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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1273015
A unique girl and powerful boy must team up to save the world.
So far this is a work in progress, I only have the first chapter completed. I hope to gain some input and advice from other writers!!

Chapter 1- the beginning of the end (the fateful first meeting)

          I was walking cautiously down a long winding hallway. Although a thick hazy mist surrounded me, there were lockers visible, stretching into infinity on either side of the corridor. They were beat up and dusty; they had apparently been put through good use at some point but were now only memories of school days long past. A stray paper drifted towards me across the debris-littered floor even though there was no breeze. The gray and chilling atmosphere was seeping into me the further I ventured down the never ending expanse. Suddenly, I stopped. I could somehow sense that I wasn’t alone even though there weren’t any people in sight. “Hello?” I called out, my voice reverberating off of the flimsy metal walls. There was no response. I continued to walk, acutely aware of the feeling of someone’s eyes boring into my back. I spun around quickly, but there was no one there. I was becoming slightly nervous now, and even though I knew deep down that it was a dream, I couldn’t wake up, all the same. The strange feeling wouldn’t go away and an unpleasant shiver went up my spine. I rubbed my arms vigorously, trying to ignore the faint panic that was beginning to well up within me. Just barely audible was a velvety whisper, the cool breath soft in my ear.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Clara.”
I jumped in alarm, instinctively looking around for the body that supplied the voice. It only chuckled at my anxiety, a smooth and low rumble. Although the utterance was somewhat frightening, the voice had a very melodic quality to it.
“Who…. Who are you?” I stuttered, trying to sound much braver than I felt. I glanced down and noticed how tightly my arms were folded to my chest. In an attempt to calm my nerves I unwillingly relaxed just the slightest, letting them hang down loosely by my side. The voice laughed softly again. As usual, my deplorable acting skills gave me away. My legs were just barely shaking but I willed them to stop, not wanting to show this unnerving stranger my fear.
“Are you scared of me?” It challenged, with a hint of menacing playfulness.
“No.” I whispered, my breaking voice betraying the terror that was sending my heart into a frenzy. I heard a quiet rustle behind me. When I turned there was nothing there at first, but then I could see a gray shadow coming towards me through the dense fog. It was hard to distinguish a definite shape, but as it approached I could slowly begin to recognize an outline. It appeared to be a man, much taller than I, with an obviously muscular physique. I was frozen to the floor, but the urgent whisper of my brain finally forced my feet to move. With one last glance back, I staggered into an ungraceful run in the opposite direction. There was obviously no where to go since the hallway stretched on endlessly, but I didn’t want that man to come any closer to me. His presence was an ominous one. After sprinting for what felt like several minutes until I was panting, I slowed and then stopped.
With a brief glance I could tell that the man wasn’t behind me anymore. Breathing a sigh of relief, I leaned weakly against one of the walls, my pallid face probably matching the ashen locker paneling that I was using to support myself. I closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down. Focusing on the steady thrum in my chest seemed to do the trick, as my pounding heart began to lessen until it was at a normal rate. With a relieved sigh I remained still against the cool locker, trying to keep in control of my fears. How would I get out of here? Was I trapped inside this continuous hallway forever? What happened to the man?
I was full of apprehension, my brain not giving me even a second of peace before frantically pushing the next problem to the surface. I heard a familiar rustle and my eyes fluttered open quickly. As if conjured out of thin air, the man was right in front of me, no longer a shadow. His graceful composition as he leaned casually against a locker directly contrasted my frazzled shock. He was just a few inches away from me and I could only helplessly stare at him in astonishment; it was as if his gaze had me frozen like a terrified statue, I couldn’t move or breathe. Seeing him up close I realized that he wasn’t a man, he seemed to be around my age, a teenager. He was what most girls would consider to be attractive. No, that was an understatement. He was most definitely the swoon worthy type, with well defined jaws and cheekbones that you would see on a movie poster or magazine cover. Not only did he have flawless skin, but his olive complexion seemed to radiate, shining brightly in the dreary gray dreamscape. The rich color of his skin was only complimented by slightly tousled wavy dark hair and piercing green eyes. I was stunned by his beauty, yet terrified by this unusual being.
The strange god still had me petrified with his smoldering stare, his vivid eyes flashing with some hidden emotion- was it amusement? A faint smirk played across his perfectly chiseled face, like he was remembering some past humorous moment. After another few seconds that seemed to last an eternity, he finally blinked, releasing my gaze. Suddenly I was gasping for breath, slightly dizzy. Without the firm locker behind me, I might have toppled over. For a moment I forgot to be afraid, I was too busy trying to regain my balance and puzzling over what had just happened. Glancing over to the boy again, I saw him staring at me with the same bemused expression. He was still leaning casually against the locker, like any guy would at school. Cheeks flushing, I furiously looked away. What was going on? What did he just do to me? Although before I had been seemingly hypnotized by his stare, I hesitantly met his eyes again with no similar effect, just a jolt of marvel at the deep viridian hue.
“Who are you?” I asked finally in wonder, no longer afraid.
The mirth danced across his face with my question, only causing me more irritation.
“You really have no idea?”
I shook my head no.
He had mock disappointment on his face.
“And here I thought that you would remember me, Clara. How could you forget?”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?” I demanded, rather rudely. He didn’t appear ruffled in the slightest by my comments.
“There are many things that I know.”
His posture was still relaxed, while mine had become tense and rigid once again, my fists clenched tightly.
Eyeing him, I finally realized one of the reasons he had seemed so odd at first. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed it earlier, but it was hard to not be distracted by his breathtaking features. While he had the obvious charming looks, his clothes were very unusual. They appeared to be almost medieval; he was wearing a green velvet tunic with ornate embroidery, and earth colored trouser-like pants. A darker green cape was resting on his shoulders, appearing more for function rather than decoration, unlike the elegant tunic. My eyes drifted to his neck, where a delicately carved silver cross rested. Around his waist was a worn leather belt with an empty sheath.
I nearly laughed at the absurdity of the situation. In the whole ensemble, he looked so ridiculous in a school setting. He looked like he should be prancing around on a battlefield somewhere, gallantly running knights through with a sword, not reclining breezily in a hallway, like a lazy student waiting for the bell to ring. He seemed to notice my barely suppressed glee and just rolled his eyes.
After a moment of looking somewhat indecisive and deep in thought, he let the joy slowly fade from his eyes until he had a very grim and cold expression on his marble face, giving me slight chills like I had earlier.
“You do not know me yet, but soon you will.” He promised solemnly.
I was tongue-tied at the intensity of his hard gaze.

“Just remember….” He struggled with his words. “Recognize… me for what I truly am. Do not be fooled, and never let your guard down.”
I found my voice again. “And what exactly are you?”
He looked troubled and pensive, his unsettling eyes flashing with uncertainty and other mixed emotions I couldn’t quite decipher.
“I suppose you will find out when the time is right.”
I was extremely confused by the cryptic message, and just as I was trying to organize my thoughts, he turned away; ready to melt back into the fog.
He hesitated and looked back at me thoughtfully.
         “What is your name?” My voice was barely a whisper.
Emotion returned to his face. With a small mischievous twinkle in his eye, he winked and disappeared from sight.
         “Hey!” I called to the now empty hallway. “Hey! Come back! That’s not fair!”
         I sighed with frustration, almost missing the cool breeze that blew gently past my ear.
         “Darius.” It whispered softly, lingering.
© Copyright 2007 KatieWithPenInHand (hugmeimriza at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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