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by Dylan Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1285946
Jurina searches for the Tir-Tain caves..
Jurina rubbed her shoulder, rewarded with a sharp pain as her hand ran over the tender welt where the straps of her backpack had rested. Relieved to be free of the burden, she watched as Flint hitched three packs high into a tree. Lain out in front of her were what bits of equipment she had retrieved from her pack. She would have liked to take more, but Flint had reminded her that traveling through tight caverns with a large pack would not be the brightest idea.

"I hope you have everything,” commented Flint. “Because I'm not getting the stuff down again, my Lady." His brown eyes gave her a furtive glance, noticing her inspection. Wearing a coat made of animal skins and gray strides, he brushed the stray chestnut coloured hair from his eyes with his free hand.

Jurina flushed. Twice he had pulled the equipment up the tree, out of the reach of curious wildlife, and twice now she had made him pull it down to retrieve something she thought vital to the last leg of their journey. Satisfied, she packed the remaining equipment into a small roll and fastened it to the back of her belt. {i]How much longer must they wait for him? She slumped to the ground. Her back rested against the trunk of one of the forest’s more numerous residents, she felt the rough texture of the tree pressing though the red blouse that she wore. She shivered the day was turning colder. Grey clouds covered the entire sky, preventing any real warmth from the sun. She wished she had unpacked her travel cloak. Her hazel eyes looked with desperation at the packs that now hung well out of reach, for a second she considered asking, but soon changed her mind. Picking up a nearby branch, she began peeling the bark from it. Anything to distract her for a while.

It had taken them two days to reach this destination, deep within Fangaal forest, and an additional morning to search the area she believed the Tir-Tain caves would be found. Their Muruk tracker, Tatt had been away now for the last couple of hours searching for the exact location. Jurina smiled as her thoughts settled on him. He reminded her of a cuddly toy she had in her childhood. In many ways, he resembled a small bear, but his rodent-like features set him apart. Not the unappealing ones of a rat, more the cute and cuddlesome ones of a fluflad – a lovable critter that children kept as pets.

The Muruk's had been given a hard time of it ever since Man discovered the southern continent. When not being pushed out of their homes by settlers, they were captured by slavers and exported to the Northlands and sold to eccentric rich folk as pets. Some God-fearing people even believed them to be an abomination and the whole race should be exterminated. One day they will push them too far, she thought. The Muruk's were a lot more numerous than most people knew. Most of them remained underground, never coming to the surface. One day they will get fed up with the whole situation and all hell will break loose.

Ever since childhood, the Muruks had always fascinated Jurina, but it was their stories that intrigued her the most. Having no written language of their own, they instead passed them down from generation to generation. In one of their tales, they mention another race that once inhabited the Southlands: Talrens. Roughly translated, this means “Tree Keepers,” but up until now there had been no physical evidence of the race. Jurina had spent years of traveling from one Muruk burrow to another gathering together the tales, each one with a slight different twist than the last. Comparing the stories, and combining all the different versions she had, she’d unearthing what she believed was a location that would uncover solid evidence of the Talren race.

She threw the now bark-free branch to one side, the distraction a failure. I wish you would hurry up, Tatt. His absence was becoming wearisome. She loathed just sitting here, her excitement making the wait seem like an eternity. Jurina had asked Flint to go search as well, maybe increasing their chances of finding the caves. However, Flint had insisted on keeping close to her. He pointed out that by herself she might end up being an appetizing meal for some of the forest’s less-friendly occupants.

Flint finished tying off the end of the rope and came over to sit on a fallen tree just across from her. She looked up at him as he unsheathed and began to inspect the only piece of equipment he was taking along--his beloved sword. If only he took as much care of himself as he did his sword, she thought. Even before they had left Lakeside Village two days ago, he looked quite the wild man with his unkempt brown beard and shabby, shoulder length hair. He would be almost handsome with a wash and trim.

Flint looked up, noticed her stare, and shot her a wicked grin. With haste, she diverted her gaze, pulled out a journal from her pocket, and faked interest as she flicked through it.

The sound of breaking twigs and rustling leaves drew both their attentions. Tatt entered the clearing, brushing leaves and twigs from his fur. "I think I may have found it, a little way south from here, down a hollow," he said as he drew close.

Jurina shoot up at the sight of the Muruk, her lips curled into a wide smile and her face transformed in relief. It wasn't just because she felt awkward having been left with only Flint as company; she had become quite fond of the large rodent. Tatt only stood as high as her stomach. The only clothing he wore was a pair of sand coloured, cloth trousers and a belt bearing two hunting knives. His race being naturally nocturnal, he also wore a pair of smoked goggles that protected his eyes from the daylight.

"Well, let's be on our way, shall we?" Flint stood and sheathed his sword.

"Hold your horses," Tatt said, raising a hand. "There's a little problem."

Jurina’s smile disappeared replaced by anxiety. "Problem? What is it?"

"Someone's already there.” Tatt collapsed onto the trunk next to Flint. "Six men were camped outside the entrance."

Flint furrowed his brow "Why would anyone else be this far into the forest? Trappers maybe?"

Tatt shook his head. "Looked nothing like trappers to me. They look a little out of place wandering out here. By the way they are dressed, I'd guess they were city dwellers."

"Hum." Flint glanced at Jurina, his eyebrows raised. "It looks like you're not the only one chasing fairytales."

Jurina's stomach tied in knots. How? She had been so careful to keep her research private, only divulging parts to her most trusted associates. Who else would be interested in what most people considered a tale told to Muruk young? "Maybe they followed us," she said, voice full of optimism.

"No one followed us, Lass.” Tatt wore a hurt expression. “I would have known, trust me."

Deep down she knew this was true. Tatt was the best tracker she had ever meet, and if they had been followed he would have known.

Flint folded his arms. "I think there is a more likely possibility. You have a mole in your organization. Someone's sold you out."

Jurina nodded fiddling with a lock of her auburn hair. As much as she didn't like the idea, it was too much of a coincidence that someone had arrived here at the same time as them. The only question that remained was who?

"Either that or they had the same dream as you," Flint jested.

Jurina pursed her lips. She wished she had not mentioned the dream, especially not to Flint who was always quick at the opportunity to rib her at every step. While researching the caves she'd spent long nights looking through her many notebooks searching for a clue to its location, but it eluded her. Then late one night, her face in a book and fast asleep, she had a dream. A woman's voice came to her. In the dream, she and the voice went through the stories, piece by piece. The woman clarified many things Jurina had overlooked. Parts she had first thought unrelated to the location of the caves became more apparent. She had woken the instance the dream had ended, and for the next three days reworked everything she had done up to that point. In time she had come up with the clue that had led them to Fangaal Forest. She'd convinced herself that the dream was just her subconscious working overtime, but even now, it sent shivers down her spine.

Flint stroked his beard. "Well what now? Do we still go ahead?"

"Well I am," she replied. "I've spent too long on this to turn around now."

"Well it would be a shame to come all this way for nothing I suppose," piped up Tatt, getting to his feet. "We'd better be careful though."


They pursued Tatt as he bounded through the forest. Birds burst from bushes when disturbed by their passing. The trees become denser the further they traveled, making it harder for Jurina and Flint to keep up with the smaller Muruk. At last, Tatt brought them to a halt and eased them to the crest of the hollow. From the lay of the land, the hollow had once been part of a complex of caverns that had collapsed in on itself. Trees and other green foliage had now claimed this depression as their own. At one side stood a rocky cliff face. Jurina could make out the cave entrance that Tatt had discovered. Could it be? Had she at last found an entrance to the caves of Tir-Tain?

Movement caught her eye, and the six men that she had been warned about stole her attention. They made no effort to conceal themselves. Some sat idly twiddling their thumbs, while others ambled around looking for something to occupy them.

"Goons," whispered Flint. "Nothing but street brawn, given sword and shield. Whoever hired them was more concerned about their money than safety."

"How can you tell?" Jurina asked.

"Let’s just say it's a trick I learned from a previous occupation," he said with a wink.

Tatt groaned. "Well, what do we do about these goons?"

Flint stood and brushed himself down. "It would be rude not to introduce ourselves."

"There are six of them," hissed Jurina, grabbing his arm in an effort to pull him back down.

He gave her a roguish smile. "Well they should have brought more buddies with them."

At that, he started down the slope, using the trees to slow his descent. Tatt let out a wearisome sigh and followed him. The watch at the cave entrance noticed them and scrambled for their swords to meet the new comers at the hollow.

"Mother, help us." Jurina stood and followed. Losing her footing half way down the embankment, she slid the rest of the way on her behind. Gaining her legs as well as her composer, she took up position behind Flint and Tatt as the guards came to bar their way to the cave entrance.

"Hello lads. Up to anything exciting?" greeted Flint.

A tall man dressed in black stepped forward. "None of you business," he growled. "Go back the way you came."

"We will, but first we're just going take a look through the caves, if you don't mind."

The tall guard spat at the ground separating them. "Come back later. Our boss is in there and he's given instructions that he does not want to be disturbed."

"Sorry, no can do. You see I'd like to get this business all wrapped up before dark. But tell you what, I'll try my best not to disturb your boss." Flint coated the last part with sarcasm.

The tall man scowled at him. "I don't think you understand. We are not gonna let you in. Now get lost." For emphasis he drew his sword. The others followed his example.

"Oh come, put that away. The best use you could put that to is to shave some of those whiskers from your face.” Flint’s hand fell to rest on the hilt of his own sword. “And I doubt you’re capable of doing that without nicking yourself."

"Why you little…" The man flew at him, only to trip as Flint shifted to one side and extended a leg. He hit the floor, sprawling.

"You really should be more careful, running around like that. You could end up breaking something." The rest of the men stood dumbstruck as Flint picked up the man's fallen sword and flung it far into the trees.

"Don't just stand there, you idiots! Get him!" The grounded guard pulled out a dagger from his boot and began to push himself up. The heavy hilt of Tatt's knife dropped him back to the floor unconscious.

Tatt looked at Jurina. “You better stay back lass.”

The rest of the guards now moved to confront Flint. Tatt stepped to stand beside him and gave him an agitated look.

Drawing his sword, Flint frowned at him. "I was really trying to avoid this, you know."

"Ha! Bet you were." Tatt snorted, releasing the second of his knives from his belt.

A challenger rushed at Flint, Jurina’s wild-haired companion side-stepped the mistimed stroke and slashed his sword across the man’s mail shirt sending him flying.

Tatt singled out one of the advancing men and threw one of his knives. The blade imbedded itself deep into its target’s right leg, and the man fell to the floor with an ear-splitting scream. Now only armed with one knife Tatt, rushed at a second man who had just stumbled over the top of his fallen comrade.

Flint charged his next opponent, this one a little more guarded after seeing his fellow fall. Brandishing a broadsword, he swung it around uncontroled in an effort to keep Flint from getting too close. Flint stepped back as the blade sliced the air inches from his nose. The man's wild swing opened him up. Flint moved in with his sword and removed two fingers from the man's hand. He screamed in agony as his blade fell to the ground. Flint's raised his blade to the man’s neck and the man raised his hands in submission, blood spraying from his new wound.

Tatt in the mean time had also disarmed his opponent, who was now doing his best to curb the flow of blood pouring from his broken nose. The remaining two men had already thrown their weapons down, either out of cowardliness, or wisdom, perhaps realizing that their participation in the melee would be folly.

"What should we do with them?" asked Tatt.

Flint grinned. "Well, we could tie them up and leave them for the local wildlife."

"You wouldn't!" Jurina gasped, finding it now safe enough to approach. Flint didn't reply. "Ask them what they are looking for in the caves."

"You heard the lady," said Flint, pointing his sword at one of the less battered men

"I've no idea,” the man whimpered. “We just escorted them to the caves. When we got them here, the woman ordered us to wait outside for them." Flint gave the man a questioning look. "Honest, I have no idea."

"How many more in the cave?" asked Tatt.

"Just the three. Our boss, some merchant, and the woman."

"You’d better be telling the truth," Flint warned. "Now what to do with you?" He looked up to the sky as if looking for inspiration. "You know which way is north?"

The nervous man nodded.

“Well, I suggest you head that way. Go on, before I change my mind!”

The haggle of guards collected their wounded and, with as much haste as they could, left the hollow.

"And don't think about coming back, either!“ He shouted after them. “I'll not leave any of you standing next time, and that's a promise!”

The guards now out of sight, Jurina neared the entrance to the cave. Rubble lay all around. The opening looked like, until recent, it had been concealed, but now a hole large enough for them to enter stood before them. She moved to enter, only to be stopped by Tatt.

"Maybe I should lead the way," he said with an edge of caution.

Jurina allowed Tatt to pass and enter the cave.

© Copyright 2007 Dylan (the_tiro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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