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Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1297306
Ten years can change people, but sometimes it can also be enough time to let them heal.
My hands reached out to adjust the volume on my stereo and I turned my back to the music and faced the man who was sitting facing me.  He was watched me with an unreadable expression but there was a hunger in his eyes that caused my breath to constrict in my throat and my palms to sweat.
I swallowed and walked smoothly toward him completely caught in the spell that his chocolate brown eyes were casting.  The late afternoon sunlight was pouring into the window casting a yellow halo around him and making the highlights in his cinnamon hair glint and glow.  The hints of green that twinkled in his gaze where just visible in the light and I felt myself drift back to a time when all I wanted to do was get lost in those depths.
  He raised one hand and beckoned me closer and almost against my will I moved closed to him, until I could grasp his hand in mine.  He tugged gently and I gasped when I felt my knees hit the edge of my camel brown leather sofa.  I smiled down at him and place my hands on his shoulders, kneading the tendons and muscles there.  His hand came up slowly and I felt his fingertips graze over my cheek and down my cheek bone before skating over my lips. 
  I sighed and closed my eyes content to allow him to place his hands on my waist and pull me down to where I was straddling him.  I clasped my hands around his neck and buried my face in his chest, breathing in the spicy woodsy scent that was his and his alone.  I could feel his hands traveling over my back and there was a hesitancy there that made him feel all the more human to me. 
Somehow it assured me and comforted me that he was just as nervous about the two of us as I was.  After all the last time we were together we both only 18 and it seemd like nothing could go wrong in life.  Ten years could certainly open your eyes to the truth and make you realize you aren't as invincible as you thought you were.
  Slowly he brought his hand under my chin and raised my head gently until I was looking into his eyes once more.  With the care of a man who was holding a fine piece of porclein he leaned in and place a kiss on my forehead and started to work his way down the side of my face.  I tilted my head to the side to offer him greater access when he reached my neck and sighed deep in my throat when he began massaging the muscles in the small of my back.
  Sitting back he pressed a chaste kiss to my lips and hovered over my mouth before returning to kiss me again this time gently nipping my lower lip.  I started at the contact before pressing a little closer and allowing him access.
  The contact deepened and my felt the familiar lightheadness that he and only he could envoke in me.  I felt heat rising in my body and when he left my mouth to press open mouthed kisses against the pulse on my throat I whimpered softly.
  He chuckled darkly before moving his hands to unbutton the top two on my blouse.  I leaned back and sighed when I felt his mouth continue downward until he stopped right were my cleavage started.  He looked questioningly at me and I dragged in a deep breath well aware of what he wanted.  Swallowing I nodded slowly and he grinned the same grin that had made me fall in love so long ago.
  He returned to my chest and I almost moaned when I felt his teeth gently scrape my skin seconds before the hem of my silk blouse was tugged out of my jeans and his hands were pressed to my bare skin.  I sucked in a hard breath as his nails traced over my belly button and then flattened on the toned skin of my abdomen.  My gosh, he still remembered where I was sensitive.  I would have thought he would have forgotten my body by now. 
  My shirt was soon being tugged off my arms and I was left sitting in front of him in my white lace bra.  His mouth covered mine again and I moaned when he angled my head to allow him greater access.  Without realizing it my hands were busily opening his shirt and in seconds I was relearning the landscape that used to be my favorite pillow.  His chest was still as rock hard as it had always been and there wasn't a single part of it that didn't scream of a man that was used to physical labor.
  I began tracing butterfly light kisses over his throat and shoulders before continuing downward letting my teeth graze over each nipple. I felt him shudder under me and I smiled against his skin. It appeared he wasn't the only one that remembered. 
  Suddenly he stood and swooped me into his arms and began making his way to my bedroom.  He pressed my face to his throat as he walked pressing kisses there and letting my hands roam his exposed back and chest.
  Laying me on the bed he looked down at me for a second before reaching in his pocket and taking out the white gold diamond encrusted wedding band that I had left on his dresser for the last time ten years ago.  Picking up my hand he kissed the palm before sliding it back in place.  He pulled me to my knees and encircled me before whispering in my ear, "I was never once unfaithful to you, and I kept it in hopes of seeing it on your hand again someday."
I melted in his embrace letting a tear slip down my cheek.  It felt so good to be finally home.

© Copyright 2007 BlessedChild86 (seaangel_20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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