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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1307953
Jon is getting fatter. What about little brother?
Alright! Heres my story of Derick and Jon.  It starts a little slow but builds up over time.  For those of you not interested in weight gain or sappy stories about two brothers getting fatter and yet STILL being both HAPPY and HEALTHY (GASP!!!) Then you might as well stop reading here. 

This is a work of Fiction.  My characters aren't based on anyone or any particular real events.  I just think getting fat is cool.  If you are reading this and you do to i hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Perfect Brothers

Derick and Jon Smith had always been uncommonly good friends.  They were bothers, yes, but good friends too.  They grew up in a large and happy family.  There was Kelly, the oldest child, then Jon, then Angela, and finally there was Derick. 

From the moment of Derick's birth Jon had loved his brother more than anything in the world. Derick was almost always happy and laughing. For every problem in Derick's life, great or small, Jon would rush in and fix it. And if ever Jon needed cheering up, Derick would be there, every laughing, as usual.

As for Derick, his older brother was his hero.  He was always stronger, smarter, faster than Derick.  Derick hung on every word and laughed at every joke, not because of hero worship, but because Jon was genuinely a great guy.  He never bullied Derick or teased or tormented him in any way.  He was the perfect older brother for a kid.  Together they managed to have a fantastic childhood.  In contrast their sisters loathed each other and spent little time with either boy as they were too wrapped up in their own lives and in avoiding each other.

Unfortunately for Derick, Jon was six years older than him.  Jon never seemed embarrassed to admit that his best friend was so young.  By the time Jon graduated high school he was nineteen years old and Derick was thirteen.  Derick had always been reed thin and average height.  Jon discovered weight lifting when he was sixteen.  By the time of graduation he was pretty muscular.  He never did any sports, never boasted, and as always looked out for his kid brother.

That summer, for the first time, Jon regretted the age difference between them.  College  that Fall would keep him away from the goofy, every cheerful Derick.  So that summer the two boys resolved to have the best summer they had every had.

They spent every moment of every day together.  Jon's girlfriend was going to school with him so she tolerated Jon's lack of attendance with her.  The two boys played games, watched movies old and new, went to the beach or pool, and had a blast every day all summer. 

And there was food!  Every week there was another BBQ to go to and every day had pizza, burgers, chips, candy and all the other favorite junk foods they both loved.

All this snacking had little effect on the still-growing Derick.  Jon, however, had set aside his weights to relax with his buddy.  When summer was over Jon had put on about twenty pounds.  Derick noticed but didn't say anything.  Jon always put on a little weight on his bulk phases.  Jon himself didn't really mind as he thought the same thing; a few months of heavy lifting will turn that fat to rock hard muscle.  Why worry?  He only weighed around 175 after all.

Chapter 2:  The Not-So-Good-Life

Before Jon left, the two brothers said their goodbyes.

"I'll miss you, dude," Derick said.
"You too, little buddy.  Stay out of trouble," Jon said.

Derick patted Jon's tummy, now tight under his old shirt.

"Watch out for the freshman 15!"
"Don't worry about me.  Maybe you should think about that too."
"Why me? I haven't gained any weight."
"Exactly!  Maybe you should if you wanna get big like me."

Jon flexed an impressive bicep.  Jon rarely ever bragged like this so Derick was genuinely in awe.

"Killer guns dude! Hell man eat up!  Screw the freshman 15, you could just gain it as muscle!"

They laughed.

"Sure thing Rick."

The two brothers said their tearful goodbyes and Jon left for school. 
Derick heard little from him over that time.  Jon and Derick had shared a computer in the past.  Jon had bought it himself and needed it more so took it with him.  Both his sisters had laptops but Kelly was in college too and Angela never acted like an angel to anyone.  Angela also managed to keep the house phone busy for sixteen hours every day.  So, in all that time, he heard hardly anything from Jon.  So Derick languished without him and envied the great time Jon must certainly be having, since Jon hardly wrote back or called himself.

Derick did not understand that it was Jon who was lost without him.  Classes were tough and Jon was required to have at least 9 hours each day to keep his scholarship.  Thats not to mention the hours of extra reading and homework and papers and so on.  If that frustration wasn't enough, being so busy left him little time to try and get a hold of Derick.  Exhausted, he would usually collapse after a full fifteen hours of scholastic horse shit.  What little time he had he spent with his girl or in the gym.  Jon struggled by but somehow was managing.  His grades were passable, barely, and he made a few friends and even found a few old ones from high school.  He also treated himself to all his favorite foods any time he was hungry.  He still worked out so any weight he gained at first was on his arms, chest, shoulders, and legs, and not his tummy.

Life has a way of kicking you wile you're down.  Jon found his girlfriend having sex with some guy in the hot tub while they were at a party.  Yes, they were both drunk, but she knew what she was doing.  She even admitted to it when confronted, then and there.  The usually amiable Jon made a huge scene and stormed off.  All his friends tried to console him. 
They said: "I always thought she was bad news, that whore."
Too little and too late, as is so often the case.

The kindhearted Jon was crushed and furious.  He turned to the only passions he had left: food, beer, and weight lifting.

He gorged himself, every meal, and spent every moment in the gym that was humanly possible.  While his grades plummeted, his weight soared.  His pecs bulged, his shoulders spread, his arms tore out sleeves.  Everywhere his body grew stronger as he took out his rage on his own body. 

When not raging in the gym, he stuffed his face with every edible food he could find in an attempt to raise his spirits.  Even when full he would find more room for cakes and candies.  His belly slowly swelled, not as fast as his chest, but it was slowly catching up.

His friends were alarmed to see him act this way.  He was pushing himself too hard and eating all the wrong stuff.  He was actually skipping classes to lift more weights.  They dragged him away to parties whenever they could but the result was always the same.  He would find the spot closest to the beer and food and eat until he was stuffed and drink until he passed out.  He didn't care about the pretty girls or the great party.  He just wanted eat, sleep, and work off his anger.  After three months of doing little else he indeed had the freshman 15.  He was about 190 pounds at that point.  He just wasn't satisfied with working out for three hours each day.

The human body is an amazing thing.  It can handle great stress and grow stronger from it.  But every body can only take so much.  Humans weren't designed to do nothing except lift weights.  Each year dozens of men and women are injured due to inexperience or overeager lifts. 

For Jon it doesn't rain woe,  It pours.  He tries to put too much weight on his shoulders and squat but cannot keep his back strait.  He has enough sense to stop for the day then.  By the next day he knows something is wrong with his back.  He's in a lot of pain and can't even bend over.  The doctor says he has a hernia. No more weights at all.  Jon is prescribed painkillers that help him cope with the hideous pain but also make him sleepy.

For the rest of the semester Jon is practically a zombie with a lust for pizza instead of brains.  His lifting may have stopped but his stomach was still at full speed.  Jon loved the taste of food, as he always had, and had begun to love a full belly too.  He didn't hate himself or anything.  He had no qualms with being fatter, which he knew he was now, he just didn't want to stop.  Not couldn't but wouldn't. 

So he didn't.  By finals he had gained another fifteen pounds.  He was now around 215 pounds.

Although he gained some weight, he lost some friends.  They proved their quality by dropping him the moment he needed them.  Instead of consoling him further or even talking with him the abandoned him so that they could party with people who were happy.  Like the rats they truly were, they simply didn't care enough to help someone else. 

Not all were like that.  His roomy and two other good friends stuck by him.  For that last month they supported him and helped him reclaim a little of who he was.  It wasn't pity or disgust that moved them, but genuine affection.  Jon was a great guy before chance ruined him. 

When he finally headed home for the holidays he already felt much like himself again.  Bigger, yes, but still Jon.  He had nice new clothes, size 34 jeans, and even managed to smile to himself.  Soon he would be home with Derick, the only person who could cure his melancholia.

Chapter 3:  Feud

After months of crappy loneliness, Derick would have his big bro home to keep him company.  By this point they had all heard about Jon's misfortunes but no one thought of it as any big deal, really.  He broke up with a girl and hurt his back.  Summed up it sound crappy, but not apocalyptic.  Derick would say "Oh that sucks" tell him a few jokes, they play some games, eat some junk, and then its business as usual.

He was pretty surprised when his bigger brother showed up a over thirty pounds fatter than when they last met.  He was even more surprised when he was picked up off the floor in a massive bear hug.

"I missed you so much!" Jon gushed.
"Me too, dude," he gasped.  "Good to see you!"

Jon let him down. and choked back tears.

"Are you alright man?"
"Yeah.  I'll be fine."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not now."
"Come on then, lets eat!"
"You read my mind!'
"I'll bet, jumbo," Derick groused before slapping Jon's belly.  "Lets go!"

Jon stood there and blushed.
"Very funny, kiddo," he managed to say before following.

At dinner Jon tore into the food with his usual fervor.  His family was a little surprised.  They managed to pry out a few answers from him in between bites.  Byt he end of the meal it was all out.  The girlfriend.  The hernia.  The falling grades.  The depression was obvious from the way he talked.  He didn't look up from his plate until it was empty.  He didn't stop eating until there was nothing to put on his plate.  They all seemed to understand what wasn't said.  Silently, in each one's mind they decided to leave him alone, help where they could, and let him work himself out.

Everyone but Derick.  Derick was sympathetic but did not fully understand his brother's anguish.  He still hadn't really hit puberty yet so didn't even understand why girls were such a problem anyway. 

Nothing they did together felt as good as it had that summer.  Nothing was as fun.  Jon was a different person now and Derick was a little bitter because of his brother's absence. Instead of telling jokes to help Jon feel better, he started making more jokes about him to make himself feel better; always about his brother's weight gain.

At first Jon was tolerant of the abuse but it quickly got old.  He would respectfully ask him to stop, forgetting he was talking to a kid, but Derick would always hit him with more later.  By December the pair were bickering and fighting like their sisters.

Without his friend, Jon had nothing to look forward to now but food and sleep.  So he ate and ate until he couldn't eat any more.  Then slept.  He was really gaining weight now but he didn't care.  His brother had become an ass while Jon had become destiny's whipping boy.  He liked eating like this and he even liked feeling bigger.  He was in a better mood now than he had been since summer.  Then Derick would come and crack a love handle joke and ruin his mood.  The tension built between them as Jon started ignoring Derick more and more.  He wouldn't drive him anywhere, wouldn't buy him anything, wouldn't loan him any stuff.  Just quietly eat by himself.  finally that tension was resealed at the very moment after Jon's boxers ripped one morning after Christmas.

Jon was stuffing his face right out of the fridge in his underwear while Derick waited on him to finish in belligerent silence.  Angela was there too munching on some toast.  She didn't mind her big brother was hungry.  Why bug him?

Jon grabbed the final treat for his breakfast and loaded it on a plate with the rest.  He planned to sit next to his sister and finish the rest.  As he sat down his drawers ripped from the band, down his right thigh.

"Oops," Jon and Angela said in unison.

They had a good chuckle at that.

"Good thing mom bought me a size up fro X-mas," he said.
"I'm surprised they have a hippo size, fat ass," Derick shot out.
"Shut the fuck up, Derick," he boomed with sudden rage.
"Don't strain yourself, man.  That belly of yours is gonna rip the front off too next."
"Shut up you dick-head."
"Enough Derick, its not funny," Angela said with uncharacteristic compassion.
"At least I can see my dick.  My belly isn't obese like yours."

Derick wasn't making jokes anymore he was just being cruel.  He wanted his brother to feel as bad as he did for being left behind.  He didn't realize how bad he already felt for leaving him behind.  The result shocked Derick and Angela both.

Jon punched Derick in the stomach so hard he knocked the wind out of him.  Jon lifted him completely off the floor as he gasped for air.

"You're not funny. You're just a piece of shit Derick!" He screamed at him before throwing him back onto the floor.

It was the usually alienating Angela that helped the shaken Derick to his feet.  It was too great a shock for him.  He passed out. 

The next few week few weeks were pure hell for Derick.  He lived in constant fear of his former best friend.  He had pushed him to the brink and forced him to snap.  He never dared make a joke in cruel jest again.  How could he?  His brother was still stronger and still faster.  Jon continued his eating habits with unembarrassed gluttony.  As warm as he had once been, now he was cold.  He never hit Derick again, but it was in his eyes every time they crossed.  Derick shied away and kept as quiet and meek as he could.  In years past they had slept in Jon's queen sized bed together to help drive out the cold.  The radiator was always unreliable.  When Jon had first arrived he had secretly been glad for the warm, comforting bulk his brother possessed and enjoyed sleeping next to warm tummy.  For a scrawny boy in a blizzard cold is evil and warmth is joy.  Now he slept alone.  Cold and isolated.  No more jokes.  No more joy.

As petulant as he was before, now he was riddled with shame and guilt.  He had ruined their friendship.  He would have to fix it.

Midnight of the day before Jon left for school again, Derick managed to pluck up his courage.  Before he could knock on the door Jon opened the door for his snack.  He was shirtless and wearing flannel bottoms.  His belly spilled over the edge and hung down.  He was around 230 by then.  They stared each other down.  Jon in sudden anger and Derick in sudden shame.

"What?" Jon asked.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry."

Jon stared at him.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to be such a bastard."

Jon stared.

"I... I want to be friends again.  Like the old days."
"Get out of my goddamn way."

Derick pressed himself to the wall as his hungry brother made his way to the fridge.  Next day Jon said his goodbyes to his family before leaving.

"What about Derick? You didn't say anything to him," Kelly said.

Jon looked at his brother.  Derick smiled awkwardly.

"Don't mess with my shit."

Jon got into his car and drove off.

The next few months were better for Jon and worse for Derick.  Jon resumed his social life with his friends.  He never lifted weights again, but kept eating.  No one gave him a hard time about it though. He was fat, but happy.  He was himself again. All year long he gorged himself.  His grades improved and he felt alright.  Not good, not really.  His brother who he loved best of all people had back-stabbed him.  Jon had never in his life said anything but kindness to his brother and Derick had said nothing but poison during Jon's break. He only felt really good when his stomach was too full for another bite.  Jon struggled to feel that way at all times.

By spring break he was up to 250 pounds.  All the new weight was fat.  He had a big, soft buddah-belly, a big bubble but, and his thighs mad him sort of waddle or strut when he walked.  But he loved his body.  It was odd that getting this fat out of a depression would make him like himself more.  In a way if he hadn't of hurt his back this never would have happened.  It was comforting to think that a good think can come out of something so bad.  He had been of the meds since Christmas and his back was feeling almost normal too.

When he got home for spring break Derick was waiting for him. He had spent the hole semester brooding about his brother.  He rarely slept.  He rarely ate. He never spoke to anyone unless they spoke to him first.  Now it was his life in trouble.  His friends, like Jon's, were 'fair weather friends' after all.  When trouble comes, they look after themselves first.  More concerned with good-times then with his well-being.

"Hey Jon," he said.

Jon looked at him.  Derick looked like crap.  He was way too thin, probably 110, 120, twenty pounds underweight for his age and height.  His eyes had bags and he hadn't shaved.  Shaved? No of course not.  Jon had never showed him how.  Derick had now idea how to shave without cutting himself.

"Hi," Jon said.
"Whats up?"

And that was that.

Spring break Jon spent at home with his friends from school.  They spent the whole time laughing, snacking, and playing games in Jon's room.  They complained at the end about tight pants and Jon's bad influence.

Derick spent that week in school, since colleges have a different week.  He was not included in their fun at all, despite living in the same room.  He wanted to cry.  He couldn't talk to him about anything important with his friends their.

Again Jon left without goodbyes.

When summer came it brought a hefty 260 Jon with it.  Summer dragged by just as spring break had without Jon's friends as much.  Unfortunately Jon had lost his scholarship.  He couldn't go back to school.  His parents were too poor to send him off yet well off enough that he couldn't get financial aid.  Trapped.  The only option was to get student loans.  Loans he would have to repay for the next ten years.  He didn't even know what he wanted to be.  College was over, much to his parents' distress.  He continued his part-time job at Burger King on a full-time basis, as he did every summer.  This time, however, he would have to stay on all year.

devastated again, Jon's attitude worsened.  He was as bad as he was at Christmas, it seemed to Derick.  The only thing he did all day, besides work for 8 - 10 hours was eat, digest, or nap.

God how he ate!  Stacks of pancakes and sausages in the morning.  Sandwiches, chips, cookies, and fruit before lunch.  More sandwiches at lunch and various snacks.  At dinner he would gobble down a whopper or three, depending on how much he had stuffed down during his shift.  Then he, and his other friends, would make extras before closing and sneak them home for themselves.  Two of these had been his friends from Junior High.  One was a cook, like Jon, and the other was the manager.  Both were super fat and over 300 pounds. The manager was probably around 310 wile the cook was much fatter.  He was much closer to 400 than 300.  They had big fat sloppy guts and eat as much as they could as they worked.  They never stopped Jon from eating his fill.  Not even when his stomach had torn the first three buttons from his shirt.  They just gave him a new one.

Most of Jon's diet was supplied by Angela.  She had discovered her knack in the kitchen and was thrilled by her big brother's insatiable desire for more of her cooking.  Never did she deny any encores for extras servings.  She and Jon had a sudden new friendship.  Even Kelly was getting along with her now.  They seemed to be up to something, in fact.  They were always trying to keep Jon in the same room as Derick, as if proximity could heal their bad blood.  Angela would incessantly bug Derick to eat more of her food.

"Come on!  One more plate!" she said.
"No.  I told you I'm full."
"You're too skinny!" She nagged.

He knew she was right.

"Am not," he said defiantly.
"Are too," she giggled.
"Am not!"

Jon walked in.

"Hey Kelly, don't you think he's too thin for - " She began before realizing it was Jon and not Kelly behind her.

An awkward silence fell.

"You don't want that?" Jon asked Derick.
"No.  You can have it," Derick mumbled.

Jon plopped his big butt next to Derick and started inhaling the food.  Derick felt a hand on his shoulder.  It was Angela.  She winked at him before returning to cook for Jon.

Jon was getting fatter and fatter.  Tacos, burgers, soda, pies, cakes, pizza, pretzels, nachos, hotdogs, cookies, brownies, all were eaten.  Every day he gorged his fill.  Every week, at least once, his chubby rear could be found in one all you can eat or another.

By the time Derick went back to school Jon was a fairly obese 293 pounds.  His face was round and full.  His ass was round and full. His tummy was round.  Between Jon and Angela they managed to keep it full.  But still Derick suffered.  Jon wasn't doing anything or threatening him.  He just was not his friend.  They spoke more.  But that old anger lingered like a bad fart in a closed room.  Every now and then Jon would cut a really loud one and Derick couldn't help but laugh. They had burped and farted all the time like pigs when they were kids.  That was why their sisters avoided them more then.  He actually caught the briefest of smiles on Jon's face.

By November Jon was fatter then ever.  He and his cook buddy had been sneaking a lot of burgers and fries home and binging on them.  Derick could only listen as he pretended to sleep as his brother had gross, piggish, awesome fun without him.  Never did he feel more regret then in those moments.  He wanted to join in too. 
At Thanksgiving his desire to be with his brother sort of distracted him.  He didn't realize he was eating more then usual or that Angela was offering him more food than Jon.  He had gotten used to her constantly shoving food at him.  Her skill had gotten better with practice.  Despite being full from the meal he ate an entire pumpkin pie by himself.  When Jon saw him licking the pie tin Derick could have sworn he heard a giggle.

Chapter 4:  Reconciliation.... Cheesecake!

Christmas this year was going to be a big thing.  It had been five years since the last family reunion and they had all decided to double up reunion with X-mas.  All of them.  Every bed and every couch would need to be used.  At night every inch of space in the living room and den would be used.  This meant that Derick's bed would be taken out and moved into the den.  Jon and Derrick would have to sleep together, like-it-or-not.  The same went for the girls.  They would have to be together like that for the whole month.

The first night was pretty awkward.  The boys had always teamed up together to keep their annoying relatives, young and old, at bay.  Now they were both on their own at once.  All the bathrooms were always in use and the Kitchen and Dinning room were more crowded then the food courts at the mall.

At night, Derick was a little surprised.  They both lay in bed in their underwear.  Jon's belly stuck out huge and sloppy.  Even in the dark Derick could see the spare tire marked with stretch marks.  But it wasn't the 324 pound Jon that surprised him.  It was the 160 plus body that was to his left.  Derick's own belly sprouted over his too-tight shorts.  Where had that come from?  Was this all Angela's work?  No.  He had been following around Jon.  He had been eating like him and not even realizing it.  He explored his middle.  Yup.  Soft belly button.  Soft obliques.  He even had the start of jello rolls.  Unlike big brother, Derick had never lifted a dumbbell in his life.  If he kept eating like this he would end up even fatter than....

Jon watched Derick rub his belly and love handles.

"Careful.  You keep it up and you'll be just like me," he said.

He rolled away from him.  Derick watched as his body shifted with the movement.

"I wish," he mumbled to himself.

Jon rolled the other way.

"What? Did i just hear you right?" Jon asked.
"Yeah... uh... Its just i hate being cold so much, you know?  But it doesn't bother you any.  I wish I were big enough so it didn't bug me so much.  Am I right?"

The brothers watched each other in the darkness.

" 'Night Derick."

That was the first conversation they had had in nearly a year.  Unfortunately Derick had little time for more.  Relatives swarmed the house like rats.  Old ones pinching cheeks and asking silly questions.  Young ones pestering for games and such to destroy.  Jon was an island of calm in a sea of chaos.  Despite the looks, despite the relatives, despite the noise, he sat shirtless at the counter - litterally the island counter - as Angela assisted with the moms and aunts in cooking a mighty breakfast for a numerous horde.  Jon diligently worked on eating any cooked food that was unguarded.  Just like old times, Derick thought.  The only difference was Jon wasn't sharing, just stuffing.  Kelly directed him to a seat next to Jon.

Angela produced a glorious confection.  It was a massive cheesecake.  It was round and coated in raspberry sauce. 

"Oooooh!"  The brothers said at once.
"This is for Derick," She teased.
"I can't have any?!" Jon gasped.
"There are plenty of other goodies," Kelly said.
"But cheesecakes my favorite!" Jon said.
"Derick's too," Angela said.
"Why can't I have any?"
"You got the peach cobbler last night."
"You know I like cheesecake better."
"Tough noogies.  This is for my little brother."

She winked at Derick.  Jon hunched down, red faced and pissed.  Cheesecake really was his favorite dish and he rarely got the homemade kind.  Derick got the distinct impression Jon was trying to eat any food that came near Derick's plate before he could get it.

That night, after a large meal, as always, Jon's mood improved.  Yet he still seemed angry about the cake.  He didn't say a word but Derick had a sixth sense about his laconic brother's moods.  Suddenly Derick understood Angela's game.

"I'm still kinda hungry," he mumbled and rubbed his newly softened tummy.
"Then eat your damn cake."

Derick winced and got up.  He managed to get to the kitchen and back while only stepping on two sleeping cousins along the way.  He carried the glorious thing back to the room.  Jon didn't even look at him as he sat.

"You want some?" he asked nonchalantly.
"Eat your damn cake," he said again.

Derick thought.

"You know I can't eat this whole thing."
"Then don't."
"So through the rest out?"
"Don't care!"
"Come on.  You know a little runt like me can't eat all this."

He rolled over to look at his smiling brother.

"Is this a joke?"
"Good God!  I just want to share this cake.  I don't know why Angela thinks I can or why shy keeps trying to fatten me up."

"You two are real chums lately.  If you're not careful you be as fat as your brother.  Wouldn't want that now right?"

Derrick thought carefully.  If he answered poorly Jon might break his nose.

"Yes," he said finally.

Jon blinked at him. "Huh?"

"Why not get fatter?  You seem to like it.  Don't you?"
"Uh...well... yes."
"So I'll get fat too."
Shrugging, he said "Why not.  You look so happy, the way you eat.  I'll try it."

Jon seemed to be processing this.

"I remember you saying something different last year."

Ouch! That was painful. But at least we're this far, Derick thought.

"I was being a prick."
"I missed you.  I was angry.  I wanted us to have fun.  I don't know why I said those things."
"I never said anything so cruel to you."
"I guess it just goes to show you."
"I'm nothing without my brother."

They watched each other in silence.  Jon could see the bags under Derick's eyes.  The ever laughing boy hadn't laughed at all since last year.

"So you don't think I'm...." Jon began, "I mean you really want to get... you know?"
"I've always thought you're the coolest, man.  I see you eat like that, all that cool stuff, belch like a champ, fart like a pro, then grabs some more and rub your gut.  I gotta say it; I'm jealous."

Jon watched him in silence.  Derick thought he was still angry.  He began to weep.

"I just... we were so happy once.  I'm sorry.  So sorry. Now... you hate me and I'm so fucking miserable. I'm so fucking -"

A strong and heavy arm wrapped around his shoulder and pulled him in for a big hug.
"I don't hate you, Rick.  We're brothers."
"We'll always be brothers... but can we be friends again? Like before?"
"No," Jon said.

Derick's breath came out in a long and weary sigh.

"We'll be better than before."

His grip tightened before releasing Derick.  Derick stared into his hero's eyes.

"We'll be bigger than before.  And hungrier.  It'll be better than old times, Rick.  Do you know how good it feels to stuff yourself with your favorite foods all day every fucking day?"
"Eat your cake, Rick."

Jon grabbed the massive cake with one had and his brother with the other.  As Jon lay on his side, chubby flab hanging out, he pulled Derick next to him.  Derick snuggled himself up against his husky brother. 

"Open up, kiddo."

Derick complied.  Piece by piece Jon hand fed the massive confection to his little brother.  Derick's stomach ached, but he couldn't stop, wouldn't stop.  He couldn't disappoint Jon.  Besides that was the best mother fucking cake Derick had ever tasted!

Panting he opened his mouth for the next bite.  None came.  He'd eaten it all.  Jon beamed.

"I love you little bro."
"I love you too.  Even more than that cake."
"Me too."

They had a good laugh.

"This holiday is gonna be great."

Jon pulled the sheet up and hugged Derick against the cold.  Derick loved the warmth they had and even started to say so before a belch from his own throat cut him off.  No sooner had they stopped laughing then he fell asleep.

The next morning and each one ever after, Jon ushered Derick into the kitchen and the ate side by side.  Mound after mound of food they shoved into their greedy guts.  Every lunch they wolfed down the same meals with the same voracity.  Angela was keen on the change and showered them with as much food as they could handle.  Before long, with Derick's increasing appetite, and girth, they were actually eating more than she could handle!

Between Angela and Jon Derick was spoiled!  He literally couldn't get off the couch without one or the other handing him something to eat.  For his part, he loved it and managed to eat everything he was given.  It was a struggle at first to stretch his skinny belly out but the struggle decreased steadily.  He loved the feeling of bigness he was getting and his chubby belly he was growing.  By New Years he had gained thirty pounds.  He was up to 190 and Jon had grown to 345.

Jon got Derick a job at BK.  They were best friends again.  They were truly inseparable and truly happy.  Their constant piggouts and burpfests were really a blast and they had no intension of stopping.

Nor did they....

Derick was now included in all the best binges, the best stuffings, the best food.  The two lounged together and let their obese bellies hang out, unabashed.  Jon was genuinely proud of his growing brother.  He was in fact matching his brother forkful for forkful.  They did not bother to weigh themselves at all.  All that mattered was how much food and when the next meal was!


They could not have known how far this road would take them.  Nor could they guess just how much fat they would gain.  They got no exercise beyond what would get them more food.  They were too happy playing with their bellies and having burping contests to realize that Derick's attempts to catch up to Jon.... were succeeding.  They were both gaining.... but the unmuscular, lazy, ever-eating Rick was now gaining more than his brother....


(Part 2)

OK! Thats the first half.  This is my first stand-alone thingy.  Very lengthy, I know, but The next one will have more meat to the story.  And to the boys, actually!  I hope you enjoy it.  Part two will have less back story, no feuding, or messy melodrama.  Next one will be purely about two awesome, laid-back, fat-ass, kids having a good time.

© Copyright 2007 fry_lord00 (fry_lord00 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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