" She whispered not wanting the doctor to hear.

"I don't have to pick you up if you collapse either." He turned her head gently. "I promised your parents I would look after you. I intend to keep that promise." She reluctantly allowed him to examine her silent tears rolled down her face, he signed the release form sitting beside her again.

"Did I hurt you?" He held her gently, she shook her head silently crying.

"I don't know whats wrong with me, I can't stop crying." She wiped her face holding him close. "Pete, promise me you won't leave me." She whispered, he lifted her chin revealing her tear stained face her eyes red from the constant flow of tears.

"Why would I leave you, stop being silly." He hugged her comforting her unaware of her secret fear. "When the nurse has dressed that wound, I'll take  you home, I promise." He attempted to kiss her but she turned away gripping the pillow crying. "Its OK Jen." He whispered stroking her hair. He walked towards Bill allowing the nurse to dress the wound.

"I wish I knew what was upsetting her, Its probably the assault," he sighed. "She will tell me eventually, I just feel totally useless." He whispered to Bill not wanting her to hear. The nurse quickly dressed the wound handing Pete a prescription before leaving.

"Do you want me to help you get dressed?" Pete asked, she shook her head silently afraid to get out of bed. "I thought you wanted to get out of here." He pulled the quilt as he spoke but she clung to it. "Would you mind waiting outside for a few minutes?" Her parents left them alone, he pulled the quilt gently from her grasp kissing her.

"Come on get dressed." He helped her to get out of bed, catching her as she stumbled clinging to him. "Its OK." he whispered, she slowly dressed flinching as she zipped her jeans eventually limping to the waiting taxi. They arrived at his flat accompanied by Jennys parents.

"The bedroom please like you promised. " He stated. "I'll make everyone a drink you should be in bed before I've finished." She walked into the bedroom silently. Rose and Bill sat on the coach glancing around the spacious lounge.

"I must admit Rose, I think we have totally misjudged him, just look at this place." Bill stated Pete returned handing them a cup of tea.

"I'll just take this to Jenny, I want to make sure she's in bed." He returned quickly sitting beside Rose. "She's asleep."

"Will she recover properly Pete?" Rose whispered not wanting to wake her daughter.

"I think so, I'm concerned how this has affected her mentally." He discussed his concerns with them. They finished their drinks eventually saying goodbye not wanting to disturb their daughter. Pete opened the  bedroom door sitting beside her thinking about her assault.

"I don't know why he did this, but! I intend to find out." He whispered  stroking her bruised cheek. The doorbell disturbed his thoughts, Jim and Caroline walked in.

"Finally left her have you?" Caroline sat on the coach as she spoke.

"What do you want Caroline?" He stood beside Jim clearly annoyed.

"I thought you might want some company." She walked towards him touching his arm. "Something to occupy your mind."

"I haven't got time for this, I am really busy." He stated. "And I can assure you." He paused. "You would be the last person, I would ask to occupy my mind." He pulled Jim aside. "I don't want you to bring her here again. I've got Jenny here and she won't help her to get well." He opened the door waiting for them to leave. "I'm sorry Jim, but I just don't want her here." He closed the door returning to the bedroom. Jenny tossed and turned crying in her sleep, he wiped the sweat from her face holding her gently.

"Wake up your safe now, I've got you." He whispered as she gripped him crying.

"He was here Pete, I saw him." She trembled in his arms. "I can't help it, I can see his face and." She paused starting to cry again imaging Sirrius raping her.

"I know, but it will go, I promise." He stated quietly, She pulled away from him.

"You know what, you don't know anything." She hurried to the bathroom glancing at her tear stained reflection, he walked into the bathroom holding her gently.

"Do you want to know what I'm really worried about?" She snapped refusing to face him. "I'm worried, I might be pregnant, and that thing could be the father." Tears rolled down her face, he turned her to face him holding her close.

"I want to show you something." He picked her up carrying her into the lounge. "Just sit there, I want you to read something." He searched his jacket finally retrieving her medical notes quickly finding the correct page, he sat beside her handing it to her, she quickly read it.

"I'm not pregnant?" She gasped relieved.

"No your not." He held her gently his arm resting around her waist. "So will you please stop worrying." She held him close trying to compose herself.

"I'm really frightened and I don't know why." She turned to face him. "I just want these feelings to go. I want to be happy again."

"You will be, I'll make sure of that." He said putting her feet on the coach. "I'll make us both a cup of coffee and then we can talk." She sat quietly thinking confused.

"I can remember the first time we met, you wouldn't talk to me then, do you remember?" She nodded silently. " But you did." He handed her a mug sitting beside her.

"I want to tell you, but!" She turned away unable to look at him, he took the coffee from her sliding it on the table. "I can't, not this time." He turned her gently to face him.

"Have I upset you?" He asked concerned, she shook her head hurrying to the bedroom wanting to escape his questions. He sighed taking her drink to her. "Its OK, I know you will tell me when you are ready." He whispered turning her over gently. "Hey stop crying, I won't force you to tell me." She cuddled into him as he spoke tears ran down her face hiding her fears.



© Copyright 2007 Mandy (enigma1503 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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