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Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Military · #1315379
Should America abandon Iraq? What would the world be like?
This is opionion and I welcome your own. Much of the following sentiment is shared by those I know and love who have been to Iraq - some several times.

So you think the US should send home all of the troops immediately....
I must admit, and I think a great many people will agree with me, that our reasons for joining the Iraq War were not all well-founded on good intelligence. We rushed in, Americans waving flags and cheering at wide-screens as the smoke curled and the bombs flashed. We felt we deserved the fireworks for the awful tragedies that had occurred here in our homeland. And a good many of us, those who grew up amidst the diaster that was the "first" war, were thrilled to have another chance at Saddam, to finally slap a sandal at his face for once and for all. As more light flooded the scene, we began to realize that perhaps we were a little hasty. But, hey, we were already letting it all hang out, and we had pretty much destroyed any public systems Iraq had - water, power, employment, etc. Now we were obligated to stay and clean up the mess. While we were picking up, we noticed some terrorists sneaking about and discovered “Holy Hell, this place is infested!” We had removed Saddam and left the door wide open for another Saddam to take his place. Except, this time al Qaeda is in the campaign and gaining public office in Iraq would be about as simple for these guys if we left as it was for us to march in.

Yep, some of our reasons for that march were based on inadequate intelligence, but how intelligent is it to abandon those who want peace just when they need us the most? What kind of trust can be formed by removing ourselves from a battleground teeming with those ready and well-prepared to take the reins and the oil? And these are not merely disgruntled Iraqi civilians, but the same band still high on adrenaline from the rush of watching thousands of your sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers disintegrate into the New York City skyline. The same terrorists who nearly succeeded in a frighteningly similar plot recently in the UK. The
same terrorists whose ultimate goal is known to be the destruction of all governments opposed to them - and this was their bedtime prayer long before 9-11.

Let’s pull every serviceperson home where it's safe. Where 747's routinely drop from the sky like fiery missiles into monuments, capitals and farm fields. If we lie low and hush our voices, perhaps the militant Islamic groups we have offended will sign an international peace treaty. Let's give them embassies in the US where they can peacefully co-exist and demonstrate how loving their particularly rigid brand of religion can be. Demonstrators? Retire your signs. Our new friends do not appreciate free speech, unless you count the final words of the men they beheaded while hooded themselves. Women will no longer walk about in San Diego minus head scarves. And throw away those evil western books with their freedom-loving ideals - not allowed. Pray three times a day or face whippings.

Many of us are of the firm belief that running away resolves everything. Right now folks are sitting in their cozy armchairs, gasping at the gas prices on CNN, giggling at Bush jokes on the Comedy Channel. They’re not squatting in a Humvee with a gun trembling on their shoulder, taking fire. Imagine the daily bombings in Iraq on your own soil, in your own manicured bluegrass. Don't think it can happen here? New York City's full of people who would tell you it damn sure can. If we back out of the hornet's nest now, it will.

A short time ago, the news was chock full of first-hand accounts of depressed troops denouncing the war, but there are just as many begging for another tour to Iraq. They've seen firsthand the bloody, disgusting reality of war, and they want to go back. They know the consequences of thousands of Americans picking up and abandoning a fledgling democracy. And in Afghanistan, you can't just slouch into your massage chair with a six-pack and heroically lead twenty-five men into battle with your Wii game controller. People lose limbs, lose heart, lose their lives. We've lost as many or more dedicated, loyal men and women as we did on the eleventh of September. But let’s remember, these civilians did not stroll into a recruiter's office and sign on the dotted line without the knowledge that someday they might
be expected to earn that VA loan or pay back their fellow taxpayers for family room and board or a college education.

Why have an Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Coast Guard without the guts to send them in to fight where it matters? Are our defenses for appearances only? Shouldn’t we be more peaceful - send them into places like the Sudan? Were our military forces developed merely to lay back on our heels, wait for our enemies to grow stronger? Let's do that. We could have our soldiers hold hands around the perimeter of the United States. We'll pull in all of our tired nuclear carriers, and we'll wait. Meanwhile, our kids are growing up, we're putting on a few pounds around the mid-section reading Cosmo. Wonder what the other guys are doing around the world? Did they forget about little old America, Spain, England? Have they forgiven our countries for being free-spirited, free of speech, religion and clothing-optional? Outspoken, wealthy, rich in natural resources? Are they suddenly deciding they just might be a little bit too uptight? Hell no! They're scheming up new ways to attack where it hurts the most, whether we’re there in Iraq or safely in our armchair with our cheeks turned. And keep this in mind - they're not only angry on the far, dusty side of the world. Yep, right smack here in every well-patrolled town and city. But that's OK, right? You have the wonderful peace of mind of knowing your particular life won't be affected. What are the odds, really? We'll catch the bad guys before the next plot. And certainly, even if any plots squeeze through, the explosions will be in some city where we don’t reside. But when we do catch them, let's make sure to allow them lawyers and settlements and class-action suits. Let's put them on talk shows and sob over their sad stories.

Meanwhile, in 2015: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and many other surrounding countries are under the full influence of our terrorist friends. Their doctrine is infectious, and it's seeping into bordering nation, a plague of hatred. An aside for a moment: Do you know why street gangs are so damn hard to stamp out? Because humans adore power. And, ironically, folks are also looking for the security of family - a gang is a neat little package of power and strength with the added bonus of money-making in illegal activities. That's why terrorism flourishes in places like Baghdad and Somalia and Yemen. Scores of beaten-down, impoverished souls, whose children may or may not have eaten in the last week, so easily persuaded
that everything they never had in life can be obtained just by hiding fugitives, planting IED's, strapping C4 to their pregnant bellies. When you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, a group with the frustration at life to match your own and willing to fight seems like a Godsend.

Pretty soon the entire Asian and African continent are praying in Moslem, not because they want to but because it is mandated. Not a bad thing, say you? Sure it's not, because we know the Moslem religion is generally one of peace. But not this version. No, it’s composed of hard-line Moslems, trained in state-required camps where preschoolers learn the ABC’s of explosives and finger-painting all in the same day.

Their next idea? Wow, we've got all this money and all these willing recruits. America's looking pretty good, and they were stupid enough to believe we wanted a truce - we integrated easily into their suburbs...hmmmm. We'll start with our operative groups inside, have them blow up some major power grids, water treatment facilities, airports. Once they're wounded, maybe we'll threaten to hurl some nuclear missiles in their general direction and make our demands.

Scary thought? It's not science fiction. It's their mantra. And in so many more graphic, disturbing details than this short note can describe. It could be our reality. Think of it like training a dog. When you're consistent about putting him on his back, the dog learns that you are the alpha, that you will discipline him every time he makes a mistake. But when you slip - let him slink onto the couch or piss on your floor, maybe take a bite out of your toddler - you've taught the dog that he is the alpha. It took one incident for Spain to turn belly up... Excuse me while I brush up on my prayers to Allah now.
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