Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1292196-Revision-of-7-levels-of-Kaos-intro
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Rated: 13+ · Other · Spiritual · #1292196
Xaiver must stop satan from rising and causing the end of the world
He woke up to see an old man holding a scepter and in a menacing looking black cloak. The looked at him with his eyes flashing red and back to the same icy dead gray and a face upturned in rage. Thats when he broke the silence with a deafening scream that barly managed to say " YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!" then lept up into the air to deliver Xaiver's final blow. Xaiver roled at the last second just in time to feel splinters of gold bounce off his back. He got up and unsheathed his sword. The man swung the scepter and knocked the sword from his hands before he could get into his battle stance. The man swung the scepter again and he hit Xaiver on the side of his head. He fell and imeadiatly felt dazed. The next thing he knew he was staring at the man's eyes grow from the dead grey to a cherry red with rage. Xaiver felt terror race through his body. The man then ended the deatly cold silence with an equally shivering " This is how it ends" and plunged Xiaver's sword into his chest. Xaiver yelled in pain...

Xaiver woke up in a cold puddle on his hardwood floor. He sniffed to make sure that it was just sweat. He looked around and found a 2 swords in the windowsill. He looked at them and unsheathed the one on th right. It was the same one that killed him. He fainted.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1292196-Revision-of-7-levels-of-Kaos-intro