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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1272518
Spot runs into an old friend with an evil plan
Spot vs Paws

Spot was an average dog. He had a wife and 46 pups but most had left already. They all lived together peacefully on the coast of Hawaii. Spot loved living by the beach because he could always go swimming or go play in the sand with all his pups and his wife. He wasn’t good at playing fetch with them though because whenever he’d throw the ball, he’d run after it at the same time and always caught it because he was the fastest.
         One day, on his way home from work at the dog food factory he saw some cop cars zooming through the streets. So, with a full stomach(he always eats on the job when nobody’s looking), he started chasing the cars. The cars came to a stop at the National Bank, Jewel Deposit and Bone Storage of Hawaii. Everybody had surrounded the scene. Cops, the press and lots of unrelated citizens were crowding around the unknown event.
         Smoke was pouring out of the windows and then a large boom was heard at the back of the building. Everyone rushed out to see what it was. When Spot got to the back he saw a familiar face through the debris and smoke. His arch rival from puppy hood... Paws.
         “What are you doing here Paws??”
         “Oh! Look who decided to come join the fun. It’s my old pal Spot. How’ve you been?”
         “Cut it out! Im not your friend and I never will be!”
         “Now don’t be so harsh! That hurts you know.”
         “What are you doing? Hey! What’s in that bag?”
         “Well now isn’t that a mystery? But it’s for me to know and for you to find out! Ta ta for now, Spot!”
         Before he could step any closer Paws had stepped onto a rope ladder that was leading up to a helicopter that was on the neighbouring rooftop. It was already too late. The helicopter was hovering upwards and Paws was climbing toward the cockpit. It wasn’t much longer until they were out of sight.
         By now everyone had made it around to see the mess that was made. However, when everyone seemed busy, two more people came out of the hole. Two ferrets, sly and sneaky, crawled out of the hole almost unnoticed. But Spot saw them. They each had another black bag like Paws’.
         “Where do you think you two are going with those?”
         “What? What are you talking about? What’s that? Who are you?”
         “Don’t play dumb with me ferrets! I saw you come out of that hole with a black bag in your hand. What’s in it?”
         “Hey! Look over there! A baby giraffe is gonna fall out of that window!”
         Spot looked around in confusion and panic but when he turned around again, the ferrets were gone. A cruel trick... and he fell for it. Before anyone else decided to escape, Spot figured he should go inside and have a look around. He slipped past the security that was holding back the raging crowd and slipped in the hole of the building. The Jewel Deposit section had been broken into. Some that had been dropped were scattered on the floor. But most important, Paws had dropped a business card. Spot picked it up and slipped it back outside with the card in his pocket.
         “I’ll get those jewels back from Paws and the ferrets and whoever else might have been in that helicopter.”
         All of a sudden, there were more explosions all throughout the building and it collapsed shortly after. Spot was minutes away from getting crushed in the recking. But a wave of rocks came flying down and one of them hit Spot on the head. His vision blurred then it went black and he fell to the ground below.

         Spot opened his eyes and thought he has awake. But he saw only white everywhere.
         “What? Where am I? Am I dead?”
         A thousand more questions piled into his head at the same time. But at the time it was pointless to ask them. He was alone in this blank place. Then there were three synchronised voices coming from above him.
         “Don’t worry you’re not dead.”
         Three tiny little bears with wings came floating down in front of him.
         “If I’m not dead, there where am I?”
         “You’re dreaming, Spot.”
         “Yes. Well...  technically no. dreaming is just easier to say then near death experience.”
         “So will I...”
         “Certainly. You will be returned to the bank as soon as we are done with you.”
         “What do you need me for?”
         “We need you to return the cursed diamonds!”
         “What’s so special about me? Why me?”
         “Why not you? You’re perfect! You hate that idiot that stole em! Now go! Return them to the town and put them back in their rightful place or Hawaii will sink! Now go put them back in their spots under the bank! We’re counting on you.”

         All of a sudden, Spots eyes opened again but this time he was back in front of the collapsed bank. He jolted upwards and ran toward his house. When he got there, the house was empty so he left a note on the fridge saying that he will be back later. He walked back outside and took out the business card from his pocket. Paws Enterprise, his company’s name. Unlucky for him, the location was five miles out of town.
         That’s when he ran into the twins, Sandy and Mandy, the horses.
         “Sandy! Mandy! Just the two I wanted to see.
         “Spot! Hows it going?”
         “Good. Hey... I need a favour, and I need it now think you can help me?”
         “Depends, what is it?”
         “I need a ride out to the beach that’s five miles away... can you help me?”
         “Sure thing! Hop on our backs and don’t let go! We’ll get you there pronto!”
         Spot jumped up on both of their back simultaneously and they gave him a ride faster then he had expected. He fell off a couple times but he still got there, and just like the card said, Paws’ business was right there. When he got a little closer, he saw Paws, the ferrets and a cat celebrating their jewel heist. They all got on a boat and were going to sail off so Spot quietly ran up to the boat hid under a blanket. Then the boat sailed off.
         Spot was greatly outnumbered four to one. He needed a plan but one couldn’t seem to come to his head. Then he heard something bad
         “Well guys, we did it. It was all thanks you three, Cat, Bob and Rob.”
         “Ya! My quick cat reflexes, the ferrets’ sneakiness and your intelligence Paws.”
         “Wait you two! We smell something unusual... there’s someone else on this boat!”
         They pointed toward the blanket that Spot was hiding under. He started to shake and it gave himself away in an instant.
         “Who’s there? Come out! Now!”
         Spot ripped of the blanket and jumped onto the deck with the other four. The ferrets and Cat looked at him surprised but Paws acted as though he was expecting him there. Spot was confused but stayed calm nonetheless.
         “So you made it, Spot. And have you discovered the terrible truth behind why I was there yet?”
         “Yeah, I have. Give me back the diamonds! All of Hawaii will sink if you don’t!”
         “I know.”
         “What? You mean you want all these people to sink and drown with the island over night?”
         “Yes. It was my plan all along. I’ve done my research! And it’s led me here. You won’t spoil my plans Spot!”
         The weather started to get worse. It started to rain and thunder as the  sky darkened and clouds covered every inch of it. The waves weren’t getting too rough and surfers were still surfing near the shore.
         Luckily for Spot, the ferrets were afraid of lightning and Cat was afraid of water so they all jumped into the emergency boat and paddled back to shore. Cat was hiding under a bucket. Paws didn’t realise they had retreated because he was standing at the front and the thunder was roaring constantly so they were unheard. When he turned around to talk to them, he looked around in distress when he saw they weren’t there.
         “Looks likes its down to you and me Paws. This is gonna end and im gonna return with the diamonds.”
         “I think not!”
         Spot and Paws ran toward each other in a growl. They were biting and scratching each other all over the place. And then they started rolling around each trying to get an advantage in the fight but they couldn’t do it. As they were fighting, they suddenly stopped when the island a mile away started to rumble. It could be heard from miles around. The beaches started to disappear under then the rumbling stopped.
         “Hahahahahaha! It has started, Spot! Time is running out. Better hurry! Hahaha!”
         “I won’t let you get away with this, Paws!”
         Then Spot grabbed Paws by the paw and twisted it behind his back then pinned him against the railing on the side of a boat and leaned him over.
         “No! Please! Spot! Don’t do this! We can’t work this out! I’ll give you the diamonds! They’re over there! In the glove department!”
         Spot let him go and ran to get the diamonds. He knew that Paws had nowhere to run and it was too far to swim. The emergency boat was gone and his only option would be to take the boat they were in and Spot could easily go stop him that way.
         “There! I’ve got the diamonds, Paws. You lose. Turn this boat around and drive us back to shore. Now!
         “Hehe. Sorry to break you thunder, Spot, but the boat is out of gaz.”
         “What? What do you mean its out of gas!”
         “Are you deaf? Its out of gas! No more fuel! It’s dead! Get it yet?”
         “Crap! What are we gonna do now?”
         “Well I can’t take this! Im ending it now!”
         At the opposite end of the boat from where Spot had been standing, Paws had jumped off the edge of the boat into the water below. Spot couldn’t believe it. He rushed to the other end of the boat when he saw Paws riding on the back of a dolphin heading toward the shore. Spot couldn’t believe what was happening. It was the strangest day of his life. And just when he thought it couldn’t get any weirder, a flock of big, rare, bright-yellow ducks crowded at the side of the boat in the water.
         “Come on, Spot! We heard everything that has happened on that boat! Paws has deceived you and Flippers the dolphin has deceived us. Lets go get em! Hop down! We can support you, don’t worry.”
         Spot jumps on the backs of the unordinarily large ducks. They started to swim after Paws and Flippers who weren’t too far ahead. The ducks moved almost as fast as the horses did, which helped him catch up to Paws in a hurry. When Paws saw Spot on the ducks chasing them he was shocked. He told Flippers to head to a different part of the beach that was deserted so they turned slightly to the left. The ducks did the same.
         When they got to the beach, Spot and Paws jumped off their rides and saw that they were in a secluded area, boxed in by trees.
         “Now you’ve got nowhere to run Paws. Im gonna turn you in.”
         “You haven’t won yet, Spot. I won’t go down so easily!”
         “Lets Go!”
         Paws and Spot started running toward each other again. They were screaming at the top of their lungs and it was loud enough to scare away all the birds in the nearby palm trees. The two were pretty even this time too but Spot broke free and jumped up onto the side of a tree and lunged toward Paws who stood before him. But in the nick of time, Paws ducked out of the way. Spot grabbed a sharp, broken branch that was laying in sand on the ground beside him and knocked down Paws who was coming toward him. Then he took the sharp end and pointed it toward the throat of Paws. He panicked.
         “Now come on now! You don’t have to do this!”
         “Come with me now, Paws. Game over.”
         “But Spot, there’s a secret I haven’t told you for all these years.”
         “What? What are you talking about this time?”
         “Spot... we’re... brothers. Please don’t do it now! Im your own flesh and blood.”
         “Brothers? We’re not brothers! We’re different breeds!"
         “Oh... ugh yeah... ugh right ... forgot about that... I mean that we’re ... cousins! Yes we’re cousins!”
         “We are not related in any way! We are different breeds and both completely pure bred! Now come! We’re going back to town to turn you in and return these diamonds.”
         When he said that, the island began to rock again. The beach was sinking and the ocean was rising again. In panic, hey both started to run through the woods as the water chased then through. When they got to town, water was filling up everywhere and flooding everything. Time was running out. He ran through town to the pile of destruction that was once the bank. The walls were still intact and the roof had only partially fallen down. It was dark inside as the sun had started to set but he had great vision in the dark and found his way around easily. The room was filling up fast but as soon as the diamond were set in place, the water dispersed and the panic had ended.
         Spot turned in Paws and got a 1000 giant rawhide bones reward and never went hungry. But Paws had a rough time from there on because for the jewel heists that he had committed, he has sentenced to the worse punishment possible besides being put down... to be neutered.
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