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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1282938
Chapter One
Solara's Eden

    Atop a knoll, Gabriel, the former captain of the Solaran Army, surveyed the land before him. The runner he dispatched earlier had not returned for hours and he feared the worst. His warhorse nervously stamped at the ground, "Easy Hazian, there has to be an explanation why he hasn't come back." He assured the powerful charger. Gabriel knew deep down though, that this was bad and looked back towards the scarred remains of the town that had been razed five days earlier. "So this is how they hope to stop our plans of regaining our home back: by destroying all in their path." He sighed. A tested veteran in battle, he detested the fact the governments overthrew the religious sects and enslaved them to do their bidding. His only hope was to gather forces to his side and fight the last battle to regain the planet from the evil dictators seated in their palaces.
    Celia, the only woman in the Solaran Army to hold the title of lieutenant, came up the hill riding on a brilliant mare named Night Fire. "Sir, there was no one left alive," She said sadly. "What is our next move, Captain?"
    Gabriel looked over at her. "Celia you are one of my trusted lieutenants and advisors, I would ask that we gather all refugees and get them to some form of safety." He went back to scanning the perimeter and caught sight of an almost imperceptible movement in the trees. His brow furrowed with a frown as he watched the movement. "In the hills, find a cave, anything. I leave it to you."
    She turned her horse and left to carry out his orders. He charged towards the tree line as soon as Celia was out of sight. He could see the enemy advancing from the opposite hill, and urged his horse faster. The plate mail clanked heavily against the great beast’s body. As he neared he saw that the movement was a girl running through the trees. She glanced back over her shoulder and tripped over a root she hadn’t seen.
    Gabriel’s heart froze as he saw the young girl trip and fall to the ground, and the legions of evil were closing in. I have to reach her before they do, or she will be lost forever! He thought. God smiled upon him for he reached her with a sudden swiftness. He slid from Hazian’s back and scooped her up from where she lay depositing her atop the large beast. Just as he was going to swing up himself he felt a sudden sharp pain like that of an arrow. He looked up at the girl. "Go... get out of here! Be quick!” Then he slapped Hazian on the rump and watched him roar away.
    Gabriel had indeed been hit, and the devil’s arrow had driven deep. However it had hit nothing major. So with pain in his eyes Gabriel watched as the girl rode toward Celia. "That one is strong at heart. Celia will be there to help her I hope." He smiled, and then turned his attention to the horde bearing down on him.
    Raising his claymore he prepared for one last stand. He fought valiantly, yet with each swing of the weapon the arrow sank deeper and the pain grew worse. Clenching his teeth he drove through the horde with reckless abandon. Suddenly, the attack stopped and Gabriel was encircled, a gap in the enemy ranks appeared and a red warhorse strode forth. Perched atop it was the enemy’s most feared leader, Faustis Chimeara. "Well, Gabriel, it looks like you have gotten yourself in over your head. Tell you what; throw down your weapon and you will live in servitude to me," He scowled, "Or perish where you stand!"
    “I would rather die in servitude to my Lord then to serve you, I choose to perish and in doing so I take my fair share with me." Gabriel said raising his claymore to meet the enemy’s challenge.

~~~~~ BREAK~~~~~

    Alexandria Star ran. Her home had been burned and her family murdered, and she now feared for her own life. She had not stopped for rest in several days vowing that she would not do so until she found a place of refuge. She dodged the trees that were in her path as she ran through the thick forest, not caring that her dress was getting caught on brambles and briers were scratching her face and arms.
    She had to get away from the men she knew were searching for her. Faint thunders of hoof beats were headed in her direction and she struggled to run faster. Oh God, please don't let that be someone I can't trust! She prayed as she ran on. Star looked back over her shoulder and as she did her foot caught on a root she hadn’t seen and she fell. The hoof beats got nearer and she struggled to get to her feet. Taking a deep breath, she resigned herself to die. Father let it be over swiftly.
    The hoof beats neared, and her knees went week. She slid back to the ground. Suddenly, strong hands scooped her up and placed her atop a steed! "Go… Get out of here. Be quick.” A warrior in the Solaran Army had come to her aid. He slapped the horse and was soon out of sight. Speechless and too frightened to do much else, she clung to the charger for all she was worth. She blinked back the tears that stung her eyes and concentrated on the movement of the great charger’s body, allowing herself to become one with him. He seemed to run forever, the earth flying beneath him.
    After what seemed like hours the charger slowed to a trot and turned up a hill. This horse had brought her to safety and she was grateful for it. Pain was beginning to make her right ankle throb, and tears of exhaustion threatened to spill down her cheeks like the drops from the broken storm clouds overhead. She swayed in the saddle and almost fell, but managed to stay upright.


    Celia searched out fugitives and took them to safety. She was returning from a run and saw a girl ridding towards her on Gabriel’s horse, Hazian, but then her attention was drawn to the woods where she saw her most loyal and trusted friend about to die. What shall I do? She thought in panic. The girl got close enough to her, so she snatched the reins and handed them to a waiting guard, then urged her horse swiftly to save her captain. She drew her sword and blindly slashed through the men standing around him, then swung him up and rode back to where her men awaited her return. "Take him and the girl to the caves! Hurry!" The solder called for a medic, and placed Gabriel on a stretcher. He then picked Star up, and escorted his fallen leader into the cave.


    The last thing Gabriel remembered was talking with the dreaded Faustis and then a wave of searing pain, and a hand lifting him from the ground. In a haze he wondered, Have I died, am I now in the land of paradise where all is at peace? Then he opened his eyes and saw the innocents and the wounded soldiers and knew he was still on Solara. Celia... She's the only one I know that would have risked her hide to get me, God above if you ever take her put her in a high place with the rest of the angels. I'll remember to thank her later. A sharp pain brought him back to complete consciousness, and with the pain of that devil's arrow he could feel the poison seeping through him. A shame, He thought, She risked her life to save me, only to watch me writhe in agony. He saw a soldier and stopped him. "Tell me, where is Celia?"
    The soldier replied, “She is returning as we speak, Sir."
    With that the soldier left. All Gabriel could do was sit back and rest till his friend’s return. He drifted back to sleep only to be awakened again with pain, but this time he found it easier to sit up. He looked around and saw despair on all the faces of the villagers, then tried to stand, but was still weak from the arrow's poison; he relaxed and said a few words of praise then commanded his body to stand. As he did he saw the girl he saved from the tree line.


    Alexandria Star sat huddled in a corner; she was so scared she dared not sleep. Tears ran down her ashen face and she prayed silently. Oh Lord God, keep me safe; wrap your loving arms of peace about me. She shifted slightly; the movements making her now swollen right ankle throb again. She sucked in a sharp breath and closed her eyes, then reached out and carefully brushed the purple bruise on her swollen ankle. Even that light touch caused pain.
    Gabriel walked unsteadily over to the girl and knelt down, "My name is Gabriel. I am glad to see that you made it, I trust my horse served you well." He offered his hand to her.
    Star jumped at the sound of his voice, and then looked up at him. "My name is Alexandria Star.” She replied, “It is a pleasure to meet the one who saved me." She hesitantly took his offered hand. "Most people call me Star for short, at least when I knew anyone that is." She looked away tears filling her eyes.
    Gabriel nodded his head toward her and said, "If you need anything let me know, or find Celia. She is the one that got you here; she will help you." He stood to return to his pallet and fell.
    "Gabriel!" Star was alarmed. She crawled over to him, careful of her ankle, and cradled his head in her lap. "Gabriel... are you alright?" He looked at her with pale blue eyes that seemed not to see her.
    "Sleep and a hot bath, if it is not too much trouble, other than that, peace to befall me, for the poison is running it's course to well I'm afraid." He wondered what would happen to all of them when he left this world for the next. What of Malik, where is he? Why hasn't he showed up yet? He looked at Star and said, "I do not want to bother you further Star, but there is one thing I will give you in my passing if you will accept it and that is Hazian, my war horse. He will serve you well; he is now yours."
    Star bit her lip not knowing what to say, "Of course I'll accept him, but you can't die. You can't... I can’t bear to lose another friend, I can’t!" Tears again welled in her eyes, only this time they spilled down her cheeks creating tracks in the dirt that stained her cheeks.
    "Star, I just need rest, that's all. I won't die just yet, don't worry on that. Come now… dry your tears." His eyes drifted shut and he was soon in a deep sleep.
    After being reassured, and getting herself back under control, Star leaned back against a rock that was behind her. She watched him sleep for a moment and was soon asleep as well with Gabriel's head still in her lap, since she wasn't strong enough to lift him from where he lay.


    Gabriel awoke several hours later. His pale blue eyes gazed at the sleeping girl and he carefully got up. The pain was lesser now, but he still felt weak. Using what strength he had he scooped her up and carried her to the makeshift infirmary. There he found an empty palette, and placed her on it, unclasped his cloak and covered her, then knelt beside her and said a quick prayer and kissed her forehead. He stood once more and found a medic. “Look after Star's ankle and see that she is taken care of till Celia's return.” He said then headed for the entrance of the cave. He reached the mouth of the cave and watched as the hordes left into the distance. A runner came to him and said, "My Lord, Malik approaches from the west, what shall I tell him?" Gabriel replied, “Have him meet me atop this hill alone, now go.”
    Malik showed a little later, dismounted from his horse and walked over to greet Gabriel. The two brothers clasped hands and guffawed at times past. Gabriel finally interrupted his brother. "Malik, I called you here to join the fight. I have succeeded in that, but I fear you will have to go it without me. I am dying Malik, pierced by a poison arrow. I have not much time left, what say you brother?"
    Malik was shocked. "Gabriel you are strong you will not die. However, I gladly accept the offer to fight beside you once more."
    Gabriel smiled. "You have done me a great service. Celia is a trusted warrior and advisor, listen to her, and finally brother, tell our parents I died in God's Grace and Glory. I can now rest in peace." With that Gabriel took his last breath and collapsed at his brothers feet. Malik, with tears in his eyes held his brother's still body and wept.
    His heart was heavy as he finished covering his brother's grave, the claymore was sunk into the ground as a marker He knelt and vowed to avenge Gabriel and to help take back his home world. Mounting his horse he headed for the cave.
    He was shocked to see so many people there. The hordes had ravaged the land like locusts. Walking through the cave he stopped a soldier and asked, "Where is Celia?" the soldier shrugged and hurried along the path. Malik made his way to the Infirmary and looked at the wounded with tears in his eyes, then something caught his attention. That cloak is familiar. He thought as he walked toward it. It is very familiar... It is my brothers, but why is it here? Before he raised the cloak he saw a girl sleeping beneath it and decided against it, her ankle he noticed was severely swollen, possibly broken and needed attention fast, "Medic!" he shouted to a nearby nurse, "This girl needs attention now." He demanded.
    The nurse looked up at him, “There are many wounded my lord, and very few to tend them, but a medic should be with you shortly.” She turned her attention back to the man she had been taking care of.
    Star was awakened by someone shouting. "Gabriel... Gabriel?" She mumbled and opened her eyes to realize she in another room and Gabriel was nowhere to be seen. She sat up. "Gabriel?" She looked around, but didn't try to get up. He'll be back. She told herself Just be calm.
    Upon hearing his brother's name Malik wheeled around and looked at the girl, then asked, "How do you know my brother's name? I see you have his cloak so I can imagine he gave it to you to keep you warm."
    Startled by the sudden abrupt questions Star could only look up at the man that asked them in frightened silence.
    His heart melted at the sight of her fear and the feeling of telling her of Gabriel's death. "I apologize my lady for frightening you. My name is Malik. I am Gabriel's brother and it is with a heavy heart that I tell you he is dead." Malik with tears streaming down his face extended his gauntlet to the girl.
    A look of confusion crossed Star's face, then what he said registered. "No, no, he can't have died... He can't..." His words wrapped icy fingers around her heart. She numbly placed her hand in the offered gauntlet.

Chapter Two comming as soon as I revise what I've got... Just some final touches, and I'm trying to bid my space wisely as I only have 8 items left to work with...
© Copyright 2007 Gweniven McAlester (glassangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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