Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1315709-Painful-Lover
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Erotica · #1315709
Nathanial hunts humans, and becomes aroused with every scream.
        I followed her home from work. I always did at 10:00pm sharp. The only times that she was ever late coming out was when her coworkers gave her shit. She was a waitress at a little dinner called Lindas.

        I met her on July 15, 2006 exactly. I would never forget that day this particular angel graced my life. I went in to grab a bite to eat after having a rather long night with one of my other girls. I had lost interest after finding out that she was a prostitute. Prostituting was one of my pet peeves. Why would woman let those crummy men touch their graceful bodies? They were undeserving of any of the world's pleasures, including those of a woman's. I used to go into Dennys all the time, but decided a new change was in order. Who knows? Maybe I'd get lucky and find my new fish out of water. I was seated in the far back of the rundown place that stunk of food and was darker then a cave. Even during the day!

        A fat bitch gave me a glass of water not even 5 inches tall then preceded to ask if I wanted any coffee. " Yeah, sure. What's the harm?" I asked her while starring into her blank eyes. I could tell that she was a little unnerved about my demeanor. I suppressed my need to burst out laughing. Is it wrong to deprive enjoyment out of others fear and pain? If so then I guess my whole life has been wrong. But, if I haven't cared about it up to now, why would I start to when everything was going good? She poured me a cup of strong black regular in the half-dirty mug then told me my waitress would soon be there to take my order.

        I smiled at the thought that with here, I have a guarantee that I will always have a girl waitress. That's what I came here for!

        I seen her walking towards the table and immediately knew that I wanted HER. No other would suffice, now that I set eyes on a beauty like her. She was about 5'2-5'3 tall, 140 lbs but, well distributed. She had her hair pulled back in a way that made it turn into a waterfall of curls falling down her back, dark down, perfect. With bright hazel green eyes that were, sadly, hidden behind black rimmed glasses. Those would have to go. Another part that I liked most about this girl was that she had rather large breasts. I'm guessing between D and DD. They were clothed in the same cheap clothing as the rest of the old hags here. White shirt, which was slightly see through under direct light, and black slacks. Freckles dotted her face, just barely, adding a little more unique look to her.

        " Hello Sir, are you going to need more time, or do you already know what you want to order?" She smiled at me, obviously the mandatory smile that tricked unsuspecting guys out of their money. But, otherwise, just as cute as the rest of the package. I give her my all around, "Just an innocent guy from around the block" charm.

        "Sure honey, but are you ready for me?" She tried not to look uncomfortable by smiling even bigger and adding a sugary laugh in. I saw her eyes dart around to see where the other waitresses were stationed. They must have all been in the back. The restaurant WAS practically empty. " Just give me a Patty Melt with French Fries."

        "Anything else?" She was scrambling to write the small order done on the pad she held. She must be new. Well, brownie point 2 for you!

        " Just one question. How long have you been here, you must be new." I looked straight into her eyes to see if I could find the answer working hard there.

        She looked at me and the smile disappeared. " About two weeks. Is it really that noticeable?" I could just taste the hope that danced in her answer. Thinking quickly of the perfect answer to this awaiting goddess, it clicked somewhere.

        " It's just I am a regular and I have never seen your beautiful face in here before." She lightly dismissed the comment and moved on to the back to order the food. Coming back shortly carrying mustard and ketchup. I smiled and lit up a cigarette. " How old are you, hun?" Sometimes age makes it even more exciting. She told me she was 16 yrs old and had that whole uncomfortable look again. I feigned shock and told her that she was way too young for me, while secretly in the back of my mind, all I could think of was how I wanted to strip her down, tie her up and hear her screams as I take everything that I wanted.


      The neon green numbers read off 1:03 on my dashboard. Soon, they would be closing up and she would be the last to leave. I always sat in my car and waited for her. It was so dark under the willow trees in the far back corner of their vast parking lot, that I could just sit there and watched her make her way closer and closer to me.
        This night, she was a little more jumpy then usual. I suppose it was because the papers had run a story about some maniac running around in Chicago chopping up women who were alone at night. The guy was ruining it for the rest of us. She came out, escorted by one of the managers all the way to her car. I could feel the fury rising. She was mine. Nobody elses. I had choosen, spent so much time on her, and practically had my name plastered to her ass! Yet here she was out walking about with another man, when this was 'our' time. I made up my mind. Tomorrow, I will take her.

        I spent all night in preperation for the next evenings plans. I gathered up all of my sex toys, my knife that I would later strap to my leg, and a few other little devices that may be of some help in making arousal. When I was all done packing the items into my trunk, I hopped in to go and watch my friend.

        I could always remember the route to take. It was implanted in my mind , an deven if years had past, I bet I could still follow it. I turned off all of the lights when I pulled onto her street. I parked in my usual spot, across the street, where I had a perfect view of her house. It was summer and she always had a bad habit of leaving her curtains way open, along with her windows. Well, bad habit for her. I got out and, silently, jumped the fence into her backyard and climbed onto her garage roof via abandoned latter. From here, I was directly eye-level with her bedroom and could see straight in. What greeted me was so overwhleming, that I had to cluch onto the branch across from me, so that I would not fall. The man who had been escorting her to her car was lying next to her naked figure. How dare she!? I thought out loud. Surpressing a scream , I fought the urge to jump at the window. Instead I came up with an idea of how to get back at her.

        He waited until she had left for work in the afternoon, then slowly descended the tree. Soon, he would be the only one permitted to touch her.


        She hadn't come out yet. It was about an hour latter then usual, and the managers had gotten into their cars and left. What was going on? He had seen her get dressed and go into work, where was she? Had she gotten sick and left early? Or was she out fucking that bastard.

        " That fucking slut!" He got out of the car and walked over to the windows of the diner. It was empty. Looking around he found a stray rock by the walk way around the back, picking it up, he could feel how heavy it was. He didn't even blink when he hurled it through the glass door to the place.

        Glass crunched under his feet as he stepped inside. He knew there was no alarm, the managers where too cheap. The Adult Store across the street wasen't about to go and bring cops down here either. He went up to the cash register and pulled out one of the folders. It was marked Employee Records in a black sharpie. He flipped through it looking for his girl's picture. About half-way in he found what he wanted. She stared back at him with her glossey eyes and a smile played upon her lips like she knew what he was doing. He read down the list of the usual and stopped when his fingers ran over the word "Quit".

        She had quit? His mind started to race. Claimed sexual harassment made by the manager. Ha! So the slut had thrown him out on his ass! A laugh belted out from somewhere deep inside of his throat. It couldn't get better. New place of employment? The old mall on the south side of town. " Aww.." he thought out loud, " A girl like her shouldn't be out at night alone down there. Something could happen to her pretty little ass. Maybe I should escort her tomorrow?"... He took the folder a left.

        Getting into his car, thoughts of tomorrow ran through his head. Sure, today was supposed to be their day, but tomorrow will do. He imagined how tight she would be on his hard cock. How she and her body would scream in protest each time he forced his way inside of her. He was growing hard just thinking about it. He switched on the car and drove to the beach.
        Parking the car about 5 minutes latter, he rolled the windows down so the wind could whip inside and chill his seating body. He Unzipped his pants and masterbated in his car. Tomorrow, he would make her scream.....


        He returned home with a sigh of fatigue. Sleep had eluded him for 3 nights. Maybe it was all the thoughts that were constantly running in his head. Never had he been able to find the switch to turn it off. He turned the key in the lock and twisted the handle. The door never had any problems opening, but staying closed? HA! Some nights he would awake to find it wide open with the lock on. How is that possible? " Shit hole..." he muttered under his breath as he locked the door and leaned back against it. He kicked his boots off to the side, not caring where they landed, and closed his eyes. He was scheduled to work today. He thought about the money he would lose for not showing up, but the pay at the hospital was good. Sure he had to clean up after slobs, but it wasn't too bad of a catch for someone who hadn't even completed high school.

        Nathanial stood up and slowly made his way to the phone on the kitchen counter. It was dark inside and silence creeped out from every corner, but it was peaceful. Sometimes, on days like this, he would fall asleep to the screams amitting from the basement. Women are bad for a man. He picked up the reciever and punched in the number for the hospital. Undoubtfully the over-cheery bitch named Cherlene would answer, she is the secretary, he thought to himself. Everytime he would come in Nathanial would see out of the corner of his eye how she unbuttoned her blouse so that it was lower then intended. She was a slut in his eyes and wouldn't even take the time of day to think of her. She'd come running up to him in obviously-painful stilettos with a skirt pulled up too high and her breasts spilling out, a cup of too hot coffee in her hand and tell him the same line everyday, " Oh, there was a little extra. Thought I'd give it to someone!" Her lipstick, too bright red for her, would almost always be smeared on her teeth. One day, he could have sworn he'd seen her take a picture of him when he wasn't paying attention.

        " Hello, Saint Anthony Memorial Admitting Desk, how may I help you?" He held the phone about 5 inches from his face and he could still here her squeling voice. He told her that he felt ill when he had awaken and would not be able to come in today. Concern overwhelming her and he tried to choke back vomit. " Are you okay? Do YOU need a DOCTOR? You want ME to come by and HELP you?"

        " No no, I'll be quite alright. Didn't really sleep that well last night is all I think. Just make a note of it please?" He could hear her taking a breath for the next installment of her worries when he slammed down the receiver. He turned around and headed for the bathroom. He had to find someway of chasing all of the tension out.

        He turned on the light and left the door wide open. Nobody could see him, but he wouldn't have cared if they could. Nathanial pulled off his shirt and looked in the mirror. He worked out all the time, because he had found out quickly that even some of the weak looking bitches he had picked up could put up a fight. His abs were getting a little flabby these days for pure lack of time to work out. But his arms stayed good. Of course, even if Nathanial had quit going to the gym, all of the strength put in to holding a girl down would keep them in shape. His face was more oval then he would have like, a " girl's face" as his dad would remind him everyday. His eyes were hazel and his skin pale from lack of natural sunlight. he kept his hair short, though, had a tendency to let it get a bit long, and it was brown. Scars dotted his chest and arms from various childhood accidents or fights. Also, the women tended to always claw at him like they actually were the pussies they acted like.

        He bent down over the toilet and stretched his hand to the knob for the shower. He only turned on the hot water. That's the only kind of shower Nathanial liked. He would turn on a little cold water, but still he prefered to come out of the shower a nice pink


        The water cascaded down his back and he could feel his muscles relaxing. He could also feel how much his body was enjoying this shower. He thought about how he would take her later that night and how much he'd enjoy that. Nathanial smiled, and thought of how long he would keep her. Six weeks? Four months? Guess that was really determined by how long it took her to start boring him. He could keep his toys forever if they didn't always run out of interest. He leaned against the cold tiled wall and a gasp escaped him. He was surprised at how cold they were in contrast to the water. He pistured her in his mind and her screams. He began to touch himself. His growing need matched the intensity of the thoughts being created. His breath became labored and he couldn't do it anymore. He came at the thought of her tears. Nathanial layed down in the tub, his legs barely abled to withstand the weight of his body.

        For 30 minutes he lay there, letting the water fall upon him hard. Then, the heat of the stream started to disapate and he got up. Dizzy, he grabbed the wall and placed his check against it. " She better be damned good", he thought out-loud to himself. " Damn good...."

        He turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it around his waist, Nathanial proceeded on his way out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. He could feel sleep pulling at every inch of his will. Finally he gave in and lay down on the bed with the curtains wide-open, his towel thrown to the side, and every sound in the house absent.....


        Kayce walked along the alley leading to her house. She was trying to avoid the roads, knowing full well that the pervert would be waiting for her. When had everything gone so wrong? Heaving a great big sigh, she started to drag her feet a little bit. She didn't want to get home, she was under constant watch from her overtly paranoid mother.

        She passed a small house that seemed to draw her attention. There was nothing out of the ordinary about this house in pecticular, but still... The curtains were wide open on the rather large windows. Inside, before she could turn away, she noticed a set of eyes staring back at her own. A man sat up quickly and came to the window. Imediately, her feet took off from under her and she wouldn't even stop when she crossed her front lawn. Wasen't that the guy who mowed the lawn in the spring sometimes? Kayce felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she pictured the scene again. He had just stared at her, naked, and then, no it couldn't have been. Her mind tripped over the thought: Did he smile?

        Her mother, whom had been working in the garden came crashing into the kitchen.

        "Young lady how dare you just storm into this house like you own it?! I expect an explanation this instant!" She looked at her mother in her ridiculous outfit and smiled.

        " It was nothing mommy. Just wanted to take a jog is all. Sorry." Knowing her mother would be pleased at the thought of her, in her eyes, plump daughter trying to take " care" of herself. Sure enough she left her be, but told her to cool it.

        Kayce lay down on her bed and comtemplated the naked man once again. She couldn't help the smile that popped onto her face with the thought that maybe he wwas waiting for her. Maybe he wanted her to see him naked. Thoughts rushed into her mind as she lay there. What is he was waiting for her?


        Nathanial jumped to his feet. Rushing to the window, his vision still clowdy from the nap no doubt, but there was no denying it. That was her. That was Kayce. A smile crept upon his face as he realized his predictiment. She took off running. Had it scared her more that she'd seen him naked, or the fact that he had been staring right back at her? Nathanial couldn't deny it. Something about her was so much different then the other girls he had stalked and conquered. He couldn't quite pin the thought down.

        Whatever it was it was always nagging at his insides. Kind of like a blood-curling fist always striking at the worst of times. He pulled himself away from the window and went to his dresser, pulling out a pair of underwear and jeans. He'd better at least get dressed for the night, after all, tonight was going to be the night. At least, he hoped it would be.


        Kayce woke up all of a sudden. A loud rap had sounded upon her window. She was sure of it. Cautiously she got up and went to the locked window and opened it. Unbeknown to her, a man sat hidden only a few arms-lengths from her face. He had been watching her sleep. Every second he had waited, growing impatiant, then finally he had thrown a stick at the glass barrier seperating them. She was barely even dressed, with only a flimsy pair of underwear and a matching tank-top, her outfit completed her curves to the T.

        She thought about closing the window, but decided that it was too hot inside for that. The breeze coming in from the outside felt wonderful on her exposed skin. Her mother would have disapproved so much. Always afraid of some crazed lunatic breaking in to the house and killing them all. Such un-thoughtfulness would have been reason enough for house arrest, in her mother's eyes. Just as boyfriends were too. Kayce wasn't allowed to date even though she was almost 17.

        Kayce went and layed down on her bed and thought again of her earlier encounter. She had always thought the gardener was cute, but hell, she had thought that her boss had been good looking too. Her mother had been out of town and he ahd invited himself over. Pretty soon things had got hot and heavy and he had made her take off her clothes, as he did the same. He went to fuck her and she got jumpy, she couldn't do that. Not with him, she wanted her first time to be special just like every other girl did. Was that wrong? Instead, he had made her let him put himself inside of her mouth. He was real angry at the end, she supposed she wasn't supposed to spit it out, but she couldn't help it. The whole experiance was horrible, then to top it all off, he ahd layed next to her all night. Naked like that. Waking up several times in the night to try doing it again. Once he tried to force her, but she had threatened to tell the police, so he left. The whole time, she just layed there hoping some hero would come by and save her. But nobody cared that much about her.


        He waited until he could hear her steadied breathing. This meant that she'd finally found some sort of peace and drifted off. He gently climbed out of his hiding spot and walked a little ways over the garage roof. Nathanial made sure to be extra careful when climbing through the window. He did not wish to wake her. Once inside, he looked around. Several times he had seen this room from through the glass window. But now, standing in the middle of it, he felt overwhlemed.

        The walls were painted an odd off-white color, pictures and posters of the average teen idols covered up as much space as they could. She had a big trunk at the end of her bed. It drew to him oddly. But, he did not wish to risk trying to open it. opposite of the trunk was an enormus dresser, topped with an equally over-bearing mirror. Every girl's got to make sure she looks good before leaving the house. Nathanial had always been puzzled as to why females cared so much, but he had to admit. Watching a woman dress herself all up and put on make-up turned him harder then a rock down south. This mirror still had yet another good quality about it. From it's disposition, one could see the bed entirely. It was like the girl liked to watch herself do dirty things. He ran his hand over his now engorged bulge. His palms were beginning to get sweaty.

        But, the mirror was only the second best quality about this well-sized room. The number one favorite thing of Nathanial's was her bed. It had to have been at least a King size bed, and for such a little girl! It was like it was just calling to him to help her fill it! What naughty things he'd do to her in that bed too!

        The sleeping figure under the sheets stirred. She must have been having some kind of really bad or really hot dream, cause she threw off the sheets in her sleep and spread out. Now how about that for a sign? He approached the side of the bed and drew out his 3 inch blade, a small knife, but it still had held plenty of fear before. He leant over Kayce's sleeping figure and in one swift moment, he placed his hand over her mouth and the knife to her neck.

        Kayce's eyes flew open in shock. What was going on? It was dark in the room, but her sight adjusted and she recognized the man trying to pin her down. It was the gardener! What was he doing here?! In her room?

        Immdeiately she tried to speak, but only muffled cries came out. In a voice, husky with arousal, Nathanial told her to be still and quiet. If she behaved herself, he'd let her live. though he knew he'd never allow that. He just had experience enough to know that this would calm her enough. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. She couldn't believe her ears! A second ago she had been sleeping and now the very man she had been dreaming about was cutting off her clothes. And she couldn't even do anything! How could she? Noone was home, she was all alone, or at least she was until he came in. She could feel her panties getting soaked, despite her fear. Suddenly, his hand came away from her mouth and she tryied to yell. Kayce couldn't think if she was just delilusional, or if she was crazy. All she knew was she was a very lonely girl who had wanted someone to come and take her away, but not like this.

        " What the fuck are you crying for?" Nathanial was getting harder by the minute. Her tears only added to his immense arousal. He wanted her to cry, to scream to be sad. Hell, he'd enjoy it even if she tried to fight him! Her being mad would have been just fine with him! Finally he had her in his hands.

        " I'm not going to scream. I promise." He was smarter then that. The moment he let up she'd try to scream and take off. Kayce could see his thoughts dancing across his mind. " I'm not going to run. please, think about what you're doing. Don't. please.I'm a virgin. " Nathanial hit her on the side of her head. She must be out of her fucking mind! How'd she get off talking to him! He was getting angry, and once again that strange feeling started to bubble inside of him, and he didn't like any of this one bit at all. But, he did like the thought of her ripe little pussy being a virgin. That means double the pain, and his cock would be the only one allowed entrance. Ever. He like that a lot...

        Looking around him, the intruder grabs for the telephone that was sitting right next to the bed. Yanking it hard, he ripped the cord out of the wall, and then out of the back of the phone. Nathanial would use this to bind her hands. Taking both of her hands in his large hand, her pulled her arms over her head and tied them to the headboard. Then taking his knife he roughly cut away all the clothes she had on but her panties. These he would prefer to keep on her, so the blood her virgin pussy spills will stain them, for his trophy.

        He had placed the shreds of her thin negliee into her mouth so that her screams could not be heard. He had all night.

        Pulling her panties up to the side he sunk two fingers into her drenched pussy. " My my, aren't we a bad little girl...." Nathanial reached for his pant zipper.

        With a fluid rush of movement, he pulls out his throbbing member. He has been waiting for this moment forever. Nathanial backhands the bitch hard, " If you bite down I will kill you. If you scream I'll make sure you're begging for me to kill you. Understand you fucking whore?" Nathanial hits her again and Kayce shakes her head in agreement.

        Roughly, he yanks out her shreds of a gag, and insterts his tongue instead. As he's kissing her, she feels the cold metal of his dominating blade slidding up and down her side. He's trying to intimidate her, and it's working. As his knife strokes her fears, his tongue was stroking her hot mouth. How tempting it was to just bite down, he'd yell and fall away in pain. But, this would all be useless. She was securiley bound to the headboard. There was noway she would be able to escape. Kayce thought that maybe, if she just did whatever this man wanted, he'd let her live and leave.Unbeknown to her, this was far from what he'd ever allow.

        Climbing up the young body before him, he stradles her face with his thighs slipping his hands around the back of his head, " Open," he instructs her, " and remeber not to bite." A smile creeps across Nathanial's face as the little slut beneath him opens her mouth and accepts his cock.

        He leans his head against the headboard. He had been waiting a long time to have her touch him this way, to have her squirming body beneath his. Momentarily, he loses himself to the feeling of her choking on his cock. He relizes that she hasen't had very much experience in this field. The feeling of her throat convulsing around his cock felt so good, he could have let himself go then and there. But, luckily he has a lot more self control then that.

        Nathanial reaches down and grabs her throat, squeezing just a little. " Relax....babydoll....relax, just let it slide down your throat....that's right, take all of me sweet cakes.....". Finally she caught on to how to suck cock, but he'd had enough of this brief play, he wanted his pussy.

        With a "POP" he whips his cock from between her lips and kisses his way down her body. He can feel the tension in her body. She was sacred and he loved it. Her body began to shake as he spread her legs wide and started to kiss the insides of her thighs.

© Copyright 2007 PsychopathicTendences (kaycelynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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