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Pancakes are not meant to be with house material |
why our family is the most messed up family you will meet.... My dad,is not an average person.He has the mind of a teeneager that just learned how to drive and loves to do stuff that's imature,but very funny. Our family has this joke that we say before a meal with all four of us,"IT'S THE HOUSE OF FLYING FOOD!" and we throw food that can be thrown to the table and we try to catch it.of course, it get messy sometimes....SOMEtimes..... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pancakes are not good with ceiling material.... One day in pennsylvania my dad was in a good mood.(If he is in a good mood,funny things will happen,if he is in a bad mood, he makes us clean the house,he is NEVER,in the middle mood) my dad was flipping pancakes on the stove on a frying pan to surprise me and Ben for getting straight A's on our report card,i was coming down stairs and when i got there,i got excited to see my dad was flipping pancakes. i asked my dad,"Can i try to flip one" "sure Sal" he replied.(i am writing about why my name was sal in Pennsylvania so don't ask and wait for me to write the passage...) so when i was about to try my brother comes down and flys into the kitchen and begs to try to. Since i give in to pleaing easily(Since i am so nice! lol),i gave him the pan first.he toyed around with the pancake and flipped it a couple times and he got bored and said,"this is boring,how do you like cooking dad?" They had a LONG conversation about growing up and that you would need to cook yourself when you did grow up. Ben,looking disgusted,ran upstairs and stated playing his computer games. Now it's my turn! i thought Of course,i did pretty well and i flipped the pancake untill it was burnt to a crisp because it was fun. then the thought popped into my head what does a BIG pan and lot's of pancake material make? BIG pancakes! So i said,"let's build the motherload pancake!" he replied,"sure Sal..." We put in a BIG pancake and made a big pancake.i started vigorously flipping it.i asked my dad to help and with my criminal mind, i came up with a plan...(READ TITLE) "dad, could you help me flip the pancake" I said. "sure Sal" I knew that combining forces together would result in bigger results, so when my dad pushed the pan up, so did i, but with all my strength.The pancake went flying and waited for the pancake to fly some where, but it didn't make a sound of hitting the floor. "Ohh no,Can it of worked..." i said as i looked up... OF COURSE IT WORKED! I'M A CRIMINAL!(family joke) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// i'm writing more stories at the moment.... |