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by Lexi
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #1282644
A werewolf and demon story
         When the bright yellow light hit my eyes they became blurry with liquid as smooth as diamonds. The sun’s light made the tears crawl down my chalk white face. Her face swam across my vision then her rosy, smiling face drowned in a sea of flames.
         I blinked the past away and gazed out of the airplane window as I landed on the Texan landscape. Ten hours had seemed like a century to me and I still wasn’t prepared to face what was coming. I became dazed again; it felt like nothing was ever going to be right again after...after what happened.
         A sharp knife began to cut into my skin, yet I barely felt it until I heard her voice beckon to me to leave. I turned from the tinted window to stare at the attendant leaning over me. It hadn’t been a knife cutting me for there was no blood; it had just been the attendant’s fingernail as she tried to get my attention by poking me.
         “Dear, you need to get off now.” she said sweetly in her thick, Texan accent. All I could do was nod; she helped me up and out of the seat. She wouldn’t leave my side, not that I rejected her help, until we were safely in the terminal. She apparently thought I had some mental disorder, which might be true if there was one caused by emotional problems.
I found my baggage easily enough since I only had one small duffel bag. After that I’m not sure what exactly happened, except someone was pulling me through the crowd toward the voice that was calling my name. Then, strong arms, though they were weaker than the ones that had been pulling me along, caressed me in a tight bear hug. This man had short, dark brown hair; he had a nice, loving face; and wet hazel eyes.
         “Alexa, honey, are you okay?” Why does everyone keep asking me that? I’m fine, I survived, but she’s not....she...didn’t. I’m not sure what this man, my father, saw in my eyes but it made him let go of me. I fell back into someone else’s hard chest. My eyes traveled up to see crystal, blue eyes staring, warmly down on me. His long black hair was tied back in a ponytail on the nap of his neck except for his long side bangs that fell across his extraordinarily beautiful, tan face.
         He shook his head slightly then carefully slid me back to the man that was called my father. He smiled as he gently folded his rough hand around my fragile one. They led me to a rusty, black, two door truck. For some reason this disappointed me greatly.
Richard, my father, opened the passenger’s door for me then went around to the driver’s side. The other guy, whom I was still staring at, smiled at me again, then picked me up with what seemed like no effort and pushed me into the seat. I gazed after him as he shut my door and climbed into the bed of the rusty truck. It took me about five minutes before my brain finally registered what had happened and where I was.
         Some sign of life in my face must of shown to Richard because he immediately began talking, “David is such a sweet kid, I wouldn’t have been able to bare the sorrow...” he paused to think of where to go on, but I knew he was thinking whether or not to bring up her, “if he hadn’t come.” short and sweet, I almost smiled at that thought. “It has been so long since I’ve seen you, you were just a little baby then, but I still remember, you were always so pale that we thought there was something wrong with the way your blood travels.” he smiled then and withdrew his hand, he had been about to touch me but maybe he saw the fear or pain in my eyes.
         Richard sighed and turned back to the road. I head a barking noise coming from behind me and turned around in my seat to see David. He had let his hair loose (it was flying all over his face and out into the air) and it looked like he was having the time of his life as he howled out into the air. I sort of half smiled at the sight, it was beautiful...no, he was beautiful.
         I shook my head at that thought; I couldn’t let myself get in a relationship, not even with Richard, not again. I blinked away my thoughts when the howling in the background ceased and we hit the gravel made roads. That was when it struck me like lightning, I had no idea where Richard’s house was or what type of house it was. The dirt road swerved and curved until the truck stopped at a wooden, two-story, white house. Richard jumped out after he had cut the engine. My door swung open to reveal a mass of knotted black hair and a sparkling grin.
         David pulled me out of the vehicle and pulled me towards the house, “What about my bag?” I asked politely, my voice sounding strange after not using it for several days, but both of them stopped and stared at me. Both of their eyes were wide like I had just kicked the winning goal on a game of football. “What?” I asked, impatiently.
         “I’ll bring it in later.” David murmured, his voice was as clear as ice but also quiet like a mouse, I could tell he was as shocked as Richard looked. All I could do was nod, is voice was rich, delicate, and.....perfect. I had never heard such a beautiful thing as his voice, I grew dazed again but luckily one of them caught me.

         “You can go ahead and get back now if you want.” Richard’s voice called from some feet away. My body caught up faster than my brain did, my hand reached out swiftly and hung onto David’s arm. Then my eyes caught up, I was laying on a brown, leather couch in a white living room, and David was sitting on the edge of the couch smiling down on me again.
         I sat up and pulled him closer for warmth. He didn’t reject but Richard did, “David, how about you take Alexa on a tour of the farm? You know it better than I do and I’m the owner” he laughed, David’s smile disappeared into a straight line, yet he still nodded.
         Before I could protest, David pulled me up from the couch and out of the backdoor. I was prepared to not make it easy for him to take me onto a farm. I hated the smell of the animals (I do love animals, it is just the smell is horrendous) and the awful thought of them being killed is horrible. I swung the soles of my tennis shoes into the ground to slow the progress of him moving. He did stop but not to go back into the house to give up, he stopped to pick me up  I started to scream but the way he looked at me with those crystal blue eyes made me obey, it was like he had some power over me that I couldn’t control. Well, I ended up riding piggyback style into the plant maze.
         “This corn field is actually a huge maze, if you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll most certainly never find your way out again.” he explained, smiling at my glum mood. This news startled me though, he saw the fear in my eyes and before I could explain it, he continued, “My family built this field, so I promise we won’t get lost. In fact, while we’re on the subject, would you like to meet my family?” he asked, I could tell there was some catch in his tone, but I ignored it and nodded happily.
         He snorted like he couldn’t believe I was actually happy, and then he started to run. I clutched my arms around his neck so I wouldn’t fly off and tightened my legs’ grip around his chest. David laughed as I hid my head on his shoulder so no branches would hit me.
         It felt like this ride was never going to end; he never did seem to get tired of running. Then, everything stopped, I was standing in front of a burning house, Jordan, my best friend, was standing next to me on the phone with 911. She ran inside the boiling pit before I had enough time to stop her. The next thing I knew, I was holding tickets to Texas and my only belongings next to the entrance to an airport in London. I screamed, then, in agony of everything that had happened. After that, came an awful earthquake that shook my every limb back and forth. Then, there came voices, though I couldn’t see where they coming from, I heard them just fine.
         “What happened?” the first voice asked frantically, the voice was of a girl, though who’s I did not know.
         “She’s gone.” I whispered to the voice, not knowing if the voice could hear me.
         “She let go and then hit her head.” Another voice answered the first; his was familiar though I couldn’t place it. I had no idea who he was talking about either.
         “No, she’s gone.” I argued hoarsely with the second voice.
         “She’s delusional! We better get her back to Marissa right away, she’ll know what to do!” the girl’s voice seemed worried and distraught. After that, there must have been a silent exchange because I didn’t hear anything.
         I blinked or at least I thought I had, but when my lids came up again I was in a different place. There were no tickets, no baggage, and no airport; there were only lots and lots of corn stalks. I smelled the scent of dirt and blood mixed together with cows and pigs. I could have sworn it was the worst thing that I have smelled in my life, I could have easily thrown up then, but I couldn’t find my throat. The scent was like if you skin your knee at a farm and dirt had gotten in the blood that was dripping from your knee when you were right next to the barn.
         As soon as I felt my legs, I tried to stand, but instead someone had lifted me from the ground. My arms sprang out to grasp his shirt. I could feel the soft brush of his hand on my hair as slow movement came, he was walking.
© Copyright 2007 Lexi (lexisandos at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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