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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1299705
A vampire, a lost love, a gained love. (Part One)
1. The Torment.

         Over these last few months, I must admit, I have changed, maybe more than I ever thought possible.  I’ve found what I never thought I could ever find in myself again: compassion and love. I am 200 years old today, December Nineteenth. I am a vampire, bitten when I was twenty-five years old. My name is Vincent Morvant, and my last love, Julianna, died tragically 175 years ago, unfortunately by my own hands.
         When I was introduced to the new life of eternal youth and darkness, I couldn’t handle the pressure and the thirst for blood. She was right with me when I recovered from the shock of being bitten. I immediately sought blood on pure instinct and didn’t care who or where I got the blood from. She died in my arms minutes later, tears in both our eyes, blood dripping from the punctures in her neck, as she slipped away.
         I see her everywhere: in my dreams, rather nightmares, and in the faces of people down in the city. I mostly keep to myself in my mansion, overlooking the city down below. The lays by the ocean, and on a cliff overlooking the ocean is a chapel. The chapel was where Julianna and I were to be married. Our wedding was scheduled to be only the day after I “died”. After that day, I grieved over what I had done, and what I had become. I stayed in my mansion, writing sometimes, for as long as I could before I couldn’t take it any longer. Then I stole away down to the city and silently took some unsuspecting person into the alleyways. So not to arouse any suspicion, I usually planted some sort of weapon in their hands. Suicide. It worked for me all these years.
         After Julianna died, and I changed, I hated myself, I was glad that I could never again see my reflection. I didn’t want to look at myself, and what I had become. A short while ago, a man had spotted me while I was hunting. He said he could have sworn he saw blazing crimson eyes. Did I have red eyes now? Last I knew they were gray, but maybe they had changed too.
         But, before I knew it, I was greeted with something new. A young woman came upon my home. I immediately fell in love with her, and I found myself unable to kill her. She was just too beautiful and perfect as a woman could even hope to be. She didn’t deserve to die, and she didn’t deserve to be with me…
This is my tale; I am Vincent Morvant, a vampire with inner turmoil.

2. Something New.

         Perhaps I was dreaming that morning, but I could have sworn that I smelled blood spreading throughout my mansion. The sharp smell filled my lungs but I dismissed it as "just my imagination" and walked up to the third floor to my study, where I began to write.
         I sighed. I picked up a book, “This was Julianna’s favorite…” I said to myself.
         “Oh Vincent, stop sulking.” A voice much like my own came from my own mouth.
         “Would you kindly leave me be?” I asked in annoyance.
         “Humph. Fine, if you don’t want my company, and want to be alone for another 175 years.”
         I sighed. That was myself, before I changed, the “Old Vincent” I sometimes called him. He came and went throughout the years, nagging me about various things. He was my constant reminder of what I had become. Before, I sometimes relished the company, now I just pushed him from my thoughts, and he slipped back inside me. I picked up the quill and scribbled on the paper.
         After a few hours of sitting in my study, writing, I couldn’t take it anymore. The scent was becoming so pungent that I ended up running down the two flights of stairs without even sniffing once. I could feel my nails growing sharp and long, much like claws, and I could feel my eyes changing; it felt almost like someone blowing into my eye. I knew they were red now, for my vision held a slight red tint to it. The sharp pain followed as my teeth grew into my fangs and the points protruded slightly, parting my lips.
         I began frantically sniffing around the first floor. I followed the scent back to the stairs where there was a single drop of blood that I had missed before. I couldn’t restrain myself; I quickly bent down and licked it off the marble floor.  I shuddered at the familiar taste and my stomach lurched with hunger. Then, quick as lightening, I launched myself up the flight of stairs and ran, nearly hovering above the floor, through the halls past the many doors until I found what I was searching for; a bloody door handle. Here I would find my next victim.
         But for some reason, I was uneasy. I raised my hand shakily to the doorknob struggling not to just break down the door. I placed my hand on the handle, bracing myself for what I was about to encounter. This always happened; before I killed someone, my heart would leap up into my throat and pound furiously. This time it seemed different, I was afraid, and more nervous than ever. But I didn’t know why…
         A growl rumbled deep from my chest as I finally turned the knob and flew inside silently, closing the door behind me. Then I saw her, and I stopped dead in my tracks. On the bed, was a beautiful young woman, with light brown hair, and porcelain skin; the corners of my lips twitched as my eyes roamed over her petite frame. Her eyelashes glistened and dark eye makeup had run down her face. She was truly beautiful, even if her makeup had run, and her hair tangled and some had escaped her braid. But my eyes stopped and the smile disappeared when I saw her shoulder. Blood was soaking through her pretty white dress. The dress was ripped at the shoulder and blood poured out and stained the beautiful fabric red. On the floor was a white veil alongside two bloody white gloves.
         My breath was coming out in short ragged gasps. I staggered over to the bedside and dropped to my knees. This was one woman that I couldn’t, wouldn’t, and didn’t want to kill. I was struggling to keep my calm while she was sleeping peacefully. My whole body was shaking, convulsing, as I closed my eyes and willed myself to be calm. I didn’t want to hurt her…
         “Vincent…” My voice came out as a harsh whisper. “Vincent… help me. I don’t want to be this way. I don’t want to kill her.” Then his voice came to me inside my head.
         Oh, Vincent. You only just met her, you hardly know her.
         “I don’t want to kill her.” I whispered. I bent my head down into my shaking hands and ran my fingers through my raven black hair.  “Please…”
         Fine, only because you begged. I gasped as my sharp, gleaming teeth were forced back into my mouth; I fell backward like some force had pushed me down. I felt so much more alive, and not in my normal dead, dark state. I felt compassion and regret for all those that I killed… I was feeling human again.
         The rapid change physically left me lightheaded and my vision blurring. I fell mutely to the floor.

         “Oh dear! Oh my! Sir! Sir, are you all right?” A soft voice called to me. I moaned and opened my eyes. I gasped; in front of me was that girl… She was leaning over me and her scent mixed with blood was intoxicating. She put her delicate hand on my forehead. Her skin was cool to the touch. And somehow, I didn’t feel the need to kill her. Instead, I felt a pull at my heart, something I hadn’t felt since I was with Julianna.
         I slowly sat up and put my hand to my head. I looked around the room; it was the same room only I was on the bed. “Are you all right?” She asked again.
         “Fine.” I mumbled and lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. Then I felt a slight weight shift on the mattress and I opened one of my eyes to see her sitting there next to me. Her beautiful pale blue eyes were gazing at me. Is this what I looked like when I was staring at her? I imagine I would have looked so much more ravenous, so much more like an animal...  “One question.” I muttered.
         “What are you doing here?” I blurted out. Her eyes fell down to the ground.
         “I…I-“ She hesitated. I could tell she didn’t want to talk of it.
         “No matter.” I interrupted. I sighed, “My name is Vincent Morvant. Welcome to my home. You are welcome to stay until you are… healed.” I silently gestured to her shoulder.
         “Thank you, Mr. Morvant.” She got up and bowed politely.
            I held up my hand, “Vincent.”
            “Vincent.” She smiled. “My name is Angelique Cherai.” I sat up once more, and put my feet onto the floor.
            “Come… We will bandage that wound, and find you a room.” I motioned towards the door and held it open for her as she walked out, keeping a hand lightly placed on her shoulder.
            “But this room is perfectly fine.” She said following closely.
            “But my dear, you just happened to pick the worst room in the whole house.” I chuckled. I walked quickly and quietly to the washroom. In the cabinet, I found a roll of bandages. “Alright… um… how do we…” I could feel the heat rushing towards my normally placid face, and I could only dream that my cheeks had taken on a pink hue.
            “Oh, here.” She turned around so that she was facing the mirror. She looked into the mirror and a look of surprise washed over her face. She turned back and looked me in the eyes. I smiled sheepishly and began to carefully unlace her corset. When I unlaced it about halfway she slid down the shoulder of her dress and exposed the wound. I took a wet cloth and cleaned the cut. Then I wrapped her shoulder silently with the bandages, firmly but not too tight.
            “There you are. Now let’s find a room you like, shall we?” I offered my hand and she took it wordlessly. I led her to many doors, opening them, seeing which one she liked. We must have seen over twenty rooms before she chose one that was right next to mine. It was the best room next to mine, and it was also Julianna’s old room. It was a spacious room with emerald green draperies and dark green carpeting. The bedspread was green with silver sheets. The walls were a beautiful dark forest green color. On the wall facing the bed was a large painting of two lovers. The woman had beautiful golden hair, a pair of feathery white angel wings, and a gleaming gold halo positioned above her head. The man was just a normal human with dark hair. They were reaching for each other just about to embrace.
            “I pick this room. It’s absolutely beautiful.” She walked further into the room. I smiled at her and walked over to the wardrobe. I opened it a little too extravagantly, and carefully looked over the dresses. These were all Julianna’s and Angelique looked just about her size. I picked out a dark green dress and walked over to her. I held it up against her to see if it would fit. It looked like it would.
            “Here you are. This should fit you. It’s such a shame to ruin such a beautiful dress. Were you to be married?” I asked.
         “Yes… but now I fear the wedding is off…” She looked down to the green carpeting.
         “I see, well… There is a whole closet full of dresses, feel free to pick whichever one you like. My room is right next to this room; I only ask that you knock before coming in. You are free to roam about my home, but please be cautious and aware.” I smiled warmly. “Farewell for now, Miss Cherai.” With that I bowed ever so slightly, turned on my heel and walked swiftly out the door and into my own room.
         “Thank you…” I heard her say ever so quietly.

3. A Deadly Dance.

         I walked into my room and sank down on the bed. I sighed heavily. “And how are we today?” The Old Vincent had asked in a mocking tone.
         “Go away…” I replied angrily.
         “Now, now, now. Let’s not loose our temper… So I see that girl picked Julianna’s room… How dare she!” He said angrily.
         “That girl can have any room she very damn well pleases.” I retorted. “And her name is Angelique.” My eyes fell down to the red carpeting.
         “Vincent…” He cooed.
         “What?” I yelled, hopefully not too loud.
         “You’re falling in love with her, aren’t you?” He asked. I didn’t reply, only attempted to shut him from my thoughts, which weren’t so private any longer. “Vincent? Vincent…? Fine.” With that he left me alone.  I sighed, rested my head on the pillow, and shut my eyes tightly.
            Could this be the price of eternal life? Cursed to remember everything like it was yesterday, to relive my every nightmare over and over? What a wonderful life… I said to myself, sardonically.
I was laying there for what felt like hours when I heard a light shuffle of feet outside my door. My eyes snapped open and stared at the door. The footsteps stopped, listening most likely. I sat up and kept my eyes fixed on the door, and my ears listening intently.
         I heard her hand rest on the door as if to knock, but then pull back. I quickly got up and glided over to the door. I opened it up, but she wasn’t there. My eyes grew wide, and I stepped further out into the hall. I looked hurriedly up and down the hall, but she wasn’t there. It was such a long hallway too.
         “Hmm…” I closed the door behind me and listened. I heard her footsteps going up the stairs to the third floor. I followed her, muting my steps, careful to stay far enough away from her. There wasn’t much to my third floor, just my study, another couple of spare rooms, and the glorious ballroom. That’s where I found her.  She was standing in the middle of the shiny marble floor, mouth agape. She was wearing the green dress I had picked for her, and she looked absolutely incredible in it.
         I stood and leaned against the doorframe watching her. “So I take it you like it?” I said. She gasped and turned around, the bottom of the dress twirling about her.
         “Yes I do. It’s so beautiful.” She looked up towards the high ceiling. It was a dome shape with statues of angels perched around it. I walked in some more, my light footsteps clacking on the polished marble floor. “You have a very lovely home.” I walked all the way in to where she stood, and smiled down on her.
         “Thank you.” I looked around the room, and then my eyes fell down to the floor. I could see her reflection, but mine wasn’t there. She followed my gaze, and gasped again. I quickly held out my hand. “Would you care to dance, my dear?” I managed to get out.
         Angelique’s head snapped up, and her pale blue orbs met mine. I smiled simply. She cautiously placed her pale hand into mine. “But…there is no music…”
I laughed and placed my other hand on her delicate waist, as she placed her free hand on my shoulder. I pulled her closer to me. I could still smell the blood on her. I hadn’t noticed it before, but now it was becoming more and more overpowering. I could hear her heartbeat pounding, it was music to my ears.
         Soon we were twirling about the room, almost gliding. The walls and figures in the room were becoming blurred as we turned faster and faster. I shut my eyes. Her lovely scent and her blood were mixing together again. I felt my fangs growing, as well as my fingernails. I opened my eyes and saw my vision was slightly red.
A light growl irrupted from my chest as my hands twitched and gripped her waist harder. Her eyes grew wide and stared into mine. And before I could get away, my hand flew from her waist and gripped her throat. She gasped rather loudly and her hand fell from my shoulder.
         “Vincent…” Her musical voice was now just a harsh whisper under my crushing grasp. I just growled in response. My hands were shaking with fear. My muscles were convulsing as I tried to get away. Regret was washing over me for what I was about to do, but the guilt was overcome by the thirst for what I wanted. Angelique did something no other victim had ever done… Her wide, pale blue eyes that were once filled with fear were now replaced with determination. All traces of fear gone, she reached up with her free hand and touched my porcelain cheek. My grip loosened on her neck.
         “Vincent.” Her voice was soothing, and her touch was cool and gentle. She freed her hand that I was holding and pulled me into her. “Vincent…” She continued to stroke my cheek, and my hand fell from her neck. I looked at where my hand was. There were marks of where my claws had been. I struggled to breathe. I brought my hands up to my face. I could see blood on them, panicking I blinked a few times, and the blood was gone.
         “Forgive me…” I pleaded. Then I ran from her, my shoes clacking on the marble floor, down the stairs. I skidded around the corner and went down the next flight. I ran past my large front doors, and ran through my parlor room to the basement door. I usually kept it locked, but I hadn’t locked it the last time. I pulled open the door and slammed it behind me and locked it. I leaped down the stairs and ran to the very back room; my chambers, with ever burning candles and wilted roses from my garden. I walked over to the large bed. I preferred to call it a bed rather than a coffin. Though it was a coffin, I lay inside it and closed the lid.
         Vincent… What are you doing? The Old Vincent called to me inside my head.
         “Calming down.” I muttered quietly.
         Why didn’t you just kill her? You had the chance, and I know that you’re hungry.
“I’m not going to kill her. I have the will… I know it.” I wasn’t quite sure if he disappeared or not, but no matter. I was beginning to think that I was the more humane one, I, the vampire… that made me laugh before I closed my eyes tightly.

4. My Angel.

         When I decided that I was calm enough to go back upstairs, it was just past midnight. I walked dazed up the creaking stairs, and locked the door behind me and put the key in my trouser pocket. I walked up to my room without a sound, and stopped at my door. Should I go to her? Would she even be up? I sighed and walked to Angelique’s door, and rested my hand on the door handle. I raised my hand off of the handle and formed my hand into a fist to knock. I tapped the door lightly and waited, but I heard no sound of movement in the room.
         Carefully and quietly I opened the door. It was dark save for a lone burning candle on the bureau. She was sleeping; she was wearing one of Julianna’s white nightgowns, her hair swirled out around her head like a halo. She looked just like an angel…
         “Angel… Angelique… Angel, she is an angel.” I laughed mutely. “What a lovely little nickname…” I glided over to the bed. She was tangled in the sheets, with her mouth parted slightly. “My little Angel…” I gently caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. She stirred and I flew across the room, just below the painting. She turned over onto her side and muttered, “Vincent… what are you…?”
         “A monster…” I mumbled and walked stealthy out of the room. I slid the door shut and let out a frustrated sigh. I ran my hand through my shoulder length black hair. My hair stuck to my hand; horrified I finally got my hand out and looked at it through the dark. I could see perfectly through the dark. I gasped and my eyes grew wide; on my clawed hands was the blood… It was so frightening to see it. I shut my eyes and reopened them. The blood was gone, and my claws weren’t out. Slowly, my breathing returned to normal and I walked down the steps.
         I stopped on the bottom step and sat down. I looked ahead to the magnificent front doors. The moonlight was shining through the stained glass windows. In the glass were angels, flying around with their beautiful blonde hair floating about them. In those carefully crafted faces, I saw Julianna’s face. I stared into her sapphire blue eyes, and swallowed hard. I looked down at the floor, and when I looked up to that same angel, I didn’t see Julianna’s face anymore, instead I saw Angelique’s. Then I realized it; Angelique was strikingly similar to Julianna…
         I shook my head and got up. I walked over to the door and opened it. With a final look at the top of the stairs, I closed the tall door quietly.
         I was wandering in the dark alleys behind the shops and houses of the city, fully transformed. I ran my claws along the wooden fence, carving five lines into the wood. I looked ahead and saw a dim light in the window of one of the houses. I walked in the shadows toward the house and looked through the window. Inside was a man sitting at a small table. He was staring at a wall looking like he just wanted to die. I could certainly arrange that.
         “I guess he’ll have to do…” I said very quietly.
         “And what are we doing this early morning, dear Vincent?” The Old Vincent asked.
         “Hunting…” I replied.
         “Oh, so you won’t hurt Angelique? Oh no, pardon me. Angel.” He accented my little unknown nickname for Angelique.
         “Be quiet.” I snapped back. I crept closer to the front door. I stopped as an idea popped into my shared mind.
         “Ha hah.” The Old Vincent broke out in silent laughter. “You…you can’t be serious. It’ll never work! Aha ha. Someone will see.”
         “Hush! Go away! Of course it will work.” I laughed to myself as I unleashed my claw upon my own right arm. My nails tore through the black fabric of my suit and bit into my pale skin. Blood rushed out. It would heal soon so I had to be quick.
         “Good luck.” The Old Vincent sneered.
         “Keep quiet! Don’t talk out loud.” I could feel him leaving back into my soul. I attempted to retract my nails and teeth back to a reasonable length and hope that my eyes looked a little more normal than a blazing crimson red.
         I kept picking at the cut to keep it bleeding as I quickened my breath and staggered over to the front door. I snickered before I pounded hard on the door. I tried to look haggard. I smeared blood from my hand onto my face, and messed my hair. Finally the man cracked the door open.
         “H-help…” I whispered, trying to look as if I was about to faint.
         “Oh my! Are you all right?” He opened the door and stepped out into the darkness. “Please, come in.” I pretended to trip and grabbed onto his shoulders to steady myself.
         “Thank…you…” I smiled evilly and pulled him away from the light, and into the dark ally. He was screaming and I placed my hand over his mouth. Then I clamped onto his throat with my teeth. My hand muffled his scream before he went limp in my arms. I laughed and found a shard of glass and connected the two dots, then put the shard in his hand.
         “I told you it would work.” I said under my breath, and walked back to my house, smiling all the way.
         I opened the door and walked briskly up the stairs. I stopped at Angelique’s door. She should still be asleep, and I didn’t want to wake her so I walked into my room and put on a fresh suit. Then I walked upstairs and into my study. I sat down and looked at the pen and paper. I sighed. Glancing at the window I saw that the sun was rising creating a beautiful sky.
         I heard a light tap on the door, and then it opened and Angelique stepped through the threshold. “Um, good morning.” She said politely.
         “Good morning, Miss Cherai. How may I be of service to you?” I stood up and bowed slightly. I glided over to her, and smiled down upon her. Her brown hair was tied up neatly into a bun with strands of hair framing her face. She was wearing a deep crimson red dress; she looked absolutely beautiful.
         “Well, I was looking out my window yesterday and I saw a lovely garden. I was wondering…” She paused and looked down at the ground. I smiled.
         “Oh Angelique! Of course you can go down to my garden.” She looked up at me.
         “Um, no. What I meant was… would you like to accompany me. If you’re not busy that is.”
         “Oh.” Her eyes were full of hope, and I couldn’t turn down that face of hers. “Of course. Come.” I held out my hand and she took it gingerly and I led her down the two sets of stairs, through the parlor room and into the kitchen. I walked over to the back door and held it open for her. Then we entered my garden. The sun shone bright and I closed my eyes slightly. I could feel the warmth on my skin, but I shook it off.
         It was mostly filled with roses; however there were also lilies, snapdragons, lilacs, daffodils, and petunias. We walked down the cobble stone path. Angel bent down and carefully plucked a red rose from the bush. She touched it to her nose and smiled. She looked over at me, then back down to the rose. Then Angelique stashed it in my chest pocket. I grinned and walked forward. She trailed behind me, stopping now and then to smell the flowers. Gracefully, I snatched up a red rose and tore off the thorns. Then I turned around and glided over to Angel.
         She stood up straight and looked at me. I smiled and tucked the rose behind her ear. It was her turn to grin as she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a bench covered slightly with moss and vines, shaded by the forest's edge. This whole time I hadn’t felt even so much as one craving for her blood; this allowed me to actually enjoy this morning. I looked up at the sky, the clouds had moved in; overcast. We sat side-by-side on the stone bench and looked about the garden.
“Vincent, how old are you?” Her musical voice floated into my ears. I turned to see her pale blue eyes.
         200 years old. Why do you ask? I wanted to say. But instead I replied, “Twenty-five. And yourself, Angel?” Oh no! I let it slip out! Ah! I winced. I wonder what she’ll think of it…
         “Twenty-three.” She said. Her grip tightened on mine. “Also feel free to call me Angel. I don’t mind.” I breathed a sigh of relief inside my head. “It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?”
         I looked up at the sky. “It is…"

5. Tea Time.

         It was mid-morning when we finally walked back, side-by-side, to the mansion. We stayed in the kitchen, however, and I made tea for the both of us. I put the liquid in my most favorite porcelain, pearly white cups with angels sitting, harps covered in roses and vines in hand, long light blonde hair fluttering behind them, halo over head, and soft feathery white wings behind their backs.
         “You’re house is filled with angels everywhere. Why?” Angelique asked, sitting perfectly straight in her chair.
         “You have wonderful posture.” I said smiling as I, too, sat down. She narrowed her blue eyes.
         “You’re avoiding the question, and it’s hard to slouch in a dress like this.” She said sipping her tea.
         “I’m not avoiding it. I’m simply choosing not to answer it right now, and it’s a wonder you can even lace that corset yourself. Come to think of it, it was a wonder how Julianna could either…” I reminisced.
         “Julianna…?” There was a hint of jealousy in her sweet voice. I laughed.
         “Don’t worry. She’s long gone… She was my fiancée and died, quite tragically really, many years ago.” I said solemnly.
         “Oh Vincent, I’m so sorry.” She reached over the table and placed her hand gently on mine. I pulled the corners of my mouth into a smile and gracefully waved my free hand in the air.
         “No need.”
         “How did she die? If you don’t mind my asking, that is.”
         I sighed. “Murder… her death was certainly one to remember...” I looked into my tea as I heard her gasp. My smile had vanished as I saw Julianna’s smiling face hours before I killed her.; excitedly talking about the wedding.
         “Vincent? Vincent!” I looked back up to see Angel’s hand waving in front of my eyes. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
         “No. Sorry.”
         “Oh.” She pulled her hand back and took a sip of tea. “I said that is quite a tragic way to lose someone… Are you all right?”
         “Yes.” She looked into my eyes, and I looked right back. I looked to her shoulder. “How is your wound doing?”
         “Oh, it’s healing very well.”
         “No more bleeding?” I asked cautiously.
         “No. We’ll have to change the bandages later though.”
         “Right. Are you ready to tell me how that was inflicted upon you now?” I smiled reassuringly.
         “Well, as you could have guessed I was to be married as well. However the man I was engaged to, Pierce, didn’t really love me. My parents died a short time ago and had left their fortune to me. So if he married me, it would be his as well. I thought he loved me.” I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. “But before the wedding I asked him if he loved me, and if he would stay with me forever. He said ‘Of course I love you.’ But he never answered the other question…
         "I knew he was lying, and I told him the wedding was off. He, wanting the money, got mad and cut my shoulder… then I ran and he gave chase. I lost him in the alleys and ran here. I just hope he doesn’t find me…”
         “Angel, I’m sorry that he didn’t love you. That’s a horrible scheme. And he won’t find you here. I promise.” She smiled at me.
         “Only my parents called me Angel. Pierce barely used my name.”
         “Forget about him. He’s not worth your thoughts or time.” I said. I sighed and sipped at my tea. I reached inside my pocket, pulled out a kerchief, and dabbed gently at the tears on her cheeks. I smiled lightly. “Would you like something to eat? You must be hungry.”
         “That would be nice.” I stood up and beckoned her to follow. I led her to the basement door.
         What are you doing! You can’t take her down there! The Old Vincent yelled at me. I just didn’t care at the moment and unlocked the door. I walked swiftly down the stairs and waited for her to come down. I led her through the hall and then we entered my chamber… ignoring the ‘bed’ like it was nothing I walked over to another door leading to the storage closet.
         “W-what’s in there?” Angelique pointed to the coffin. I walked over to it and opened the lid. I smiled.
         “Why is it there?” She asked still staring at it. I didn’t answer as I walked back over to the door. Opening it, I found many jars of preserved fruits Julianna had made a long time ago. I picked a jar of spiced apples and dusted it off. I shut the door behind me. She was still standing in front of it.
         “Come.” I said walking back out of the light of the candles and towards the stairs. She quickly followed glancing one last time at the black wooden box. We walked up the stairs, and I locked the door behind me. We walked back into the kitchen and I retrieved a bowl and fork from the cupboard. I opened the jar easily and poured out the contents into the bowl and gave it to her. Angel speared a slice of the apple and popped it into her mouth.
         “It’s delicious. Aren’t you going to eat?”
         “Why not?” She asked putting another into her mouth.
         “Not hungry.”
         “Well unless you eat at night, I’ve never seen you eat.”
         I simply shrugged. “Just I said I’m not hungry.” I gave her a toothy grin. I ran my tongue over my incisors and felt the sharp points. She just smiled awkwardly and ate another apple sliver.

End of Part One.

© Copyright 2007 MoonxWolf (moonxwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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