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If husbands cheated for centuries, maybe its time women do it too.. |
Chapter 1 Sipping on her drink, she wondered what life was all about. Carolyn was young, pretty good-looking, slim and wasn't short of admirers. She smiled as a guy waved to her. Unfortunately, strangers didn't know that she was a mother of a three year old boy. And married. They did not have to know. Who wouldn't like free drinks and self-esteem boost? She liked the attention she was getting. Two years ago, she never bat an eyelid at another guy. She thought she had it all. A happy marriage, staying at home looking after her son growing up. Back then, staying at home and changing diapers, she was in a world of her own. [i] Motherhood[/i], she snorted. She didn't care if there was an earthquake at another country, all the time she was so involved with Sean. And as for her husband's fucking attitude, she thought all marriages have its downside. Her parents still argued. Marriages are like that, aren't they? Gulping down the drink, she ordered another. This was a night to enjoy, who cares that her vision is getting blurred? Her head was all in a haze all this years. Ah. She shouldn't have married Greg. Blaming on having a baby too young is cruelty. She loved Sean to bits. He was the sunshine in her life. She wouldn't want to change it. But Greg; she should have thought twice. "I love him," she thought, "Don't i?" She cried tears if she could not have Greg. She cried when her parents did not like Greg. She cried when Greg cheated on her. She cried when Greg cheated on her when she was pregnant and beg him to stay for the sake of the baby. "How come i was so naive? So stupid?" Carolyn preferred the term 'Love makes you blind'. Damn blind. For starters even, what is love? "Carolyn!!", interrupting her thoughts was Susie. Dear Susie, her best best friend in the world. Susie knew everything that was going on in Carolyn's head. Going to this club was also Susie's idea, "Why be sad? Let's enjoy the night, then be guilty about it.. Least we will be crying drunkard bastards by the end of the night." Yeap, who wouldn't pity a crying drunkard? Drowning sorrows on vodka, tequilla shots and cigrattes, thats the way it should be. Carolyn agreed, after all she need the time out from all the drama in her life. Dragging Tiffany, Ally and Meg, they got into a cab and into a club by midnight. Susie looked at Carolyn, "Stop the train of thoughts!" she puts her arms around Carolyn. "2 tequila shots!" she called out to the bartender. " We are going to get drunk tonight! Dance the night away and have ONS!" Carolyn groaned, "I have enough of one night stands already." Susie rolled her eyes and grabbed the shots, "Whatever it is, lets just get wasted!" Three hours later, after dancing and more tequila, Carolyn has convinced herself that she need to throw up. She slammed the door of the cubicle, locked it and knelled at the toilet bowl. She was wasted alright. She sniffed and had disgusting thoughts and vomited. She wasted the money she spent on the tequila shots that was flushed away now. "You look terrible," Tiff said as she saw Carolyn staggering out of the cubicle. Carolyn hung her head low, refusing to look at her own reflection. Ally passed her some mints and she took them. "Hello. Refresh yourself.. We agreed to be drunk but not look like drunkards!" Susie exclaimed as she passed her the makeup bag. Carolyn saw her reflection and gasp, "I still look quite good...." The girls laughed. "Now thats a theory passed. An oath to that. Never look at guys when you are drunk now, dearies. Because vision drunk is never good." The girls laughed again. After refreshing up, the girls stumbled out of the toilet and into the roads. Meg had her arms wrapped around a guy. She winked at them and walked away. Susie, Tiff and Carolyn made themselves comfortable on the sidewalk. "Thank God i am not wearing a skirt," Susie moaned as she stretched her legs. "You guys had too much.." Ally rolled her eyes. "Hot guy, Meg was with. Damn it. Would be my night if i saw him first,"Tiff said as she looked at them walking away. "Aiye! You don't say! I have no ONS either tonight,"Susie looked around, "If i wasn't just so involve in ordering the drinks, i would be getting grope at by now.." The girls laughed. "OMG, alert, Lyn..." Ally whispered, "Its Sam..." Carolyn eyes got huge and her heart start beating fast. "Damn it, i should not have told him, i would be here." Sam was Carolyn's affair. Her scandal. She preferred the word, 'lover boy' rather than 'her scandal'. He and the girls were what she was thinking about before concluding her life sucked. Before meeting the other girls, Lyn thought she would never cheat on her husband. How terrible Greg was, Lyn never thought herself as the cheating one. She was always the cheated. Somehow, after getting a job and getting back into the real world, her mind change. Not about cheating but about everything. About how love was blind. And she was in the dark until she realise everything was right. She wasn't happy. Three weeks ago, Carolyn cried in the office because Greg was jobless for already 6 months and not making any effort in finding a job. Greg was asking her for money. She was the main provider in their family. Her salary wasn't enough for maintaining Greg's car, Greg & Sean's food, the bills, her transport to work, or Greg's bad habit of drinking. And wasn't the husband suppose to be the one supporting the family? She comes home tired from work and Greg isn't home. She have to clean the house, look after Sean and Greg did not helped one bit. Before, she blamed it on the downside of marriages. Everyone had had bad lucks. And this was hers. Being broke and all. After she got herself a job, she realise, she should blame Greg. She should blame herself for getting married to a useless bum! Then and there she was sure she wanted out. She wanted a divorce. After she finished work, she couldn't bring herself saying to Greg. It hurt her that Sean was happily playing with his father. "He's a good father," she made herself say. She made up her mind, she is going to give him another chance in her heart. Pray he will change. Till then, she is not speaking to him. Sam, was new guy in the office. They had loads of new people coming in and none of them stayed for long. And Sam was one of those guys. Carolyn didn't notice him at all, as she was too busy in her thoughts about her marriage. Sam did notice her of course, she was good-looking and quiet. Unlike the other girls who was always laughing loudly around the office. She had a nice smile and she is the assistant supervisor to the girls. She was always busy with work. And everytime she was passing by, the guys would check out her ass. "Who is she?" Sam asked then. "She's the assistant supervisor, Lyn. She helps April to manage the girls at the office," said Mike. "She's hot," "Damn right she is. She's married though. What a waste. She's hard to talk to though..." Right then, Carolyn pass the guys again. "LYN!" Mike shouted. "Hey, what you doing??" Sam panicked. "MIKE! How are you?" Lyn said as she stopped and turn around, she dropped a pen. "Fuck," she cursed as she got down to take the pen. Both Mike and Sam had the same thoughts; damn that ass is fine. She got up and the guys stopped fantasizing. "Er, Mike. What was it?" Mike tilted his head. They looked at each other for awhile. Sam nudged him. "Oh. OH! I just wanted to say hello to you." Lyn flashed him a smile. "And this is our new guy back here, Sam. Sam, this is Carolyn." Lyn flashed another wide smile, "Hi. Call me Lyn. I hate the name Carolyn. Welcome. We'll be working together." Sam smiled. "Talk about work, we have orders for this afternoon to send," she started and looked at her clipboard, "who wants to take the order up to J&J Office?" The other guys groaned. "Who took that bloody order? J&J is an hours drive!" "This is work, people. You slack around all afternoon doing nothing, about time you move your lazy ass,"she said with a twinge of smile on her face. "I will take it..." Sam said. "But you are new..." she said, "Never mind, here is the address. The pizza should be ready in 10 minutes time!" After the pizza shop closes, the girls were busy tidying up and doing some paper work for the day. The guys made a pizza and bought drinks to the office. It was a normal thing to do after work. They all would finish up their jobs, have dinner and joke around. It was a fun place to work at. Carolyn love her job. She was able to surf the net, talk on the phone as long as she gets her job done. "I have bought Chivas for us to end the week!" Mike exclaimed as he burst into the office. Left in the office was April, Carolyn, Susie and Tiff. The rest went off earlier on. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" April exclaimed, "You can;t bring in drinks in here!" "Don't worry. I asked first. Terry said okay. He might be coming in if he is done at the Eastshore branch." "Good.. Well, to tell you the truth, April." Susie began, "Me and Lyn have been drinking since seven just now. Lyn wanted to drown her sorrows in alcohol." Carolyn gave Susie the finger, it was Susie's idea. "Oh. No wonder you had your head on the table and sipping coke all the while!" "I had a headache," Lyn began. "And no wonder, your words are slurry..." Susie just laughed. "I have to go, you girls enjoy.. Don't mess up the place. Send my regards to Terry. And Carolyn, you know what to tell Terry about the business.." April said as she packed her things. She kissed each girl goodbye. As she was going out, Sam and the other guys were coming in with plastic cups and the pizza. "Oh! New Guy!" April exclaimed. April looked at Sam, smiling widely. Sam stood staring at Mike then April wondering what was this. "April. Hands off. He is Lyn's." Tiff piped out from her table. Carolyn choked on her pizza. Carolyn gave Tiff a look "I saw you flirting," Tiff shrugged. "I did not!" Carolyn begun, "We was talking, i was being friendly.." "AH. Blondes. Your type, Lyn..." April said as she closed the door after her. Carolyn eyes were wide shocked, her cheeks turn red with embarrassment while Tiff and Susie giggled. Sam just smiled. After they finished the pizza and half of the bottle, Carolyn called Greg to tell him, she will be staying over at Susie's. Greg was fine with it. "He didn't care," she thought sadly. She sat at the staircase and lighted a ciggrate. Watching the ash fall onto the floor, she felt like crying. "Great, i am drunk, " Then Sam came outside and saw her staring on the floor, "Are you okay?" Carolyn head snapped up and flashed a smile, "I think i might be a bit tipsy," she laughed. He sat beside her and lighted his cigratte. "Are you following us to Mike's for more drinks??" she asked. He shooked his head, "I am new here, what would people think?" "We are a family. I think you should follow. We great fun, you know!" "I'll think about it.." he smiled. After a couple more cigrattes, Lyn was sure she was drunk. She flirted with Sam and Sam flirted back. She laughed heartedly with Sam and she was having fun. Soon they climbed into Mike's eight seater van and drive to his place. Along the way, Sam and Carolyn shared more jokes and was getting pretty close. Susie was flirting with Mike in front and Tiff was almost half-asleep. Arriving at Mike's, Susie made more drinks and passed them around. They came to Mike's place often. Carolyn been there too and once she made out with Mike. But that was it, Carolyn did not want more. She couldn't bring herself to it. And she wasn't so attracted to Mike in the first place. Tiff already went to one of Mike's guest room to sleep. The other guys were watching football. Susie and Mike were getting comfortable with each other. Carolyn checked her phone and there was no calls or no messages from Greg. She switched it off and took a drink off the table. Sam was sitting in the balcony, so she decided to join him. "Are you single?" Sam asked her. She hesitated, "ah. Yeah i am.." Sam raised his eyebrow, "A pretty girl like you with no boyfriends?" She laughed, "Well what about you? A good-looking guy with no girls?" "Nah. I rather be single..." She smiled, "I will be right back, i want to take some drinks." "I will wait for you here..." Bringing two cups in one hand and a cigratte in another, Carolyn stumbled back into the balcony. Walking towards Sam, smiling widely, Carolyn suddenly tripped and the drinks fell onto his lap. Sam stood up shocked and wiping his pants. "Oh. My. God. I am terribly sorry!" she put down the cups and ran back in for cloth. She wiped Sam's pants and kept telling him she was sorry. Sam stopped her with his finger on her lips, "Shh. It's alright. Lyn. Its alright." Carolyn look into his eyes. He was a stranger but her heart was beating wild. It was a perfect moment. And in the movies they started kissing. And they did. Carolyn had her arms around Sam and Sam was a fucking great kisser. They stopped and they looked into each other's eyes. He was blond, and boy, she like blonds. He had dark dark eyes and his lips was inches away from her. Her lips aching to kiss them again. "I am terribly sorry," she whispered. She didn't step away from him, instead she just looked into his deep dark eyes. Was she sorry about the drink or the kiss? "Lets go inside, " he whispered back. 'Oh my God. He is trying to get me into bed!' suddenly she thought of that and alarms start going off in her head. She shooked her head no. "what?" he asked. as he looked at her, he knew what she was thinking, "Oh. No. I wanted to go in cause its cold out here... and my pants is wet and all..." "Ah. No." she refuses again, "I think you go in first and get some pants from Mike's room. The second door on the right." Sam started to walk away and the stopped, "Are you sure you don't want to come in?" "I am alright..." Carolyn sat and thought about her actions. She was drunk and Greg didn't know. Or even care where she was. Well, you know what, fuck Greg. She held her heads in her hands. "Lyn. You wouldn't believe this." she heard Sam's voice behind her. He sat beside her in a towel to cover his... whatever he had underneath. Carolyn was wondering what was he wearing underneath... "Your friend and Mike are fucking each other in his room. And you asked me to walk in? I took this towel from the toilet and came out. They didn't even notice..." So, Susie and Mike. She felt a bit disgusted by the sight in her head. Her friend sleeping with Mike. "You know what, Sam." She smiled as she took his hands, "Lets go inside...." They walked past the sleeping boys with the television on, Carolyn lead him to another empty room and sat on the bed, "I am tired, all the rooms are occupied and Susie wouldn't be sleeping with me..." Sam just stood at the doorway. "Aw. Come on in. We will sleep in this bed. We are both adults. We should know the consequences." she smiled and came towards Sam. Sam was taken aback. She's married isn't she? And she kissed me at the balcony didn't she? "You are married, Lyn...." "No i am not anymore! Greg and i are not together. I am here now. What makes you think I am using you," she lied. Damn idiot knows i am married. Fuck. I am drunk and horny and i want him. She puts her arms around him again and start kissing his neck, "i want you, Sam..." She looked at him in the eye, 'Now," she pulled out the towel and he was in his boxers. His head bent down and she took his mouth in a hard trusting kiss. Swirling her tongue in his mouth, tasting the sweet bitter taste of the drinks they had just now. His hands went to her hair and neck. She stopped and smiled and led him to the bed. He closed the door and followed her. She unbuttoned her blouse and threw them aside, kicked her heels off and unzipped her pants. As he watched her dropped her pants, he gulped. That ass he was looking at in the afternoon was right there. In pink panties and was all for him to caress and touch. "Oh. Someone is getting ready..." she smiled as she pointed to his erect manhood. "You are damn sexy..." He said as he came towards her and kissed her. They fell into bed and Carolyn's hand was caressing his manhood. She wouldn't be sure but was this one big thing in her hands or was she drunk. Either or, she was going to have sex. With Sam. With a stranger. |