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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1295105
A young fairy finds her life turned upside down.
Chapter 1
from the
Outer Realm

Year 3010

Maraelena sat on a rock at the edge of the forest awaiting the decision of the council. Once more she has put her people in the way of danger. The fairy people live in the outer realm of the earth and have many enemies to attend with. They have the ability to fly and to make themselves as small as fireflies. Maraelena had neither ability. So she cannot hide as easily as her people. Many of the fairy folk have lost their lives this day defending her from their enemy, the Death Walkers, and now the council will decide her fate.


"Maraelena is not responsible for the attack on our village or the deaths of our people that saved her life." Yelled Vanimle as she fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands. Looking at the council with pleading eyes. " She is my beloved daughter and would never bring harm to her own people. I beg of the council to reconsider their decision to send her to Middle Realm! She is still a child and would never be able to survive with out her people to protect her."

Alicia, leader of the council sighed, "I am very sorry Vanimle but it is for her safety as well as ours and she is a child no more. For over three hundred fifty summer we have protected her and kept her safe from the Death Walkers that would have stolen her essence and destroy the star she carries."
"Many of our warriors have fallen because of there love of her. She will always be Maraelena, Child of the Stars, and our most beloved fairy maiden. We shall send her to our distant cousins the Noldo Elves. Delorfidia "The lady of light" shall see to it she is kept safe from harm. Maraelena will live a long, protected life with the elves of Middle Realm, Vanimle."

Vanimle sighed and looked up at the open roof of the council hall the stars seemed so very dimmed this night. It was as if they knew Elena would be leaving them soon. How could she let them send her only child to world so troubled with danger? Elena would be helpless without her people to protect her.

" I can not let my daughter face this alone. If it is the will of the council Maraelena be banished from our realm then I shall go with her."

Alicia looked upon Vanimle with much sadness in her eyes. "Vanimle, you know if you leave this realm you will not be able to survive for more than a few days. How would Maraelena feel knowing your love for her has caused your death and she would forever be alone with no hope of ever seeing you again? If you will not even consider the safety of your own people, at least think of the safety of your daughter. For you know as well as I we can no longer protect her."

"The undying are attacking our people more and more and it grows more difficult to hide from them. If we move our village we are found again because Maraelena is unable to fly and she leaves tracks so we are found again. Maraelena is half human and maybe she will find a mate among them and have a family of her own. The decision was not easy for the council to make for she is and always will be our people. It is best for her and our people." Alicia pleaded, " Please Vanimle you must see this is best for her and our people. We only wish for her safety and it is time the Scepter of Light be returned to the Elf’s of Middle Realm."

Vanimle wanted to scream at them in anger but deep in her heart she knew the safety of her child lie in Middle Realm. "I bow to the decision of the council. I only ask if you will allow me to spend one more night with my daughter so I may prepare her for what path fate has laid before her this night."

"The council will honor your request, Vanimle. Maraelena will leave at first light for Middle Realm."

Vanimle walked out of the council hall with more pain in her heart then she has ever felt in her three thousand years. How was she going to tell Elena everyone including her own mother has abandoned her! There was not much time and Maraelena still has to be prepared for what lies ahead of her.

"Vanimle wait!" Alicia called out to her. "Vanimle I could not let you leave without at least giving you some hope. The scepter we return to the elf’s can destroy the Death Walkers. If and I mean if they can still use it."

"Were did the scepter come from Alicia and why can we not use it?"

"I’m afraid before we left Middle Realm long ago we captured it from the elf’s. We were at war with them and we were the ones to blame for it. We betrayed our cousins so we could steal the scepter."

"But why, Alicia?"

"Because we craved power! We were to destroy our own people to get. By the time we realized we truly did not need it, it was to late and we fled Middle Realm with the scepter. The Elf’s did not know we still had it they believed it was destroyed or they would have followed us and destroyed the Fey people."

"You are sending it with my daughter and you say her life will be safe! Surely when they discover we had it all this time they will retaliate in some way."

"No we don’t believe they will. They have become peaceful over the years and no longer act the way we used to."

"Thank you Alicia for telling me this. My time grows short with my daughter, if you will excuse me."

"I am truly sorry there is no other way. Good day Vanimle." Alicia turned and walked away.

" I must hurry and find my Elena before word reaches her." Vanimle whispered to her self as she set out to find her daughter.

Maraelena was sitting on the edge of the forgotten forest wishing her life could have been different. As hot streaming tears rolling down her cheeks she dreamed of a life with an unknown father. She dreamed of the way things would have been different if he had accepted her mother’s love so she could have remained in Middle Realm with him. But it was not the way things happened and he did not even know he had sired a daughter. If he had known would he have still sent them away.

Vanimle saw her beloved child sitting under the trees of the forgotten forest and gasp at the sight of her as the last rays of the sunlight touched her face. Maraelena skin was soft and fair so like the Noldo Elves. Her eyes were the deepest blue of the morning sky and set in the center of them both rested the morning star. Her hair was the palest blonde unlike the fairy people whose hair was always dark by nature. Maraelena loved to braid her hair back from her face and then wrap the braids around her remaining hair and let it flow freely behind her. She was such a striking mixture of light and dark. Vanimle feared for her daughter, for man would kill to partake of her beauty.

Vanimle sighed loudly as she approached Maraelena, making her jump at her mother’s sudden presence. Maraelena took one look into her mothers face and her heart fell for she knew whatever was decided by the council did not sit well with her mother.

"Mother, what is to be my fate?"

"Elena please come walk with me back to the house so we may talk in private."

" Yes, mother"

" The council has decided your fate this dark day my beloved Maraelena. They have decided you will be exiled from Outer Realm to live in your father’s realm, Middle Realm. I begged the council to let me return to middle earth with you but they refused and they were right to refuse. If I were to return to Middle Realm my essence would soon cease to exist because I left it willing before you were born. The only hope we have is to send you to our distant relatives, the elves of Middle Realm. We are sending you to Delorfidia "the Lady of Light". She will help you adjust to the change and protect you. Maraelena we have a lot to discuss and little time to do it. You will be leaving at first light. But for know let us go home so we may prepare for your leaving, Maraelena." Vanimle looked into daughter’s eyes and saw fear and excitement there. She was so like her father always ready for a new adventure.

Not another word was spoken between mother and daughter on their way home. Maraelena was so afraid to leave but she understood their decision. No matter how afraid she was she had to do it for the survival of her mothers people. She could not bear to continue putting them in danger.

Vanimle walked in to the house and sat down at her desk and started to write a letter while Maraelena stood at the door still in shock over her fate.

"Mother will the elves except me into their homes. Our people left Middle Realm over ten thousand years ago, we left them when we were at war with them
and we have had very little contact with our cousins. What will I do if I am not welcome, mother?"

" Fear not Maraelena I still have friends there I know will not turn you away. I will be sending two letters with you. The first you will give to Delorfidia and the second is to be given to Cadriemir the Gray, if he still lives. In my heart I know he still lives and he will be your greatest friend and ally."

" Mother, who is this Cadriemir? I have never heard you mention him before."

" He is a great wizard and friend to all the races of Middle Realm. With the exception being the Orcs. Maraelena you must fear the Orcs for they are the greatest enemy’s of Middle Realm. I know you can handle a bow and a sword with the efficiency of an elf but there are many dangers there and I fear for you. Seek Cadriemir and ask him to teach you how to use your magic. When you leave this realm the spell that was cast on you will be broken. You must be careful with it until you can control it."

" Must I really leave mother? The council could not come up with some other way. I do not want to leave my friends! I do not wish to leave you! I will not be able to know your fate. I will never see you again." Maraelena fell in to the nearest chair. "Surly death would be better than this!"

Vanimle looked at her with tears in her eyes. She felt so helpless, she felt as if her heart was being ripped from her chest.

Vanimle stood up and walked to the hearth and opened a wooden box and pulled at a golden necklace. The pendant looked like a starburst and in the center rested a prism stone. She placed it around Maraelena’s neck.

"Maraelena I am intrusting you with the treasure of the Fairy People, it’s called Narating, the mirror to your loved ones. It is the very same one that your grandmother gave me when I went to visit Middle Realm. All you have to do is hold it in the palm of your hand, lift your head to the sky, close your eyes and think of me. You will be able to see me and what is happening here. I will always be with you my child."

Vanimle grabbed Maraelena and hugged her as tight as she could for she knew that when morning came she would never hold her again.

"Now go and pack for your travels. Pack light for you have a long journey ahead of you and make sure your weapons are in good condition."

"I will. Mother, I love you!"

"And I love you."

Maraelena went up stairs to her room, checked her weapons and then began to pack her things for her journey. She laid out her traveling clothes on her chair and sat her boots beside them. When she was finished she went to sit at the window and looked out. Outside in the square she saw her friends and neighbors walking around outside. She would miss them terribly but their lives would be safer without her here. Maraelena got up to go eat her last meal with her mother and enjoy her company for the last time.

Maraelena woke up a few hours before dawn. She got up and looked out of her window, it was a dark, cold morning. She did not want the sun to rise this morning but she knew that it would not matter how hard she wished it.

"Well I guess I better go ahead and get ready to go."

"Maraelena you are up already" Vanimle said as she was walking down the hall.

"I have no hope that the council with change their minds, so why prolong it any longer than necessary."

" I will go and prepare breakfast and pack a bag with enough food for you until you reach the home of Delorfidia." Vanimle sighed and left her daughter there to finish getting ready.

Breakfast was a very sad and heartbreaking occasion on this very dark morning. Maraelena knew this was the last moments with her mother she knew that the Elders would soon be here to send her away forever.

A knock came at the door, Vanimle and Maraelena almost jumped out of their skin. They laughed at each other but knowing the both really wanted to cry. Vanimle went to answer the door and Maraelena went to gather her belonging.

Alicia was standing at the door with a very sad look in her eyes. "Vanimle, it is time for Maraelena to start her journey."

" I know" Vanimle said as she started to cry. "Maraelena, it is time."

Maraelena ran to her mother and hugged her tightly.

"I am ready to face my fate, no matter what it may be."

Mother and daughter walked hand in hand into the circle of their people.

Alicia came forward "Maraelena it is with great sorrow that we do this. But because of our love for you we must. We give you this scepter to return to Lady Delorfidia. It will assure your place amongst the elven people. Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha, our dear Maraelena!" With that Alicia embraced Maraelena and returned to the circle.

Vanimle kissed her beloved child on the cheek. As she backed away to join the circle, to join her people to send her daughter away. She said to her daughter.

"Maraelena remember all you have to do is think of me to see me here. I will always love you my beloved Maraelena, my most beloved Child Of The Stars."

Maraelena watched as they gathered around her and began to chant in a language she had never heard before and didn’t understand. At that very moment she became very afraid of leaving. There was still so much she wanted to tell her mother. Maraelena started to feel really strange, she felt sick and very lightheaded. She started to scream for them to stop and to tell them that they were hurting her, but everything went dark.
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