Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1299139-The-Answer-For-ALL-Your-Problems
Rated: E · Short Story · Spiritual · #1299139
Little feel-good story
A young woman looked out the window of her home one day, and saw one of her neighbors' 12 year old daughters' sitting outside about a block and a half down the street. In front of her was a table on which was hung a sign. The lady couldn't read the sign, but as she saw a cooler sitting on the ground next to the young girl, she figured it was a lemonade stand. It being a warm July day, she thought nothing of it. She periodically glanced out the window to observe the young lass, who seemed to be do an extremely large amount of business. However it appeared as if nothing was actually sold.

Watching one time, she saw a well-dressed young businessman walk past the table, stop, and retrace his steps to engage the young lady conversation. After almost ten minutes of talk, the man dug in his pocket, pulled something, a quarter most likely, and handed it to the young entrepreneur. Taking the money, she opened the cooler and dropped it inside and closed the lid.

This surprised the lady, who promptly went outside her house and called to the business man as he passed by.

"What did you buy from that girl over there?" She asked, none to prudently. The man looked at her and smiled.

"I just bought happiness." And he continued down the road. The lady watched and this time an older lady stopped at the stand, talked, paid, and walked down towards her house.

"What did you buy from that girl over there?" She asked again. The old lady looked at the women and said,

"I just bought joy." The lady watched as two men in their mid-twenties followed the same procedure.

"We just bought peace and love." This was the last straw. The lady marched down the road to see what the young girl could be selling that could do so much. As she neared her, she could read the sign. It read

THE ANSWER FOR YOUR PROBLEMS 25 CENTS. The lady snorted and thought "What could she have that would answer any of my problems?" So she walked up to the girl and queried, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I can solve any of your problems, for just 25 cents. Would you like to know how?" The little girl looked up at the lady with her little blue eyes and waited expectantly. A little taken aback, the lady replied,

"Certainly. What is it?"

All the little girl said was, "Jesus loves you."
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